Democrats continue to pass laws infringing the uninfringeable right to “keep and bear arms.” Count on that, as it happens over and over. Where does it end? From Maine to California, Democrat legislators and governors trample the rights of law-abiding gun owners. Thank God, for good judges.
Beyond the saving grace of sane, reasoned, reasoning, historically faithful Supreme Court justices, the federal bench is divided – in favor of Democrat appointees. While we hope political views are replaced by reading plain text and history after a lifetime appointment, that is not always true.
Luckily, judges exist with enormous integrity, understand their oath, no interest in being a legislator, governor, member of Congress, or president. They read the law, review history, and interpret. One such judge resides in Maine, Lance Walker. His recent 2nd Amendment decision is powerful.
Last August, Maine’s legislature – together with Maine’s Democrat governor – passed a bill that aimed, as so many Democrat bills do, to restrict gun rights. While not the constitutionally reprehensible “red flag law” – defeated by Republicans and citizen groups like AMAC – it was bad.
The law aimed to eclipse Second Amendment rights in Maine, specifically imposing a three-day waiting period for acquiring a firearm – on top of a background check. True, nine states and DC have waiting periods, and so far the US Supreme Court has not yet reviewed and repudiated them.
True, the US Supreme Court turned back challenges (in January ) to other Second Amendment restrictions, specifically by Maryland (waiting period, weapon style) and Rhode Island (magazine size). But the US Supreme Court is selective, as well as overwhelmed by cases on appeal.
Bottom line: The Maine federal district judge issued a preliminary injunction – blocking a transparent Democrat power grab. Finding: Plaintiffs are likely to prevail on merits, irreparable harm is likely for Mainers who need a firearm for self-defense, equities tip toward gun owners, and an injunction is in the public interest.
Maine Democrats, represented by Democrat Attorney General Aaron Frey, argued citizens may have a right to keep and bear arms, not to acquire them. The judge shredded that nonsense, noting no one can “keep and bear” without “acquiring.”
Nor does the Bill of Rights say your rights to speech, worship, gun ownership, or anything else kick in after 72 hours. If you interpreted the Bill of Rights that way, we would have “prior restraint” on speech, restrictions on when, where, and whether you can worship, and other nonsense.
Interestingly, Democrats are adept at finding ways to suspend rights and did so – as many Mainers will recollect – during COVID. Not only has “cancel culture” been afoot, but restrictions on gathering for prayer, which seem unthinkable, were pushed by Democrat lawmakers.
On guns, the recent ruling by Judge Walker makes clear a waiting period has no constitutional basis, offends the Constitution, and creates “indiscriminate dispossession” and “temporary disarmament.”
He continues, noting history does not support such restrictions, as there is “no suitable regulatory analog” to justify this limit on a right to keep and bear arms; it is not an “objective, narrow, or defined “ regulation. In short, this act is like “prior restraint,” indefensible and unconstitutional.
Interestingly, the Augusta, Maine Democrats – out of touch with their own State, like Maine’s Democrat Congressman Jared Golden who pushed for more gun control – argue waiting periods are justified by the Constitution notwithstanding, to stop the use of guns in suicides.
Perhaps surprisingly, I take things as they come, and think hard about what is right. I am a trained constitutional lawyer, litigated in multiple states, clerked on a US Court of Appeals for a Reagan appointee, and grew up with guns, from .22s to shotguns, was an NRA “safe hunter” at age 12.
I decided to look into suicides, not because that issue would cancel the US Constitution, but just to understand what was afoot. I learned more than I bargained for. Maine is – compliments of the Democrat lack of leadership – awash in mental health issues, drug addiction, and depression.
Much that should be right is wrong, businesses going bankrupt, taxes unsustainable, housing unaffordable, good jobs fleeing, education in collapse, families in distress, anxiety and suicide high.
