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California Fires Tragic Yet Fitting End to Biden’s Failed Presidency

Posted on Monday, January 13, 2025
by Walter Samuel

The wildfires ripping through Southern California are an incredibly tragic yet fitting end to the Biden administration.

Joe Biden did not set the blazes that have destroyed more than 10,000 homes and turned one of the most beautiful areas of the country into a smoke-filled hellscape. But it is a struggle to think of any incident that better encapsulates the modus operandi of America in the Biden era than the state and local government failures, which both made the fires more likely to break out and more catastrophic once they did. Perhaps most enraging of all is the self-righteous tone with which all those responsible proclaimed that no one had the right to expect them to have done better.

In California, dysfunction is so systemic that it would be considered satire if presented in a 1990s dystopian novel. It would take a multi-year-long inquiry to even begin to scratch the surface of what went wrong in the time leading up to the start of the fires and the immediate response to them on the part of government officials.

There are still significant questions the public does not know the answer to and perhaps never will. Did the state prioritize the safety of a species of fish over ensuring a steady water supply after years in which the state feuded with Arizona over water shortages? Did the decision to use the Los Angeles Fire Department as a vehicle to offer DEI patronage to racial and LGBTQ+ groups undermine the response, or would any response have been crippled no matter what by the decision to send fire trucks to Ukraine? Was the city’s response to the fires undermined by Mayor Karen Bass’ absence, or did her removal from the scene prevent an even worse disaster?

Getting answers to these questions won’t change the scope of the disaster. Nonetheless, they matter, of course, to the citizens of Los Angeles who have lost their homes and to the California taxpayers who will likely be forced to foot the bill for the destruction to avoid a collapse of the already catatonic state insurance market.

More relevant to the rest of the country is that none of the failures laid bare by the devastation are unique to Los Angeles or even California. They are intrinsic parts of Democratic Party governance in the Obama-Biden era.

Take, for instance, the environmental concerns that led the state government to limit rainwater collection to help an endangered fish or the decision to send fire trucks to Ukraine. Whatever arguments were made during the deliberations leading to those decisions, we can be sure that the risk of an out-of-control fire was not the most compelling.

While it seems inevitable the decision-makers underrated the risk, it is implausible to imagine they didn’t conceive the possibility of an inferno like the one we are now witnessing. Instead, it is more likely they assumed it was not their problem. Their job was to protect a specific species of fish, to ensure increased hiring for DEI quotas, or to produce a photo-op for the party’s foreign policy in Ukraine.

The truly horrifying possibility is that at every level of decision-making – water supplies, recruitment for the fire department, forest management – fighting fires was always someone else’s priority. In the end, it was no one’s priority, with the disastrous consequences we are now witnessing.

The same “too big to fail” dynamic that has gripped corporate America since the 2008 bailouts now extends to the public sector. During the financial crisis, far-sighted critics noted that by bailing out failing financial institutions, the Bush and Obama administrations were socializing risk while privatizing profit. This created a perverse incentive for executives to undertake ventures that, if successful, would lead to personal advancement, safe in the knowledge someone else would take the fall if disaster struck.

This was dangerous, but it at least applied to profit and incentivized innovation. What DEI did was remove the profit motive from the practice. Suddenly, mid-level company executives could be promoted if they hired members of specific minority groups regardless if those employees helped increase profits because their job was to make their department more diverse, not to make it more successful. They could be certain BlackRock would bail them out if the worst happened.

Over the long run, this created a perverse effect whereby those ambitious to move up focused on DEI initiatives, while those who focused on DEI initiatives were the most likely to move up since it was almost impossible to fail. What has now happened is that the same principle has been extended to governance by the Democratic Party.

