
Elections , Newsline

The Money Machine Behind Progressive Election Efforts

Posted on Friday, February 23, 2024
by Outside Contributor

The left’s equivalent of the Koch network, Arabella Advisors, is a powerhouse distributor of mega money to progressive PACs and Democrat campaigns.


Arabella Advisors is the biggest name in politics you’ve never heard.

The firm is deeply involved with some of the most prominent financiers of progressive policies and Democratic Party candidates. It manages a complex network of tax-exempt, nonprofit organizations that quietly funnels money to progressive organizations, political action committees, and the campaigns of Democratic Party candidates.

In 2020 and 2022, according to federal election finance filings and nonprofit tax forms, groups linked to Arabella were active in financing Democrats and left-leaning get-out-the-vote efforts. A leader of one of the funds connected to Arabella has already promised to keep up their efforts in 2024.

Arabella Advisors is a private, Washington-based for-profit corporation. In its 2020 report, it says it provides “administrative services to nonprofits working to build a better world and [help] philanthropists on their journeys from idea to impact.”

Arabella didn’t respond to requests for comment by The Epoch Times.

Its website says its clients include families and individuals, foundations, nonprofits, and corporations. It doesn’t disclose financial records or details of its activities outside of so-called annual impact reports.

The latest such report, reflecting its activities in 2021 and 2022, said it worked to “deploy more than half a billion dollars in grants to more than 2,800 grantees working in more than 100 countries and almost every state in the United States.”

The report also shows evidence of Arabella’s political leanings. It lists defending democracy and elevating equity as part of “how it helps.”

In a December 2023 hearing before the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means Oversight Subcommittee, Rep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.) described Arabella as “a key part of the Democrat Party’s political infrastructure in recent years.”

Mr. Smith asked about the amount of money allegedly flowing into Arabella from foreign sources. In his testimony, Capital Research Center President Scott Walter said one donor in particular, Swiss medical device billionaire Hansjorg Wyss, is sending millions of dollars to Arabella-linked groups through his nonprofit organizations the Wyss Foundation and the Berger Action Fund.

“Our country is increasingly polarized in many ways, but we possess near-universal agreement that foreigners and foreign money should not meddle in our politics,” Mr. Walter said.

In November 2023, Arabella named Himesh Bhise, formerly a telecom executive, as its CEO. He replaced Sampriti Ganguli, who, according to her LinkedIn page, left the organization in December 2022 after she moved from CEO to become a part-time senior adviser.

In November 2021, Ms. Ganguli said in an interview with The Atlantic that Arabella is the American left’s equivalent to the conservative mega-donor Charles Koch. She is now an independent consultant in Arlington, Virginia.

Mr. Bhise, according to political donor records maintained by watchdog organization OpenSecrets, made small donations to Democrat candidates between 2008 and 2018.

The Nonprofit Funds

According to nonprofit tax forms reviewed by The Epoch Times, Arabella is paid to provide the administrative, operations, and management services for six politically active tax-exempt funds: New Venture Fund, Sixteen Thirty Fund, Hopewell Fund, Windward Fund, North Fund, and Impetus Fund.

In 2020, in the run-up to the general election between now-President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump, those groups funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to organizations that were intimately involved in a myriad of activities, including efforts to get out the vote, facilitate mail-in voting, explicitly oppose President Trump’s campaign, or support President Biden’s campaign.

The nonprofit organizations are required to file a Form 990 return with the IRS at the end of their fiscal year or the calendar year. However, it reflects the activities of the prior year. Americans, therefore, won’t know what the Arabella-linked funds were up to in 2024 until the end of 2025 at the earliest.

Influencing the 2020 Election

Collectively, the Arabella-linked funds spent about $1.4 billion in fiscal 2020. The groups sent more than $48 million back to Arabella for their services.

The Epoch Times reviewed dozens of 990s and Federal Election Commission filings associated with groups that admitted they were involved in a so-called “shadow campaign” in 2020.
In February 2021, Time published an article, “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” that detailed how a group of powerful people “across industries and ideologies” worked behind the scenes to “influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage, and control the flow of information.”
Time called the so-called shadow campaign a mission to fortify the 2020 election. Those who were quoted in the story said they worked to send hundreds of millions of dollars to poll workers and operatives aiming to get people to vote by mail for the first time. An Epoch Times analysis published in January showed that the campaign was focused on promoting Democratic candidates.

