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The Cringeworthy Sunset of Nancy Pelosi

Posted on Tuesday, April 23, 2024
by Shane Harris


Nancy Pelosi sitting in crowd

Perhaps no one in American politics has benefitted more from Joe Biden’s obvious physical and cognitive decline than former Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

With so much attention focused on Biden’s endless stream of gaffes, stumbles, and blunders, far less has been made of Pelosi’s own embarrassing and oftentimes bizarre antics in the final years of her congressional career.

But with each passing day, it becomes more and more clear that Pelosi has stayed past last call.

The former speaker most recently went viral in March for an unintentionally hilarious comment while speaking on the House floor in support of a bill to force the sale of TikTok to a U.S. company. “This is not an attempt to ban TikTok. It’s an attempt to make TikTok better. Tic-tac-toe, a winner. A winner,” the 84-year-old Pelosi said, adding hand gestures showing a diagonal win in the classic pen-and-paper game.

The moment quickly drew mockery on social media and even from noted liberal late night host John Oliver, who joked, “Is it a rule that, to be in Congress, you have to be one of the weirdest [people] to ever live?”

Just a few weeks prior to that, Pelosi again humiliated herself by gushing over Biden’s State of the Union Address. Despite Biden giving one of the most divisive, caustic, and nakedly partisan State of the Union Addresses in history, Pelosi called Biden’s remarks a “masterclass,” assuring Americans that they are “blessed by the wisdom, experience, and steady hand of President Joe Biden.” She then went on cable media and fawned over Biden in a desperate and transparent attempt to spin the speech as an inspiring success.

But that wasn’t the first time Pelosi debased herself during the State of the Union. Two years prior, while she was still speaker and sitting right behind Biden, Pelosi could be seen bizarrely rubbing her knuckles together and grinding her teeth.

Two years before that, Pelosi delivered what was perhaps the most petty and childish display of her career when she ripped up her copy of President Trump’s 2020 State of the Union Address live on national television.

At the time, Pelosi explained that she had been motivated by what she claimed were “lies” in the text of the speech. But the video later revealed that Pelosi had spent much of the address making small “pre-tears” in each page so she could be assured of successfully ripping it at the conclusion. The entire spectacle was a bit of premeditated political theater.

Pelosi also dived in the deep end on the “bloodbath” hoax earlier this year, claiming during an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union that former President Donald Trump said he would “exact a bloodbath” if he does not win this November’s presidential election. In reality, Trump said the U.S. auto industry was “in for a bloodbath” if Biden wins re-election this fall, a comment that was taken wildly out of context by the corporate media. During the same interview, Pelosi also falsely claimed Trump was “praising Hitler” and “praising the Russians.”

The very fact that Pelosi is still in Congress at all after stepping down from the speakership has raised eyebrows in Washington.

Traditionally, ex-speakers don’t stick around long after leaving the post, especially octogenarian former speakers who have already occupied their seats in Congress for almost four decades.

Pelosi’s successor as speaker, Republican Kevin McCarthy, resigned from Congress just a few months after losing the post. Republican Paul Ryan also retired from Congress at the end of his speakership, and John Boehner, Ryan’s predecessor, resigned from Congress shortly after stepping down.

Even Newt Gingrich, the most successful Republican speaker in decades who crafted the famous “Contract with America” and led the GOP back to the majority in the House for the first time in 40 years, retired from Congress shortly after his resignation as speaker.

Yet Pelosi, rather than choosing to enjoy her twilight years – and her net worth in excess of $100 million – has continued to cling to her seat in Congress, announcing last September that she will seek re-election again this fall.

But even before leaving the speakership, Pelosi’s final years were increasingly filled with cringe-worthy moments.

In early 2020, for instance, as COVID was just beginning to take hold in the United States, Pelosi urged crowds to gather in San Francisco’s Chinatown in an obviously contrived plot to oppose President Trump’s harsh rhetoric toward China. (This was right at the height of feigned liberal outrage over Trump’s use of the term “the China Virus.”) The former speaker even posted a video to her social media accounts urging people to gather together, which was subsequently deleted.