Once the Democratic Party elevated principles such as “equity” and “social justice” to the same level as “keeping people safe” and “stopping crime,” there was a flight away from responsibility throughout the entire party apparatus. While the job of the police and fire departments as a whole is to reduce crime and fight fires, the ability of any individual within those organizations to do so alone is limited. If they make efficiency their “brand” and disaster occurs, they are finished. Even if they succeed, for instance, by reducing crime through aggressive policing, it can open them up to charges of racism. By creating a situation in which their most effective officials were denounced as sexists and racists, Democrats not only purged every institution they controlled of competence but ensured the ambitious and capable would avoid responsibility like the plague.

Whoever successfully convinced their superiors to starve Los Angeles of water to save a fish or demanded that dams be removed to restore ecosystems was doing precisely what the Democratic Party rewarded. Their job was not preventing Pacific Palisades from burning to the ground, but rather turning progressive talking points into ill-advised policy prescriptions.

What makes California, like Seattle and too many other Democratic-run jurisdictions, a dystopia is that no one capable concerns themselves with the welfare of the public.

Los Angeles liberals seem to be taking comfort in the idea that Gavin Newsom and the state of California will bail them out, and if Newsom gets into trouble, the country as a whole will bail them out. The problem, of course, has been that for the last four years the Biden administration has applied the same toxic incentive structures on the national level.

The Biden administration’s obsession with climate change and sexual, gender, and racial politics comes from the sentiments of Democratic elites. The prioritization by those charged with implementing the CHIPS Act of reducing the number of Asians in tech over actually building semiconductors or pushing Xi Jinping to reduce CO2 emissions rather than fentanyl production is a product of the same bureaucratic rot that is allowing LA to burn.

The most remarkable thing about this rot is how unaware its perpetrators are of cause and effect. A sensible person might reflect in the face of the LA fires that prioritizing wildlife preservation over keeping reservoirs full may have been a mistake. For Newsom and Democratic voices in the media, Republican criticism is demagogic because the officials who cut off the water to LA were doing their jobs. The officials who failed to stop the fire without trucks, water, or competent leadership are at fault, and Democrats are willing to hold them accountable – if only they can identify who those individuals are.

The song and dance of Gavin Newsom and Karen Bass should be familiar. It was one that Americans heard repeatedly over the last few years when they were assured that no one was responsible for the border, inflation, Afghanistan, or the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Those attacking hardworking officials who only did their jobs were the real villains, they told us.

The irony is that this dystopian structure, built for no purpose other than to pander to certain groups, has alienated almost everyone, including those it was intended to buy off. There have been comparisons of the corruption of modern Democratic governance with that of New York’s Tammany Hall in the 19th century. Tammany never forgot that the support of Irish, Italian, and Jewish voters depended not on providing government jobs to the few but on ensuring the rest that their houses would not burn down. Democrats may have delivered a diverse, LGBTQ+ inclusive fire department, but the gays and lesbians of Santa Monica would much prefer a fire department that could save their homes.

In November, the American electorate rendered its verdict on the California model. It went down in flames politically, including in LA, where Soros-backed DA George Gascon lost reelection to Republican 2022 Attorney General nominee Nathan Hochman. It is a tragedy that it came too late to prevent nature from rendering its own verdict and two weeks too early for help to arrive from a new regime in Washington.

The people of Los Angeles deserved better than to become the lasting image of the Biden years.

Walter Samuel is the pseudonym of a prolific international affairs writer and academic. He has worked in Washington as well as in London and Asia, and holds a Doctorate in International History.

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1 month ago

Biden has not been the only complete utter failure over the last 4-years (and well beyond). EVERY BLUE STATE FAILURE, (whether it be out of control crime, drugs, disgusting perversions, homelessness, streets and sidewalks covered with piles of human $hit, piss, and needles, garbage, filth, disease, tens of millions of illegals being supported, welcomed and coddled while Americans are being killed, raped, sex trafficked, forced out of their homes and into the streets because of them, or hundreds of other shocking evils) has been lead by Left-wing, America-hating, Socialism-loving, America-LAST, corrupt and evil Damnocrap politicians and their insane FAILED policies. But the DUMBA$$ VOTERS share most of the blame for electing all these perverted and degenerates. If a left-wing liberal is in charge of ANYTHING, IT WILL ALWAYS, SOONER OF LATER, END IN RUIN, causing misery and needless suffering.