In 2020, the Arabella-linked funds sent about $218 million toward groups that were directly involved in the efforts against President Trump and other Republican candidates, according to IRS records.

The organizations said they were, and are still, working to protect democracy. A financial analysis shows that when they received money from an Arabella-linked fund in 2020, it almost always went toward efforts to stop either President Trump or another Republican candidate.

The largest recipient, by far, was America Votes. It got four of every five dollars the funds spent in the so-called shadow campaign.

The second-largest beneficiary was the Center for Technology and Civic Life. That group, according to earlier reporting from The Epoch Times, spent heavily to increase voter turnout in Biden-friendly districts. It got nearly $25 million from the Arabella-linked groups.

America Votes describes itself as “the coordination hub of the progressive community.” On its website, it says its coalition includes groups such as the Democratic Governor’s Association, Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee, and the National Democratic Redistricting Committee.

According to its tax records, America Votes spent about $257 million between July 2019 and June 2021. It sent money to more than 200 progressive organizations during that period. Several received more than $1 million each.

The largest recipients of America Votes’ grants ultimately sent money into PACs that worked to help the Biden campaign and other Democratic candidates.

Family Friendly Action PAC, which is linked to The Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy, received about $16 million from America Votes. According to an FEC analysis of its independent expenditures, it spent $4.2 million to support President Biden.

Additionally, Family Friendly Action PAC spent $10.9 million to support Democrats running for the U.S. Senate. The largest amount went to Theresa Greenfield, the Democratic challenger who failed to unseat Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa).

Black PAC got $9.7 million from America Votes, adding to other donations it received. The group spent $14.1 million on President Biden and $1.9 million against President Trump, according to the FEC.

The PAC also spent $16.2 million on Democrats in federal races. Its largest expenditure went to backing Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.), who beat then-Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler in 2020. Mr. Warnock’s win was critical for tilting the balance of power in the Senate toward the Democrats.

For Our Future, a super PAC linked to the progressive For Our Future Action Fund, got $8.2 million from America Votes. It spent about $4.3 million on President Biden and $1.3 million attacking President Trump.

Actions in 2022 and Beyond

It’s difficult to say what the groups are up to today because of the tax code. However, the leader of one of the most politically active funds has said that it’s ready to keep up its efforts.

In a blog post published in November 2023, Sixteen Thirty Fund President Amy Kurtz said of the group’s plans in the rest of 2023 and 2024, “We are prepared and proud to lead alongside our projects in the fight against authoritarianism and efforts to dismantle our freedoms.”

The post celebrated Sixteen Thirty’s involvement in efforts to influence voters ahead of the midterm elections in 2022 and off-cycle contests in 2023.

“As conservatives continued their assault on voting rights ahead of the 2022 election, our partners at America Votes rolled out the largest civic engagement program in the country,” Ms. Kurtz wrote in her blog post. “As a result of these efforts, turnout reached record highs for a midterm in Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.”

According to tax filings for fiscal 2022, the Arabella-linked funds spent more than $1.4 billion on the midterms. The groups paid Arabella $52.2 million.

Once again, America Votes was a leading recipient of donations.

The Arabella-linked groups sent America Votes $44 million in 2022. Its tax records show the progressive coalition spent about $65.3 million between July 2021 and June 2022. It sent grants to more than 130 organizations, with several receiving more than $1 million.

As in 2020, the groups that got the most money spent it on key races affecting the balance of power in Washington.

The Black Progressive Action Coalition, which is tied to Black PAC, received about $4.23 million, the largest gift of the cycle. In 2021 and 2022, according to FEC records, it spent $9.7 million on Democrats running for Congress. Mr. Warnock received $5.7 million.

The Center For Voter Information (CVI), a get-out-the-vote organization that calls itself nonpartisan, got about $2 million. The CVI is a partner organization of the Voter Participation Center (VPC). Tom Lopach is CEO and president of both organizations.

In their tax records, the CVI and the VPC both describe their organizational mission as getting unmarried women, people of color, and young people to vote.

