
Elections , Newsline

Hidin’ Harris

Posted on Wednesday, August 28, 2024
by Outside Contributor

To call the last eight weeks in presidential politics unprecedented would be a wild understatement. It was just over two months ago when Joe Biden — a man deemed highly successful and mentally sharp by our legacy media — took to the stage to debate Donald Trump and promptly expired. It took another month for Biden to drop out of the race, prompted by the backstabbing Democratic cadre of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, and, most importantly, former President Barack Obama, all of whom wheedled donors and cudgeled Biden into submission.

It then took promptly one day to solidify Vice President Kamala Harris in Biden’s stead.

It has been more than a month since Biden was defenestrated in favor of Harris. Since then, Harris has answered precisely zero difficult questions from the media. She has spent the intervening weeks being a “brat” — social media-friendly and utterly vacuous. We know that she likes Doritos, that she enjoys cooking, that she supposedly makes a mean brisket, that she wears Chuck Taylors. When asked outside Air Force Two what she will do next this week, she answered, “We’re going to walk up those stairs.”

Deep stuff.


And yet there are less than 70 days to the election. Republics are predicated on the idea that the voters deserve to know something about the candidates for whom they vote. Voters already know everything there is to know about Donald Trump; he’s the most overexposed political figure in history, and we’ve already seen what his presidency looks like. But voters have been shielded from Harris. According to the legacy media, her 2019 presidential campaign policy positions are completely irrelevant: She’s now sent out surrogates to disown her own position on decriminalizing border crossings (she was in favor), electric vehicle mandates (she was in favor), private health insurance (she was against), “reimagining public safety” or defunding the police (she was in favor), and fracking (she was against), among others.

All of that in the last month alone.

The media apparently have zero questions.

Meanwhile, we’ve been told that she’s not even tied to the administration in which she is currently the vice president. This week, Politico headlined, “Vance tries to tether Harris to Biden during Michigan rally.” Tries to? She’s the sitting vice president! Her boss — the same person she shivved to steal his nomination — is currently still the president. Sam Stein of The Bulwark and MSNBC headlined, “Dems spent four days in Chicago castigating, belittling, and demonizing Donald Trump. And then they did something even more vicious: They turned him into the incumbent.” Trump the incumbent? She’s the sitting vice president of the United States!

All of this is why Harris must avoid scrutiny. She’s obviously squirrely on debating Trump — first she tried to bully Trump into accepting the same debate rules he’d accepted against Biden; then she denied him extra debates; then she tried to switch the rules. Her campaign has gone through Talmudic discussions internally to determine if and when she ought to be interviewed. Their verdict: OK, fine, but only if pre-taped while joined by happy but cloddish sitcom dad running mate Tim Walz.

This entire charade smacks of disdain for the American people. Rig the nomination process in favor of Biden; throw Biden off a cliff in favor of Kamala; hide Kamala behind an Instagram filter while she dances and calls herself Momala for the duration of the campaign. At no point do Democrats want Americans to understand just what Kamala Harris will do as president, or to connect her to what she’s already done as vice president.

Perhaps it will work. If so, Americans will only have proved H.L. Mencken’s cynical theory: “Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard.”

Ben Shapiro‘s new collection, “Facts and Furious: The Facts About America and Why They Make Leftists Furious,” is available now. Shapiro is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, host of “The Ben Shapiro Show,” and co-founder of Daily Wire+. He is a three-time New York Times bestselling author. To find out more about Ben Shapiro and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


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1 month ago

You wonder how any American could vote for this phony moronic woman

1 month ago

Personally, I don’t think she has the brains to be a leader . That’s why she avoiding the press, so she doesn’t come off as a dufus that she is. God help us if she wins.

1 month ago

If kameltoe and tampon Tim get elected we can thank the MSM (US Pravda) for it. They created Trump as the American enemy, only he is the most pro American patriotic president we ever had. He is for the common man. The democrats have so many billionaires supporting their policies, which the common man doesn’t know anything about. They have no policies. We are all dizzy with the kameltoe flip flopping. She is for this today against it tomorrow. They are creating another puppet. Trump was the star of the show at the convention. They made him the president the last 4 years. They should know after all they installed ole Joe in 2021 and O ran the country. Anything and everything that happened Trump was blamed for it. They even have managed to nullify 14 million voters by kicking Joe aside and coronate Kameltoe after 4 years of ineptness in the VP position. That didn’t happen folks, it was all Trump’s fault. Kamalaaaaaas Oprah was screaming at the convention and all the sheep in attendance screamed with her. This powerful hold O and P and S have over these people. Hitler could only dream of such a following. They must think we are all stupid and will accept this concept. This makes us the laughing stock in all the adversarial countries. They all are having a good laugh and plotting together how to conquer America when KAMELTOE is in the White House. VOTE THEM OUT AND VOTE FOR TRUMP IN 2024.