Michael J
Michael J
1 month ago

Democrats in California have held a veto proof government for well over a decade. So clearly, there’s no way to spin who’s responsible, the voters. Unfortunately this trial by fire has revealed what was hidden from the public, agendas in the wrong places. Public safety was clearly at the bottom of the list, if it were on the list at all. I can’t recall when infrastructure was a talking point in any election promise, but I’m sure it will now be included. No one cares about feeling good about social issues, especially when your way of life goes up in flames.

Annamarie Young
Annamarie Young
1 month ago

It is tragic. I pray for the families it’s going to be a long hard road to overcome. I pray they see their governor and city leaders for what they are.

1 month ago

Want to bet that in his last week in office Biden can direct FEMA to pretty much empty the coffers of the 900 billion they got in last round of shut down bill? How about Fauci “gives back” the 15 million the taxpayers have spent on his PRIVATE security toward the fire recovery fund? How about Harris donates what is left of her campaign money (if any)? How about Gavin stops the billion dollar boondoggle bullet train instead? every single time CA gets itself in trouble they turn to the feds, ENOGH IS ENOUGH. No money to CA until North Carolina hurricane victims get it first!! Sorry CA residents (I used to be one), you keep using the same dirty sheets on your bed. No money unless it is tied to repeal of ALL sanctuary policies!!!

Kathleen Phillips-Hellman
Kathleen Phillips-Hellman
1 month ago

SOBiden, once again, spits on Americans! He and Harris ignored the tragedy of residence in North Carolina and East Tennessee after hurricane Helene. Many of those people are still living in tents and it has been snowing and icy here for a week. Now that the libtards in SoCal are suffering from wildfires, SOBiden has promised them carte blanche for $$$ and Newscum has trashed the building permit requirements ( which normally require 2-3 years!) meanwhile, those burned out in the Woolsey fire in SoCal several years ago are still fighting to rebuild on their own property!.
Don’t try to lecture me about this! I was born and raised and grew up in the Palisades/Brentwood/Malibu, attended Palisades high school and graduated from there in 1964 and I know exactly what kind of people and policies are out there. My late husband and I fled the creeping socialism and encroaching illegals when I was 42. I am now 78.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

The excuse of “power lines” for lack of water doesn’t fly because as anyone knows who’ve experienced a power outage, the water stays on; its a seperate power supply! LA Times ran a photo of the completely empty Palisades reservoir so that excuse doesn’t fly either. Don’t go to Newsomes website because it’ll direct fundraising to ACT BLUE. Had enough California?

1 month ago

The amazing thing is that the environmental extremist will blame this on climate change not on government specifically the Democrats. However this occurred in 1970 when the big fear was global cooling 40,000 Acres burned. I was there young but there. They wanted to make golf courses illegal because the cooled the area around them and the big fear was oncoming global cooling. This entire catastrophe and be blamed entirely on Democrat rule. Everything they touch they destroy, this time it just happened to be all of Southern California I feel horrible for the people affected they need to throw all the Democrats out get some people in office that have brains

Elton Yancey
Elton Yancey
1 month ago

Maybe he will give everyone affected $750 to ease their suffering. At least they won’t be too cold like North Carolina citizens are.

