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‘Not Fit to Serve’: GOP Lawmakers Say Biden Should Resign as President If Unable to Run for Office

Posted on Tuesday, July 23, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Republican lawmakers are calling for President Joe Biden to step down after he announced Sunday that he will not seek reelection after all, with the Democratic National Convention just four weeks away.

“It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President,” Biden said in a statement on Sunday. “And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.”

Biden’s resignation from the race and his resignation from the presidency should go hand in hand, said Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, Republicans’ vice presidential nominee.

“If you can’t run,” he said, “you can’t serve.”

Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., said on X that Biden “didn’t go far enough” in resigning from the race.

“If Joe is too weak to stay in the race for the presidency, he should resign as our Commander-in-Chief immediately,” she added.

Sen. Josh Hawley said Biden is unfit to remain the nation’s president if he can’t continue his campaign. “If you can’t run a mere political campaign, you can’t be President,” the Missouri Republican posted on X.

Biden must resign immediately, House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said.

“Regardless of the chaos in the current White House, our adversaries around the globe should be reminded that the U.S. Congress, the U.S. military, and the American people are fully prepared and committed to defend our interests both at home and abroad,” the speaker said.

“If Joe Biden is not fit to run for President, he is not fit to serve as President,” he continued. “He must resign the office immediately. November 5 cannot arrive soon enough.”

Rep. Dan Bishop, R-N.C., said Biden’s supposed commitment to American democracy should inspire him to end his presidential term.

“I know none of this could have been done without you, the American people,” the president’s statement said. “Together, we overcame a once in a century pandemic and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We’ve protected and preserved our Democracy. And we’ve revitalized and
strengthened our alliances around the world.

“How can he remain president?” Bishop asked. “Yet another sign of devotion to ‘our democracy?’”

Biden must resign immediately, said Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, R-Ark., and former press secretary for Donald Trump. 

Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., said the Democratic party is in “absolute free fall” after attempting to cover up that Biden is unfit for office. 

“Every elected Democrat in America owns Joe Biden’s failed and feckless record causing the border crisis, Bidenflation, and chaos and weakness around the world,” she said. 

Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., agreed.

Biden remaining in the Oval Office is “a major national security crisis,” according to Rep. John James, R-Mich.

Biden is incapable of serving as president for the next six months, Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., said.

“For four years, those closest to Joe Biden, including Kamala Harris, knew he was not fit to be president and lied to the American people in an effort to hold onto their power,” Scott said. “It was painfully clear that Biden wasn’t competent for office going way back to 2021.” 

Biden’s June 27 debate performance proved him incapable to run for president or remain president, Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., said in a news release.

“If Joe Biden is no longer capable of running for re-election, he is no longer capable of serving as President,” he said. “Being President is the hardest job in the world, and I no longer have confidence that Joe Biden can effectively execute his duties as Commander-in-Chief.”

“It is out of concern for our country’s national security that I am formally calling on President
Biden to resign from office,” Daines continued.

Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by Elizabeth Troutman Mitchell.

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7 hours ago

Biden was unfit to run for POTUS in 2019, when his dementia was in an earlier but still quite notable stage. Once Biden was installed in the Oval Office, he didn’t actually “run” anything. He signed what he was told to sign, and he said, to the best of limited capabilities, what he was told to say. He’s been a glorified puppet being manipulated by the senior White House staff, mostly Obama retreads, and of course Jill Biden, who clearly likes the trappings of power and privilege. All the major day-to-day decisions are made by the senior White House personnel after they discuss important matters with the Party elite.

Is this a safe or sane way to run the United States? No, of course not, but this is how we have allowed ourselves to be governed for the last four years. Now with a little over three months left before the election, the GOP lawmakers now want to mount a push, or at least make a lot of noise ahead of the election, about trying to get Old Joe to step down and resign before the election. This will go nowhere. It’s just a way to try and get some GOP lawmakers some additional photo ops ahead of the election. Please, please GOP lawmakers focus on what you already have on your plates, before rushing to add yet another item destined to go nowhere.

The time to do this was at least three years ago after the Afghanistan fiasco, when it was readily apparent that Biden was mentally incapable of handling anything and his White House minders proved as feckless and completely useless as they were with Obama in the Oval Office. If not then, then right after Biden essentially gave Putin the green light for a “small incursion” into Ukraine. There are of course many other examples over the last 4 years, but you get the idea. The time to try and push Biden out, due to mental incompetency, was years ago BEFORE he and his staff created all the messes we have to live with today. The GOP needs to focus on retaining the House and getting back the Senate, so President Trump can walk in on Day One and start cleaning up all the messes left behind the Democrats and their disastrous policies.

6 hours ago

What everyone should want to know is… where is Joe?

