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FIVE BIG LIES: How Democrats and the Media Will Rewrite History for Kamala Harris

Posted on Tuesday, July 30, 2024
by Shane Harris

Kamala Harris has been the presumptive Democrat nominee for president for just over one week following Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the race on July 21. In that time, the corporate media and Democrat establishment have already launched into a blatant and shameless effort to rewrite history on Harris’s past and failed record – in many cases directly contradicting their own prior reporting and statements.

Here are five Big Lies we’re already seeing being pushed on the American people when it comes to Kamala Harris.

BIG LIE #1: Kamala Harris was never Biden’s “border czar”

In March 2021, Biden tasked Harris with leading the administration’s efforts on illegal immigration, which was even then emerging as a major crisis.

Scores of outlets reported on this at the time. Axios explicitly referred to Harris as Biden’s “border czar” in one article, while running another headline reading, “Biden puts Harris in charge of border crisis.” The New York Times also reported that Biden’s first “border czar” was “delighted to see the vice president take on that role.” Politico asserted that Biden had made Harris “the point person on immigration issues,” NBC said Biden had “tasked Harris with ‘stemming the migration’ on the southern border,” and the Associated Press reported, “Biden taps VP Harris to lead response to border challenges.”

Three years later, however, Harris’s complete and utter failure to do anything about the border is an inconvenient fact for the media establishment now trying to elevate her to the White House. Their solution has been to simply claim that Harris was never put in charge of the border, and that any claims to the contrary are “Republican misinformation.”

USA Today, for instance, now rates the claim that Kamala Harris was put in charge of the border as “false,” despite the fact that three years ago the outlet reported that “Harris will lead U.S. efforts to stem migration.” Numerous other outlets have likewise insisted that Harris wasn’t in charge of the border, but only addressing the “root causes” of illegal immigration in Central America – a narrative belied by their own prior reporting and White House statements.

The corporate media have latched on to the specific term “border czar” to suggest that Republicans are being dishonest, pointing out that Biden never actually used it (even though many news outlets did). But as usual, the mainstream press is intentionally missing the forest for the trees. Biden indeed put Harris in charge of all immigration-related issues, and she fully owns that failure.

BIG LIE #2 Kamala Harris’s ascension was from the “grassroots”

Shortly after Biden dropped out of the race, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries held a joint press conference endorsing Harris. During his prepared remarks, Schumer incredibly claimed that Harris had been thrust into the role of presumptive nominee as part of a “process” that “has played out from the grassroots, bottom-up.”

Of course, nothing could be further from the truth, and Harris has in fact become Democrats’ standard-bearer through the least democratic and least transparent process in modern American history.

The corporate media, Democrat Party leadership (including Schumer and Jeffries), and Harris herself conspired for nearly four years to mask Biden’s cognitive decline, hiding his condition from the public while working behind the scenes to prevent any legitimate primary challenge.

Multiple state Democrat parties even prevented Minnesota Democrat Congressman Dean Phillips from appearing on their primary ballots. The “grassroots” of the party was intentionally denied the chance to pick another nominee.

After 14 million Democrat primary voters had cast their ballots for Biden and it was too late to hold new contests, Biden dropped out of the race under pressure from Democrat Party bosses and billionaire donors, who then immediately threw their support behind Harris to squash any talk of a true open convention.

If Harris indeed becomes the nominee, as now appears almost inevitable, it will be through a ruthless top-down process run by wealthy and powerful elites.

Kamala Harris had her chance to win “grassroots” support in 2020, and it ended in miserable failure when she dropped out of the presidential race before the Iowa caucuses. Harris has never actually won any sizable support from even Democrat Party voters, much less the broader public – a fact that the corporate media are now hoping they can convince the American people to ignore.

BIG LIE #3: Kamala Harris is a cultural phenomenon

Perhaps the most grotesque propaganda campaign the public will be subject to over the next four months is the effort to make Kamala Harris cool.