1 month ago

Black Rock has announced it will no longer support climate change policies. The LA fires finally showed them the light? Or is it costing them too much money to support rebuilding LA after they have to rebuild the Ukraine as well. They have bought up most of the Ukraine to rebuilt after the war. And the plan by the dems and the insurance companies and the environmentalists to protect a fish and let the forests and underbrush continue to grow. And defund the fire dept and ship their fire trucks to the Ukraine. Black Rock knows this is financially no longer profitable to support climate change as well. They might be the largest investment firm in the world but they are not the Rothschild’s. Biden and Newsom made headway in destroying the country and CA. But their success even with Didn’t Earn It, failed miserably. DEI doesn’t work. Karen Bass, Kamala Harris and many others like the LA fire Chief, showed DEI doesn’t work. You need a PHD to make a successful program work. They were concentrating about saving a little fish over the welfare and safety of the people. They were expendable. According to the WEF and Klaus Schwab LA will become a 15 minute city and the freeways will become parks. Look it up people.

Greg R
Greg R
1 month ago

The Left destroys everything they touch.

1 month ago

I feel sorry for the conservative voters who were impacted by this preventable tragedy. As for the liberals who voted the incompetent democrats into power, they deserve what they get. I know this is harsh, but I also know that our nation is divided and the liberals wish for harm to come to conservative voters.

1 month ago

Biden’s entire Presidency has been a “dumpster fire!”

1 month ago

The thing most people miss is that Liberals really believe you should be able to have both things and have competency. Only problem is, real life doesn’t operate that way. At it’s cord, this is their problem.
Women, by and large can not pass the physical requirements for being a firefighter. Women physically have difficulty doing certain jobs that require the strength only men possess. Hanging 30 ft up on an electrical pole, with 50lbs of gear strapped to their body. Yes, some women can do these things. Very few, can and want to.
Men can not carry a baby to term, birth them and then feed them with their own body. No amount of pretending a men can become a women because he said so, is going to make him a women.
They also believe, you can expect less from a minority because in the past there was discrimination, So what if they are not the most qualified for the position, job, college spot.
That is how you end up with mediocrity. They just think reality is not ever going to slap them in the face.
Liberals need to grow up it what needs to happen. Life is not always fair.

1 month ago

what went wrong is the stupid keep electing the corrupt dumb as craps and stealing tax payer dollars. sin city west has fallen victim to it’s own sinful ways. just walk away and let mexico take it back.

1 month ago

Not only are these politicians to blame but also the people who voted them and their nonsense agendas into office. Unfortunately, we will all be paying the price with our taxpayer money for their mismanagement and policies. IMO

1 month ago

Californians love to brag about their state having the world’s 5th. largest GDP, and they’re not even a country. Well, what has all of that money done for them? Nothing!! All of that money and they are broke. They lead the nation in high taxes, their crime rates are through the roof, they have an insane illegal migrant problem and their restrictions on business and common sense have created/facilitated this disaster. For all of its money and great weather, people are leaving by the thousands upon thousands. For all of the people, especially younger people, that are filled with great dreams of equality and fairness, CA should be a lesson. The lesson is that common sense is what’s most important and that we must always hire the right people for the right job. We cannot simply “give” someone a job because they are a certain race, sex, etc., especially when talking about firefighters, police officers, medical personnel, etc.. We need to go back to common sense and actually use testing for placement of people in most jobs. That’s what made America the world power that it is today. These new policies and concepts about DEI, etc., are what’s destroying America, and are what will lead to America no longer being the premiere world power. Don’t forget the electric car mandate. SMH……..

Dr. Sam adams
Dr. Sam adams
1 month ago

The Demon Rats are ideologists, meaning they believe in their drug-induced fantasies about life. The demented Governor and the Los Angeles mayor are prime examples of this malevolent political structure. Real justice demands that these two mental mutants be punished for their crimes, but nothing will happen

1 month ago

There was a time that I wanted to visit, if not live in Los Angeles. That time has long since passed in the wake of the libertards taking over the state. The truth is the woke agenda worries about maybe 1-2% of the population while ignoring the needs and wants of the majority. That is why Trump won. We the People have had enough.

