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DHS Report: ISIS Smuggles 400+ Illegal Aliens Through Biden’s Open Border

Posted on Wednesday, July 3, 2024
by Andrew Shirley

According to a shocking new report from the New York Post, the Biden Department of Homeland Security has acknowledged that “an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network” has brought more than 400 illegal aliens into the United States, and the federal government has lost track of at least 50 of them. The revelations have further raised concerns about the terrorist threat from the ongoing border crisis.

Even more astonishingly, according to three anonymous Biden administration officials, many of the 400 “persons of interest” were “released into the country by Customs and Border Protection because they were not on the government’s terrorism watchlist.” Now, however, border officials are scrambling to track them down following the discovery of “information that suggested a potential tie to ISIS,” specifically ISIS-K.

ISIS-K is an offshoot of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) that was established in 2015. The “K” refers to the Khorasan Province, a former jurisdiction in northeastern Iran that was divided into three new provinces in 2004.

ISIS-K generally operates out of Afghanistan and Pakistan and focuses its efforts on Central Asia. Like ISIS, they believe in strict adherence to Sharia law and have a prolific history of terrorist attacks in pursuit of that goal. ISIS-K was responsible for the 2021 attack on the Kabul airport that killed 13 American service members and more than 150 Afghanistan civilians. Most recently, in March, four ISIS-K gunmen stormed a concert hall in Russia and killed 144 Russian civilians, wounding hundreds more.

The central Asian country of Tajikistan has in particular become a major center of ISIS-K activity in recent years. All 12 individuals arrested in connection to the Moscow attack were Tajikistani.

Concerningly for the United States, according to government data, from October 2020 to May 2024, more than 1,500 migrants from Tajikistan have illegally crossed the U.S.-Mexico border and are currently residing in the United States. While there is no reason to believe that any individual Tajikistani migrant has connections to ISIS-K, the influx of arrivals from this terrorist hotbed should at the very least have put the Biden administration on high alert.

However, it was only after an ISIS-linked group smuggled 400 people into the country, many of whom were from Tajikistan, that the administration moved to monitor and track them down. Although immigration authorities have arrested 150 of the individuals, at least 50 are still at large. While all of the 400 came across the same sector of the border, they were arrested in cities across the country, including Los Angeles, New York, and Philadelphia.

In a statement following the publication of the story, House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green (R-TN) blasted the Biden administration for its failure. “There’s literally no one President Biden won’t turn away—including illegal aliens from problematic countries smuggled in by networks connected to ISIS,” Green said. “Every alarm is flashing red, and my committee has long warned that this administration’s open-borders agenda is bringing bad actors into the homeland in droves. DHS has now admitted yet again that this is true.”

As the border crisis continues to escalate, so too does the terrorist threat, as bad actors take advantage of the chaos to slip into the country. In total, more than 370 individuals on the FBI’s terrorism watch list have been apprehended trying to illegally cross the southern border since Biden took office – an increase of more than 2,000 percent from Trump’s tenure.

While those potential threats have at least been captured, there is no telling how many people on the FBI watch list were among the estimated two million “gotaways” who have escaped into the interior of the country undetected under Joe Biden. Given that anyone who wants to do harm to the United States would have an enormous incentive to avoid capture, it seems likely that the proportion of terrorist threats among the gotaway population is even higher than it is among those who willingly turn themselves in to immigration authorities for processing or are otherwise apprehended.

Moreover, a series of largely unreported incidents in recent months also suggest that the country could be at far greater risk than the Biden administration has acknowledged.

In January, for instance, Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested an illegal alien in Minnesota who belonged to the Somali terrorist group al-Shabaab. In May, two illegal aliens from Jordan were apprehended trying to sneak onto a Marine Corps base.

Even Christopher Wray, Biden’s own FBI director, has warned about the terror threat from the border – telling Congress just days before the ISIS story broke that the agency has seen “over the last 5 to 6 years an increase in the number of known or suspected terrorists, in other words, watch-listed subjects attempting to cross the border.”

But while Wray and other Biden immigration officials claim to recognize the threat, Biden himself apparently does not, or if he does, has utterly failed to respond to it. Either way, the country is a more dangerous place as a result.

Andrew Shirley is a veteran speechwriter and AMAC Newsline columnist. His commentary can be found on X at @AA_Shirley.