Dan W.
Dan W.
1 month ago

Why all of this pre-debate blubbering ?

If the Harris campaign wants to be stupid for the next two weeks, why don’t we let them ?

President Trump ought to be able to show her up on the debate stage and then she will be forced to be more with her platform as Election Day approaches. That’s good, right ?

1 month ago

Cotton for brains and her running mate Bozo are running a campaign correcting everything that their administration is doing wrong. They are running against themselves and what they created and stupid idiots will vote for them.

1 month ago

H. L. Mencken also said, “The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front for the urge to rule” and “On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”
If the Kamal gets in that would make two in a row… and probably doom the United States.

1 month ago

She is a classic Democrat. Totally ignorant doesn’t know how to do anything but cheat and lie. Her position any given day is whatever is popular and will bear no resemblance to what she will do if she gets elected. The Democrat Party is bound and determined to burn this nation to the ground so they can rule over the ashes. They are the epitome of evil

1 month ago


1 month ago

It looks like Kumbaya will finally have an “interview,” if anyone can call a pre-scripted question, recorded (not live), accompanied by Tampon Tim sit-down on a liberal network an interview. Trump should wipe the debate floor with the cackling clown, but the debate is once again on a liberal network with Trump-hating moderators. They’ll toss softball questions to Hairball without hard follow-ups, while Trump takes beanballs.

1 month ago

Until the voters wake up to the fact that the Democrats are deliberately abusing their powers in order to control them and their goals, I do not see any hope for the future of this Country. And with the bought and paid for MSM used to brainwash them on a daily basis, the cards are not in favor of returning to some sort of sane order.

1 month ago

She is as bright as a potoato. Kackels can not get elected. Vance tries to tether Harris to Biden during Michigan rally.” Tries to? She’s the sitting vice president?? She does not want you not to know. SSSHHH its a secret huh? She has stolen Trump The President’s policies now. She does not have ANY of her own except to control what you can buy and pay at the store.

JB Higdon
JB Higdon
1 month ago

Many Americans are STILL stuck on what Trump said decades ago about women They will vote for vacuous Kamala because they cannot get past what they perceive as Trump’s disrespect for women, and his supposed dislike for people with disabilities, minorities and the LBG community I feel he needs to address these perceptions to prove that he likes and honors all Americans and will serve all of us

Patti Zelenack
Patti Zelenack
1 month ago

Because it doesn’t matter who is in the hot seat, it’s being run by Soros, Obama and Clinton!!!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 month ago

Kackler has to bring Tampon Tim along with her for a TAPED interview with Dana Bash. Why does she need a MAN to help her–I thought she was a superwoman. That’s what the MSM says. How much of the “interview” will be left on the cutting room floor? Will we see only well-rehearsed sections? Trump does things LIVE because his brain actually WORKS!

1 month ago

She lacks the mature intellectual skills to answer questions. She is a Show Girl, smiling, waving but not knowing how to speak with Wisdom.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

I don’t think she is capable of an intelligent thought. Only repeats what she was steeped in without any thought That is the reason she was chosen for whatever tasks she will be expected to perform. Just a performance like a trained poodle. So really what can we possibly realistically expect of her and do we even expect anything but the blather and prattle. This is an open stick a needle in your eye.We don’t have to worry about her lack of leadership, she will never be leading anything Like Biden . She is only a big cut out like Elvis in front of Planet Hollywood or Rock Caffe that we used to see a while back.

1 month ago

She is building a negative image, let her go forward.

1 month ago

I can’t understand why she wants to be president. She will HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!

John Lemley
John Lemley
1 month ago

I fervently pray that President Trump will stick with issues and policies. Harris can keep quiet and Trump can destroy himself by putting his foot in his mouth. When he gave speeches as president he did wonderful. The US needs his leadership. The Dems are intentionally destroying this country, their useful idiots are helping and the media is complicit. We need the miracle of a return of Trump to the White House. It saddens me when he says things that make his election more difficult.

