
Elections , Newsline

Let’s Rock—and Lock—the Vote

Posted on Sunday, August 11, 2024
by David P. Deavel

There’s a great deal of work to do for those who want Donald Trump to be President again. I’m among those who think there aren’t nearly enough Trump ads appearing on the various social media networks. Every time I open up YouTube to play some music while I’m doing chores—no matter what kind of music I choose—I’m invariably besieged by ads with Kamala Harris telling me to donate to her campaign and support her. I hope and pray that I’m just unlucky, but others have told me they have the same experience. 

So, too, with the Republican ground game. The irrepressible Scott Presler has been updating his followers on X concerning his continuing bid to get hunters, the Amish community, veterans and many other groups who have an interest in a GOP victory to get registered in the important swing state of Pennsylvania. He’s focusing on Pennsylvania right now, but his organization, Early Vote Action, is working in most of the other key swing states: Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. But Republicans could be doing a lot more. Just because your state is red doesn’t mean it’s time to relax. We need to be getting out as many votes as possible. To borrow the name of the 1990 group started by MTV, we need to “Rock the Vote” this year.

But we also need to lock the vote—by which I mean, make it a secure and fair election. Democrats are famously opposed to making sure people who vote are actually eligible to do so. These days, they have been busy trying to make sure that it is very easy for the ineligible to join voter rolls. In Tim Walz’s Minnesota, according to a report from Center for the American Experiment’s Bill Glahn, not only are “all foreign-born residents, including illegal aliens,. . .eligible to receive state driver’s licenses and identity cards,” but “everyone who applies for a driver’s license or identity card is automatically registered to vote” and is automatically sent an absentee ballot by state election officials along with “all registered voters.” Those trying to sort out this mess in a state that now has half a million foreign-born residents are going to have a task on their hands.

What is true of blue states such as Minnesota is true of the nation. An academic article in 2014 provided evidence that non-citizen voting could swing elections. That likelihood has only gotten worse with Joe Biden’s open border and his 2021 Executive Order 14019, which was used to make sure that all federal agencies become essentially voter registration and collection agencies. In addition, as Danielle Wallace reported, “Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen, a Republican, has been sounding the alarm about how state agencies receiving federal funding are required under Biden’s executive order to send out voter registration information to anyone who comes into contact with those agencies without any verification of citizenship.” 

There was an attempt earlier this summer to force states to legally prove their voters were citizens. The SAVE Act passed narrowly in the House earlier this summer with all Republicans and five Democrats voting for it, but there is little chance the Democratic-held Senate will vote on the bill despite Republican attempts to pressure Chuck Schumer. Thankfully, some states are independently taking action on this.

Georgia has now been awakened to the revelation of 1600 documented cases of non-citizens on their voting rolls and has turned over names to federal law enforcement agencies. Ohio removed almost 500 non-citizens from their rolls last month after removing 136 in May. That’s along with removing 155,000 inactive or dead from their voter rolls. And America First Legal is suing Maricopa County, Arizona, to remove non-citizens from voting rolls, after a Rasmussen poll in the state revealed about one percent of voters admitted to being non-citizens. Presler has been pushing the Pennsylvania Department of State to say whether they have non-citizens on their rolls. Since they refuse to answer, he has been writing to individual counties.

In addition to keeping non-citizens from voting, there are the many problems with mail-in ballots and computerized voting machines. Glenn Youngkin in Virginia has boasted that the Commonwealth has removed over 80,000 deceased voters from the rolls as well as 6,303 non-citizens. He introduced his new Executive Order 35 this week with a summary that should be imitated by every red state governor: 

We use 100% paper ballots with a strict chain of custody. We use counting machines, not voting machines, that are tested prior to every election and never connected to the internet. We do not mass mail ballots. We monitor our drop boxes 24/7. We verify the legal presence and identity of voters using DMV data and other trusted data sources to update our voter rolls daily, not only adding new voters, but scrubbing the lists to remove those that should not be on it, like the deceased, individuals that have moved, and noncitizens that have accidentally or maliciously attempted to register.”

