
Elections , Newsline

Harris, Biden, It Doesn’t Matter – It’s All the Same Failure

Posted on Tuesday, July 30, 2024
by Outside Contributor

By: Martha Fain

Vice President Kamala Harris is well on her way to becoming the Democratic nominee for President.  Hooray for her.  Hooray for them.  They dumped an aging drag on their chances in November for someone who is at least more energetic and youthful.  The question is, will any of this matter to the average American citizen?  Will the abrupt change in this race suddenly move enough Americans from one voting column over to the other?  I guess we’ll see.

Perhaps the more important question is whether or not a change in the Democrat frontrunner swiftly reverses how Americans feel about what the Democrats have been pushing over the last several years and what they envision for a policy future.  And, will it erase the mediocre – at best – policy record of the Biden-Harris Administration and their allies in Congress?  I know that hardcore liberal partisans are going to pull the lever for whomever their party puts up.  But the record – and what that record suggests for the future – sits at the core of what voters will be considering when they head to the polls.       

While Harris and others have lied about Biden’s cognitive capabilities, the facts and the history about their performance in office do not.  Let’s run down the list.  Right at the top – routinely cited as one of the most important issues to American citizens and where the Democrats poll in the dumps – is immigration and border security.  And on this – Kamala Harris is an absolute loser.  There are no two ways about it.  Contrary to what the propagandists in the left-wing media would like us to believe she was the administration’s Border Czar – full stop.  She was the White House point-person on the combined root issues of illegal migration and border security.  They picked her for the job, she accepted it, and she utterly failed to do anything with her authority, position, or influence to address the national security, rule of law, and humanitarian disaster at our border.

How about the economy?  The last time I checked, inflation is still squeezing the finances of regular Americans forcing citizens to make tough choices about what to spend their hard-earned, but increasingly limited, take-home pay on.  As of July 29th, 2023, according to AAA, the nationwide average per gallon of gas was at $3.50 – it has stayed at well over $3 bucks a gallon nationally for several years now.  What would Kamala Harris do next year if the country is in a deep recession and crushing high inflation continues to linger?   

Law and order, you ask?  Kamala Harris now makes a big deal about her record as a prosecutor – but just a few short years ago, was directly behind a movement to bail rioters out of jail!  Talk about a flip-flop.  And if you’ll recall, in the 2020 Democratic primary debates, her spotty record on the rule of law in California was brilliantly and forcefully exposed by former Representative Tulsi Gabbard as being inconsistent with what Kamala Harris suggested she supports.  Not only are her ideas radical, but they don’t really seem to be guided by any firm principles – which is one of the primary reasons she flamed out in the 2020 presidential contest.  Sincerity, authenticity, and trustworthiness don’t seem to align with voters’ general views about Vice President Kamala Harris. 

And all of this says nothing about Kamala Harris as a leader, or her instincts, or her knowledge about complicated policy issues.  We know that staff turnover has been terrible under her watch and we are well aware of the unsurprising evidence that she simply doesn’t do her homework on key policy subjects.  From agriculture, to defense, to trade, to taxes, to transportation, to energy – can we really expect her to have any in-depth command of any national topic at all?  What does she do when a major crisis unfolds?  These are serious questions in serious times that the American people are asking.

I will concede that Kamala Harris gives the Democrats some hope – and the GOP needs to take this race as seriously as a heart attack because of the brutish and tribal realities of modern politics.  But a new face at the top of the ticket does not erase or mask what has been a dismal and unimpressive track record of governance under Biden, Kamala and virtually their whole party – from the economy, to homeland security, to foreign policy. 

It doesn’t matter who the Democrats run – they cannot escape the problems and challenges hindering our country and weighing on the shoulders of the citizenry.  Whether it was going to be Biden or Harris or some other lefty Democrat, their policy proposals for the future of the nation would lead us right back to the same listless, confusing, costly, embarrassing, uninspiring, and depressing state we are in now. 

It’s all the same failure and the people should not be fooled.