1 month ago

DEI…Democrat Enforced Idiocy is racist and sexist and dangerous. It is putting people in power for no other reason than the color of their skin and what’s between their legs. How can the American public be so stupid as to go along with this insanity. Suddenly history is making a lot more sense. People can be really stupid at times.

Carrie Mataraza
Carrie Mataraza
1 month ago

What people are not yet talking about is the economic impact the fires will inflict on THE REST OF THE COUNTRY! There will be a domino effect: insurance costs and re-building costs alone will affect us all as we’ll be required to pay much more for our insurance policies to foot the huge payouts insurance companies will need to give to insured customers. In addition, how about the lost property taxes and other revenues LA and CA ll not realize now? People who lost their homes are sitting on valuable acreage but it is land that cannot be used or sold until the clean-up, expected to take at least a year, will be completed enough to do anything with their properties. And the effects of burned down schools on the kids’ educations, esp. after losing schooling during 2 years of Covid nonsense. This will affect both intellectual and emotional aspects of their lives. The after-effects will be enormous and much is unpredictable right now.

1 month ago

Because it was California I refused to watch the coverage of the destruction lest I be turned into a pillar of salt.

1 month ago

Excellent article.
My fear is the present state of our culture–and the society and economy it represents– has passed the point of no return…rendering things like Nov 5th, 2024 too little, too late…

Melinda C
Melinda C
1 month ago

This is such a calamity of errors it may never be sorted out. At least on the national level there will be adults in charge. The Trump administration will surely have their hands full, and four years will not be long enough.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 month ago

NewSCUM now wants to meet with Trump! Wanna bet that he wants billions in federal handouts to try to repair the damage that he and his socialist pals have done to California? Trump should tell him to call up the Soros cabal and the Hollyweird crew if he needs money!

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
1 month ago

No, biden is not directly responsible for the fires but his party’s policies are.

Brenda B
Brenda B
1 month ago

I didn’t read the whole article. I just kind of breeze through it not actually really reading the words just picking up on certain words. But I believe you should have listed Newsom and Bass up at the beginning and of course kept Biden in the list.

1 month ago

Sorry but that headline is ludicrous. Not that the Biden years have not been a disaster but a fitting end would be Biden in jail; not hundreds of homes burnt to the ground, lives lost and thousands homeless.
I couldn’t bring myself to read the article after that headline. Even if the article made sound reporting the headline just plain sucks!

1 month ago

I live in California and as sad as it sounds I truly hope when newsom asks for federal aid he doent get it. Untill the communist/Democrats are eliminated from this state and Americans not illegals become the priority let California burn.

1 month ago

California fire disaster and its political structure’s is a snapshot of how the whole country has been under Joe Biden and his policies. One week to go and praying that (our country) is not too far gone. God bless and protect President Trump in the tasks he is going to be faced with.

1 month ago

These are not “wildfires”. They are coordinated and deliberate attacks. Wildfires don’t burn perfectly square areas with straight lines and 90 degree corners ( I have the photo from a friend flying out of LAX the first day of fires). They don’t burn every house along the beach and leave houses untouched directly up-wind across the highway. They don’t completely incinerate houses and melt metal, yet leave the attached yards green and untouched. They don’t burn a car on the road and melt the aluminum wheels, yet not burn a utility pole 2 feet away. The water reservoirs aren’t run dry, fire department budgets slashed, water cut off to fire hydrants, and incompetent DEI hires in place, all by accident. These fires are like the ones in Paradise, CA and Lahaina, HI.

1 month ago

Finally, the truth!

1 month ago

Everything Biden touches is a failure. As for the 2020 election, of course it was stolen. However, in hindsight, I believe that Trump is in office now “for such a time as this.” May the Lord bless and protect him.

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
1 month ago

After figuratively burning down the country for four years, the Democrats have now resorted to burning it down literally. Their overwhelming and suffocating incompetence just makes it worse.