But here is a fact no one talks about, further lying to Maine’s Democrats and their push to take away rights. Nationally, the top five causes of suicide are poisoning, cutting, gassing, hanging, and drowning – then guns. Should we try to stop suicides? Yes. Violate the US Constitution? No. ]
The recent ruling by Judge Walker, in Beckwith v. Frey, is solid jurisprudence. If leftist Democrats continue to go after Maine gun owners, they will find the US Supreme Court siding with Walker. Until then, maybe common sense is about to make a comeback. Guns are a right, not a privilege. Period.
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).
To all you knuckleheads in the Democrat Party that like to use euphemisms such as undocumented immigrants (aka illegal aliens) unlicensed pharmacists (aka drug dealers) etc. I’ll use your own “logic”
You can pass all the draconian gun laws you want as I don’t own any. My hardware self identifies as handheld wireless peace keeping devices; you must accept them as such or you are a racist bigot.
In the state of Washington there’s a ten day waiting period (not counting weekends) and a $18 fee for a background check. There’s also a ten round maximum capacity law. The next round of the “left coast” policies still in the works includes a bill requiring a $25k liability insurance on each owned firearm. It’s no wonder the law abiding citizens are upset.
RBC, may the ball keep rolling over those who desire to control the nation and restrict the people’s right not only to keep and bear arms but ensure our personal rights that are guaranteed in the US Constitution and its amendments. Our Founding Fathers are still rolling over in their graves at a slower pace now, but the danger still remains.
I could never understand “waiting periods”: if I’m so pissed off at the world to want a gun for my murderous rampage, does anyone think I’m not still pissed 3 days later? Just another example of a “feel good law” does nothing. Here’s an idea: use a gun to commit a crime, punish the offender. What a concept!
Of course there’s Illinois who has violated the Constitution by requiring a Firearm Owners ID Card (FOID). They have also tried to declare anything more than a slingshot as an “assault weapon” (whatever that is) as something that has to be registered….I think before that crap was suspended, something like 2% of those who were supposed to,actually did register. But the insanity of the FOID card was somewhat slapped down recently:A Southern Illinois judge has ruled that portions of the state’s Firearm Owners Identification (FOID) Card Act are unconstitutional. “White County Judge, T. Scott Webb issued the ruling on Monday following a case involving Vivian Brown, who was charged in 2017 with possessing a firearm without a FOID card while seeking protection from her estranged husband. Brown, who had no prior criminal record that would prevent her from obtaining a FOID card, was found in possession of a single-shot .22 rifle for self-defense. The Illinois State Rifle Association reported that her estranged husband filed a complaint alleging she fired the rifle in her home, though police determined it had not been discharged. In his ruling, Judge Webb stated that the requirement for a FOID card to defend oneself within one’s home violates the Second Amendment. He emphasized the importance of feeling safe in one’s home, asserting that self-defense should be honored and respected in that space. Additionally, Webb ruled the $10 fee for obtaining a FOID card unconstitutional, likening it to charging a fee for voting absentee at home.” You read that right, had a .22 IN HER HOME to protect herself but no FOID card and they wanted to make her a criminal.
The democrats desire to control weapons is only a part of their overall plan to control everyone living in America. If you look at their over arching agenda, it is;
In summary, they want to have you dependent on the government from birth to death (anyone remember Obama’s vision of the future with the “Life of Julia” which illustrated how she would be dependent on the government at every phase of her life?)
Mr. Charles thank goodness for a judge that understands the constitutionality right of the 2nd Amendment. From all the articles that you have written about your state I am glad that I am not a resident of Maine. As you have stated one party rule over the years can leave to dictator rule.
Japanese citizens cannot own guns but they have a high suicide rate. Of course facts dont matter to dems. The left has plans for us that they dare not speak out loud. Those plans are sitting in drawers awaiting dem majorities. Never doubt that their goal is complete disarmament of the citizenry. This is why no compromise with them is ever justified no matter how seemingly benign. Check out GOA if this issue is important to you.