As the country began locking down, Pelosi also took flak for showing off her $20,000 freezer stocked with $12-per-pint ice cream in a failed effort to show solidarity with the American people, many of whom had just had their incomes ripped away from them by government policies. The move earned her criticism even from far-left groups, with the progressive Justice Democrats calling it an “unforced error” and demanding Pelosi’s resignation.

As if that weren’t bad enough, Pelosi elicited nationwide mockery after she used her political clout to visit a shuttered hair salon during the lockdowns, defying California’s mask mandate as well. The salon owner called it a “slap in the face” and “disturbing.”

Yet instead of apologizing for breaking COVID-19 restrictions, Pelosi bizarrely claimed that she was the victim of a “set-up,” putting the blame on the single mother who owned the salon and was struggling to keep food on the table as the government kept her business shut down.

Pelosi has also long drawn public ire over allegations of insider trading. As public disclosures show, Nancy Pelosi and her husband Paul have consistently outperformed the market, earning an astonishing 63 percent rate of return for their portfolio in 2023.

Pelosi has, unsurprisingly, strongly opposed putting restrictions on the ability of members of Congress to buy and sell individual stocks, laughably citing the “free market” while simultaneously working to impose socialist policies at every turn.

For 36 years, the corporate media and Democrat establishment have hailed Nancy Pelosi as a political genius and American icon. But as more embarrassing gaffes and damaging stories continue to pile up, that narrative is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain.

It seems that, like Joe Biden, Pelosi just can’t let go of the power, and her legacy will suffer as a result.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @ShaneHarris513.

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5 months ago

What is sad is that this country continues its downhill slide with the comedians that are in charge, having been elected by naive people who have fallen under the influence of a corrupt MSM and Socialist-led party. There are higher money purses that are calling the shots for the direction that our country is heading. It is obvious with both Biden and Pelosi running for re-election for respective offices, that the adversary has all of its players in place to steal another election and then to finish destroying the freedoms that are left so as to solidify their socialist control forever. It is up to the voter to make the right choice for the future but that if only the sheep will wake up. The demise for our nation is now set. In which direction it goes, will be up to the people.

5 months ago

The wicked witch of the west should hang it up and go home.

5 months ago

These two have got to be the sorriest excuses for human beings ever put on this planet!

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
5 months ago

First time I EVER gave money to a politician… is when she ripped up the SOU speech. I swiftly donated to the Trump campaign and plan to do it every time they make another egregious stunt like that. If he’s convicted of any of these BOGUS charges, I might have to get a second job!

5 months ago

Neither of them needs his/her reputation in tact. They view themselves as above the plain people.

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
5 months ago

I would not mourn her passing. In fact I’d celebrate it. Biden’s too.

5 months ago

Someone should throw some water on her and televise her melt down.
And the flying monkeys of the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party will finally be free.

George M
George M
5 months ago

Nancy remains in Congress so she can’t be subpoenaed on the Jan 6th Committee. There is some law that blocks sitting members of Congress from being forced to testify (tell the truth, shocking). I guess it must be an offshoot of the law that allows members of congress to stand on the floor of the House and knowingly lie about whatever they please and then go to CNN and again spin their whopper for the ten people watching CNN. Is there any way to get that law renamed to the Schiff Protection Act?.

5 months ago

It’s just sad that most democratic voters are clueless as they don’t watch real news or even read the papers. They just vote the same way that they have for years. The MSM keeps them in the dark as to what’s happening to our country.

5 months ago

Nancy should be ousted.
She’s done nothing for her state of California.
Her Nephew is Gavin Newsome.
The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

5 months ago

You have to blame the idiots that keep voting clowns like piglosi, aunt maxie, adam schiff for brains, and all the others that haunt the halls of congress that ain’t worth a SCHIFF!
Indeed, if I lived in china or russia, I would be laughng my keester off at what the US has become! God help us!

Jim Crossan
Jim Crossan
5 months ago

She is the poster girl for Corruption Incorporated. Having watched her act for a long lonely nights in Purgatory

John Bass
John Bass
5 months ago

I’ve always said the woman must be either a genius or a crook, to have consistently made more money in the stock market than the oracle of wall street, Warren Buffett.
Which do you think?