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3 months ago

The incompetence of DHS and specifically Sec Majorkas is staggering as each day brings a new report of malfeasance. If ever there were a candidate for treason charges this man is it.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

And they drag Trump through courts while a true criminal is free Justice transformed

3 months ago

This is a complete and total disaster. If DHS has admitted ISIS has smuggled 400 illegals in, how many more were smuggled in that are totally unaccounted for. Between that and the fact that our judicial system lets criminals out on the streets in 24 hours that have been charged with rape, murder, and child/drug trafficking, it’s no wonder that crime has skyrocketed in this country. This is just insane.

3 months ago

I hope most of the Conservatives are prepared for the Spiritual, Political, & Physical War, PRAY, & Prepare for the BEST & the Worst. May God help us, Bless us, & Keep us from harms way.

3 months ago

Are there any questions left about how serious the potential for chaos exists ?

3 months ago

And every Democrat wants the open boarder. So anybody voting Democrat next election and in the future is a TRAITOR to this REPUBLIC. I’m sorry but to not see what is going on today is unacceptable, that makes you incompetent, ignorant to the facts, or just plain STUPID. The weak feckless Republicans need to go also.

3 months ago

ISIS terrorists, Chinese men of military age, gang members from Haiti and South America….it’s not the question of “if” an major attack on American soil will happen, it’s “when.” Joebama and May-dork-as are traitors who already have blood on their hands for the illegal alien attacks on Americans, but they don’t give a rat’s ass.

3 months ago

Democrats have a stranglehold on public policy. Due to democrats, we have abortion, wide-open borders and a feeble president. They dominate federal government jobs by a wide margin. It would be helpful if there were a rule that prohibits a person who is employed by the government from voting. The same should be true for any person who is accepting government handouts. (Of course, military veterans would be excluded from this rule. They do not receive handouts but rather earned compensation for their service.)

3 months ago

Do people realize what would happen if the hundred thousand military aged chinese men that have crossed our border and been let go (plus ones that were gotaways) met up with the ISIS illegals…of course that is probably exactly what China/Russia/Iran and North Korea are planning. We won’t stand a chance, because our military is in the least state of readiness since WW2. Of course, I’m sure the enemy will see the rainbow patches and just run.

3 months ago

I keep hearing that the border is secure. Have we ever heard or seen anything more than these lies spoken over and over again by our Democrat Party folks? No! This unsecured border is for sure a greater threat to our Democracy than anything else we can imagine.

3 months ago

Obiden never reacts to disasters at the borders. Not the killing and raping of women and girls by the invaders. Mayorkas denies that they lost track of 50 ISIS invaders. The border is secure. Just like Afghanistan is a democracy when Amerika ran tail and left that country. Obiden is telling the truth he keeps saying. He lied in the debate over and over again. 13 soldiers died in Afghanistan under his watch. In the Middle East under his watch and who knows how many people have been killed by the invaders. But that is okay with him. They were the enemy after all because they didn’t vote for him. He said invaders were down 40% from under Trump. I don’t call 15 million people in 3.5 years 40% less. But then we are educated sloppy can’t even pronounce a number under a 100. We have 1,000 Trillionaires in this country. Oops, no Joe that should be billionaires. That must have been the moment you fell asleep during the debate. They interrupted your nap all those 8 days in training for the debate? Who else is going to be blamed for your debate disaster. How about take ownership of it and admit your mind is going and step down. Why if you had a cold did you go to Waffle House at midnight after the debate? To give people your cold? Where did that tan come from the next morning? You looked a ghost Thursday night and Orangeman in the morning. And you are saying you are fit to be president for 4 more years? You can’t serve 4 more minutes. You sold America down the drain for 10% of 30 million dollars to the Chinese. And the rest went to your family like brother Jim and son Hunter. Who now is all of a sudden an advisor to you. Of course he wants you to stay in as president. He needs your pardon later. JOE YOU GOT TO GO.

John Bass
John Bass
3 months ago

We’ve all figured that a lot of bad actors we’re coming across the open border. I look at it this way, if just one percent of all those millions that have crossed illegally are up to no good, then we have a foreign army of no less than two million men within our country…give or take a ten or twenty thousand.
So if, or should I say when they are given the order, we’ll be overwhelmed. The National Guard and local police departments won’t be able to handle the problem alone. Then when federal troops are forced to step in and protect the homeland, our adversaries will be able to act with impunity.

May God save the USA.