Harry Boccelli
Harry Boccelli
1 month ago

If you were an idiot you would want to hide too.

1 month ago

This is the same thing Biden did to stay away from voters and it worked! Hide in the basement and don’t tell the voters a thing about nothing! He never did a thing in 45 years but mess up the whole country and then say Trump did it. As far as I can tell the voters did it
but you can’t find to many who will own up to if. We will just try it again. Same song second verse could be better but going to get worse..

1 month ago

She doesn’t need to do anything. Just like when Biden stayed in his basement. The fix is in.

1 month ago

It worked for Joey in 2020, thanks to massive voter and balloting fraud. He hid in his basement in Delaware and let the DNC’s corrupt network do the rest. It worked for Joey it could work for her and Elmer Fudd.

1 month ago

I guess Jill does not trust Harris in the basement with Ole joe. Jill’s a sweet heart ya know
Harris just wants to pull one liner like she did with Pense.
Waltz is a fool everyone else saw how the PARTY and her stab Biden in his back

1 month ago

Oh, one other thing: If Biden is in the basement, at the beach sleeping or in California vacationing and Harris is out campaigning, who the hell is running the country? Just a thought.

1 month ago

We know that they’re going to CHEAT! That’s why they opened the border. Please call your elected officials ASAP to pass the SAVE Act, and tell Speaker Johnson to shut the government down in September if they don’t pass it! It keeps illegals from voting in OUR elections! This is why COMMIE-la doesn’t care about talking to the citizens about her COMMIE policies. They’re confident that they can cheat enough. What has happened to our country? SWAMP THE VOTE PEOPLE!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 month ago

So what if she gets interviewed… none of these self-proclaimed journalists are going to ask her anything substantive. And what if they do? Democrats could nominate a houseplant (might be an improvement!) and these lemmings would still vote for it.

1 month ago

I wonder if she’ll stay in Biden’s basement long enough to do some redecorating. Come to think of it, I still don’t know who her decision-making, management surrogate will be.
Has Biden’s surrogate surfaced yet? We all still need to take that guy to task for his hideous policy decisions.

1 month ago

This is the “hide in the cellar” strategy, that worked for Biden. the only hope is those who have not made up their minds understand exactly what she is doing and why it is so dangerous.

1 month ago

Women who dislike/hate Trump will vote in Kamala, regardless of the fact that “her” administration just gutted most of the gains for women in the past 70 years. VERY SAD. Just to get a female President, that isn’t Trump. In a few years, when women go backwards even more, and their daughters are asking Mom what happened, they’ll pretend they didn’t realize what they were doing.

1 month ago


1 month ago

The Harris/ Walz Ticket isn’t going to beat Trump/Vance.
Why? Simple because,her pitiful record speaks for itself.
Trump/Vance 2024!

1 month ago

If this vacuous,braindead, soros puppet gets the whitehouse with communist Tim, this country is done. Who could possibly vote for these idiots?

1 month ago

Only the most stupid, uninformed and ignorant people will vote for the Harris/Walz ticket. The Biden/Harris administration has almost ruined our country and Kamala, if elected will finish the job. Love, hate, adore or abhor Donald Trump, he is the only one of the two candidates that can pull our country out of the flat spin we are in. I ask that you don’t vote for her because she is black, a woman, cute or funny. She simply does not have the backbone to do the job as President.

Lawn Ranger
Lawn Ranger
1 month ago

I’ve decided that Harris is nothing more than a burned out light bulb..

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 month ago

Same as Biden

1 month ago

MJ Greene did not speak at the GOP convention as far as I know, even tho Kid Rock and the HulK did. Read today that Democrats shot Trump at rally so what she is saying is that this 20-year old was in Democrat party & what else?

1 month ago

J D Vance was in PA today & bashing Harris for changing her mind on issues. This is a very sticky election as Biden is still her boss until January 2025 & cannot imagine that she has the authority on issues that Vance says she has had to make changes the last four years. Vance needs to look back at how much authority Trump gave to VP Mike Pence during his term and especially on Jan 6th. Does JD Vance really think that Trump will let him make changes without his permission?

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