Over the past week, Harris’s PR team has latched on to the viral “brat” trend, while Democrat Gen-Z influencers have begun referring to themselves as part of the “K-hive” and sharing pro-Harris memes. CNN’s Van Jones also declared Harris had gone from “cringe to cool in 24 hours” and that her candidacy is “not a campaign, but a movement.” The New Yorker speculated that Harris could be “a Trump-level cultural phenomenon.”

Once again, however, the narrative being pushed by the corporate media and Democrat establishment is manufactured and empty. Early polls show that Harris is performing only marginally better against Trump than Biden, a historically unpopular president with remarkably low levels of enthusiasm within his own party. Her favorability rating is just 41 percent in the latest RealClearPolitics average – hardly what you’d expect from a supposedly iconic and popular political leader.

In reality, despite the left’s effort to crown her the second coming of Barack Obama, Harris is notoriously uncharismatic, awkward, and gaffe prone. Her public remarks often devolve into meaningless word salads, and she doesn’t even appear particularly likable to those who know her – nearly 92 percent of her initial staffers have since departed her office.

Moreover, the mainstream media even acknowledged these facts before she became the presumptive nominee. As recently as April, a CNN panel was openly speculating that Harris may be dragging Biden down in his re-election bid. In March, Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker called on Harris to “step aside” for “the good of the country,” citing the fact that she had “become a burden to the Democratic ticket.”

Now, however, we are all supposed to believe that Harris will swoop in at the last minute and snatch victory from the jaws of defeat through the sheer force of her personality and political genius.

BIG LIE #4 Kamala Harris is a “tough prosecutor”

During the 2020 Democrat presidential primary, at the height of the “Defund the Police” movement, Harris’s record as San Francisco’s district attorney and later the Attorney General of California became a major liability, and she described herself as a “progressive prosecutor” in an attempt to save face.

Now, however, as American cities have devolved into chaos and Democrats have sought to paint Trump has a “convicted felon,” Harris has rebranded as a “pragmatic prosecutor” who can finally be the one to “get Trump.” The Atlantic has declared the 2024 race to be “the prosecutor vs. the felon.”

But Harris’s record shows that her initial characterization of her prosecutorial style was far more accurate.

Most infamously, in 2020 Harris helped raise donations for a bail fund that sprung criminals from jail – many of whom went on to commit other violent crimes, including at least one man who later murdered someone. She backed Defund the Police, called for decriminalizing illegal border crossings, and told rioters to “take to the streets.”

While she was DA of San Francisco, Harris also refused to seek the death penalty for a gang member who murdered a cop, allowed illegal aliens to receive taxpayer-funded job training, and supported California Prop 47, which reduced theft of property valued at under $950 from a felony to a misdemeanor and reduced punishments for drug offenses, among other disastrous changes to California’s criminal code.

The media and Democrat establishment will now try to sell Harris as a compassionate yet tough law enforcement official who can fix the country’s crime problem. Her actual record says precisely the opposite.

BIG LIE #5: Kamala Harris is a moderate

There are no shortage of radical positions Kamala Harris has supported during her political career – from banning fracking to abolishing ICE, eliminating private health insurance, backing the “Green New Deal,” nationalizing late-term abortion-on-demand, forcibly reducing meat consumption, and even paraphrasing Karl Marx himself. To anyone who has even loosely followed Harris’s political career, it’s obvious she is the most liberal person to ever become a major party nominee.

But an equally important story to watch is the ongoing media effort to memoryhole Harris’s radicalism and recast her as a center-life pragmatic moderate.

One of the most glaring examples of this that we have seen already is from the supposedly nonpartisan government transparency site “GovTrack.” In 2019, the site published a ranking showing Harris as the most liberal member of the United States Senate based on her votes and public stances on a range of issues.

But as soon as that ranking began making the rounds on social media, GovTrack removed the page entirely, claiming five years after the fact that their data was “not sufficient to create a reliable portrait of the activity of legislators.”

Clearly, the Democrat machine recognizes that a politician to the left of Bernie Sanders has no chance of winning a general election, and so the cover-up is on to hide Harris’s radical record.

