
National Security , Newsline

Desperate Biden Heads to Border Amidst His Illegal Immigration Catastrophe

Posted on Thursday, February 29, 2024
by Tammy Bruce

Americans are justifiably enraged by the dangerous invasion of our country by millions of illegal aliens — including murderers, rapists, and gang members — due to the negligence and incompetence of President Joe Biden and his administration.

Biden is traveling to Texas on Thursday to stage a photo op to show his supposed concern about the open borders and record high illegal immigration he is responsible for inflicting on the American people. The fact that it is his policies that have created this mess seems to not bother him.

His real concern is with polls showing that Americans realize what a failure and fraud he has been on this issue. Once it was announced former President Donald Trump was traveling to Texas also on Thursday to call attention to the mess on the border, even Biden was alert enough to figure he needed to head there as well. That alone tells us how desperate Biden and the Democrats have become in general, and on this issue.

After strolling along, hand-in-hand, with the extremist policies of far-left Democrats and their determination to erase our southern border, Biden has suddenly realized that he’s under water with most voters and is desperate to at least appear as thought he cares and wants to fix the problem.

A Monmouth University poll released Monday found that 61% of Americans consider illegal immigration a very serious problem and 23% consider it a somewhat serious problem — more than during the administrations of Presidents Barack Obama and Trump. The same poll showed that a record high 53% of Americans support building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border — a project Trump began as president. 

Moreover, a Gallup poll released Tuesday found that Immigration “Surges to Top of Most Important Problem List; First time immigration has been the single most important problem since 2019.” Yes, that is a headline that likely has contributed to Biden’s handlers pulling him out of the basement.

Most importantly for Trump, an NBC News poll released in early February found that 57% of Americans believe he would do a better job than Biden “securing the border and controlling immigration.” The poll found that only 22% of Americans said Biden would do a better job.

One reason contributing to Trump’s victories in every Republican presidential primary and caucus held so far this year is his effectiveness in securing our border when he was president, along with his pledge to do even more to combat the catastrophe we’re experiencing if he is elected president again. This will also be important in helping Trump to send Biden into a long-overdue retirement.

The flood of illegal immigrants crossing our borders is appalling and frightening, and is changing the character of our nation.

In just the 2023 fiscal year, U.S. Customs and Border Protection encountered an astounding 3.2 million illegal aliens crossing into the U.S. — more than any year in American history and more than all four years of the Trump administration combined. An unknown number of additional illegal immigrants crossed the border last year without being encountered by law enforcement officers.

Because the federal government has too few immigration judges and lacks the space to house all illegal immigrants, the vast majority are released into the U.S. and told to appear for an asylum hearing, sometimes several years into the future. Not all show up. Some commit violent crimes.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) reports that in the 2023 fiscal year it “arrested 73,822 noncitizens with criminal histories; this group had 290,178 associated charges and convictions with an average of four per individual. These included 33,209 assaults; 4,390 sex and sexual assaults; 7,520 weapons offenses; 1,713 charges or convictions for homicide; and 1,655 kidnapping offenses.” Welcome to America!

It would take a book to list all these crimes. But to cite just two that drew widespread national news coverage:

  • Augusta (Georgia) University nursing student Laken Riley, 22, was attacked and killed last week on her morning run by someone who crushed her skull, police said. Jose Ibarra, 27, who illegally entered the U.S. in 2022 from Venezuela but was released due to lack of detention space, was charged with murder, aggravated assault, false imprisonment, kidnapping and other crimes.
  • A 2-year-old Maryland boy and his mother got caught in the crossfire of two gangs. Little Jeremy Poou-Caceres was killed and his 17-year-old mother was injured. The New York Post reports, “Nilson Granados-Trejo, 25, [an illegal immigrant from El Salvador] was charged Monday with first- and second-degree murder, the fifth suspect busted for the Feb. 8 shooting… Granados-Trejo was previously twice arrested on theft charges and had been ordered to be removed from the US by an immigration judge in New Jersey — but was repeatedly released from custody despite three immigration detainers.” And yet his public defender still argued that this maniac should be granted pre-trial release.

Trump has said he will institute a series of strong and effective policies to defend our national security against the illegal immigrant invasion if he becomes president again. These policies reflect the president’s duty to defend the sovereignty of our nation and the security and safety of our people. They will include, among a number of new and reimplemented policies and plans using the military and local law enforcement to round up and deport millions of illegal aliens in the largest such operation in American history, and finishing the wall.

Neither Laken nor Jeremy should be dead. Nor should the thousands of others whose lives have been taken or forever changed because of crimes committed by people who are here illegally and courtesy of the malignant and catastrophic policies of Biden and the Democrats.

