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Kamala’s Failure: Americans Want a Future, Not Circuses and Gibberish

Posted on Thursday, September 26, 2024
by Tammy Bruce

Much like the Ziegfeld Follies of the first half of the 20th century, the Kamala Follies are designed to distract and entertain. While for Mr. Ziegfeld that was the point of his magnificent Broadway spectacles, Kamala’s follies are malevolent by nature—and aren’t at all entertaining; her embarrassing song and dance is meant to run out the clock, keeping the American people in the dark about her intentions until a ballot comes their way.

But there are now signs that the American people aren’t as gullible as Kamala and her media court jesters think we are. The post-debate polling has begun to show that her game of hide-and-seek has grown stale. Like so many politicians, Harris believes her own propaganda and thinks she “won” the first debate because all her friends in the media said so. But it’s the American people who decide, as evidenced by the latest New York Times/Sienna poll released Monday and conducted September 17-21. In this, their first polling after the Trump/Harris debate, former president Donald Trump’s gains put the lie to the media narrative about who benefitted from that debate.

In three critical battleground states—Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina—Trump’s numbers tell the story. Pre-debate in Arizona, Harris was ahead by 5 points. In this post-debate poll, Trump is now ahead by 5 points, a ten-point swing. In Georgia, pre-debate Trump was ahead by 4, and post-debate he maintains that lead. For North Carolina, Harris led by 2 points post-debate. Now it’s Trump by 3, a 5-point shift.

Knowing that her vacuous nature would be even more exposed if she were to hold a traditional press conference, Harris has resorted to taped, scripted, and vapid entertainment-like sit-downs. Coincidentally, (or was it?), the other event that happened in the midst of the New York Times polling was the Oprah Winfrey/Kamala live-streamed “forum” featuring Hollywood celebrities cooing over Kamala as she spouted gibberish.

Super-rich celebrities like Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Chris Rock, and Jennifer Lopez drooled over the Democrats’ selected nominee in an effort to raise money (they did) and convince people that she should be president (she shouldn’t). All those celebrities hectoring us to vote for someone who has already destroyed our lives are multi-millionaires, and in Oprah’s case, a billionaire. None of those people vouching for Harris are touched by what Americans are suffering through. Not one of them has struggled with the horrible dilemma of whether you put gas in the car or feed your kids something other than cereal for dinner. Shame on them. They likely thought the ridiculous display by ultra-wealthy deigning to tell us how to vote would help her poll numbers. It’s a good sign it did not.

Throughout this process, which actually began when Donald Trump first ran for the presidency in 2016, it has become clear that the Democratic Party has become the standard bearer for the super-rich elite, while the Republicans under Trump have become the party of the average American, the working people of this country, the middle class. This election has become Trump against a rotten, failed bureaucracy, with Kamala as the designated puppet.

Kamala’s refusal to show some respect for the American people by offering specifics of what she intends to do if elected highlights how little the American people matter to the bureaucratic establishment. To them, we are irritants with problems that are icky and banal. They do not worry about whether or not they will be able to pay the mortgage or the rent the next month, they do not live paycheck to paycheck, and they are not making ends meet by using a credit card or by taking money out of a savings account or a retirement account.

And yet, Democrat leaders, media, and celebrities conspire using everything at their disposal to lift up a woman who is responsible for the destruction of our economy, our national sovereignty, and security, as well as made possible a world at war due to the cartoonish weakness of Harris/Biden administration buffoons. They all know better and yet they do it anyway because if the great unwashed masses gain power, it diminishes the left’s own sense of superiority.

Now it seems the constant hectoring and fearmongering by the Democrats that Trump is the most threatening thing to face America since Godzilla, is backfiring. Rhetoric from a Biden/Harris cabinet member that Trump must be “extinguished,” and even Biden implying on “The View” that Trump be squashed like a bug, is unbelievable in the aftermath of two assassination attempts against the former president and likely next one. But it may be finally backfiring. A new Rasmussen Reports survey asked, “Who is the biggest enemy America currently faces, Iran, China, Russia, the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, or domestic extremists?” Democrats came out on top, beating China coming in second. This is not good news for the Democrats as early voting has commenced and election day is just a few weeks away.

Many thought at the beginning of this travesty that Harris would eventually pivot and talk about what she would actually do as president, but that hasn’t happened and now we know it never will. She is now a creation of the media, vacuous and often confused. The good news is we see on almost every front our fellow Americans refusing to be swept along by Kamala’s follies into the leftist volcano. We don’t want follies, bread, and circuses. We want a stable life, safe families, a future we can count on, law and order, and a world if not a peace, then quieted by American strength. A complete rejection of the Harris/Biden catastrophe must be our answer on November 5th and will be our first step to recovery.

Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association for Mature Americans (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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14 hours ago

I am appalled by the lack of seriousness the democrats have exhibited so far, and especially by putting forward a candidate as silly and ludicrous as Kamala Harris. When she speaks or answers a question, there is no substance to her replies. She never answers the question! She’ll repeatedly refer to her “middle class upbringing”, as if the daughter of a microbiologist and a Stanford University professor could be considered middle class.

She won not even one delegate’s vote in 2020. She bowed out of that race, and then biden made her his VP. And then, when everyone knew biden was not fit for running again in 2024 (due to his poor performance in the debate with Trump), the democrat party shuffled him off the stage and put harris back in contention…after the primary! Talk about a breach of democracy!!

The problem with people like biden and harris, obama, and pelosi…is that they’ve never worked in a competitive workplace, where they’d have to prove their worth to the boss. Competition, commerce, and company profits are disdainful to these elitists who can’t be bothered with the mundane affairs of the peasant classes. It’s the “Let them eat cake” sentiment (never actually uttered by Marie Antoinette), where we should be grateful for what little we have as long as we never aspire to a higher plane. They like nothing more than suppressing the masses.

I am so disgusted by what the dems have been doing for years now. Fabrications and long expensive investigations, lying through their teeth to keep Trump out of office and to attempt to paint him as the “bad guy”, a complicit media industry to trumpet how great the dems are and how pathetic and evil we are… And lately, with I believe deliberately inadequate Secret Service protection, there is no question that their hateful rhetoric is causing the rift in this country…not Donald Trump…and setting up a very dangerous situation.

The dems like to envision themselves as the cool, peaceful, intelligent, generous party…but they’re not. They’re weak, their policies endanger our sovereignty and the freedoms we love, and they’re unresponsive to the needs of Americans. We all see what’s happening, so let’s keep that in mind when we vote. We have to vote our way out of this muck. Every vote counts!!


11 hours ago

One of the worst things that I have noticed with the Demos advertising is that they are following the approach that Joseph Goebbels of Nazi Germany used against the masses –“TELL A LIE TO THE PEOPLE ALL THE TIME AND FREQUENTLY, THE PEOPLE WILL BELIEVE THE LIE.” (paraphrased)
Intelligent people are not being fooled but the ignorant will fall for the Demos propaganda.

11 hours ago

Those Americans who are still in the dark about comrade Kamala’s plans for our country are obviously in the dark about many things in their own lives. Simply put, her “opportunity economy” means more of the same pain we’ve been experiencing since January 2021, except her agenda will completely destroy our economy. Her handouts will be based on DEI requirements, so Anglos need not apply for subsidies. And anyone who follows the advice of the rich, detached celebrities favoring the Kackler need to be deported to Venezuela for a good education on communism. VOTE TRUMP!!! MAGA!!!

12 hours ago

The party of Demons is determined to destroy America and I for one will do my best to stop them. Anyone who loves our Republic and loves being an American cannot vote for this woman. She has no substance. She is the definition of vapid. We must save our country together with our votes against tyranny.

14 hours ago

Her Vagueness, Kamala Rasa Harris.
Empty promises, empty pandering.
Her record is not silent, but she’s silent on her record.

11 hours ago

One could readily call Harris the “Laughing Hyena” because she constantly laughs while eating you alive. The really sad part is that she knows exactly what she is doing. Are American voters really that easily ‘taken in’ ?? Just try to find something positive that she has accomplished in the time she has been Vice-President…… can’t do it !! Well…. do some people really think she will change???

11 hours ago

I have seen her a few times trying to talk on TV I have yet to understand what the heck she if talking about. Her gibberish is like listening to someone walking in a circle and trying to talk at the same time.

11 hours ago

This Journalist,unlike the fake news Propagandist “Journalists” simply nailed it. We’ll done Tammy Bruce !!!

12 hours ago

Harris speaks to American voters as though they’re children on Christmas Eve, and she’s some kind of maternal figure who loves them, and wishes all their dreams will come true… despite the constant misrepresentations she habitually makes to misinform them, and her fake promise that she will increase their net worth. It’s sad and demented.

11 hours ago

The results of the Rasmussen poll prove that the public is not as dumb or easily influenced as many politicians think they are.

12 hours ago

Kommieala is the real life Wizard of Oz, behind the curtain operating props and distractions while she robs and destroys to enrich herself and fellow career criminals at the expense of those who worked for what they once had.

11 hours ago

America cannot have a marxist (KaMila deVila) at the helm in the White House. Pres Trump must get back in again for America to be great again. As another commenter here states; she speaks in circles with word “salads” that make absolutely NO sense. She wasn’t even voted in by the dems; they just installed her in….why i don’t know.