In addition to Virginia, Georgia has taken action. Their state election board issued a new rule allowing county supervisors to demand information and make inquiries before certifying elections. While Democrats and even some Republicans have objected to the new rule, it’s a good sign since objections to election oddities after certification are hard to act on. Tarrant County, Texas, has now become the second jurisdiction in America to use a new platform created by Civera, a technology company focusing on making available more information to citizens, that “will allow people to search online for images of ballots, and compare them to the voter record tabulated by the county.” The platform will also double check the counting of the votes.

Some politicians are realizing that voter security is a potent platform to run on. Denny Hoskins, Missouri GOP nominee for Secretary of State, has proposed changes similar to Youngkin’s for the Show Me State’s rules.

The RNC itself has been active, though not entirely successful in attempting to force states not to accept mail-in ballots that arrive after election day. They have made challenges in Nevada, North Dakota, Illinois, and Mississippi.

In short, there is a lot of work to make sure the fiasco of uncertainty that was the 2020 election does not happen again. Unfortunately, the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s now liberal majority reversed a 2022 decision that unmanned ballot boxes were against the state’s constitution, a problem considering that there has been no uniform approach to how these boxes were treated (e.g., collection of ballots or chain of custody).

So, what happens if we do have another election like that of 2020? Thankfully, earlier this summer, the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) released a report on some political scenario exercises they conducted with over fifty participants from June 17 to June 21. Unlike the 2020 Transition Integrity Project, which was run by former lawyers in Barack Obama’s White House Counsel office, TIP 2024 was sponsored by the Heritage Foundation and organized by Heritage’s Mike Howell, University of Houston-Downtown Professor Adam Ellwanger, and Chuck DeVore of the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Though conducted when the Democratic nominee was still presumed to be Joe Biden, the report, written by Ellwanger and reviewed and edited by Heritage and TPPF scholars, still has relevance without Biden on the ballot. Those interested in the different scenarios gamed out and analyzed can read TIP 2024’s full report. But its three primary conclusions are important.

First, the idea of an “election month” is dangerous because it “facilitates voter fraud and procedural manipulations.” Second, in the event of another Democratic popular vote victory and electoral college loss, there is a strong possibility that President Biden and other Democrats would encourage states to reject the electoral college results. That the Biden Administration might well do such a thing with Harris on the ballot seems possible as well. Third, “unelected administrators in the executive branch will resist the transition process should the outcome of the election be at odds with their political preferences.” That we have seen such a scenario in 2016 makes this almost a certainty in 2024 if Donald Trump wins again.

TIP 2024 recommendations are to prepare for a close election, to be ready to document election anomalies, and to make sure that state and local law enforcement are ready to enforce laws in the event of voter fraud and other violations of election laws. Additionally, they should be ready for violence, especially if the Democrats lose. For individual voters, they recommend the following:

  • Vote.
  • Volunteer as a poll worker.
  • Contact election officials and elected representatives to express the importance of adhering to the laws and traditions of our democracy by completing the tallying of ballots on election night.
  • Call prominent members of government and leaders in law enforcement to demand commitment to enforcing the law should there be violent unrest in the aftermath of a contested election.
  • Document any irregularities or potential or attempted violations of election law that you observe on Election Day and be certain to report them to the relevant authorities and share them on social media.

One way of getting involved is through AMAC Action, the advocacy affiliate of AMAC – Association of Mature American Citizens. They have been getting deeply involved in state-level advocacy on critical election integrity issues by helping to either stop bad ranked-choice voting bills (another very destructive practice) or support efforts to ban this voting scheme in Ohio, Wisconsin, Kansas, Georgia, and Rhode Island. AMAC has had notable success in Oklahoma, Missouri and Virginia in stopping many bad ballot measures. AMAC members are also signing up to serve as poll observers and election workers and engaging in a concerted GOTV effort to encourage low-frequency voters to get to the polls this November.

We absolutely need to be doing and supporting the work that AMAC Action and Scott Presler’s Early Vote Action have spearheaded in getting people registered and ready to vote. There are a lot of people who just aren’t in the habit of voting or have fallen into a kind of despair or apathy about the country they love. They need to know their votes count. But we also need to support officials trying to make sure the 2024 election is completely aboveboard.

