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Media Brags About Deep State Plot to Stop Trump

Posted on Wednesday, February 28, 2024
by Shane Harris

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

Donald Trump

After alleging for years that former President Donald Trump and his supporters are “conspiracy theorists” for warning about the Deep State’s attempts to undermine American democracy, the corporate media is now openly detailing the left’s plans to use the federal bureaucracy to undercut Trump should he win a second term this November.

On February 16, the Associated Press ran an article entitled, “Trump wants to fire thousands of government workers. Liberals are preparing to fight back if he wins.” The piece details how “liberal organizations in Washington” are “quietly trying to install roadblocks” to thwart Trump’s agenda if he returns to the White House.

“A collection of activists, advocates, and legal experts is promoting new federal rules to limit presidential power while urging Biden’s White House to do more to protect his accomplishments and limit Trump in a possible second term,” the AP reports. Some of those rules include efforts to make it more difficult for the president to fire career bureaucrats and place limits on the president’s authority over the military (something which would seem to be a flagrant violation of the Constitution).

At least part of this plan already appears to be taking effect. As the AP reports, Biden’s Office of Personnel Management is on track to finalize a new rule in April that would prohibit future administrations from reclassifying tens of thousands of federal workers in order to make it easier to fire them. If Trump or any future president wanted to reverse the rule, he “would likely have to spend months — or even years — unwinding it.”

In other words, a major media outlet is now plainly acknowledging that there is an effort underway to ensure that, no matter the outcome of the election this fall, the federal bureaucracy will continue to implement Biden’s agenda. Not only that, but the AP is giving the scheme favorable coverage.

For conservatives, the idea that a cadre of liberal activists and bureaucrats are conspiring to stymie Trump’s policy priorities is hardly shocking. What is alarming, however, is the openness with which the media is now reporting on that effort – something which could signal the start of a campaign to legitimize an all-out mutiny by the federal bureaucracy should Trump win this November.

As far back as Trump’s 2016 campaign, conservatives have been sounding the alarm about schemes by career bureaucrats to influence election outcomes and otherwise undermine a duly elected president. In each case, Democrats and the liberal media have decried those warnings as “conspiracy theories” – only for those theories to be proven correct.

During the 2016 race, it was the “Russiagate” hoax, where the Obama administration, Clinton campaign, and corporate media conspired with top officials in the intelligence community to push the narrative that Trump was a “Russian asset.” Anyone who opposed or even questioned this narrative was slandered as a “Putin apologist,” while Trump and his top campaign operatives were also mocked by the media for claims that the FBI spied on his campaign.

It was only years later that the public learned definitively through Congressional investigations, the DOJ Inspector General’s report, and ultimately the Durham Report that, as the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board put it, “Trump really was spied on.” The “Trump-Russia collusion” narrative was completely fabricated in order to launch a bogus investigation into Trump.

While Trump ultimately overcame that plot, the Deep State continued its attempts to thwart and undermine Trump at every turn during his four years in office.

From intelligence officials feeding false reports to the media about a supposed “Russian bounties” program on U.S. troops, to bureaucrats throughout the government continuing to infuse left-wing climate change talking points into Trump administration documents, liberal-minded government workers attempted to use their offices to hamstring Trump’s agenda and ultimately his re-election bid. As Bloomberg reported in 2017, “Across the government, career staffers are finding ways to continue old policies, sometimes just by renaming a project.”

For the left, of course, these endeavors are heroic efforts to protect the country from Trump’s supposedly evil policies. As liberal commentator David Rothkopf, who wrote an entire book lauding the Deep State’s efforts to undermine Trump, argued in an interview with NPR, “Veteran government officials served as guardrails, preventing initiatives that were illegal, unworkable, immoral or against the country’s interests.”

What doesn’t appear to have occurred to Rothkopf – or anyone in the liberal establishment – is that it is voters, not bureaucrats, who are empowered by the Constitution to decide what is “immoral” and “against the country’s interests.” The American people make that decision at the ballot box, where they choose a leader to enact a specific agenda that taxpayer-funded government agencies exist to facilitate. The idea that unelected career bureaucrats should have the power to veto any policy they disagree with is completely antithetical to the Constitution and to the very idea of representative government.

However, the left has for the better part of a decade now been insisting that Trump is an existential threat to democracy who must be stopped at any cost. The idea of wielding the federal bureaucracy as a weapon against Trump and undermining the will of the voters in the process has now become so normalized that the AP can write about it and the story generates virtually no buzz in the wider media landscape.

If Trump wins re-election this November, reversing this plot to sabotage his second term may prove to be a necessary first step before pursuing any other policy priorities.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Ohio. You can follow him on X @ShaneHarris513.

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7 months ago

Wickedness abounds in the demoncrat party. God help us.