Jeff Savlov
Jeff Savlov
9 hours ago

We the people should give it back to the Hollywood elites, the likes of Oprah and all the others who supported the Democrats by opening their wallets. Tell them that their stupidity will be rewarded with our disdain and that we will no longer support their TV shows, their movies and their business interests,

8 hours ago

We can’t depend on the polls. We must vote in large numbers to make sure to defeat the cheat.

10 hours ago

Kameltoe was a trrrible VP. Which we knew from the day in 2021 she was installed with ole Joe. Both had not one brain between them. She had no plans then just was a yes woman for ole Joe and telling the world he was as smart as a tack. What made the dems hierarchy think that by installing her a presidential candidate she all at once had developed a brain to run a country like America. She couldn’t run the DA’s office in SF or the Attorney General’s office in CA. Heck she couldn’t run the border or space or AI assignments. Everywhere she went she talked like the rest of the world were 3rd grader and she was the teacher. Remember her speech in Poland about the Ukraine and Russia. In Korea at the DMZ she thought she was in North Korea. She thought she could snow us by saying, when she was told she hadn’t been to the border, well she hadn’t been to Europe. Kameltoe has got to go. She is a paid installed candidate for the elites. When we saw Tampon Timmy meeting with Soros yesterday it was the serf meeting the emperor. He was standing their in a submissive pose, protecting the family jewels. Total submission to Soros. The dem ticket is a disaster for America. They are running on the premise like the ACA bill, when P said, you have to pass it to know what’s in it. You have to vote for Harris/Walz to know what will happen to our country and its citizens. VOTE TRUMP/VANCE. They have a plan for the people.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
10 hours ago

Kackler (publicly) is cotton candy while Trump is STEAK! Will American voters be smart enough to bypass the “joy” candidate who actually is totally poison? One would hope so but with some feeble citizens, it’s not a sure thing!

10 hours ago

Harris has no clue how the economy works. She has no clue what steps it would take to fix it. Oprah didn’t push hard enough for answers. No one cares who Taylor Swift endorses. She probably barely has a high school diploma and never keeps up with current events. Harris has sailed through life doing nothing of significance that would help everyday Americans. She only got where she was by hanging on to Willie Brown’s coat tails….

David Millikan
David Millikan
8 hours ago

Yesterday, Communist harris said Americans don’t want answers to their failed policy issues and that we don’t live in Nirvana. Other words, she has NO PLAN and lives on lies and FANTASY WORLD. She has yet to this day ever answered or been asked Real Questions since she dodges them and the Fake News gives her a pass with softball questions that are not real questions to why her record is a Failure like Dictator Beijing biden’s record is a complete failure.

anna hubert
anna hubert
12 hours ago

Never mind the circus, good bread will do.

8 hours ago

If she gets elected our country is doomed. My 8 yr old great granddaughter has more common sense than Kamalhair. She is a giggling idiot and everything is funny to her.

9 hours ago

a puppet’s puppet. just one in a long line of soros backed traitors. it started with clinton and except for trump all have danced when soros whistled.

Sherry Davis
Sherry Davis
11 hours ago

Vacuous definitely she is empty headed

7 hours ago

Comrade Cackula needs to park her campaign in a yellow school bus in Joe’s basement or somewhere so far out of sight that no one would ever find her again even with a Venn diagram.

9 hours ago

What’s really amazing is the fact that dem’s apparently don’t care about ruinous policies but are more so concerned with making the race a popularity contest.

Louise Richardson
Louise Richardson
6 hours ago

I heard someone say, “Is Kamala Harris trolling us?” She can’t believe the things she’s saying are going to pass for answers. She knows she’s not answering. It’ll be a dark day for America if the left manages to install this person as President.

David Millikan
David Millikan
3 minutes ago

Don’t forget that Communist harris wants to Tax YOUR INCOME at 80 percent while giving her and Dictator Beijing bidens Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion Criminals everything free.

harvard grad
harvard grad
10 hours ago

i graduated from harvard law

8 hours ago

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Robert Baly
Robert Baly
8 hours ago

Then why does Trump want to increase military spending rather trying to reduce the size of government?

harvard grad
harvard grad
10 hours ago

bruce tammy, you owe kamala harris an apology for the horrible column you wrote

Aug 09 2024 - Glendale, Arizona, USA: Kamala Harris and Tim Walz looking cheerful at a campaign rally (by Gage Skidmore)
Tim Sheehy vs Jon Tester for Montana Senate
United States House of Representatives chamber at the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C.
non-citizen voters; illegal votes

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