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Big Bucks For Illegal Aliens, Short Shrift For American Veterans

Posted on Friday, March 8, 2024
by AMAC, John Grimaldi
veterans homelessness

WASHINGTON DC, March 8 — Not long ago, many of us greeted veterans and active-duty soldiers, sailors and marines with a heartfelt “thank for your service.” It made us feel good. But perhaps it should make us feel sad now that HUD, the Department of Housing and Urban Development, is reporting that there’s been a 7.4% increase in veteran homelessness. According to the Epoch Times, it means that “nearly 13 percent of the homeless adult population are veterans.” Yet, the newspaper notes, “national, state, and local governments continue to spend billions of dollars to house, feed, clothe, and provide medical care for millions of illegal immigrants.”

The Center for Immigration Studies [CIS] reports that “the annual cost just to care for and house the known gotaways and illegal aliens who have been released into the country could cost as much as an astounding $451 billion.” Meanwhile, according to Newsweek, “between 2010 and 2016 the numbers of homeless vets seemed to be shrinking but in 2023 there were 35,574 homeless vets on our streets, a 14% rise in the numbers of “unsheltered veterans.”

Kate Monroe, CEO of Vetcomm, a company that aids veterans with disabilities, told the publication that there are more homeless vets than meets the eye. “There’s the number of people that they consider to be homeless, and by homeless they mean they’re homeless, like in a tent on the street. What isn’t counted in the homeless numbers is the people sleeping in cars and people sleeping in shelters, and people sleeping on someone’s couch. There’s actually a million-and-a-half veterans that are at the brink of homelessness, included in that brink is someone living in their car. So, the number is actually much larger than the number we count.”

Jim Whaley, is a U.S. Army veteran and CEO of the Mission Roll Call advocacy organization, told the New York Post “We are not doing a good job as a country in making sure that veterans are not homeless. We’re not doing a very good job of making sure they’re transitioning to civilian life in a successful manner.” For example, he said, when they leave their service they are faced with a variety of issues. In fact, he notes that “24% of all active-duty military personnel have food insecurity issues. When you look at the basic pay for a junior enlisted person when they first join the service, it’s just a few thousand dollars over the poverty level. We can do better than that, and we need to as a country.” He says it’s not a surprise that our armed forces are having a hard time attracting recruits.

In fact, America’s armed forces are facing “an unprecedented recruiting crisis” and it’s no surprise, says Whaley. “How can we expect to recruit the next generation of volunteers? I don’t understand why the Department of Defense is surprised that they’re not getting recruitment calls.” They need “to do a better job of equipping service members for success in the transition to civilian life. We need to make sure businesses understand the value that veterans bring to the workplace.”

John Grimaldi served on the first non-partisan communications department in the New York State Assembly and is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Priva Technologies, Inc. He has served for more than thirty years as a Trustee of Daytop Village Foundation, which oversees a worldwide drug rehabilitation network.

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6 months ago

The ultimate slap last night when a Gold Star father was arrested at the SOTU/Biden political rally for yelling out while Joe was speaking. Prayers for that family.

6 months ago

The D o D should not be surprised at the lack of recruits.As a vet,RAF and the father of a vet,USMC,who would want to join any military org that is infested with males who think their girls,females who think their men and outright sexual deviants,homosexuals.These people are mentally sick and morally reprehensible and should be in hospitals not the fighting services.

6 months ago

ever since this moron took office, vets have been on the bottom of the list. Illegal immigrants are his top agenda. Perhaps we need to stage a rally in DC to show support for our veterans. I’m a retired Marine, I’m proud to have served my country, not the country we have now..

6 months ago

Shut down the Border or shut down the government

6 months ago

Just wait until the 2030 census when they start counting the illegals that have flocked to the sanctuary cities and states, most run by democrats. Besides the democrats finding some way to allow noncitizens (illegals) to vote, their numbers in the cities (and states) will give them greater representation (House representatives) in Washington. Biden’s efforts to bring into this country as many foreigners as possible, including criminal types (Biden doesn’t care as he and his family will have 24/7 protection). The rest of us will have to deal with the gangs that will form in each and every one of our neighborhoods.
The increase in population in mostly blue / democrat localities will mean they will have perpetual power in D.C. That’s their goal. They know it and the republicans
know it.