1 month ago

If you took all the democrats and put them in a bucket it would probably smell worse than what I used to clean up when we raised swine. They all belong back on the bottom of the swamp. All bottom feeders too. The Biden administration’s obsession with climate change and sexual, gender, and racial politics comes from the sentiments of Democratic elites. Read ALL of this, you all need to. I anyone could forget what all the biden/kackels 4 year term did to us and the world, this might jog a few memories. SEVEN DAYS, Praise God.

1 month ago

Many, not all, of southern California residents are like spoiled kids. Getting in trouble and having parents bail them out. These kids will eventually find trouble when trying to support themselves. When they are disciplined, learn responsibility they do well. The same with voters.
Bad choices give bad results but bad choices in Cal continue because someone always bails them out.

pk miller
pk miller
1 month ago

What is the problem with their reasoning. What happened to the standard that the most qualified person gets the job? regardless of color or sex.

1 month ago

Is California the “Shake and Bake state??

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 month ago

Gavin did this for Years day 1

1 month ago

As the facts of this well-written article so clearly illustrate, those who were responsible to preserve public safety were focused only on THEIR OWN ENTITLEMENT TO DE-EMPHASIZE IT… in favor of indulging themselves in the “convenience” of detachment, laziness and childish irresponsibility. The reference to New York City’s Tammany Hall are spot-on in this context of corruption and ineptitude.
Those in CA and LA governance who had oversight, and did nothing, are absolutely responsible in having consistently allowed, for many years, enormous fire hazards to develop into catastrophic loss of life and property. Their irresponsibility and abject stupidity are monumental, and their “politics” are worthy of nothing but the strongest condemnation. It’s time to remove them from office… starting with Gavin Newsom.

1 month ago

Blog platform controller:
You might try disabling your algorithm filters and apply a physical word-for-word examination of the context in my reply to [Donald King] I assure you there is nothing in the content which is abrasive, objectional, argumentative or not in “Good common decency.”
I even praised Mr. King for his observation and opinion. Secondly, I only restated as have many main line reporters, just how adverse the social climate in “Cali” is
Yet, you’ve chosen to place my comment “under review.” I don’t think censorship of free speech is an appealing vision for this platform or your webpage.

Larry Campbell
Larry Campbell
1 month ago

While I either whole heartedly agree or mostly agree with almost every article written through AMAC there is one continuing question that is extremely bothersome to me. Who elected these dysfunctional politician in all of California? The voters that are feeling the multiple pain inflicted by these evil morons they elected are getting exactly what they deserve. It’s hard to feel sorry for California voters who continue to put their social preferences in front of logic and common sense. These politicians should be on trial for dereliction of duty for the total disregard they exhibit for the taxpayer voters. Bush, Newsome, Pelosi, Swalworth, and so many other west Coast politicians show a total disregard for their sworn duty and their constituents . I’m beginning to wonder who the real morons are. Is it the self serving brain dead politicians or the clueless voters. Either way they deserve each other and what they are getting by being irresponsible in who they elect to run their state. The Devil thanks you for continuing to elect his disciples because Satan loves a great fire.

1 month ago

The big question is, do the constituents still have their heads buried in the sand?

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
1 month ago

Even though I am only 80 I have not seen ALL of the previous presidencies. I have seen many and I have always taken my voting seriously. The Biden Regime is by far the worse one in my life. His regime displayed its hate and disdain in every way it could. We are so far in debt it is a crime. They have preyed upon our children’s innocent beginning in Kindergarten. Their DEI and transgender crap is a disgrace and Satanical. Many in this regime should be tried for treason among other crimes against our nation. It is so similar to the fall of the Roman Empire it is frightening. Thanks to God, the Conservatives who love the Constitution and this America, we have a chance to get back to a real Democratic Republic. Pray with me for the safety of President Trump!!!

George Craig
George Craig
1 month ago

Government support of disasters in California is not a new thing. We moved from that state 16 years ago. We watched one disaster after another. For example, undergrowth in the forests was allowed to proliferate unchecked for years providing extra fuel to assure more complete destruction during the annual wildfires. We could be fined if we attempted to cut back some of the hazards.