5 months ago

P thinks she is president and is the one that set up Jan 6 by stalling to call the national guard or to inform the capitol police. Till after the demonstrators had been let in by the capitol police. All videos show that the capitol police opened the doors for the demonstrators. If this was a coup as P and the gang have made it out to be, it was the dumbest coup ever, nobody had weapons, and why were they all back 5 hrs later to count the electoral votes. Ooh they were so scared. It was all orchestrated by P. And the reason she hasn’t resigned is she keeps hoping to become speaker once again. And maybe even president if ole Joe gets re-elected and Kameltoe becomes president she will invoke amendment 25 to oust her so she can take over the reins. That woman is a satanist that is only serving one master, herself.

5 months ago

Pelosi is yet another corrupt, vicious snake who should be in jail for at least half a dozen reasons and everyone, including she, knows it. The blatant smugness she carries around is beyond disgusting.

Paul W
Paul W
5 months ago

dingbat pelosi is the quintessential example of everything that is wrong with congress and the federal government in general; all wrapped up in one little, evil, petty, greedy sodden package.
Unlike other former speakers, she hasn’t left congress because she just keeps getting richer from her insider trading that would send you, I or Martha Stewart to prison. Her being reelected in that district (ca 11th, D+37) is more certain than tomorrow’s sunrise.

5 months ago

Nasty Nancy is a perfect example of why there should be term limits in Congress as every other political office. And anyone that votes for her is as much an idiot as she (and Biden) are.

5 months ago

This self-entitled, devious witch cannot be gone soon enough. She has overstayed her welcome, and, like Hillary, will be a dark stain on the history of our government.

5 months ago

I know why they are trying so hard to destroy Pres Trump & keep him out of office. The dem leadership has, of course without our knowledge, committed to America’s “transformation” (destruction) to this NWO/CCP TOTALITARIAN rule. Obama began. Hillary was supposed to continue. Trump got in the way; hence the RAGE. So they cheated the election for Biden to continue–AND HE HAS.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
5 months ago

Dorothy had the right idea: throw some water on her… better yet, drop a hoyse on her head!

Guillermo Guzman
Guillermo Guzman
5 months ago

Biden and Pelosi, the biggest and most notable grifters in American History.

5 months ago

I dislike labels. I am neither a conservative nor a liberal. I live my life by following the Ten Commandments. This does not mean I do not sin but I realize I am human and prone to making mistakes. Nancy Pelosi has violated so many of the Ten Commandments by choice. I feel sorry for her for doing all the bad and evil things. She has hurt herself and our country with her ruthless decision making.

Peter E. Kennedy
Peter E. Kennedy
5 months ago

Ms. Pelosi is a disgrace to her college (Trinity College DC). She served only her own
self – interest. Some and perhaps rightly so would call her tenure, greed and power.

Wild Wyoming
Wild Wyoming
5 months ago

I’ll bet anyone she moves out of San Francisco when she finally slinks out of congress.

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

Some especially the old relics think that being the member of congress is the same as having an unlimited credit card

5 months ago

“Cringeworthy” is an appropriate term for the poisoned-tongued Ms. Pelosi.
Whenever off-balance due to the impact of her constant fallout on public safety, public education, the economy, or just plain bad governance, Ms. Pelosi excelled at tossing up distractions such as class warfare, racism, sexism, and other “straw man politics” measures to falsely diminish her political enemies.
Ms. Pelosi, with all of your countless, “unacted-upon” opportunities to do well by your constituencies, I bid thee farewell… your royal uselessness.

Terry M Hall
Terry M Hall
5 months ago

Just look at the list presented of Speakers that left the House upon losing Speakership—they are all Republican. This clearly shows the Party that can’t give up power even in the face of their own disgrace, The DEMS and their Deep State; time to vote both out in favor of the American People. We The People (citizens) of The United States of America, thereby stated and defined.

zoe frost
zoe frost
5 months ago

Comrades anti-America/America LAST Pukelosi and fraud puppets JoeBama: the trifecta of traitors to our Constitutional Republic…they are ALL working their corrupt azzes off to destroy it, and anyone opposing their totalitarian “fundamental transformation” to totalitarian tyranny hell.
If they all were to expire on the same day it would be worthy of a national holiday, call it Return To Freedom Day. (The sooner the better; due to their diabolical, even illegal successes thus far, the Republic’s hanging by a thread.)