7 months ago

Nothing the left does is outrageous enough, they outdo themselves at every turn. Trump must really scare the hell out of them to have them go to such lengths. I think Trump is tough enough to take whatever they dish out, and push back. I fervently wish for his success.

7 months ago

So many of us pay no attention to AP news stories because of the tough to swallow liberal slant to most of them. Maybe I should read their drivel and try to ignore the bias just to stay abreast of what they are trying to do.
Thank you for reminding us of their socialistic slant.

7 months ago

We have become a 3rd world country.

7 months ago

Least we not forget that “Russiagate” also cost American Taxpayers $30 Million bucks that was paid to Mueller for him to go before Congress and mumble, “Uhhh, No Russia”.

7 months ago

All of these deep state bureaucrats should be declared as terrorists and traitors to the country and the US military should attack and destroy them all PERIOD!!!!
Drastic action has to be taken as these liberal Marxist demoncrats will stop at nothing to destroy the country.

7 months ago

I think of what Trump has said …. if they do this to me, It’s because they’re threatening to do this to you. The sheer malevolence of this is stunning. And they feel so confident about it that it is being done and said in the open light of day.

7 months ago

The first thing that needs doing is to out obama for what he really is – A ROTTEN, EVIL COMMUNIST – then put the traitor in jail for the rest of his life. After that enforce all our laws against treason then go after every politician and the thousands of bureaucrats who have broken their oaths of office and committed treason: take them all to court and if found guilty jail them for at least 20 years. If we need to build a couple of jails for all the traitors lets do it. Talk is cheap, actions are what counts and these traitors have been damaging our country for decades. also, end all taxpayer checks to anyone guilty of treason.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
7 months ago

The is no bottom to how deep the Democrats and RINO’s will go. I think they’d stop short of trying to kill him but it’s always a possibility as long as the Clintons are alive.

zoe frost
zoe frost
7 months ago

Anyone paying attention is not surprised…this article needs to go viral, maybe some of the traitor’s indoctrinated/propagandized USEFUL IDIOTS will finally wake the hell up, they’ve been fed lies. Every day, it looks more and more like the outcome will be Amerikazuela, the death of our freedoms/opportunities Constitutional Republic if the evil Commie/Globalist/ Demonrat traitors destroying our country aren’t stopped!

7 months ago

They fear Trump because he will undo their Communist policy accomplishments! If Jackass Joe Biden institutes a law that no President can fire or close existing Federal Agencies, no problem, just freeze paying them so that they quit on their own! People, remember when you attended Elementary, Junior High and High school? Remember ALL those stupid dumb kids, well they DIDN’T GET ANY SMARTER AS ADULTS, they became DEMOCRATS! EASILY RULED! Democratic Leadership doesn’t want to SERVE, they WANT TO RULE and thusly install Communist RULE! These Democrats are SO STUPID they don’t realize that the average citizen won’t be able to afford paying $10 / gallon gasoline or $50,000 cars, ONLY their PRIVILEGED RULERS!

7 months ago

The ultra left are making Trump a lame duck president before he is even elected. All to continue their plan to destroy America. MSM has all the power they are the Pravda for the left. They cant beat Trump in a fair election so ole Joe will give the vote to all the migrants who are here illegally via mail in ballots. All done. That is why we have a demented president who went in a late night show I never even heard off. He couldn’t even put into words what he had done or what he was planning for the future. He dismissed it with his stick answer oh well anyway. Yes Joe oh well. We dismiss you that way as well. But that is not enough he has a whole army of federal workers doing his dirty work for him when Trump wins. We the people are the ones in charge of this country only not anymore with the OBiden regime. We have been saying O was corrupt because he hated America. And here we are all these so-called conspiracy theories the ultra left screamed about they made true. I saw it in 2026 again in 2020 and 2022. And still people voted for the dems. The only way to eradicate this curse is war. The lines have drawn by the ultra left and acquiesced by the dems. I have never in my life seen such a division in the country till O and getting worse under Joe. But ole Joe is perfect. When he is shown more eating ice cream than press conferences invokes an image of a man that is a puppet not a president. Help us oh Lord for they know not what they do.

7 months ago

Why aren’t these actions to prevent the will of the people from being implemented just as much an insurrection as January 6th? They should all go to jail.

7 months ago

the democratic party is made up of treasonous scum.

7 months ago

My only hope is that Trump and his group can realized that this is occurring and stop it before he acts on any piece of legislation. We need to clear he entire “swamp” from the country and start all over again. The country must be free from all the solicialistic and liberal people who are trying to establish a dictatorship instead of the USA remaining a free democratic society. If Trump is not elected and does not get rid of the “swamp”, we are doomed.

