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Pronouns, Gender, and the Left’s Malicious Dissembling of Culture

Posted on Wednesday, July 31, 2024
by Tammy Bruce

A funny thing happened on my way to filling out a form at the doctor’s office.

Immediately after writing my name on the new patient form at the allergist’s, I noticed the section prompting me to declare my “pronouns” and to select my “sex assigned at birth.” Newsflash: sex is not “assigned” at birth, it is a scientific fact.  Using a political phrase about “assignment at birth” can cause confusion about a biological fact and a distrust about reality. And that’s the point.

This isn’t the first time I’ve encountered these insidious political questions, and I’m guessing you’ve seen it too. Make no mistake: this seemingly banal addition to forms isn’t harmless; it is a slick demand that we acquiesce to the left’s gender politics or reveal ourselves as dissenters by not playing their game.

It’s the pronoun section I encounter the most, either from my bank, when purchasing a product online, or in this case, when visiting a doctor in New York. My first inclination was to play along and declare my pronouns as Your/Majesty, but the American in me resisted and I became increasingly agitated at the idea that a doctor’s office had sloppily agreed to a forced speech woke trap. But hey, when all your friends are using pronouns then everyone must be on board! Right?!

The left’s pronoun game and the nonsensical “sex assigned at birth” phrase are in reality contrived political statements reinforcing the politicization of transgenderism. Being asked for your pronouns may seem harmless at first, but nothing could be further from the truth. It is the beginning of your training to accept the left’s malicious dissembling of culture and reinforcement of social chaos and fear.

Most of what the left does is initially couched as simple, harmless, well-meaning changes to language to make sure, they insist, that people don’t get their feelings hurt. But as we know, leftists don’t care about people and nothing they do is about helping society. Instead, they are obsessed with deconstructing the success and values of our nation to implement their imagined Marxist utopia. One of the key methods with which to do that is to divide people into Balkanized tribes and then set them upon each other. 

In the 1970s it was political correctness, demanding that we change words they deemed sexist, racist, or homophobic. That was the baby step. In the 21st century, we now have university-sponsored projects developing lists of forbidden and banned words in the name of stopping bigoted language and “hateful” words. Stanford’s effort received such overwhelming derision and criticism that it was eventually shut down, but you know the left never stops. Changing language to create confusion and to control thought is a goal of the left as they know it is the only way they can gain and maintain power. Anyone who can think freely rejects the dangerous and divisive Marxist agenda that has destroyed too many countries and millions of people around the world.

How we speak directly affects how we think. After all, if something is too dangerous to talk about it’s safest to not think about it. If you can be fired for misgendering someone, or attacked at Starbucks by a barista, it becomes a scary thing to decide whether or not to put pronouns on an official form. It’s about bullies using politics to frighten people into compliance or retreat.

By prompting you for your pronouns you are being told transgender politics are to be acknowledged and accepted. You have only two options and both indoctrinate you by requiring you to act even when you reject their premise. Either you fill in the category or you don’t. Not announcing your “pronouns” is itself a statement. No one should be in a position of being forced to make a political statement one way or the other. It can be dangerous especially when the speech is being required by a medical professional or anyone else who has control in some fashion over your life. This is the leftist refinement of bullying and harassment writ large and it must not stand.

Indoctrination is designed to seem simple and easy. But the intention and impact is much more insidious. While at the doctor’s office, contemplating writing Your/Majesty or Hello/Beautiful in the pronoun section, I decided to leave it blank and have a word with the office manager to explain my concern. She, predictably, said it was just to make everyone feel welcomed and comfortable. I explained that they failed because I didn’t feel either of those things. I then briefly explained the political nature of what was happening. She, to her credit, admitted she had never considered the impact and the politics of the issue. Now she does.

Removing the pronoun demand on forms and applications is not an insult to anyone, as it still allows anyone who has a special pronoun requirement to make that known by including it with their name. What would be removed is the prompt to bend the knee to a political agenda.

All of our country’s civil rights movements were rooted in a demand to be left alone and not face obstacles in the pursuit of the American dream. We wanted the same rules, not different rules, for ourselves. What’s happening today with gender politics is a mob of political bullies exploiting the lives of transgender people for money and power, while cynically disguising themselves as civil rights advocates. Instead of personal freedom, they demand that others engage in forced speech, force compliance, use contrived and unscientific language, betray religious beliefs, and ignore personal values. And if you don’t comply you will be punished in one form or another. That’s not a civil rights movement, that’s totalitarianism

Tammy Bruce, an Independent Conservative, has traversed a unique political journey that reflects her commitment to principles rather than party affiliations. She joined Fox News in 2005 as a Political Contributor, hosting her show “Get Tammy Bruce” on Fox Nation and providing insightful commentary on various issues for the Association for Mature Americans (AMAC).