5 months ago

She’s a bigger crook than bite me, in terms of money. She is a worthless coward of immense proportions. I would love to see that witch sent to prison for at least her insider trading and then for treason.

John Riley
John Riley
5 months ago

Regretfully no matter what is said here her constituency will reelect her.

5 months ago

What legacy? Pelosi has no legacy other than the ruination and destruction of the Constitutional values of our Republic and a runaway pace toward socialism. If anyone cares to, she is to be pitied for her dementia-forced gaffes. She should retire to an old folks home, rather than sticking around continually making a fool of herself.

5 months ago

Is there ANYTHINGabout Pelosi that isn’t cringeworthy?

5 months ago


5 months ago

Nasty Nancy Pelosi is a BIG part of this country’s downhill slide. She is rich and powerful and disgusting. She won’t go away until they carry her out.

5 months ago

One thing the fine article didn’t touch on was the first two years of the Biden administration when inflation started raging, food prices began climbing, and gasoline costs were soaring.
Did the House Democrats try and do anything, pass any bills, to help the poor struggling Americans..? No. They wasted two full years and millions of taxpayer dollars in the corrupt “Jan 6 Committee” in trying to jail one man and keep him from being able to run for president.

Ken Paul
Ken Paul
5 months ago

Pelosi is the poster octogenarian for power abuse. The fact she has not been indicted and convicted for insider trading and her crony capitalism schemes proves the government is of, for, and by the elite protected class.

5 months ago

She should be called Nancy Peloser.

5 months ago

What’s really “cringeworthy” is that her constituency continues to re-elect her, and others of her ilk. There’s nothing that outside voters can do about someone else’s representatives. Congressional term limits, enacted through a Constitutional amendment, are a very long-term solution. In the interim, voters have to make better choices at election times!

Ken Paul
Ken Paul
5 months ago

Take a tablespoon of Pepto Bismol before continuing my brief journey into the ghost of Congress past. Don’t say I didn’t warn you…
You fine folk think Nancy is a problem? Ha! Try this on… In your mind’s eye, advance the calendar 4 to 5 decades and envision The Squad stalking the hallowed halls of congress with a sense of belligerence and entitlement that would make Nancy blush. Just think of the personal wealth they will have amassed. Now extend that thought to the meager earnings of your grandchildren they will have redistributed and squandered. I tried to warn you. Now take an extra dose of Pepto.

Roger Ott
Roger Ott
5 months ago

I think that is called whaconomics.

Joyce B
Joyce B
5 months ago

Nancy and Joe have to stay in power to “protect” their known corrupt behaviors and income $$s. We know what they don’t know we know…..they may as well GO!

5 months ago

She had no legacy to begin with… She’s been corrupt from the very start, I’m sure.

Retirered And Broke
Retirered And Broke
5 months ago

Why can’t these has been politicians fade away and keep their opinions to themselves and their mouths shut?
All they do is continue to spew their warped opinions.

5 months ago

On the plus side, she’s almost dead. I mean, how old is she, 109?

5 months ago

During an interview for The Late Late Show with James Corden, Pelosi showed off a pricey sub-zero freezer, approximately $15,000, in her kitchen at her California home that was full stocked of $12-a-pint ice cream

5 months ago

Legacy? You can’t have a legacy when you are a selfish nobody devil itch, can you? Opps, missed the B.

5 months ago

Anybody have a glass of water? I have a theory.

5 months ago

Did she die?

5 months ago

Sorry to say but she is one of the worst and nastiest person to ever serve in our government. Her vendictive Witch Hunts have costs this country MILLIONS. Just look at her district in CA. It it a sewer cest pool!

Harvey Kemper
Harvey Kemper
5 months ago

Excellent article. Learned a lot about this disgraceful politician.

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