In the coming months there are sure to be plenty more lies and hoaxes to boost Harris over the top this fall. But if early polls are any indication, Americans may already be wise to the charade.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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2 months ago

MY, MY, MY. How fast the MSM backtracks from their reports on VP Harris from 3 years ago and now suddenly they have amnesia stating that everything that has been stated previously was made up by the Republicans. As I recall, MSM is an enemy of the Republicans so there is no way that the Republicans could have spread such nonsense. Once again, the MSM will continue denial and deception to mislead the public.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

Last month she was called a “drag on Bidens ticket” and there was open discussion of dropping her; today she’s the Second Coming of Obama. The press are liars, they’ve proven it time and time again. Its election interference. Hunters computer all over again. Accountability? Same as usual: NONE!

2 months ago

The cackle is no better than the demented. We the people don’t vote for our leaders the elite and money donors do when the dems are in power. Obiden got in by staying in his basement and stuffing ballot boxes with dead voter ballots. This time 20 million invaders will be voting. 200 million according to the dems was raised after Kameltoe was pushed in the position. Nothing grassroots about that. Why anyone dem, independent would send one dollar to support her is beyond comprehension. If there is so much grassroots support 68 people showed up at one of her rallies and she stormed out. Rebuked because the powers that be hadn’t bused in enough supporters. Just like Obiden in 2020. A dozen people showed up at his rally while Trump had thousands and thousands of supporters at his. And still does till today. But it must be like this cackle philosopher said the passage of time is the passage of time. Only things haven’t changed she still is the yes woman of the ultra left. She has no ideas of her own. She will follow the script off the teleprompter. As soon as she doesn’t she is toast. The heads of the DNC the all powerful Pelosi, Schumer, Hakeem, Obama et al are dictating who we should vote for in November. By hook or by crook. 200 million plus dollars buys a lot of votes. They thought they had the problem solved by the attempt on Trump. Only divine intervention saved him.

2 months ago

The only thing they will rewrite, and have largely already done so is to change the legacy of a “free press” into the abomination of an American “Pravda’ that has absolutely nothing to do with the truth, or actual news but is all about their communist party, propaganda, power, and control, by misinformation, threats, and fearmongering. You shall know them by their fruits. Lies, fear, threats, violence, murder of the unborn and the infirm, disease, perversion, racism, hatred, coercion, and censorship, all originate with the father of lies; they are not “values” of one nation under God!

2 months ago

It is so SICKENING to watch how the ENTIRE fakenews so-called ‘media’ can turn on a dime from the little truth it serves the public to completely doting to the DNC and Soros propaganda objectives for controlling the public! It has our Founders turning in their graves. And the world is vomiting.

2 months ago

all of those things are lies heres how harris got start as mayor willie browns mistress

2 months ago

Remember kumbaya hairball saying “So, Russia is this big country, and Ukraine is this small country…” what an airhead. I’m voting for the wrongfully “convicted felon” over the cackler or anyone who replaces her!!! MAGA!!!

Steven Alton
Steven Alton
2 months ago

When are the American people going to wake up when it comes to the lies the Democratic Party and the media is telling about that bold faced liar Kamala Harris is running on to become the first female President She has got more than five big lies to get her elected.Her whole life is a lie and her credentials are as phony as $2.00 dollar pistol. And she will lie about what ever she does just to get ahead no matter who it hurts. She was even involved in the cover up about the condition our current sitting President about how his health has been failing and that it is hurting the running of our country. And the people who live here, their lives, their paychecks, their health, their food and even where they live, and Nanci Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Barrack Obama, Jill and Hunter Biden and the Democratic Party and Kamala Harris and a few others are involved in this Cover Up and it will destroy the America we all love and cherish. If we don’t do something to defeat them in November.I’m a proud American,Christian, and Veteran….

2 months ago

Van Jones is one of Obama’s Commie sympathizers, everything this guy says is lie!

