
National Security , Newsline

Pittsburgh Provides Example of How Biden Energy Policies Help China

Posted on Friday, May 17, 2024
by Outside Contributor
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA daytime downtown scene over the Allegheny River.

Countries around the world, especially America’s top adversary, China, are eager to replicate the success of Pittsburgh’s powerhouse energy industry. The Biden administration’s green agenda is helping them do just that, and at Pittsburgh’s expense.

In the name of fighting climate change and decarbonization, the Biden administration is promulgating a series of rules requiring electric cars and trucks, electric stoves, and use of renewable energy sources such as wind turbines and solar panels.

In March, for example, the Environmental Protection Agency released a final tailpipe rule that would require 70% of new cars sold to be hybrid or battery-powered electric by 2032. In addition, 25% of heavy-duty trucks would have to be electric.

In April, the EPA finalized a power-plant rule that would require most power plants to sequester, or bury, 90% of their carbon emissions or go out of business by 2040.

Biden administration officials claim that these policies are building “America’s clean energy future.” But the truth is that they put China’s Panzhihua—not America’s Pittsburgh—in pole position to be the champions of global energy in the 21st century.

It isn’t complicated. Pennsylvania is fortunate to have vast reserves of coal, oil, and natural gas. China, meanwhile, produces almost 80% of the world’s batteries and 80% of the world’s wind turbines and solar panels.

As the Biden administration’s rules move us further and further away from traditional sources of energy and toward a so-called clean energy future, it undermines jobs in places such as Pittsburgh and makes our economy more and more reliant on China.

Pennsylvania Democrats know this. In February, for example, U.S. Sens. John Fetterman and Bob Casey expressed their shared concern that the Biden administration’s pause on approvals of liquified natural gas export could put Pennsylvania’s 123,000 jobs in natural gas at risk.

On May 7, however, 75 of their fellow Democrats in Washington—influenced by progressive environmental groups—heaped praise on the president’s policy.

Never mind that even if America abandoned all fossil fuels, global temperatures would decline by only two-tenths of one degree Celsius by the year 2100.

The communist government in Beijing is taking a different approach. China repeatedly has stated that it has no intention of going along with the Western push to “net zero” greenhouse gas emissions.

In October 2022, Chinese leader Xi Jinping said in an address to the Communist Party Congress: “Based on China’s energy and resource endowments, we will advance initiatives to reach peak carbon emissions in a well-planned and phased way, in line with the principle of getting the new before discarding the old.”

Last summer, when Biden’s then-climate envoy, John Kerry, was visiting Beijing, Xi reiterated that China would set its own path on emissions reduction and not be influenced by outside factors.

But the Biden ad­min­is­tra­tion is de­ter­mined to pur­sue uni­lat­eral en­ergy dis­ar­ma­ment, im­pos­ing bil­lions of dol­lars of costs on Amer­i­cans. All pain for Amer­ica, all gain for China.

If nothing changes, Americans not only will have to buy more Chinese batteries and components, they will also have to pay higher electricity bills and transportation costs. This will, in turn, exacerbate inflation, drive manufacturing offshore, and increase unemployment—lowering growth in gross domestic product and disproportionately hurting the poor, farmers, and small businesses.

Biden’s rush to a green energy future will handcuff America to China, placing vital energy supply chains at the mercy of Beijing. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Members of the House of Representatives have laid out an alternative vision for America’s energy future with legislation called the Lower Energy Costs Act. The plan would lower energy costs, reduce emissions, and increase domestic energy production in places such as Western Pennsylvania.

As House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., put it, enactment of this legislation would “[bring] back critical minerals to America so that we don’t have to be reliant on countries like China.”

Diana Furchtgott-Roth is director of the Center for Energy, Climate, and Environment and the Herbert and Joyce Morgan Fellow in Energy and Environmental Policy at The Heritage Foundation.

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By Diana Furchgott

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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4 months ago

It’s CHINA that needs to reduce its emissions and smog, yet the world blames the USA for the “climate crisis,” a movement accelerated by Al Gore. BTW, Gore and his buddies travel in private jets to all these clownshow climate meetings. If this hypocrisy doesn’t spell out what a sham the “climate crisis” is, I don’t know what will.

David Millikan
David Millikan
4 months ago

Excellent article. Even at this moment Dictator Beijing biden is letting an influx of Communist Chinese INVADE our Borders and does NOTHING as we are still being INVADED by his Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion.

4 months ago

Sure, we’ll try putting a windmill on a farm tractor… boy what torque monster THAT will be… and then, come harvest time, we’ll have a produce horn of plenty!!

4 months ago

Lying Jackass Joe Biden is the DUMBEST Presidential Imposter to EVER inhabit the White House period!!!!

Papa John
Papa John
4 months ago

This shall all come to pass in November when the cognizant adults take over.

4 months ago

Can Biden be tried for treason after he leaves office?
And then hanged …

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

Did COVUD business shutdowns and “stay-at-home” orders have any affect on global temperatures? Must not have or we’d be hearing all about it! This just pandering to their financial donors… when Joe gives up coveted 67 Corvette for an EV I’ll believe he’s committed to “the planet”.

James noonan
James noonan
4 months ago

Selling England by the Pound

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
4 months ago

When Xi Jimping’s monkey sits at the driver’s seat.

John Shipway
John Shipway
4 months ago

It sure would be nice if this great self proclaimed “democracy” would simply implement free trade and instead of viewing competitors such as China as being “adversaries” we could instead get off our collective asses and simply compete and if we can get off our heavily calloused backsides, we can at least see if we can provide products at the same quality and cost level as China seems able to do. I can hear the “but their government subsidizes their industry”. As if America doesn’t? Lets put on our big boy pants and use logic rather than propagandized emotion for once when dealing with the marketplace.
We could provide a LOT of incentives for the few industries this country has to modernize and approach efficiency with the almost TRILLION dollars annually we spend on the defense industry, which in reality is an offense industry. No? Then explain why we have over 800 military bases spread across the globe and why we weekly initiate regime change activities against countries that don’t happen to share our social views such as DEI and say………open borders.
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