I lived in Maine in the 1980’s. It was a nice state then! I bought a 9mm handgun in a Hardware store in Westbrook, Maine, no waiting period, I just filled out the Federal Form and that was it! What has Happened to the State of Maine to now have so many,…”Wackadoodles” in it? These types of things are what happens in Communist Countries and should *NEVER* happen in ANY State in the U.S.!
Democrats continue to pass laws infringing the uninfringeable right to “keep and bear arms.” Count on that, as it happens over and over. Where does it end? IT ENDS WITH BLUE STATES MILKING THEIR CONSTITUENTS FOR EVERY DIME THEY CAN COLLECT THRU LICENSING AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS!. How did any state earn the right to infringe on my 2A rights?… Yes Michigan, I’m talking to you!
What I am about to say is strictly not on subject. Although there is much relevance to it.
Maine presently has ranked voting. Which I firmly believe is unconstitutional.
So, virtually any Republican does not have a chance of getting elected.
I lived in New Hampshire 46 years ago. New Hampshire and Maine were Republican stronghold then.
I have been trying to figure out what went wrong in the many years I have been away.
I wish the author had elaborated more on two of his words–“drug addiction and suicide”. I think there is a big coverup on mass shootings and psychotic drug prescriptions.
How can a law from a judge supersede the Constitution which is the “Supreme Law of the Land” and keep his job when he violated his oath to sustain and protect the Constitution?
There should be a Federal Concelled Carry permit for the legal owners of guns so that we can CC in all fifty states not just in the state where we have a permit, as some states do not reconise other state permits. Why are the law abidding citizens penalized ?
Gun control has zero to do with crime or gun safety. Gun control is the statist effort to control the people. As has been proven in the past, all over the world, disarming citizens leads to slavery (socialiam and communism).
The depraved Democrats, especially starting with Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ): the worst, most abusive, and corrupt dictatorial president in American history, historically can be described in these five words: deceitful, crooked, immoral, treasonous, and socialist! Same for Ted Kennedy and his ilk, the late Thomas Dodd (D): U.S. Senator from Connecticut who framed the unconstitutional 1968 Federal Gun Control Act, Adam Schiff, Chuck “Shmuck” Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, and of course the corrupt Daley Democrat machine of Cook County, Illinois in Chicago! Am I being harsh here? A tree is known by it’s fruit, and the Democrats have brought this legacy of high treason and shame on themselves, and have nobody else to blame! The establishment news media, teacher’s unions, along with our government controlled socialist public schools, colleges, universities, and academia, all walk together in “Marxist/Leninist” inspired lockstep, and are a propaganda arm and mouthpiece for the Democrat Party! Finally, and I have asserted this for years, gun control/civilian disarmament, including anti-gun legislation in America, has it’s roots in racism, sexism, discrimination, and has absolutely nothing to do with reducing violent crime, making our streets safer, or improving our communities. It is “people control personified!” Another abominable hypocritical reality is anti-gun politicians, especially in both houses of Congress: House and Senate, and even ant-gun activists judges, and left wing state legislators, who remain hellbent of disarming innocent honest people for instance (this includes private ownership of handguns, but extends to semi-automatic versions of military assault rifles) are often protected 24/7 by armed security provided courtesy of taxpayer expense! In other words, “guns for me, but not for thee!” This is especially oppressive against women and ethnic minorities. I could continue on here of course, but perhaps the best credible source in exposing this is JPFO, Inc. at JPFO, Inc. is “America’s Aggressive Civil Rights Organization” and remains non-NRA affiliated. —-James A. Farmer Klamath County, Oregon “Long Live The State of Jefferson!”
Every draconian gun law in the United States was first conceived, approved and applied in California first. There is isn’t anything new when it comes to infringements on the 2nd Amendment. Blue states use California as a template when crafting unconstitutional laws and look no farther than a Democrat trying to enact them.
A minor error: poisoning, cutting, gassing, hanging, drowning and guns are
not “causes” of suicide. They are methods. It is an important distinction.