Martha Fain is a policy expert, strategic consultant and frequent commentator on issues of national importance.  She is Chairman of Vote America First and a Principal of Victory Coalition Strategies, LLC and has a J.D. from the Antonin Scalia School of law at George Mason University. 

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2 months ago

The LAST LINE of this article SAYS IT ALL!!! The public needs to be on their toes and not fall victim to the rhetoric that the adversary will spew out about the “suppose” accomplishments of VP Harris and the current administration. Life has been a “bitch” under the powers in charge and will get worse if they remain in power. IT IS TIME TO STAND UP AND TAKE BACK OUR FREEDOMS BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.

American Farmer
American Farmer
2 months ago

You can sugar coat crap and put a cherry on top, and the indoctrinated and uninformed voters will vote for it. The bad thing is that the crooked media knows that and will push it hard down their throats. We as Americans have to be as vigilant and sharp as we can possibly be. If this election is rigged or stolen, there will be very bad things happening this time around. I fear a civil war will happen and it will be very ugly if it does. I hope it doesn’t for the sake of our Republic! But nothing can be put past the Democrats or the corrupt media! Pray for Trump!

2 months ago

Oh, and add to the list of failures that Biden continues to pursue student loan forgiveness. Just what we need: our taxpayer dollars paying off loans taken out by ungrateful, America-hating brats who got their degrees in social justice

2 months ago

Yes indeed absolutely SOROS VISON for America ???????? One socialist nation, DEMS SOCIALIST PARTY ALL ARE TRAITORS

2 months ago

This article should be published in all USA newspapers. Pray that this woman and her democratic agenda does not get elected.

Sandra Paden
Sandra Paden
2 months ago

????‍????BRAVO???????? I can’t add to the following comments. My fellow Republicans have hit the nail on its head. It’s crucial we win this election, for the sake of our children, our grandchildren, our great grandchildren… and, in fact, for the whole world!????

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
2 months ago

The only thing I remember her prosecuting was David Dalieden the guy who exposed planned parenthood for selling aborted babies for huge profits. She prosecuted him rather than planned parenthood. I think she even got him sent to prison.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 months ago

I must disagree with calling Biden and Harris and their policies failures. The author is looking at this situation from the perspective that Biden/Harris were intending to help this nation and its citizens. The simple fact is that they were not. The Democrat Party, which long ago morphed into The New Communist Party of the USA, is fully invested in the destruction of this nation. When you look at the situation from that perspective, it is clear that the Biden/Harris administration has been an overwhelming success – unfortunately for us.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

Kamala Harris does not need to say one word. Her record speaks for her. What is done can’t be undone It only can be falsified white washed or erased completely. But the facts remain no matter how hard media will try to alter them. There are many who are oblivious to the truth and they will vote.

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
2 months ago

Kamala is the failed border czar.
don’t believe me? well there is a new caravan of illegal headed to he border. watch kamala harris do nothing.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago


2 months ago


2 months ago

But, but….Harris presents as happy and upbeat and people might just vote for that and not look below the surface. Our society, for the most part, has been conditioned to judge people by their looks and attitudes, not their beliefs. Very shallow thinking.

2 months ago

As the facts clearly show, the focus of Harris, Biden, and the rest of this “Democrat” band of miscreants, has NEVER been on job performance or any type of commitment to doing right by our citizens. To them, it has ONLY been about power, status, ego, and their own personal privilege.

glenna c cox
glenna c cox
2 months ago

I pray to God Trump wins. out with the democrats

2 months ago

And we have had failure for too long now. #NoMoreFailures #Trump2024

2 months ago

Will wait until a debate between Trump & Harris & hear what their platform for America will be. Also, thin that Trump will have a tougher debate with Harris than he did with Biden.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

Kamala is the DNC serving up poop on a plate and the press telling us its yummy pate’.

Stephen Greenwell
Stephen Greenwell
2 months ago

Biden did not appoint Kommie Harris to secure the border. He appointed her to [Barbara Streisand] the American people that the border was secure. She was bound to fail because facts are stubborn things.

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