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Biden’s Grand Plan To Hand China More Manufacturing Jobs

Posted on Tuesday, June 11, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Joe Biden can’t be faulted for his audacity. After obliterating the value of the U.S. dollar by sending prices 19.3% higher than when Donald Trump left office, he put the economy on course for the hardest “soft landing” you can imagine. Now, Bidenomics is making a bold move to offshore even more of America’s manufacturing jobs—to China, no less.

One of Biden’s signature policies, massive tax credits to buy electric vehicles, features a China-shaped loophole. Though Congress wrote the law with the intention of having these credits go only to U.S.-made EVs, in adherence to the pseudo-religion of climate alarmism, Biden had other plans.

The Biden administration is handing out tax credits for EVs. Even though many of their key parts—notably batteries and rare minerals—come directly from China. Even worse, if you lease rather than buy an EV, there are virtually no restrictions on where any of the parts can be imported from.

As you might imagine, the proportion of EVs rolling off the lot that are leased has jumped from 10% to 30% to take full advantage of this pro-Chinese Communist Party loophole. Exporting our jobs, not our products, is a classic case of Bidenomics hard at work.

Some Democrats recognize the danger in Biden’s overreach. Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and Joe Manchin (I-W.Va.), just a few weeks ago, attacked this executive rule-making from Biden. Their aim is to fulfill the original intent of the law and block these Chinese imports. The pressure seems to be working, at least a little. The administration has tried to tighten the loophole on Chinese imports of EV parts, but unfortunately Biden is still dangerously committed to disastrous energy policies.

America’s energy industry is the foundation of our country’s prosperity, especially our gas-powered cars. So, this latest round of attacks on the foundation of our way of life shouldn’t come as a surprise. Indeed, it is part and parcel of the Biden administration’s longstanding goal of transforming our economy.

Consider, for example, that President Biden has approved more than $1 trillion in subsidies to buy EV cars over the next 10 years. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. This administration has also made numerous aggressive attempts to halt the production of conventional energy resources and to block the production and sale of technologies that afford us the convenience of modern-day life: such as gas-powered cars, natural-gas stoves, and many other appliances.

These subsidies alone will steal more than $7,500 from each American household, adding to the inflation fire and sending mortgage and small-business loan rates even higher.

For Democrats, stopping climate change tomorrow is simply more important than ensuring American prosperity today. Never mind that the government’s own climate models show that if the United States could, overnight, achieve net-zero emission of greenhouse gases, global temperatures 76 years from now would be virtually unchanged.

This latest decision to sign these subsidies into law shows more clearly than ever that promoting the well-being of American households isn’t a priority for the Biden administration. These subsidies are funded by American families’ hard-earned money and are funneled to companies that prioritize catering to unelected bureaucrats and the Chinese Communist Party over making good products.

If the Biden administration continues down this course, it may face a tough choice between the false religion of climate alarmism or the integrity of its own political coalition. Audacity only gets you so far.

This piece originally appeared in The Blaze

Reprinted with permission from The Heritage Foundation by Richard Stern.

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3 months ago

It’s frustrating to know that Donald Trump and most Republicans want what’s best for the greatest number of Americans, but biden and all democrats want whatever will keep them–the political elites–in power and grow the power of government. They’re the one who want to be dictators for life.
Dems aren’t happy unless they know every little detail of your life–so they can control you, determine what you can keep and what you’re “encouraged” to buy or drive, where you go to school, and whether or not you’re worthy of life-saving medical procedures. How dare they??
If we want to continue living in a free society, we must stand up to government and demand that we retain the right to determine the course of our own lives. Follow the Constitution; anything not enumerated by this document is to be determined by the states or by individuals. The dems would love nothing more than to reduce that brilliant blueprint to a pile of ashes. Don’t let it happen; please vote for Trump.
MAGA. There’s only one person who can do it.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
3 months ago

As President of the United States, Biden is supposed to be helping us, NOT China. Whose side is he on?

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
3 months ago

What you wrote in this article Richard should be appreciated by American citizens who have genuine concerns about how things are being done — and just as important why certain things are being done. So much else should be given priority other than this Communist China manufacturing jobs plan. Explanations are due from this administration, and without detailed explanations of the reasons for something like this Communist China manufacturing jobs idea then that makes for a situation similar to what King George the Third was doing in the 1700 ‘s – the sort of grievance found in the Declaration of Independence. How much lack of responsibility is contributing to economic difficulties for many Americans – it is some kind of indicator by those who are at present in decision making positions in this government . This is an important article , something that hopefully will promote thoughts about the Why ,How , Who and for What reason policies are being put forward. American citizens with a sense of purpose and regard for Integrity need to have honest answers to those questions.

3 months ago

If ANY of the sell-out main stream media would report what is really going on, Biden wouldn’t have a chance. These “green” energy companies are the ones who aren’t even paying taxes!

3 months ago

Vote Trump 2024!
Vote in person! Trump 2024!
Stop the Insanity!

3 months ago

This is just another squeezed on America Manufacturing; yet I blame this on congress. Instead of Biden’s impeachment being brought to the floor, Republicans are afraid of their shadows and Democrats are giving free reins with the senseless policies.

3 months ago

Hi, everyone!Ever consider that your income tax monies are federal subsidies for what others of us want to get “help” buying?What happened to each of us deciding what to spend our earned income as we desire? Do I need to have government to decide what to buy? Oh, it has a tax because it has too much fuel usage or somethingcelse? Oh, so nincompoop in an agency or congress decided i need to pay more on a new vehicle to have a kill switch or front bumper stop light indicator? Let me buy what I want without a tariff applied to it! Let me pay the price for buying something I cannot afford to repair or that is not reliable or whatever. Stop borrowing currency to pay for someone else’s desire and leave me with the bill. If I want to pay a higher price for a special group b to build what I want, that is my (foolish maybe) decision, not that of the government.

Pat R
Pat R
3 months ago

Trump – Make America Great Again. Biden – Crush America Under Foot.

3 months ago

I live in Ohio. Sen Brown (D-Ohio) is up for re-election this November and I’ll guarantee his rhetoric on Biden’s overreach is 100% election pandering. Brown has been, and will continue to be one of the Democrat lemmings blindly doing what the Democrat party tells him to do.

3 months ago

Of course biDIM, the Puppet in the White House, is doing the bidding of the elite cabal, along with the CCP and sending more jobs over to China.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
2 months ago

Joe Biden and most of the Biden administration owe Communist China for putting them into power in the U.S. government. Biden needs to repay that debt, and he will do so by further selling out American citizens.

3 months ago

You know what happens to lemmings…they will follow the leader off the cliff in a rush…to their demise. Follow the leader is NOT my favorite game.

3 months ago


3 months ago


3 months ago

It’s what the CCP paid him to do.

3 months ago

Put that dementia ridden imbecile, Biden, in an assisted living facility where he belongs.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

When Biden trades his 67 427cc Corvette for an all-electric Smart car I’ll get one too.

3 months ago

Didn’t you all know?? Biden is actually President Xi’s dog. He secretly visits and curls up on the floor by Xi’s feet, wearing puppy regalia. I hear he loves Milk Bones.

Brenda G
Brenda G
3 months ago

Absolutely amazing!Joe Biden is a total genius!This is to all his supporters.

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