2 months ago

#1. At the border, Harris did exactly what she was supposed to do: make it wide open while being perceived to do nothing at all. Her masters exploited her gift of looking like a cackling idiot to cause their illegal alien invasion into the U.S.
#2. Her ascension was from positions and acts that we’re not allowed to post on this forum.
#3. Harris is no more a cultural phenomenon than any other of the millions of multicultural persons in this country. The MSM have turned her into what amounts to freakish. Nothing more. She’s unique! Just like everyone else!
#4. Her despicable track record as a prosecutor is so lopsided corrupt the left has used it as a model for the normalization of evil.
#5. Her only “moderate” is her IQ. Nah. She’s an idiot and when she speaks and acts, she looks and sounds like she and Hunter are sharing the same pipe. Why so many woke leftists in this country are fawning and squealing all over themselves: she makes them look … dare I say … “intelligent.”
The was of good vs evil continues at an alarming pace, folks.

2 months ago


Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
2 months ago

Kackler, to keep her boyfriend Willie Brown happy, covered up child abuse by priests and shady dealings by Willie’s cronies. Both of these cases were being pursued by her predecessor as SFDA. Then as AG she prosecuted blacks for marijuana crimes but now jokingly speaks of her marijuana use. She has NO TALENT; had everything GIVEN to her; and is further left than Senile One.

2 months ago

Dr. Steve Turley in his podcast often describes the process of delegitimatization; that is, if the public becomes aware that an organization that they used to trust is lying to them, that organization is no longer legitimate in their eyes. This has so clearly happened with the mainstream media. Their ratings are tanking and they are the objects of scorn. It’s getting so that the only people who believe their lives are those who want to. From the Christian perspective, I’m asking the Lord Jesus to blow away the spider webs of lies that used to wrap around people’s heads so that they can finally see and understand the truth. Isaiah 59: 4 – 6.

2 months ago

I cannot even look at her, much less listen to her. We have to debunk her and her news machine, she is not capable of doing the job of President, maybe someone will wake-up and see that. Look at what a horrible job she did as vice-president, and the stories of how she treated her staff. It was horrible, think how kind and gracious she will be with more power. Oh, and if certain people in the dem party think they will be able to “guide” her, they are sadly mistaken. I have worked with women like her and they do not learn a single thing, they bring their bad with them, and it is doubled!!

2 months ago

Democrats & MSM,
We know you are lying.
You know you are lying.
You know that we know you are lying.
You even know that we know that you know you are lying.
Yet you are still blatantly lying.
You lie obsessively regardless of the situation.
You are truly dishonest. Fraudsters!

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
2 months ago

The Democrats are stuck with Harris because she is the only one that can touch the millions of dollars in the Biden/Harris campaign coffers.

2 months ago

Kamala’s best friend is the teleprompter. Left to extemporaneous speaking, she is Kamala, Queen of Word Salads. Presented with a hard question, she giggles while composing a response. I can see it now:
President Putin: “We will vigorously retaliate your escalation of war in The Ukraine.”
President Harris: “Vladimer, we are a serious nation in serious search of a serious conclusion to your invasion of that nation. You can’t seriously think we will not respond in a serious way to any Russian attempt to engage the United States in a serious military aggression. I mean, seriously?”

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
2 months ago

RUN A TRACK RECORD CAMPAIGN! Tribalist represented approx 30% of the Dem electorate (they vote for the Dem tribe, not the nominee). Trying to change that is a loosing battle. Next, MAGA’s should leave Willie Brown out of it…. Mud slinging campaigns rarely win an election these days. Listen to Karl Rove and stick to the issues. Ignore their “just weird” attacks … Ignore all the gaslighting… let the track records do the talking!

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
2 months ago

What? The Demoncrats lie! I am just going to have a heart attack with that revelation. Of course the lie. They are the children of their father, Satan, the Father of lies. Why would we be surprised at anything else?

2 months ago

As long as the legacy media continues on this path of lies and deception, we will not have peace in our country. I am, and I think most conservatives are, so very tired of fake news.

2 months ago

Some Americans use memory and common sense. We have to hope there are enough to elect a president.