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
1 month ago

I overheard seniors talking at dinner in a restaurant, and one of them said: “The leftists always vowed to leave the country when Trump gets elected but they never do, so God let NATURE forced them to leave BY BURNING THEIR HOMES. & to remember their lies.” Crude but true, and we know the Hollywooders did swore to leave since Trump won the first time. yet they are still here….LIARS, Lesson; never mess with God’s chosen one.

1 month ago

I live in CA. I have donated and volunteered to work on campaigns of many Republican candidates for many years. I have learned some things that every voter in CA should learn and things that every voter in the country should know BEFORE Newsom worms his way into any Federal position. Everyone knows that Democrats completely control CA and have for many years. As a CA voter I have felt that our elections were not being counted correctly. I used to think that it was because Democrats had the “cemetary vote”. but I now think that it is even worse. CA voters should know that the org. they depend upon must have sold them out; the CAGOP doesn’t appear to do anything to help any Republican candidate. They collect money but do not spend it on TV ads, billboards, flyers, nor do they give GOOD advice. CAGOP uses people like Steve Garvey who they dupe into allowing them to use his name to raise money that never seems to be used to help any GOP candidate nor any recall effort. They seem to be firmly in the corner of corrupt Democrats. The things that out of CA voters should know is that under Newsom and to some degree before Newsom no state agency functions for the purpose it is named to do. And Newsom makes laws to please his friends. One ridiculous Newsom law makes relocating squirrels or disturbing them a crime with stiff penalties. I have thousands of dollars in damage to my house that is in the largest city in the San Francisco Bay Area, San Jose. . When squirrels started chewing my wood siding I called a wildlife rescue and asked about getting some traps and bringing the destructive critters to them for release in a wooded area. I was informed of “Newsom’s law” and told that I would have to keep paying the thousands of dollars to repair damages. I have some decks that are 2 and 3 stories off the ground. I had some beautiful big healthy trees in my yard that I had cut down to not be an aid to the squirrels getting up on the decks to feast on my house. Cutting the trees down has taken away all the shade from the afternoon sun which has caused my electric bill 7 months of the year to be 1/2 of my monthly SS check. It also didn’t stop the squirrels who just climb up the side of the house. in addition to the damages to wood siding they have chewed a large hole in the floor of one of the decks that is big enough for an adult to fall many feet to the ground; They chewed a hole in the side of my house just large enough for them to get inside. They came in between floors and chewed 2 holes into the ceiling of a bedroom. Now that room can’t be used and the opening of outdoor climate is a constant in that room that even with the bedroom door kept closed cold wind gets into the rest of the house which has caused the heating bill to be out of sight. Newsom seems to like showing off for his stupid friends. Inflicting hardship on CA taxpayers seems to make him a hero with his friends. Newsom’s laws are for everyone except when he exempts his friends. His friend owns some fast food places and is the only chain not required to pay a new minimum wage to all employees. I don’t think that there has been an honest election in CA since the recall of Gray Davis that gave us a near has-been movie actor who didn’t do much as gov.
The ONLY hope for CA is: Get rid of the CAGOP; mandatory Voter ID and ONLY U.S. citizens allowed to vote; Honest Federal investigations of all CA agencies; Send all the corrupt dept. heads, politicians, law makers, news media to jail for the crimes against CA citizens. Teach CA hopeful Republican candidates how to run a campaign (after flushing all the old advice of the CAGOP down the drain) and BRING IN HONEST QUALIFIED fire prevention people – ALL insurance companies are bound to stop insuring in CA leaving all of us without insurance.

Mary Kirsch
Mary Kirsch
1 month ago


Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
1 month ago

Isn’t that something?

Back to school. Image of teacher s desk with a pile of textbooks and apple
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