6 months ago

I have known a few homeless vets living in their cars. There are two problems. The pension is too small, or the pension has income limits. The vet is afraid of earning too much money and permanently losing some or all the pension. Congress should take off all pension outside income limits.

Kathleen Phillips-Hellman
Kathleen Phillips-Hellman
6 months ago

Illegals receive more than veterans and most older Americans on Social Security.

6 months ago

My grandson graduates in May and wants to go into the military and I told him NO! The Mid-East is screwed up and you could get killed defending camel jockeys that hate our guts. Then benefits for illegals are better than benefits for veterans and those who worked hard their entire lives and paid into SS. You want to defend criminals that don’t have to answer for their crimes. Now boys can declare that they are girls and compete in girls’ sports! This is nonsense and your life should not be put at risk in the military for criminals, illegals, and weirdos It is a different USA today that has gone downhill and will not recover for many years. When I saw a 100 year old combat WW2 marine on TV in a wheelchair who was in tears it broke my heart. He stated this is not the country I fought for, and my friends died for. He was 100% right.

6 months ago

biden is guilty of high treason. He and the rest of his administration and a few thousand bureaucrats (all guilty of treason) must face severe accountability – if they don’t, bye bye America.

6 months ago

The Biden Administration continues to demonstrate that it is happy to leave our war veterans (and other patriotic citizens) adrift, while buying the votes of non-citizens who can be persuaded to take part in this “free living for immigration” giveaway.
This large-scale disenfranchisement of our citizens, many of whom have fought and bled for us, is morally and fiscally reprehensible. Of course, this matters not to Democrats like President Biden, who’s primary campaigning mechanism is, quite simply, to buy votes with money that was NEVER their own. We all should consider this as we deal with the cost of our national debt and our inflation that the democrats have so blithely enabled.

6 months ago

Welcome to lunchbox Joe’s America. We are toast as a nation.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 months ago

Joe needs Illegals for Votes & to keep Cartels at bay

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
6 months ago

The joke of The State of The Union all those that spoke out against Biden were rushed out of the room. Biden has done nothing and he stands there lie after lie about what he has done and he is proud of doing nothing. With all the Illegals here and all the crime that is here now and there will be more in the future people need to be afraid of what will come go a head vote for Biden again but be prepared for what will be coming in this country it is just the start.

6 months ago

Yes, shut down the government, it is just as BAD as the border. Sad! Powder hungry, greedy, self-serving politicians. CREEPS!

Irv C
Irv C
6 months ago

before I read it I was hoping it meant there’s bounty on the criminals. I forget that the liberals allow lawbreakers. Hell they even reward them.

6 months ago

The 14th amendment clearly states: “no State shall make or enforce any law that abridges the privileges and immunities of citizens of the United States”, and by that ALL citizen veterans should receive all the privileges of a home, food and healthcare LONG before any illegal and/or non-citizen receives any of those privileges and immunities. The use of “OR” instead of “and” is specific and separates the two, therefore, non-enforcement being a separate dictate includes Federal Laws. But, since when does Biden do his job, or any Radical Leftist for that matter?

Linda Heer
Linda Heer
6 months ago

My ancestors had to learn English and study and pass a test to become a US citizen. They were proud to be Americans. We don’t owe these illegals anything!! They should be deported every one of them. They are ruining our country! I don’t feel my tax money should support them!!!!! What about my family?

6 months ago

“Complicity is the participation in a completed criminal act of an accomplice, a partner known and now complicit in the crime that aids or encourages (abets) other perpetrators of that crime, and who shared with them an intent to act to complete the violation, i.e., crimes that continue to occur.”