2 months ago

Her appointment as border czar is in the congressional record.

2 months ago

The democrats should try running a candidate that likes the USA

Bob Peary
Bob Peary
2 months ago

Stop the whining and complaining. Get the vote out for the TRUMPSTER!!

Louise R
Louise R
2 months ago

A great list. The intense media gaslighting has reached stratospheric levels. I don’t know if the “average” “moderate” voter is going to withstand this blast furnace of lies.

2 months ago

The “Democrats” had forgotten all about even a pretense of honesty by the time they staunchly defended “Billy The Clinton” during his impeachment proceedings, after which, they actually held a pep rally to celebrate their scuzzy, moral bereftness on the back steps of the Capital Building.
Sponsorship of people like the Clintons, Biden, Harris, Obama, Smollett, etc., is surely a sign of clinical brain death, and it’s beyond tragic that our electorate is comprised of enough stupid people to keep electing these rejects… but that IS the fact.
WE ALL must continue to address these threats to our well-being by ENSURING that WE influence our young people to, someday, thrive in a society of happy, well-educated, clean-living, responsible, and emotionally well-adjusted citizens… who’s vision of “happiness” is not communism and the same poverty and vagrancy that Newsom has so painstakingly nurtured in California.
Anyone who isn’t yet in step with this course of action should have a nice chat with folks who have immigrated from the old Soviet Union, North Korea, or perhaps, one of the filthier Arab or South American states…. just to get a taste of where WE NOW seem to be heading…

2 months ago

This will be an excellent test of how utterly devoid of critical thinking Democrats actually are.

Pat R
Pat R
2 months ago

To me, it’s surprising that a lot of people have no clue about Kamala Harris, even that she is Biden’s VP. That came from a woman at the Senior Center this morning. But the three people around here were eager to relate things about her past and present under Biden. Those who aren’t interested in political figures to get the facts about them won’t wake up until their liberty/freedom is gone; then it will be too late to do anything about it.

2 months ago

am so afraid that these with her being a black woman ,which some are lready saying they will vote for for only that reason.

2 months ago

Harris is not eligible to be president. Per the constitution, you must be a natural born US citizen.. Harris has birthright citizenship ONLY!

2 months ago

The only way the demonRATS can win is by cheating or by the attempted assassination of another human being. They know that they don’t have a chance in hell of winning. And she is their ticket to cheat & win again just like what was done in 2020.

2 months ago

Kamala Harris mold has been formed. A leopard can’t change it spots. The unreliable media can lie all they want but WE THE PEOPLE know the truth about her. She’s death to the country if enough uninformed people vote for her.

2 months ago

OK…now, how do we/you get the millions of Democrat/Liberal voters who do not research for truth or look at anything other than the corporate media, to realize they are being used and duped again? Ignorance knows no bounds.

2 months ago

Good article, and agree with the “guilty verdict” on all 5 counts. She’s likewise an audacious liar in her own rite, and I got a good chuckle over the “endorsement” from Chucky Schumer, one of the most incorrigible, senatorial liars of this era.
Obviously, the elephant in the room is that there are far more than only 5 lies associated with her candidacy… as lies are the main ingredient for ANY “candidate” who is as void of accomplishment and virtue as thin air…
Seems like their best fallback position here is to keep relabeling “ditzy” as “effervescent”, and call it a day.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 months ago

Leftist ideology and the Leftist agenda are, and have always been, based on lies, misinformation, and deception. The greatest enemies of the Left are truth, facts, and reality, and that is why Leftists stay far away from them. Kamala absolutely cannot run on her record while in public office – it is pathetic and disastrous. So the Communists – er, I mean the Democrats – and their media allies are going to rewrite history, literally. By the time October comes around, the media will have scrubbed Kamala’s entire disastrous record, both narrative and video, from all public sources. In its place, they will create a brand new, entirely false and fabricated history to make Kamala look like the Second Coming. And anyone who questions the new record or brings up the old one will be declared a racist and a misogynist. And it has all already begun: they are already claiming that Kamala was never “the Border Czar” and in fact never had anything to do with the border. This disinformation campaign will continue nonstop until the election. In fact, I was listening to a speech she made the other day where she specifically declared that it is the Democrats who are trying to end the disaster at the border that was caused by Trump, who in fact had effectively sealed the border, the border which Biden threw open on his first day in office. When you have 95% of the media lying and running cover for you, you can get away with saying just about anything. And with our indoctrinated, brainwashed, dumbed down population, they may just succeed with this scam.