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7 months ago

What baffles me is how Biden and the Democrat Party could let the border situation get this bad without even looking or sounding troubled. It seems they act as if Americans are too stupid to catch on.

Roger Ott
Roger Ott
7 months ago

It’s time America wakes up and puts a patriot back in the Whitehouse !

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
7 months ago

NOW Biden’s visiting the border?! This politically motivated photo-op is too little too late.

Harry Boccelli
Harry Boccelli
7 months ago

I don’t understand that if this is against the law, how does it keep going on for over three years. Unbelievable !!!!!

7 months ago

We have been talking about the disaster debacle chaos invasion at the border since ole Joe said come on in. If he can invite them in he has also the power to keep them out. Only he won’t set in any mandates for that. 10 million more voters is all he sees. He wants more money, for what?That is his solution to any problem. Ukraine has gotten how many billions in cash plus billions more in weapons. And what has happened? Putin is still the boss in the Ukraine. NATO countries have been weakened in their defenses. Is it any wonder with milque toast obiden in the White House that Putin is threatening with nuclear weapons. He knows NATO has to back down. The border is the same to make America a third world country. They had a week to clean up the border for sloppy’s visit. Nothing to see there. Migration is down is what he’ll say. Nice ad for the election no? Everything Trump did he undid and now that it is not working he still blames Trump. This visit is no more than fodder for the Pravda press and campaign ads and flyers.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
7 months ago

What does his handlers thinking? Every one that can think for themselves knows Joey cause this crisis and the pain and suffering that has come with it.

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
7 months ago

The open border is about gaining votes for the Democrats, nothing more and nothing less. What kind of sick people place ideology over human beings? Remember, it was Barack Obama who said that if the Democrats could ever turn Texas blue, there will never be another Republican president.

7 months ago

Why hasn’t Biden, Obama and Soros been arrested for high treason and sedition???

Jo Mason
Jo Mason
7 months ago

I couldn’t agree more with this author. So refreshing to see the “right side” on line.

7 months ago
  • Trump should suddenly and without notice change his planned itinerary to visit the northern border. There are problems there, too.
7 months ago

Biden border policy is a joke. There’s free rein to cross the border and collect all the taxpayer funded goodies.
Unacceptable !!!

7 months ago

Optics are not reality, but that is all Biden has.

7 months ago

A couple of weeks ago 60-MINUTES had a segment showing a hole in border wall that shows mainly people from China entering USA. One said that know location using GPS on phone & that they had paid money for trip. Question: If 60-minutes knows this, how can Biden & Homeland Security & Mayorkas & Kamala & Biden not know about this? And, have they closed this hole up or still letting it exist?

7 months ago

In addition to the already horrendous numbers of vicious crimes these invaders have inflicted upon innocent Americans are the hundreds of thousands of young people who have died from fentanyl poisoning since biden became president. That alone should be enough to cast biden, Mayorkas, and the dems to the stinking garbage heap that keeps piling up in this once beautiful country.

MAGA 2024.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
7 months ago

When Ms. Bruce says that Biden is a fraud, she is 100% objectively correct. He has been so soft on illegal aliens invading our country, that he refused to continue the policies of President Trump — policies that were significantly reducing the number of illegal crossings. For three years Biden and his cohorts were openly telling falsehoods to the American people by claiming that our borders were orderly and secure. Even though the mainstream media carried the torch for Biden’s lies and propaganda, things are now so out of control, that even most Marxist Democrats admit something has to be done to make our borders more safe and secure. Biden’s phony stunt of finally going to the border for a photo shoot is so laughable that only the dumbest of dumb or most fanatical of partisans take him even the slightest bit seriously. Biden is a huge failure in protecting the interests of America and its citizens. He has failed to even come close to keeping America the land of opportunity where hard work and enforcement of laws is “for the people” of our great land.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

Fox news is using a split screen right now of Biden and Trump speeches: one is actually standing outside near the worst part of Texas that sees 1500 a day while one is inside an air conditioned building in an area that sees 50 people a day. Both surrounded by border patrol officers: one relying on them as security and one exploiting them to use as backdrops. FJB 2024

7 months ago

Typical Totalitarian Democrat party tactics. First creat a crisis and than come up with some solution that involves billions of taxpayers money.They also keep adding things to the bills that have to do with the actual provlem.

Angie Hall
Angie Hall
7 months ago

The blood on Biden and his admin is utterly sickening! The women raped, the children stolen, the innocent killed trying to get here, the gangs and cartel making money off this. The NGO’s making billions! All this is because of a corrupt president! Dems want votes and low paying workers! RINO’s are in on it too!
shame on all!

Old Silk
Old Silk
7 months ago

Brownsville is more genteel than Eagle Pass, that’s for sure. Chamber of Commerce and other comforts, not exactly swarming with illegals.