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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4 hours ago

My name is Jennifer so it is obvious I am a WOMAN. an adult FEMALE. I am exactly what the most holy God created me to be….and NOone will tell me differently.
If I “misgender” someone, you can bet your sweet bippy I am doing it on purpose. And I don’t give a rat’s a** what they say about it. If they are so confused, so deluded, so brainwashed, it is not my problem.
This whole “preferred pronoun” nonsense is exactly that, and I will NOT play along with their delusions. They probably hear voices in their heads too. (most likely demonic)
But 1% of the population is not about to control what I think, say or do. They never have and they never will.

5 hours ago

I would, immediately, realize that this is not the physician for me. Would put a hugeX through the craziness and say, “ I’m in the wrong office.” I will not deal with that insanity!

carol exposito
carol exposito
4 hours ago

We must be brave enough to say, “I’m not going along with this nonsense!”

4 hours ago

I agree Tammy. They say we do it to make everyone feel welcome. No they don’t. Because like Tammy said it made her uncomfortable. I have dealt with the same at banks, at drs offices. They are promoting Kameltoe as the first WOMAN candidate for president. But a Supreme Court Justice couldn’t define what is a woman. You are born male or female. Your chromosome make that distinction. If you think later you feel different that is okay with me but don’t make me accept your changed feeling. Especially when it is ordered from the government. There is no freedom anymore. The minorities try to shove their agenda down our throats all in the name of DEI and CRT. No it is in the name of Marxism to make us obey. They want us under their thumbs. They have done it to the blacks and Latinos. All they see is voters not human beings. And we are all getting wise to their conniving, gaslighting plans. Vote TRUMP/VANCE.

Paul W
Paul W
4 hours ago

At a basic level, it boils down to two things: 1) The global left wants a new world order. The “great” reset and agenda 2030 are evidential. That is indisputable. 2) Every single aspect of the left’s agenda involves killing or stifling reproduction. Everything is geared toward that end and the left’s credo is “the ends justify the means”.
Depopulation is very real, because controlling, thus enslaving, 500 million people is far easier than controlling over 8 billion people.
On an even more basic level it comes down to what it’s always come down to since the very beginning; good vs evil.

5 hours ago

You might want to fix a typo: disassemble, not dissemble. Great article. I hate that insidious nonsense but hadn’t thought of the larger implications. But that’s the point, isn’t it.

5 hours ago

“In the same vein”, bicyclists in the bike lane riding closer to the vehicle lane than to the edge of the road taunt drivers and force them to move over to accommodate the bicyclist. This seems to be the way our society is headed if we don’t quit acquiescing to their self-absorbed demands.
No, I never check The Race box. I do not respond to requests to choose a pronoun, although I, too, once quipped “Your Majesty”. I prefer to give less personal information and to remain fairly anonymous. These are psychologically weak people who are dissatisfied they can’t make their mark in the world without making us move over or declaring what’s growing under their shirt.

Christine B
Christine B
5 hours ago

Thank you, Tammy Bruce! ❤️????????

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 hours ago

If weak weaken the strong and unstable topple the stable who in the end will pick up the pieces to put things together again? We are not dealing with adults here No functioning society can survive chaos.

4 hours ago

What a shame, I though it was bad in the mid-60’s. It gotten really bad

6 hours ago

Good job Tammy!!

3 hours ago

“Disassembling of culture” is the perfect way of phrasing it. The hope of the left is to make “change” so ubiquitous that their effort to extinguish morality goes unnoticed.
What a foolish and frightening thing to sponsor.

3 hours ago

I liked the article, but then noticed AMAC had put in the legal disclaimer at the end. That is just more of the nonsense. I understand the state of tort in this country, but we need to fight that as well!
In this case they have to acquiesce to save the platform to print this. This is exactly what the article is about

4 hours ago

Just hang on for a day or two and then you can start asking what happened to them!

3 hours ago

We have enough words in our language to describe ourselves & didn’t really need much more, especially when biologically there are two sexes, men & women. Being gay or homosexual doesn’t change your gender, even actual trans-gendering doesn’t change your biological sex!!! Real trans-gendered people will say that, @ least those willing to be honest, that is why they will always be on their bodies opposite hormones to maintain their ” NEW ” lifestyle identification.