2 months ago

MSM is trying to make Harris’ accomplishments and lack of into the final episode of the television show “Dallas” when they wake up and Bobby is not really dead!!! It was all a Dream!!!
In other words what MSM said before about Harris never happened! C’mon man, we need and deserve better then a Cackling Hen and the travelling clown show!

Sandra Davis
Sandra Davis
2 months ago

Harris is pure evil! I can’t understand why anyone would want her for President! If she wins, our country is doomed !! God help us!

2 months ago

I don’t put anything past the demokrats. They forged votes for joe and they can do the same for harris. IF President Trump loses this election it will be because the crooked political machine of the demokrats. If harris gets into the white house we all better prepare to go to war. I remember reading that the 45th President would be the last. So far it’s still true.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
2 months ago

No amount of phony hype can make up for the fact that she is totally incompetent and way, way too far left.

2 months ago

If we lie to the government it is a felon! If they lie to us, it is nothing but politics! Remember there is another reason for Biden to be removed: It is another ploy to take the attention off the real criminals, The modern day MAFIA type regime. Where is Hunter and why aren’t we hearing more about convicting this traitor?

Lover of America and GOD!
Lover of America and GOD!
2 months ago

I pray WISE AMERICANS will see through the farce that is Kamala! She has lied about everything, including how Biden is (was) really doing during his term… She has a horrible record of letting criminals go lose to kill, steal, whatever again. Please don’t fall for her lies! WE NEED OUR REPUBLIC BACK!!!

2 months ago

All I see with the democrackhead party is more lies and broken promises, America is finally wishing up to the dems skeem, they don’t care about the American people they care about their selves lining their pockets , and staying in power , everything that they have done in the past four years wich is nothing accept rip off the American people killed over 350,000 American just from fentinal poisoning, human trafficking, and child trafficking, put Americans at risk for terrorists attacks from the invasion of the open boarders , pushing riots in the streets turning a blind eye on the destruction and the deaths the rioters have caused , and killing babies even after they have been born , oh and let’s not for get them trying to push sex changes on children with out parents consent. The democrackhead party is sick and I see know change in their demented ways , if Kamala wins our country is completely doomed .

2 months ago

And lets not forget that biden said when he was running the first time, that she was an afro-american. Her mother is from Jamacia and her father is from India. I do not see any afro-american in these two countries and I invite you to look it up on your phone!!!

2 months ago

Democrats-the party of “Wise Guys”, such as Nancy Pelosi, the “Mafia Queen from Baltimore”.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago

They Lie day 1 since campaign for Joe

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 months ago

Shame we cant bring back the mold show,trutyh or consequences and put some of the people on it. Kyle L.

John Gasper
John Gasper
2 months ago

The only LIE NOT listed IS……..If a liberals lips are moving their LYING!!!! FACT!!

2 months ago
  1. The tragedy is, that in-spite of insulting our intelligence over and over, and pushing lies Stalinism style, people that are mostly ignoran of history and politics will vote for her, just to vote against Trump. I am not holding my breath.
2 months ago

There’s no way the “media” can re-write the history of Cackling Kamala. The truth is the truth! We need to vote for the individuals that will save this republic and support our constitution. The lying, cheating, treasonous Marxist democrats should not even be a consideration for the difficult times ahead. The main stream democrats should be embarrassed.

2 months ago

there will be someone if not many who will write a book with the exact information on this traitor! she is not American bc a true American would be doing good for the people and the country – Donald Trump want to help American, harris wants to hurt this great country. make no mistake

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