And, as TIP’s recommendations indicate, we need to be doing what we can in our own places (through AMAC Action or other conservative organizations) to see to it that our votes and the legal votes of those around us really do count—and that there is no cause for doubt that we have had a free, fair, and secure election. I believe that if this happens, we’ll see a very needed Republican victory and a change in the political temperature.     

David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas. A past Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute, he is a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative. Follow him on X @davidpdeavel.

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Jim Molock
Jim Molock
2 months ago

We all must come to unity2024. Conservatives, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, and Moderate Democratic voters. We absolutely must defeat the cheat of the now Socialist Democrat Politicians Party. They do not even care what Democratic voters want they are only after power. Once they get the power, they seek tyranny will come to the Freest, Strongest, Most Prosperous nation on the planet. Civil War may come, and destroy our great nation and leave us open to outside attack. Our adversaries are simply waiting for us to split. The former Democratic Party no longer even exist, they are a Socialist Totalitarian Party. Patriots must spread the word and be aware and beware for the Leftist want to overthrow freedom. Stand Up Patriots, we have a nation to save. America must never accept totalitarianism in any form, falsely Democratic or not. Protect the 2nd. If the 2nd falls, all other rights will quickly follow. Jim M.

2 months ago

I have noticed the media saturation with Harris ads that are scandalously dishonest about her record AND President Trump’s.
With President Trump constantly providing off-the-cuff commentary at the podium, instead of staying on-message, WE have to do what we can to win this election (including counseling his campaign to turn up the volume on more meaningful points, and not just pushing insults aimed at his (admittedly ridiculous) rival.
Harris couldn’t herd 3 sheep, let alone manage this nation… and her candidacy alone is an insult to anyone who is “thought-enabled”. We and the Trump campaign have much work to do.

Michael J
Michael J
2 months ago

Are people that gullible to be convinced by payed repeated rhetoric? Look no further than your own wallet. Dems will leave nothing to chance and we’ve seen nothing yet.

2 months ago

Without God we the people, America doesn’t stand a chance. The worst kind of evil has gained power in our country through men and women who willingly sold their souls for power and money. We are in a spiritual warfare for the very soul of our country, children and everything else. We know there are people who will say and do anything to stay in power or gain power. We all need to get out and vote and PRAY, PRAY for this country.

2 months ago

During the 2022 election in San Francisco my Wife and I were given Democrat ballots when we were Talking Registered Republicans.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
2 months ago

All I can say folks is, “Don’t take anything for granted.” The demoncraps are going to do anything and everything they can to cheat and deprive American Citizens of their duly elected POTUS. American Citizens who believe in the US Constitution must all vote. If we let kacklin’ kammy and the walz fraud gain power, make no mistake, they will be coming after the Second Amendment and law-abiding, gun-carrying American Citizens. They have every intention of disarming everyone and taking all of our inalienable rights and those guaranteed under the US Constitution. Remember folks…without the Second Amendment, you have no rights.

2 months ago

It will be interesting to watch Virginia voting. There is one governor who has done everything to set the standard for running an honest election. Now that we have Harris running against Trump, we have survival at stake.

G Morgan
G Morgan
2 months ago

BEFORE the Elections are held this needs to be fixed ! Too late for Trump to say Voter Fraud AFTER the Elections. Then they would say he just a Sore Loser and won’t except “ fair Election results “. Make it a Law , N-O-W !

lover of God and Ameruca
lover of God and Ameruca
2 months ago

I truly want Trump to win, but I fear the trouble he may incur. It won’t be easy!

Pat R
Pat R
2 months ago

I’ve come to wonder more and more if there are Dems registering as Republicans in order to infiltrate and undermine GOP actions toward citizenship verification, voter ID, etc. Dems push mass ballot mailing, and registration of non-citizens, etc. I believe they infiltrated the Tea Party to create havoc for bad publicity and caused the creator of the movement to dismantle the organization.

2 months ago

I’m reading “Sacred Trust” by Congressman Jody Hice. Its scary to read what the Dems/left/marxists have been up to. Even scarier is that average American citizens have NO IDEA what has been going on. I knew that Trump lost, NOT that he only lost by .027 percent! No wonder he challenged the election. I believe it was stolen now, wasn’t sure before. A lot of people who plan NOT to vote for Trump because the MSM called him a whiner after his loss need to know these facts! The left has completely discounted 47 million Americans who voted Trump in 2020! Our elections are the backbone of our republic and the left is eroding this right. The last straw for me was hearing that NGO’s in Mexico were handing out Vote for Biden upon entering flyers.