12 minutes ago

I have a Clint Eastwood t-shirt that says “A good kick in the balls will solve your gender confusion.” Thank you Clint, and thank you Tammy!!

Christopher R Baker
Christopher R Baker
32 minutes ago

I’m curious, what are the vies of AMAC and AMAC Action?

Christopher R Baker
Christopher R Baker
40 minutes ago

It started with American aborigines being called Indians then native Americans. I’ve got news for them. I’m a native American. I was born here. My parents were born here. All four of my grandparents were born here and beyond that I don’t know. As far as I’m concerned the only difference between me and the official native Americans is when their ancestors came here and when mine came here.
Another point is the illegal ALIENS. The liberals call them undocumented immigrants or other incorrect terminology. They are Illegal Aliens and part of an invading force of foreign people.
The Rainbow is God’s promise not to destroy the Earth with another flood, not some sign of a decadent bunch of perverts who can’t even tell you what a woman is. That’s pretty simple. A woman is a person with XX Chromosomes, nothing else. Likewise a man is a person with XY Chromosomes and is nothing else. Other than an extremely rare situation where a person is born XXY or XYY that is how you tell if a person is a male or a female. Body mutilation does not make you into the other sex, it’s a poor facsimile at best. If the mind doesn’t agree with the body, then the mind needs healing.
I will never kowtow to the liberals in these matters. No one else should either.

43 minutes ago

what do you expect from ignorant groupies who are lead by the left

Bobby G
Bobby G
51 minutes ago

“If your confused about what you are, pull down your pants and I will tell you” Ben
…I love it!!!

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
53 minutes ago

I don’t think that I have ever read an article penned by Tammy Bruce that I disagreed with.
As a conservative, I regard Ms. Bruce’s thinking as being “normal”. Conversely, I believe that liberal thinking is wrong-headed. There are many reasons that socialism is so popular. It is a false political theory that should have died on the vine in 1848 when Karl Marx and Frederick Engels published their work, “The Communist Manifesto”.
Basically socialism is the taking from those who willingly work, and giving to those who would not. Any time the government gives taxpayer money to individuals, it is engaging in socialism. James Madison said it best: “I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”

Jim Wharry
Jim Wharry
1 hour ago

I have to agree with Tammy. No one should feel comfortable going to a doctor’s office that wants to know your ‘pronouns’.

1 hour ago

Thankfully, I live in a small town (pop approx 25,000). Towns are separated by tens/hundreds of miles; the largest city in my state is about 300 miles and has a pop of approx 235,000.
I really haven’t had to deal much at all with any of this nonsense.

1 hour ago

At this point they are in the grip of the demonic. They hate everyone, and everything and want to destroy it. even themselves.
I have tried to make sense of them and ultimately this is the only thing that has occurred to me that make sense.

2 hours ago

Read her new book ” fear itself exposing the lefts mind killing agenda. “It just came out. She has her fingers on the the pulse of the radical left wing

2 hours ago

Tammy is exactly correct! This exact process was laid out in Saul alinsky’s book Rules for Radicals. It is the Playbook the Democrats and the radical left-wing utilize everyday. They are taking Society down one bite at a time pretty much under the radar for most people. Find that book and read it. It is exactly what is going on today and it will scare the hell out of you. This is not a New Concept it’s just a now they’re openly utilizing it. Thank you for you’re enlightening article Tammy. And for people that say just go to a different doctor, you can’t go any place without running into that it is pervasive

2 hours ago

Nice going. Defines one of the most insulting characteristics of our current society.

3 hours ago

I wish you reporters would call it what it is. It is communism taking over in this country. Hitler did it in Germany and started WWII.
It is a turn your neighbor for talking against the government society. The communists are teaching our children their ideology in Grade School. The real American people tell their children, “Listen to your teachers. Learn from your teachers.” The communists quietly infiltrated the colleges and quietly and slowly integrated their ideology into their students who in turn brought it into our high schools, middle schools, and grade schools.
By the time we parents figured out what was happening, it was too late. The kids had it driven into them that teachers were always right, and parents don’t know anything. On top of that, there doesn’t appear there is any family time. Kids eat and run to after school study groups, sports activities, and social activities. Parents are working one of 3 shifts we are forced to work. Parents have social activities they consider more important than their children’s sporting, music, or other school activities. Parenting is not watching my kids grow up but let the schools take care of them. We clothe them, buy them school supplies, and feed them or give them money to buy something to eat. Let somebody else make sur they are “safe”.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 hours ago

NOT playing this Game

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