7 months ago


7 months ago

This is all about a conscious decision by our “governmental left” to serve only themselves, while completely disenfranchising the right. To do that, they knew that they needed to “dumb down” the electorate while pretending that values are nothing

7 months ago

This is all about a conscious decision by our “governmental left” to serve only themselves, while completely disenfranchising the right. To accomplish NM that, they knew that they needed to “dumb down” the electorate while pretending that values are nothing

Dave O'Neil
Dave O'Neil
7 months ago

Just happy I am close to 88 years old. I have lived in the USA when it was a great to live, work and raise a family. My children, Grand children and Great Grand Children will not have that luxury. Satan(Joe Biden) and his henchmen are making sure our country is destroyed. My question is—WHY? Their families will suffer the same destruction.
I pray that GOD will intervene and save us all. Until Prayer and God are returned, the Family, and our country are in Great Trouble.

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
7 months ago

The only real salvation I see to save this nation is the Article V Convention of States. That convention gives the people and the states complete power to restrain and correct an out-of-control Washington DC, control that even the SCOTUS cannot control or override. The swamp will never correct their abuses, the lust for continued power is too great. But the people CAN correct it, beginning with Term Limits for Congress to eliminate the professional politicians from retaining power indefinitely, and that one thing alone is very popular with the people. Term Limits do not solve every problem, but it’s a big start. Other possibilities are a Balanced Budget Amendment, and maybe establishing a permanent size of the SCOTUS to prevent political manipulation.

Patriot Bill
Patriot Bill
7 months ago

4 years will not be enough. Patriots need to demolish the current bureaucracy, destroy or greatly diminish all federal agencies that create illegitimate laws. It will take many decades to raise the constitution to its rightful place as the Supreme law of the land.

7 months ago

The same group that had an insurance policy to make sure Trump was never elected is still on the same mission. What is their job description? What does not get done while they are busy working on getting rid of Trump? If the Supreme Court does not take up a case to challenge any of this and the House and Senate continue to propose and argue and reach a stalemate, unelected bureaucrats will/or already have dominion.

7 months ago

The lamestream media has been bombastic with its biased reporting, but for decades the outlets have denied their hostility towards conservatives. Now they’re simply admitting to it.
Remember 2020’s “Mostly peaceful protests” reporter with burning buildings in the background?

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
7 months ago

Dinesh was really on the money! https ://

7 months ago

The left screams “Insurrection” when there is none, but they continue to practice subversion at every opportunity. Who died and gave an Illinois judge the power to dee ide who the citizens of Illinois can vote for? Same in Maine and Colorado and a host of other states who stand by to disqualify one candidate from running…simply because he will likely win. What has the “deep state” done to protect us while their president Biden throws open the southern border and invites fighting-age men from all nations good and foe to come in without paying? Who said they were anointed to decide what is right? It’s time to blow the whole Democrat party up by overwhelmingly electing Trump to clean house.

Catharine Noel-Repetski
Catharine Noel-Repetski
7 months ago


Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
7 months ago

Let’s not forget its “We the People”. This stuff has to be stopped. We’ll be $35 TRILLION in debt by November and are spending $1 BILLION a day in interest. All presidents have added to the national debt, but we MUST reign in the unelected. bureaucrats.

7 months ago

Think back for a moment about the Mueller investigation. Over 22 months, it spent about 40 Million dollars on 19 attorneys, (all Hilliary donors as I recall), plus scores of FBI agents, forensic accountants, staff, 2800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants, 500 witnesses, 50 pen registers, dawn raids on Trump allies, etc. etc. No one running for office anywhere ever has been scrutinized to this extent. Can you even imagine what such scrutiny would reveal about Mrs. Pelosi? Mr. Schumer? Mr. Swalwell? Mr. Biden? Closer to home, what would it reveal about you if an army of investigators looked at every check, credit card transaction, phone call, email and text message you have sent over the past five years? If you need another reason to vote for Mr. Trump, I submit he is the cleanest politician running for national office, and he has the papers to prove it.

7 months ago

Who’s the threat to democracy? Obviously the DEMs and Deep State, not the GOP nor its leaders.

Paul Scott Desillier
Paul Scott Desillier
7 months ago

These are executive orders and or agency orders. These are not constitutional and can be eliminated with a strong Republican House and Senate. All the more reason to VOTE. Having a Congress working with President Trump will eliminate the swap and purge the agencies. Fire them all. Also important to select strong leaders for the FBI, CIA, Justice department, Homeland security, etc. Close the Department of Education, EPA, and many of the thousands of agencies that exist. You cannot believe how many people we employ to do essentially the same tasks. Please Vote your love for our Great Country

7 months ago

I hope he fires all of them! This is treason!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

The press + social media + Democrat Party = collusion, conspiracy, voter influencing + intimidation, censorship, judicial persecution. Treason.