According to his LinkedIn page, Mr. Lopach is a longtime Democratic operative. He’s a former chief of staff for Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and has worked for former Montana Gov. Steve Bullock, a Democrat.

America Votes also sent money to its own PAC: America Votes Action. Its PAC didn’t spend on races in 2021 or 2022, but it transferred money to groups that did.

Family Friendly Action PAC got about $1.4 million from America Votes Action. That group spent about $10.6 million to boost Democratic congressional candidates in 2021 and 2022. According to the FEC, it spent $4.1 million to help Sen. John Fetterman (D-Pa.) win his race against Republican Mehmet Oz.

Austin Alonzo covers U.S. political and national news for The Epoch Times. He has covered local, business and agricultural news in Kansas City, Missouri, since 2012. He is a graduate of the University of Missouri.

Reprinted with Permission from The Epoch Times – By Austin Alonzo

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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7 months ago

Looking at the personnel listed on their web site, their bios and the various WEF / NWO type organizations that they all come from (I recognize several of the firms mentioned in the various bios), it looks like the people in place at Arabella Advisors are what we would call in the business world as the “front men and women” or just the public faces of the organization. None of them have the deep financial resources or the apparent background to run a national organization of the complexity and scale of what Arabella is doing.

I would seriously doubt any of these folks are really running things or making any of the real decisions. They’re just the happy, non-descript and completely inter-changeable cogs for the folks behind the scenes elsewhere, that are really running the show and directing the huge amounts of money and resources.

The left has setup a number of these non-descript front organizations around the country to mask the movement of massive amounts of money and resources to promote the left’s agenda over the last 30 to 40 years. Every few years, one of these organizations starts getting mentioned or noticed a bit too much. So, the people behind them fold up shop and pop-up a new front doing the exact same thing a few weeks later. If you take one of these front organizations down, two or three more spring up overnight to take their place. It’s financial whack-a-mole with what amount to be shell companies. The people funding all this never get caught or publicly identified. The left is very well organized and committed to getting what they want, which is the end of the United States as an opposition force to a global socialist order. This is how the left manipulates the system to advance their cause.

7 months ago

Time to smell the coffee and wake up. Satan is real and he would love for the great American people to fail. We need to get back to knowing if our political candidates are truly Christians or just people hold a fire insurance policy. We need devote men and women who put Christ first. Then let the rest of the pieces fall accordingly.Pray all day, everydayGod bless

John Beach
John Beach
7 months ago

The propriety of equal justice under the constitutional rule of law is that which has been most subverted and perverted, representatively, by the Democrat Party. Their perspective on representation is so perverted, by diversity, equity and inclusion, that the rights of illegal aliens are more represented than the rights of native-born, law-abiding citizens of the U.S. That this fact, in and of itself, is sufficient to account for Biden’s victory in the election of 2020, lends credibility to the suspicion that the election of 2020 was stolen, digitally, and that the use of unequal process was the means by which it was accomplished. I am, still, trying to wrap my mind around the fact that, otherwise, there are that many, really stupid Americans with entitlement mentalities, the satisfaction of which is attained by voting “liberal democrat.” It is, fiscally, impossible that this can continue. Yet, the money flows into Democrat coffers to pay for the continuance of this perversion of representation. Is it any wonder that we are on the brink of a civil war?

Aisha Ullrich
Aisha Ullrich
7 months ago

I have been surfing online more than 3 hours today yet I never found any interesting article like yours It is pretty worth enough for me In my opinion if all web owners and bloggers made good content as you did the web will be much more useful than ever before

Capn Bob
Capn Bob
7 months ago

I wonder how much of this left wing socialist big money is being funneled into Nicki Haley’s campaign. The out polling in NH of all Dems and Indis that voted for her answered the question ” will you vote for her in November.?” 100% said I’ll be voting for Biden then. Her money is from the big left Wing open border deep state one world nuts that are terrified of Trump. If she was the nominee the deep state leftist media would then turn on her and eat her alive.She could never withstand all the hate mongering like Trump can and Biden s deep state supporters would beat her mercilessly in the general election. She wouldn’t even win her home state and even Mondale did that, oh and DC too against Reagan.

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