This demand is equated to “being required by law and threat of punishment”, resulting in:
§ “The payment of taxes that both cover clandestine costs and support an illegal act.”
§ “An atrocious act of focus is the free flow of unknown people across our border, in violation of established federal legislative laws.”
§ “The denied enforcement by those hired to apply the law is now being violated by the administration in power. “
§ “That very cost has created millions of victims, ignored by those whose assumed power corrupts and leaves a string of victories over the many months of violation.”
§ “Illegal does not mean that we can be mandated to cover and pay elevated and illegal expenditures and do so under threat of coercion and charged with a criminal act as well. (complicit to participation in a crime).”

That decision may arrive. Let us hope the law clears those forced to engage, even if the individual is absolutely against the illegal action/s without inquiry of public desire. We cannot be required to pay when left out of all discussions thought necessary by less than 0.000001 percent of the government elected. 

6 months ago


6 months ago

In 1966 I was working for a large communications company, and then I was drafted. When I first entered the Army, this company paid me the difference between my new salary and my old salary for six months. This allowed my wife to continue her college education which was a tremendous help. They for sure did not have to do this, they did this for me and my family. After 1 year and 9 months in the Army, 16 of those months I was out of the country, serving with an Infantry company in Southeast Asia.
When I returned home, I did not contact this communications company, they contacted me with a job offer. I have no idea how they even knew that I was a civilian again who would need to start looking for work. Being invited back to work, not in the exact same place doing the exact same things, but back to work I went.
They were loyal to me and I am still loyal to them.  Thanks, AT&T for your loyalty to me when I really needed it. They even bridged my time in the Army with the time I actually worked for them, so I was able to retire when I was 50 years old. That was almost 30 years ago. Times have changed, and even though my memory may be fading some, I think about how much harder it most likely would have been if I had not been a recipient of their concern. I am sure that when I reach 80 years of age later this year, I’ll still think about those who helped me, those lost in the fighting, those injured, some with devastating injuries, and those like me, almost unscratched.  Let’s also not forget their families.
These deserve our help, illegals… What do you think?

David Millikan
David Millikan
6 months ago

We are forever indebted to those who have given their lives that we might be free.

– Ronald Reagan

6 months ago

When returning to the States in ’72, “Thank you for your service” was not the greeting I was given – while serving for a year and a half as an active Army advisor to the Army Reserve with headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri. “Welcome Home” wasn’t heard either. Traveling throughout Missouri as well as parts of Illinois and Kansas during that time…while in an OD green Army sedan and in dress uniform as part of a four-man team, we learned to not examine our food at restaurants too closely. It was an honor to serve the 8 1/2 years that I did (three of them with NATO Forces) but, in my opinion, veterans of that period learned to not expect much from the government or the citizenry and asking for help was an invitation to ridicule. I was blessed to have family backing and to find a job and have always had a “roof over my head” but the current “everything for the illegal and nothing for the vet” is especially galling. I’m not sure what it would take for me to not vote Republican now but I’m sure that I’ll not vote Dimocrat.

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
6 months ago

There is a vast difference in benefits described to me in 1963 by recruiters and what I get today after a career in the military. What benefits I do get come with a grudge it seems. While I have some service connected disability I decided the road thru the VA is not worth the travel. No matter how much documentation in my military medical record the VA requires a restart for medical evaluation. I have many veteran friends with bad stories about VA processing and “evaluation” by itinerant doctors requiring restarts for “new” doctors. The denial and appeal process takes years in any case I know of. For those veterans who can get by the choice is often to forget about claims.
Health care for retirees is a joke. Forced into Medicare we see the statements for medical services showing that health care providers are forced to accept pennies for our care. Between Medicare and Tricare we get poor coverage. Medicare plus plans are offered to everyone on Medicare and add in dental, vision, and many other benefits. I tried that route and had my Tricare cancelled, had to back out.
The bottom line is veterans can struggle with the system or breath some fresh air and do without. Retirees get little more. There is no easy street for us and most do not look for it. A fair shake would seem the minimum for those who serve. We kept our promise and oath.

6 months ago

Let us consider also the wars Ole Joe has started with more to come that might be why recruitment is down.