2 months ago

Only it is not possible with the dems in the White House to have a fair and honest election. They have instituted laws and regulations to register illegals if they had any contact with this or that federal agency. Plus no ID’s necessary or giving ID’s to invaders if that gets passed as a requirement. Tampon Tim is way ahead on that in Minnesota and all invaders have been given drivers licenses. Did they have to pass the test? Written and driving test? Probably given in their native language. They have covered all bases. From early voting to late voting to voting machines run through computers. And allowing invaders to vote. No matter what the reps do. The dems have it covered. Look what they accomplished after getting rid of ole Joe. Who they hid from the people with the election in 2020 and the 4 years since. And how they propped up a total ineffective VP to be a savior for the democrat party. Not the country. They are controlling this country at will. Brag about it and nobody stops them. And the zombies run after them like they will be heralded when Kameltoe wins. I am afraid they are in for a rude awakening and will find out they have been gaslighted by the dumbest dictator ever. Kameltoe just turned 180 degrees from 2 weeks ago. What is she going to do once elected, turn back? I would money on that.

2 months ago

Don’t forget Michigan Secretary of State has come out and asked the people of Michigan to report their niebors on election misinformation.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

Anyone with the smallest amount of common sense must see the disaster that Biden represents. That party no longer can be called democratic and present itself as liberal. Rigid , dogmatic, intolerant and disregarding the law .Intimidating and threatening. Forcing people to accept the dangerous ,insane ideas they’ve come up with. It is close to fascism and communism combined, but definitely not democratic. Power in the hands of a few who are ruthless and who are poised to “win” the election. There still are those who think everything is coming up roses and who will vote for them.

2 months ago

Sounds like crooked Old Joe from Scranton is still pulling the strings regarding voting. Makes a person wonder if just recently he’s put a stop to accepting illegals from certain countries is part of his crookedness, as now he knows there are enough illegals to sway the vote to the Democrats. Now we have Harris who has learned quite well Old Joe’s plagiarism tricks.

Greg Brown
Greg Brown
2 months ago

Excellent article. Election integrity and security should be of vital importance to everyone, regardless of party affiliation. If one party can steal an election, the other party could do it also. And no one wants that.
As for GOP ads, hilary, I mean Kackler, is trying to appeal to younger voters. (The demoncrats have long been attacking “old white men” and the root of all evil, going back to the Founding Fathers. The fact is, about 17 for the signers of the Declaration of Independence were under the age of 40 as well as 13 for the signers of the Constitution. James Monroe, future president, did not sign either document but was among our Founding Fathers was 18 on July 4, 1776. Dr Benjamin Rush, who was a very important voice and his writings had a profound influence on both the Declaration and the Constitution. When he signed the Declaration he was 30 years old; Thomas Jefferson was 33. Kamala Harris, on the other hand, is 59.)
The GOP should simply focus on the Kackler’s record with the obiden regime. Don’t attack the person, attack the policies and the results. This can include all the political unrest between Russian and Ukraine, how the terrorist regime in Iran has become more powerful under the obiden-harris regime ,largely due to the billions of dollars obiden released to them. We all know all the other disasters such as our economy and the tanking U.S. dollar. Attack the policies not the people. It wouldn’t hurt if some organization would put out ads showing just how young our Founding Fathers were.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

“Joe’s Ho Gotta Go!”

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
2 months ago

You should really be checking out Omega4America’s fractal technology work. Their suggestions on how to avoid catastrophe in November are the best I’ve seen.

2 months ago

This election is about Faith, Freedom, Prosperity or more TYRANY. It is really that simple.

Grady Pickens
Grady Pickens
2 months ago

I’ve recently moved from Oregon (hard blue) to New Mexico, a not so blue but questionable state. I’m concerned with the possibility of votes being corrupted by the influx of illegal immigration along our southern border. I haven’t heard anything from any sources about concerns in New Mexico.

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