7 months ago

We have learned nothing from history! Yet, here we are, on the edge of the chasm. Every minute that passes, Conservatives grow closer to an inevitable choice. The United States faced the war of the Blue vs.Gray…. Now we march forward to the Red vs. Blue. Political Power misused and forced on its people will the death of this Republic.

7 months ago

AP is nothing but liberal garbage. Always has been. I ignore anything that AP puts out. UPI is closer to Center and as such is totally ignored by news Outlets. That aside, the threat is real and they will use it Trump has to figure out how to fire all of them. One big way to defund them if they have no salary they will probably quit going to work

Valerie Derendinger
Valerie Derendinger
7 months ago

Everyone – What I see is a Democratic Party creating a Democrat Dictatorship never seeing any other party being able to become President especially with all these illegals coming in and wanting to make them instant citizens to allow them to vote. Maybe everyone should start talking everyday about what the Democratic Party is setting out to do with the help of Soro’s money.

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
7 months ago

Long past time for the voters to correct the course taken by bureaucrats. They are not elected and therefore not empowered to run our country. The FED is now the largest employer in the country and arguably far worse than all corrupt union bosses combined.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
7 months ago

Trump should win. I’m not sure he will. The covid level of cheating isn’t an option, but the Democrats have been fine honing their dirty tricks. If Trump wins, it will be a miracle, and then, yes, it’s time to clean the Stygian Stables. A damn on the Potamic is the cure.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
7 months ago

Democrats are forcing a Civil War and they stand to lose the most when that happens!

Charles C. Vaughn
Charles C. Vaughn
7 months ago

sounds about right, the deep state wants to protect their “rice bowl” at any cost no matter that it against the law.

7 months ago

O’Biden’s (O’Bama’s 3rd term) “record ” employment numbers are mostly Gov’t hires. His LGBTQ+, ESG, DEI and Green New Deal have swelled the ranks of the bureaucracy ! The Wu-Flu scare still has work-from-home people, probably a third of them. If they can’t show-up we don’t need them. Trump took bad advice in some of his picks (like Fauci) and his AG,.He will know better this time !! We can get back to Peace and Prosperity !! No more Bidumb-nomics, No more Bidumb-flation, No more 10 % for the “Big Guy”

7 months ago

The person Trump picks for VP will have to be as tough as he is in order to continue his legacy (if he’s allowed to have one).

7 months ago

This election may get ugly. In fact it will get ugly. The best that any patriot can do is be prepared to take back our government and ultimately our country from the leftist trying their best to wreck our way of life.

7 months ago


7 months ago

“Joe’s accomplishments”? He screwed America!

7 months ago

Despicable, lying, cheating, thieving, unethical. Those are just a few of the words I can use to describe the democrats and their minions. I literally cannot hate them anymore than I already do. I hope they all burn in hell!

Lucius Severus Pertinax
Lucius Severus Pertinax
7 months ago

“…make it more difficult for the president to fire career bureaucrats.”
He does not have to fire them; all he has to do is suspend their Security Clearances.
The President has the authority to do that and does not have to give a reason. The affected person, under such suspension, can’t do anything; their passwords no longer work, they cannot discuss anything with those who DO have clearances,they can no longer go to their own offices. The Government is still has to pay them; but, at least, they can do no further harm. And… they can’t even complain about it publicly without breaking security protocols, risking arrest, unless they quit.

David Millikan
David Millikan
7 months ago

Is the STATE liberal media going to brag about the photo op of Dictator Beijing biden going to Brownsville, Texas (Won’t know where he’s at) where there are hardly any of his Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion happening since President Trump is going to Eagle Pass, Texas where a large amount of the Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion is taking place?
Only reason Dictator Beijing biden decided to go after years of neglect is because President Trump is going to the Border to show the TRUTH that the Border is NOT SECURED and AT NATIONAL SECURITY RISK and SOVEREIGNTY RISK.
How about the STATE liberal media BRAG about that?

Socratic Thought
Socratic Thought
7 months ago

Panic will grip The Swamp around Labor Day. Expect no holds barred as the Democrat-Meida Complex assaults us with lies unlimited and lawfare.

7 months ago

This plan just expands on what Obama did when he moved previous political positions under civil service. Quite frankly, while firing these people might cause a lot of opinions to opined in various media, the President is the head of the executive branch, one president cannot bind the hands of the next. Ultimately it will be his decisions that count.

7 months ago

Middle and upper management should hve to tender conditional resignations pending review. All bureaucracies should be relocated throughout red state fly over America, in mid sized non college town cities.with only the WhiteHouse, Congress, SCOTUS, the Pentagon, and a MP security detachment remaining in DC. This will also break up the blue in Maryland suburbs and NoVa.

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