3 hours ago

Anyone With any sense it all Knows. Biden has not been fit to serve as President From the moment he Was ” elected”. The people that control him and tell him what to do have not changed and will not change. No matter who they put and to run against Trump, everyone connected with the high level, democrats is controlled and will be controlled so it didn’t make any difference if Biden stays in until the election, are they taken out today? Nothing will change Harris, who has the IQ of Stump. She will don the trappings of a new president and prance about and act like a moron who is controlled by the democratic consortium, Just like biden has been. God help us all if trump is not elected

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
3 hours ago

When are they going to invoke the 25th amendment? If he can’t run for another four year term because of his cognitive decline, How can he finish out he last six months of his current one? He’s not going to get any better.

4 hours ago

What an insult! Your president tweeted his resignation. What boob would not spend the 10 minutes to tape a resignation?
Whats that reason? and who gave the instructions to tweet?

3 hours ago

joey was NEVER POTUS. He was a brain dead puppet when he took the oath of office.
All these worthless politicians coming out of the woodwork now should precede joey in resigning. They knew — and did nothing for 3 1/2 years.
The deep state has been running America into the ground right in front of our eyes!

3 hours ago

Why is no one talking about the LIES and WHO THE HECK has been actually running the USA all these years! The same Deep State people currently running the country will continue, Joe or Kamala, so what difference does it make? Except perhaps she wouldn’t have time to campaign…?

8 seconds ago

This whole mess is another step in just how vile the circumstances become when half of the a country’s population falls for and laps up flat out ruses, one right after another. The press has been bought. Our laws have been contorted for power and honest tax paying citizens are now surrounded by lawlessness, inflation, and disrespect by any attention paying foreign country let alone our own. I think the likes of Hollywood and globe-trotting bags of money are to blame. When Whoopie Goldberg spat toward Trump and followers on live TV for effect, I was absolutely appalled and so should every person who earned an honest living and paid taxes be as well. Is there no shame in the depths a political party falls to and how far it’s followers can go??? Apparently not. We have the likes of the Hillary calling half of the country deplorables, a speaker of the house, calling for the harm of a Supreme Court Judge, a past president referring to a past vice president saying his own vice presidential choice can really “f” things up. Big problem slick guy, right? Guess that can happen when you have an ax to grind with your own country and the grand plans you have for it? Choosing Biden was always in the pot to be used with all of his fast talking lies, then to be tossed aside when the time came. I believe every damn step of this has been planned for a long, long time. Congratulations you damn fools, you now have severely divided this country’s population with your scheme upon, scheme, upon scheme. Cater to the haves and all their vitriol long enough to be perhaps a wee bit challenged, think not of the have nots who have paved their own way backwards economically thanks to funding you elites and your way with this country. BRAVO elitist’s!!! Nice crash landing!

10 minutes ago

I just hate the thought of Harris serving as president. I’d rather have Robot Joe – he will do less harm!

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
31 minutes ago

Does anyone think that Kamala Harris is capable and qualified to run the United States of America? Of course she is not. And she is not going to. This will be yet another term that Obama and his minions will continue their plans to bankrupt and destroy the United States of America! One more comment, I do think it was disgusting the way the democrats through Joe Biden under the bus! Talk about taking a knife to his back after covering for his weaknesses for 3+ years! Kamala is on national TV telling the world that she loves Joe! That is bs. I’m sure she helped out the cast of back stabbers because she is so thirsty to be in the #1 spot. Look at the messes she help create in California. Don’t be taken in by her bragging! The homelessness in CA, the filth on the streets, the criminals running rampant…don’t be fooled, she is part of it and will continue being part of it as President of the United States just as she has as VP. The difference is that now the whole country will be her playground.

James Carlyle
James Carlyle
1 hour ago

Run him off-he has admitted his incapability–our nation’s security requires he leave when his incompetency is established–like yesterday!

1 hour ago

“fulfilling my duties”? That’ll be a nice change.

3 hours ago

Biden has to resign as President, yet, who takes over will it be Harris who is not sworn in?

3 hours ago

IF Bumbling, Mumbling Joe resigns, TRUMP can never be 47…KamelToe will become 47 and all of the Bling and Advertisements for TRUMP will be wasted because he will become 48!!!

4 hours ago

What is the lesser of two evils, Joebama or cackling kumbaya hairball???? Either one of these libtards, along with their puppeteers, can completely destroy our country in the coming months.

1 hour ago

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Jonathan H
Jonathan H
7 hours ago

Each of every one of these republicans running their mouths perpetuating this lie should resign in disgrace. President Biden decided he has enough left in the tank to go to January 20th, but not four more years after that and decided to hand the reins to his excellent VP, Kamala Harris.

cheatle resign
cheatle; secret service
biden; carter, wilson, hoover presidents
trump and vance

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