7 months ago

Don’t be fooled. Biden will go to the border and the press will say something like, “If Congress would just pass the bill, then this could be fixed tomorrow.” The reason the bill isn’t passed yet is because of the billions (with a ‘b’) of dollars in it for Ukraine. I doubt he is trying to bolster his sagging approval ratings; more likely he is pressuring the Congress to pass the Ukraine funding bill, which keeps the Biden crime family in a better cash flow position.

Annette Bobbitt
Annette Bobbitt
7 months ago

Big deal. Biden’s feeble attempt to make us even minutely believe he gives a damn about the border crisis he and the SWAMP have caused.
Obama’s pawn.

7 months ago

America is seeing just the tip of the iceberg as we plow full speed ahead on this collision course! Foreign gang members are being released from foreign jails and welcomed to come here by Biden, where they can rob, beat and kill for sport. Roving gangs have descended on major stores to steal, vandalize and destroy. Insurers cannot indemnify store owners for the huge levels of loss that is repeated again and again without police or justice intervention, . America must get rid of Biden, Mayorkas et al, to restore America’s values! America has never been this bad, the situation is dire and is worse by the day. President Trump is the only one with a demonstrated proven record of benefit for all. He is the only solution to bring America back to greatness again in 2024! Sad but true!

7 months ago

This man must be charged with treason and thrown out of the White House! Biden and obama both have committed so many crimes against America it’s just pathetic especially while the left makes up garbage on President Donald J. Trump the bogus Impeachments threatening him with the loss of his business all those fines and 700 years in prison! Give me a break this is insane but then again so are democrats!

7 months ago

Desperate or pathetic??
Finally maybe Real American Citizens are waking up to the ILLEGAL INVASION that joebama,obama and the hateful marxist democrat party is SPEARHEADING against OUR COUNTRY!!
These traitors don’t care, are deliberate and BOLDLY sticking it in America’s face , challenging and taunting Citizens to ACT.
America better realize the death,destruction and third world transformation they are shoving down the throats of YOU,YOUR FAMILY AND FUTURE!
IF We the People don’t END THIS in the 2024 election once and for all , AMERICA is done.
WAKE UP – the time to STAND UP and SAVE OUR Country is NOW!
NO MARXIST democrat,rino or traitors should EVER hold office. Their oath states otherwise.
This is America, keep it GREAT

7 months ago

Deport the military age males to Ukraine to fight. Make it an automatic death sentence for any illegal who commits a violent crime or one in which another person is injured or killed. Make fentanyl possession punishable by automatic deportation for an illegal and for citizens, a minimum 25 year sentence in federal work camps where they do hard labor; even better, make them build the walls at our borders and plant land mines beyond it. Just some ideas to not only unburden our systems but to find effective deterrence to anyone considering immigration by any other than legal means.

7 months ago

He’s only fooling the people blinded by the corrupt media.

7 months ago

Too little too late. The border should never have been opened. All done purposefully.

Phil Nesror
Phil Nesror
7 months ago

On or about Feb 6, Jesse Waters played a clip of Biden explaining his belief that Whites will and should be in the minority in America. That says it all about Biden’s border policy. Look it up.

7 months ago

The egg heads don’t let anything disturb them…until it happens to them. Is it because they are supid or are they just total megalomaniacs?

7 months ago

He’ll walk a “sanitized” area with the ass-kissers pontificating on how secure the border is. Nothing will change until he and the cow-eyed bald headed prick are gone. It’s all so tiresome…..

7 months ago

Oh, yes, President Biden has taken many deliberate steps to undermine our standard of living and our national security. His border policies certainly underscore that point.
Another concern is how well he can stay on point with this issue, as the term “border” could easily remind him of the hemmed edge of a piece of embroidered fabric… that he could suddenly wish to change into and model for all of us.
Yea, you show us how, Mr. President!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
7 months ago

He only went to the border because President Trump went there and he did not want Trump to look good which President Trump will fix the border Biden and the others never will.

7 months ago

How times have changed! As a immigrant to the U.S. in the sixties, I’m appalled at what this Administration is doing to bring destruction to this beautiful country.
Before being permitted to enter the U.S. I had to be fully vetted. This meant that, along with my application, I was required to provide personal references, a guarantee from my prospective employer that I would not become a burden of the State, and an X-ray taken at the U.S. Consulate to verify that I had no communicable disease, such as Tuberculosis that was running rampant at that time. I dread to think what diseases these so-called illegal immigrants are bringing us today, I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t get the plague.
I pray that with a new administration this insanity will soon be over. God bless us all.

zoe frost
zoe frost
7 months ago

The Commie/Globalist traitors need open borders (despite all the drugs/mayhem/death they bring)…millions of unvetted illegals flooding in, grateful for free-free-free, voting D.

