Maine’s Democrats are emblematic of what is wrong with “blue state America” – out-of-touch governors and legislators who play shell games with money, spend what nobody has on what nobody wants, fail to address the big issues – public safety, oppressive taxes, a broken education system. The jig, however, is about up.
Maine’s “progressive” Democrat leadership embodies what Trump, many Republicans, “unaffiliated” and moderate Democrats disdain –arrogance, how power corrupts. But light … may be coming.
Over the past 30 years, Maine’s Democratic party – like many other blue states – has lost its compass, drifted away from the dock caught in the national leftist current, indifferent to real-life issues – how drug traffickers and organized crime, overspending, overtaxing, and forsaking kids – hurts those they serve.
Examples would fill a book but suffice to say “the bell tolls” for these Democrats – who for too long have glibly operated with one-party dominance, unaccountable, twisting rules, hollowed out their states.
A bird’s eye shows failure after failure in the state’s capital, Augusta, under a Democrat governor, senate, house, attorney general, and secretary of state – core functions eroding. But the public is waking up.
Here is a beautiful state – like other mismanaged blue states – that should be thriving, safe for citizens, respectful of citizens, and free of organized crime and drug traffickers. It should have a modest budget, modest taxes, low-income taxes, and less regulation – inviting businesses into the state and incentivizing our kids to stay.
Like other states – and Maine’s history – kids should be a major focus, their safety, confidence, job prospects, and education, equipping them to be strong mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. That is the Maine I grew up in. That is the America most of us grew up in.
But what do we have? The exact opposite – a betrayal of public trust by those in charge, presenting leftist ideology as truth, even as the numbers – across the board – prove failure, heartbreaking failures.
Is the word deception too strong? Deflection, misrepresentation, or misstatement of fact to misdirect the public away from the tragedies? Average people often do not know why their lives are so different, fear now on the streets, for their kids, days about economic survival, and the promise of a good public education broken.
Let’s lay it on the line. One-party-dominated Democrat states – like Maine – concentrate power. They abuse power, no checks. What has that meant in Maine? On public safety – my life’s focus – they have gone from a handful of overdoses to 10,000 last year. Maine loses 40 to 70 kids a month. Organized crime is dividing up the state, ravaging towns from south to north.
Why? Maine Democrats have lost the con and traded deterrence for appeasement. In a dozen ways, they have delegitimized and demoralized law enforcement at all levels – local, state, and federal. Officer recruiting, retention, and morale are in free fall. Instead of honoring their sacrifices, they are punished for doing right.
While resuscitating overdose victims is vital, a second chance – is not treatment. This governor hands out 20,000 units of Narcan a month, calls it a day. The state is overrun by Dominican, Mexican, and Chinese traffickers, drive-by shootings now occurring.
Bluntly, this is not how Maine was or should be. Public safety must be restored, and maintained – and would be under a governor and attorney general who understood, came to grips with the failures, and cared. Effective treatment for all who need it, not harm reduction but genuine recovery, “get well, stay well” – is needed.
On spending, the Democrat head fake – more always needed – is too much. Mainers know it. It is no longer credible. Seven years ago, Maine’s budget was 6.8 billion dollars. The Democrat governor just dropped a budget of 11.6 billion. Has Maine suddenly doubled in size? Hardly.
Worse, in a state with a per capita income of $42,000, already top taxed in property, near the top in other areas, who pays the bill when taxes double? Now, the state faces a half-billion-dollar deficit. Democrat answer? Regressive taxes on fishing, hunting, cigarettes, and kids’ Disney and Netflix programs. Really? To fund wind farm fantasies, solar panels to the horizon, and housing for thousands of illegal aliens. It makes no sense.
Maybe the worst is how Democrats put Maine’s education system in reverse, tragic. Here is a state that – in my youth and up to the early 2000s was top five in the country. Now, it sits at 49 of 50. Why? Democrats lost focus, and prioritized ideology, genderism, political activism, critical thinking, diversity of ideas, and family.
No more than four years of math and science, classics, writing to a high standard, languages, shop, and history.
Life is often simple: If you replace what works with what does not, you slide. They took a state from humming, educating leaders, workers, writers, tradesmen, and women, confident – to the opposite, ran us into the ditch.
Even Maine teachers suffer low morale. Any wonder? The top eight education union staff pull down $250,000 a pop, money taken from Maine teachers who start at $40,000. We could have 50 new teachers for that money.
Maine represents what is happening around the country – from California to New York, Democrat-controlled states taking advantage of people. As Trump returns common sense to the nation, we need it at the state level. As people realize how they have been misused, “common sense” should return. It cannot happen fast enough.
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).
I lived in New Hampshire several years ago when it was probably the most conservative state in the union, with Maine a close second. Unfortunately, the influx of liberals from Massachusetts fleeing the higher taxes they voted for has changed both states from red to blue, and that is why I believe we are seeing the results of that migration. What a shame!