3 months ago

We have only seen the tip of the crimes, murders, rapes and theivery. Most of which would be taken care of by the police, except that Bidumb leftists have defunded and maligned the police until they have quit in large numbers. America should expect and be watching for terrorism from terrorists that are known to have entered America illegally, some detected, but many as “gotaway” enemies that Bidumb and Mayorkas stupidly allowed to enter America from all over the world, in their quest for more votes so he can continue his biggest crime, ruling America!

3 months ago

Deport all the illegals and put Biden in with them.

3 months ago

Biden just dies what he is told.

3 months ago

A shocking report? Who are you kidding? Nothing is shocking anymore with this bunch of treasonous America hating scum bags. The only shocking thing is that they didn’t fly them in to a major city and give them the goody bag of treats they have given most other illegals. Wake up people! The scum bags in power HATE America. Those who vote for them to keep destroying our country are in the same class.

3 months ago

Have DHS agents monitor thrift store locations such as Goodwill and Red White & Blue.
Just an idea.

3 months ago

How much more proof is needed to prove the Biden administration, homeland security secretary Alexander and the Demonic democrat congess of dereliction of duty, if not outright treason.

3 months ago

..this is Nairobi Obie’s handiwork…..

3 months ago

Progressive Democrats hate America and I’ll never understand why so many Americans vote for them.

Septimus Pretorius
Septimus Pretorius
3 months ago

Isis discovered coming into The U. S. A. through
the hemorrhaging Southern Boarder, how can anyone be surprised. Even with all the security that was put in place after 911 this country changing invasion continues.
And all of this illegal invasion is happening due to the lack following Laws already on the books for Many years from not only the current administration, but politicians looking the other way throughout the country.

3 months ago

Isis practices beheadings.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Awesome! And when they take passenger jet pilot school and learn to fly 747s but not to land them, Joe can forgive their student loans.

3 months ago

First it took FBI director almost two years to voice any warnings; DHS is headed by a compromised democrat political activist who prefers power to that of implementing a change promoting safety for US citizens and legal residents. I do believe we should be in the planning state of stringent anti terroristic procedures than worthless talks. Now is the time to prepare strategic and defensive plans to safeguard lives and our Republic.

3 months ago

I retired from CBP just before the first big caravan got here and I am glad iI did the “Catch and Release program the idiots in the White House have in place is a disaster in waiting!
If those people don’t steal this election, I pray that the new administration has a night of the long knives and takes the people that have screwed this country up and throws them under the jail!

3 months ago

Its Trumps fault! Every thing that goes wrong is his fault so why not this. (Air head!!)

3 months ago

The scariest thing will be Attavks across the USA will be coordinated to start in every city or government offices all at the same time. They will be seeking ,cold-bloodily, as many civilians as possuble. Public schools, hospitals, colleges to open up their Russion made machine guns and spray bullets like raindrops. Read Kurt Schlichter’s new release, ‘ ATTACK.’

Robert Hartshorn
Robert Hartshorn
3 months ago

This is not surprising. The evil forces controlling our current DC leaders want nothing less than joining us with the corrupt governments of this world. They don’t realize that if it happens they will become expendable and when they complain they will be done away with.

3 months ago

If anything happens as far as terrorist activity is concerned from these individuals, anyone in our federal government whose job it is to enforce our border laws and to ensure something like this cannot happen should be immediately arrested, charged, and put on trial in a public show trial on the mall in Washington, D.C. with gallows in sight for those who might get convicted of having solicited, aided, and abetted these terrorists. That goes for all civil servants and politicians, from the top of the Executive Branch, to Congress, to federal law enforcement, on down to the last Border patrol Joe on his lonely ATV who might have looked the other way. It’s about time the rhetoric gets stopped and something gets done about this invasion of our country at our expense. The penalties for all involved in this scheme need to be so harsh that no one will ever even think about repeating what this administration has perpetrated against the people of these United States of America.

3 months ago

I always hear about Wray with the fbi, the supposed homeland securitydsepartment, border patrol, and some in the cia warning about what the socialist progressive biden administration has been ignoring BUT I never hear of any arrests, deportations, or jailing of them?? What are the doing?? Is this a wait and see plan of Kamela’s?? God help us, Vote MAGA 2024!!

3 months ago

In the rural small towns, today we have volunteer firemen.maybe we go back to volunteer minute men. Call goes out and as in the days of old we grab our guns, solve the problem and go back home. The solve of the problem would not coddle them. Terrorists, arsonist, looters would be cleaned up with the debris.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 months ago

Let in the old fashin kind like Boney and Clod. Kyle L.

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