America LAST, Constitution-denying JoeBama’s term thus far has shown us that the Demonrat slogan should be MATH (Make America Totalitarian Hell). America FIRST Patriots wanting to KEEP our freedoms/opportunities Constitutional Republic intact, our slogan is MAGA (Make America Great, Again)…appropriate after America-hating, card carrying Communist Obama’s two traitorous terms…it’s even more appropriate after traitor O’s 3rd term and their goal to finish the “fundamental transformation” for total destruction, that O started!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

Saying “Biden went to the border” is like saying “I’ve tried Mexican food” because I went to Taco Bell! Biden was inside an air-conditioned building in an area that might see 50 illegal crossings (thanks to physical barriers like a FENCE and RAZOR WIRE) while Trump stood in the shadow of cargo boxes in the heart of Eagle Pass. Bidens “backdrop” of BCP officers looked like they were being held hostage… we know the feeling!

7 months ago

Isn’t it AMAZING how politicians appear to be concerned with issues in an election year. Slime balls. The democratic communists should be ashamed. Of course they would have to have a moral compass, common sense and a love of this country to have any shame.

7 months ago

Negligence and incompetence are not problems with Globalist planning to destroy the American middle class. The open borders intend to add enough voters to do as Elites intend.

7 months ago

This isn’t “negligence and incompetence”, it’s been the plan all along! When you succeed so well at your plan you are not ” negligent and imcompetent”. We all saw it coming.

Jim Halloran
Jim Halloran
7 months ago

It is too bad that we could not get the worst president ever out of office now. Better yet last year.

Stephen miller
Stephen miller
7 months ago


7 months ago

Trump stated today that he built +570 miles of will when he was POTUS & that the surplus wall parts have been sold for 5-cents on the dollar by Biden admin. Any comments on this, as other sources do not have very much new wall built during Trump; term. And what happened to couple miles of wall that Steve Bannon raised money for to help build new wall?

7 months ago

The lame stream fake news media, ABC, NBC, CBS refuses to or barely cover any of the homeless illegal alien invasion. Even your opening internet/phone page has for the most part no coverage. They’re too busy trying to trash Trump. I think it’s a fair statement saying that the majority of people that are either not getting news regarding Biden’s border disaster are democrats and their followers of sheep.

7 months ago

sorry, Joe. too little, too late

7 months ago

Biden going to Texas but probably not even close to the border. He is such a worthless POS. I hope people have enough sense NOT to vote for him this year…although like someone said, he probably won’t even make it to the end of the year.

Michael Rae
Michael Rae
7 months ago

Massive illegal immigration is by design. It is working exactly as planned by Obama who is pulling Biden’s strings. The more massive the numbers, the more the Democrats will get more representatives in Congress. Soon, they will be able to dictate policy.

7 months ago

He won’t even know what border he is at.

7 months ago

Before O’Biden was sworn in, he had already put out the welcome mat ! He invited the entire third-world to invade America, they complied, emptying their prisons of gang members, rapists, drug dealers, murderers, terrorists, foreign nationals, most seeking ASYLUM a catch-all reason to enter without ID. 90 %+ will not qualify for asylum, but they get a court date 8 to 10 years out (which they won’t show for anyway) they’re released, given a cell phone, a cash card, a bus ticket or plane ticket to their desired location (usually a BLUE sanctuary city, they have the best hand-outs) where the Mayor greets them like the WELCOME WAGON ! Free hotel, no bail laws,get out of jail free ! With Cackles the “BORDER CZAR” and one trip to El Paso and Dementia Joe’s trip to Brownsville they have the Border WELL IN HAND !! Fit Mayorkas with glasses, pull his Green Card for saying the Border is SECURE for 3 years. Did O’Biden pick-up any of these “NEWCOMERS” / UNDOCUMENTED DEMOCRATS back with him ? He’s got that BIG house in Wilmington and that beach house sitting empty. Just Saying.

7 months ago

He’s fooling a lot of people though.

7 months ago

ole Joe told them to come. And they came by the millions. If the border was closed. The wall was fully built, by the migrants that have come in, I think, would be a good plan, the millions would trickle down to a few hundred and in time to less than that. Stop supporting them. Come here legally. Acclimate and stop holding your hand up for help.

7 months ago

What economy? They have let in 10 million migrants. Where are they going to live? Get a job? Go to school? Get healthcare? You and all the other taxpaying citizens are supporting these people. One day they will knock on your door with a note from dear ole Joe that they are moving into your house, the note said Ole Joe ordered it. Do you still think? They are good for the economy? Good luck supporting a family of four.

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