Somehow, at the same time as we get rid of the Dept of Indoctrination (excuse me, Education) we need to dissolve the Teachers Union. The two together are destroying our kids and our country. They are at WAR with us and we need to wake up and declare war back!
Well, what does one expect from a political party that can’t even define who a woman is or which public bathroom to use.
Truth is no longer “self evident” as codified in the opening lines of the Declaration of Independence.
You reap what you sow. Maine residents are getting what they voted for.
Love how it’s “impossible” to move 2 million people out of Gaza but its okay with Democrats to move 15 MILLION into the US… and then provide cover for them (any other crime, that’s called aiding and abetting or obstruction).
Cities and states turn blue because majorities come to believe they deserve other people’s stuff and so vote to subcontract theft out to the dem party. Unless this changes theres no hope for blue states.
There will be no recovery for the Democrat Party.
In fact, there is no more Democrat Party.
Since the end of WWII, the Democrat Party, never any friend to this nation or its citizens, has morphed into The New Communist Party of the USA.
As such, they have the same goals as the Communist Party has had since Communism emerged as a political movement perhaps 150 years ago: the destruction of this nation and the downfall of Western Civilization, to be replaced by a worldwide Communist dictatorship.
If you don’t want to believe that, then consider these two things.
First, take a good hard look at Democrat policies and programs over the last few decades, but especially over the last four years: ALL of them have been highly destructive to our economy, our society, and our culture, media claims to the contrary notwithstanding.
Second, look on the internet for the 1963 goals of The Communist Party: they coincide almost 100% with what the Democrats have been doing for decades.
Wake up, people, while we still have a country.
I relocated from the NYC metro area, where I spent the first 70 years of my life, to Florida nearly a year ago. I have no hesitation telling people that I am so happy to have left the Communist-controlled Northeast, which is never going to recover from the damage that the Democrats have done to it. All good people who are able to do so are fleeing from the Northeast as fast as they can.
Only the voters can change the death spiral that Maine is in. They must like it or are too stupid, indifferent or self-absorbed to care. It’s a beautiful state, but it’s sinking into a mud hole politically.
If Maine is overrun by the foreign drug traffickers from these three countries, then why are they not being arrested? And if illegals, then send ICE to Maine and ship them all back to where they come from. Last question, did these traffickers come in thru the North or South borders and how many years ago?
Everything in the article is true but the fact remains that the voter keeps the tricksters in instead of booting them out the minute they start their tricks. It did not start yesterday.
I am retired in OR, unfortunately, and I was heartened to see that 920,000 Oregonians voted for Trump. But, the state is blue thanks to three major metro areas (Salem actually went “pink” this time though). My two Senators have been absolutely embarrassing during the confirmation process and seen yelling with Waters and Schumer. I called BOTH offices to complain that they are NOT representing ME, or the rest of the voters who chose exactly what Trump is doing. I can’t wait to see what OTHER things the libs have been hiding. DOGE committee members needs to start having daily pressers to let the people know what is being found!! I LOVE hearing black podcasters and radio people speaking out about joining the Republican party. I wish that we could re-teach actual American history to the public so that they’d be reminded exactly WHO (Southern Dems) wanted to keep them down and out, on welfare, etc.
Sadly, you’re not going to convince enough democrats that they’re on the wrong track. They’re too filled with hate and vitriol to see what needs to change.
RBC, will lift the state up in prayer that the voters will elect more stable and resolute leaders to make Maine safe again for everyone.
Sadly blue voters are intellectually incapable of understanding how their vote has anything to do with the consequences. Listening to them also reinforces that they have not made the jump from concrete thinking to true abstract thinking and reasoning. We are indeed all equal in God’s eyes and in our Constitutions eyes but genetically are brains are not all equal and that is okay. Education helps a great deal but does not cure the deficiencies that some are born with.
This, in my opinion, is the true “woke” movement: people waking up and realizing that Democrat ideology no longer aligns with our values. This true movement started Nov. 5 and I hope will continue for years to come.
I’ve visited Maine, love it. Have you considered a run for Governor? Maybe you could begin to right that beautiful ship!
Stupid is as stupid does. Forrest Gump couldn’t have described blue states better.
As soon as Mr. Trump’s last Cabinet member is confirmed, I’d love to see him enact a new Executive Order changing the status of ‘ALL’ retired House & Senate members. From the date of his enaction, every retired member of either House gets only 50% of their current wages for exactly 6 months. —- For the next 6 months, they only receive only 25% of their pay. —- Thereafter, every newly retired member follows the same retirement sequence. —– NO MORE living off the Govt. dole at the tax-payer expense.
Sorry Mr. Charles but I’m going to plagiarize your first paragraph, replace “Maine” with “Oregon” and submit it as testimony opposing every bad bill that’s in the current state legislative session.
Yup, they’re like the Confederate states in the 1800s. -Mark Levin-