6 months ago

What is wrong with this picture? We have a $35 Trillion deficit, an increase in the homelessness of our Veterans and yet can find trillions of dollars to house, feed and give medical care to illegal aliens. Where the hell are our priorities as a nation? None of this is constitutional and the pathetic Biden Administration needs to be held 100% accountable.

zoe frost
zoe frost
6 months ago

I was elated when Biden brought up the big bucks for illegal aliens/short shrift for American veterans…said no one ever.
Nothing about how illegal aliens coming through his deliberately open borders are costing almost half a $trillion a year, with only mention of one American killed by one of the unvetted, un-detained illegal aliens, when forced by MTG to name her…and he called her Lincoln (sic) Riley, comparing it to his not-a-bagman, not-a-druggie consorting with hookers son, exalted Beau (who died from disease, not needlessly murdered due to JoeBama’s open borders and catch/release policy).

6 months ago

It’s absolutely tragic,angering and unpatriotic what the marxist democrat party, rinos, and hateful idealologs have done to Our Veterans, Seniors and mentally challenged in America.
BILLIONS are spent on ILLEGALS by out of control politicians,ESPECIALLY the democrats currently in office,without regard to the sufferings of CITIZENS trying to survive.
I’ll bet not one of us is not aware of a Veteran who served that works daily at adjusting to obstacles obtained serving OUR Country,protecting us! They’re a forgotten class because politicians don’t see any personal gain catering to them. What’s Our excuse for not helping?
Who doesn’t know a Senior, struggling to pay for prescriptions or food? A large group trying to make it on a failing social security program , stretching poverty level benefits, being told they make too much for government help covering a life saving or critical drug. Another forgotten class of CITIZENS. Our politicians have ignored these people to. The marxist democrats blather about protecting and saving their benefits but most barely exist. ILLEGALS get lots if $$$ and attention, because politicians are hoping to EXPLOIT a new group, like the blacks , and other minorities have been for 50 years!
Please don’t forget the Citizens who are mentally challenged, they need medical assistance, counseling and living assistance. Politicians have totally ignored them. Try finding help or a place for someone to live. Another group ignored, no large voting block here.
So the self anointed marxist democrat party, pretend conservatives are mostly blowhard, self serving, dishonest and care NOTHING about American Citizens!
They CHOOSE TO STEAL BILLIONS from Citizen taxpayers and give it away to those who ignore Our borders, break Our laws and deliberately hurt Citizens out of self serving greed for themselves. They’re NOT representing Citizens, or BILLIONS would be protecting and supporting these people who belong here and are Americans. Some, many or ALL who have given much to Our Country.
Let’s not forget them any longer. THROW OUT THE marxist democrat party, rinos, put AMERICA and its CITIZENS FIRST! ALL ITS CITIZENS

6 months ago

Biden iis an evil deep state communist

Sally Duncan
Sally Duncan
6 months ago

The biggest problem we have in recruiting for our service members is DIE(NOT DEI, that is a fallacy). The attitude of the upper eschelon of our military is so inculcated with diversity, inclusion, equity and the promotion of LGBTQ whatever that it is undermining the testosterone needed to be successful military personnel. We have ruined our nation’s men by feminizing them, which started with the “women’s movement” and is continuing today with the push of accepting the LGBTQ movement as normal. Hogwash! It is NOT normal. Change this and our military will be 100% better and add to that the transfer of money from programs that do NOTHING for our country to our military personnel, not the useless DIE programs and we now pour money into as a nation.

6 months ago

I have a suggestion. Let’s not give the left and main stream media any opportunity to portray conservatives as obstructionists. We should not be opposing legislation that involves the government using taxpayer dollars to support “undocumented” immigrants with regard to housing, employment, and financial assistance. Rather, Republicans need to automatically demand ammendments to include veterans as potential targeted recipients. Also, veterans get 1st priority by right of citizenship.Let’s see the level of support the liberal Democrats will muster for such legislation.

6 months ago

I 1996 I was working for a large communications company, and then I was drafted and proudly served. When I first entered the Army, the company I worked for paid me the difference between my new salary and my old salary for six months. This allowed my wife to continue her college education which was a tremendous help. They for sure did not have to do this, they just did this for me and my family. After 1 year and 9 months in the Army, 16 of those months I was out of the country, serving in the Infantry in Southeast Asia.
When I returned home, I did not contact this communications company, they contacted me with a job offer. I have no idea how they even knew that I was a civilian again who would need to start looking for work. Being invited back to work, not in the exact same place doing the exact same things, but back to work I went.
They were loyal to me and I am still loyal to them.  Thanks, AT&T for your loyalty to me when I really needed it. They even bridged my time in the Army with the time I actually worked for them, so I was able to retire when I was 50 years old. That was almost 30 years ago. Times have changed, and even though my memory may be fading some, I think about how much harder it most likely would have been if I had not been a recipient of their concern. I am sure that when I reach 80 years of age later this year, I’ll still think about those who helped me, those lost in the fighting, those injured, some with devastating injuries, and those like me, almost unscratched.  Let’s also not forget their families.
These deserve our help, illegals… What do you think?

Irv C
Irv C
6 months ago

Dang!! I thought it meant dead or alive ????

6 months ago

These people that have come into our country illegally do not deserve anything. The broke a federal law coming here and do not deserve our kindness. Tell them to go home and make their land a better place.

6 months ago

I say get them all the hell out of our country we served and protected with our unselfish service, give to our homeless veterans and US citizens the benefits that’s being given to the illegals in our country, ship them all back to where they came from and let them start the process needed the get access the county the right way then get a dam job.Biden and his Democrats are all a disgrace and need to be replaced as well.

6 months ago

Some time ago I heard on the news that the VA had taken in immigrants . I wrote congressman about it but heard nothing back.

6 months ago

It’s all about the Totalitarian Communist Democrat Party comrades paying illegal alien insurgents to destroy our country so they can retain power.Isn’t going to happen because we are going to arm all those vets and turn them loose on the evil government.

Lenny F
Lenny F
6 months ago

In Foxborough, MA they kicked out veterans who already had reservations for the Army-Navy game so they could house migrants. What a disgrace!

6 months ago

Just makes me sick! WTH , can’t wait for Trump….this MUST stop!!!

6 months ago


Donald King
Donald King
6 months ago

Progressives are known for their hatred of the military, any of the branches. And they hate them right up to the moment they suddenly have to call on them to bail us out of one of the messes the liberals keep getting us into.

6 months ago

In 1966 I was working for a large communications company in the San Francisco Bay area, and then I was drafted. When I first entered the Army, this company paid me the difference between my new salary and my old salary for six months. This allowed my wife to continue her college education which was a tremendous help. They for sure did not have to do this, they did this for me and my family.  After 1 year and 9 months in the Army, 16 of those months I was out of the country serving with an Infantry company in Southeast Asia.
When I returned home, I did not contact this communications company, they contacted me with a job offer. I have no idea how they even knew that I was a civilian again who would need to start looking for work. Being invited back to work, not in the exact same place doing the exact same things, but back to work I went. I was and am so very thankful.
They were loyal to me, and I am still loyal to them. Thanks, AT&T for your loyalty to me when I really needed it. They even bridged my time in the Army with the time I actually worked for them, so I was able to retire when I was 50 years old. That was almost 30 years ago. Times have changed, and even though my memory may be fading some, I think about how much harder it most likely would have been if I had not been a recipient of their concern. I am sure that when I reach 80 years of age later this year, I’ll still think about those who helped me, those lost in the fighting, those injured, some with devastating injuries, and those like me, almost unscratched.  Let’s also not forget their families.
Do those who served deserve our help? For sure they deserve our help.
How about illegals? What do you think?

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
6 months ago

There is actually a large numbers of illegal aliens that honorably served America in the military and after they were honorably discharged were deported. They should be allowed into our country and given a path to citizenship. That is as long as they weren’t convicted of a crime.

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