
Elections , National Security , Newsline

Biden Betrays Israel for Michigan Votes

Posted on Friday, February 9, 2024
by Outside Contributor
President Joe Biden greets attendees after delivering remarks Tuesday, November 29, 2022, at SK Siltron CSS in Bay City Michigan. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)
President Joe Biden greets attendees after delivering remarks in Bay City Michigan.

By now it’s acknowledged even among increasingly despondent mainstream media that Joe Biden trails Donald Trump in general election polling.  

Specifically, Biden hasn’t led Trump in the Real Clear Politics polling average since October 19 of last year, whereas Trump never came within four points in 2020 yet still almost won the election.  

Biden’s polling deficit in individual swing states, however, paints an even more grim picture for him just nine months out from November’s election.  

Of particular note, Biden now trails Trump by an astonishing 5.1% in Michigan, a state he won by nearly 3% in 2020.  What particularly distinguishes must-win Michigan for Biden is its disproportionate percentage of Arab American and Muslim voters, upon whom Biden must rely to retain that closely balanced state’s fifteen electoral votes.  

This week, Biden officials rushed to Michigan in an effort to placate Arab American and Muslim voters fuming over Gaza deaths, as reported by The Wall Street Journal:  

Dearborn is home to the largest Muslim population in the U.S. and is roughly 54% Arab-American, according to census figures.  …  The leaders have been pressing the White House for a permanent cease-fire in Gaza and said the moves are aimed at holding Biden accountable.  Biden has faced protests and disruptions at his recent public events from activists calling for a cease-fire, and Democrats have expressed anxieties that the issue could hurt Biden’s ability to replicate the enthusiastic turnout from young voters that helped him win in 2020.  

In that light, Biden’s increasingly hostile approach toward Israeli leaders and his interference in their campaign to fully eradicate the Hamas threat assume a much more sinister hue.  

Biden’s hesitancy to wield power with greater conviction, his inclination to tread softly when bold steps are appropriate, his weak hand extended in reconciliation toward Iran and even their Houthi rebel surrogates, suggest that his motivations stem as much from electoral calculation than propriety or strategic interest.  

Moreover, while Biden may consider himself an innocent bystander and unfortunate victim of Middle East chaos, his dilemmas and growing electoral difficulties are of his own making.  

Ironically, in January 2020 when President Trump decisively eliminated Iran’s top terrorist military commander Qassem Soleimani, Biden erroneously predicted a Middle East “tinderbox.”  

Four years later, the Middle East actually is a chaotic tinderbox, but that has nothing to do with Donald Trump.  

Recall that upon becoming president, Biden commenced what NBC News labeled “a near wholesale rollback of some of the most stringent Trump-era sanctions imposed on Iran.”  As a result, Iranian oil exports increased, and the resulting wealth allowed it to subsidize its terrorist proxies like Hamas and the Houthi rebels.  

Indeed, Biden’s ostentatious choice to rehabilitate the Houthi rebels and reverse the Trump Administration’s designation of them as a terrorist organization was among his first acts as president:  

President Joe Biden’s administration will remove the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen from the Foreign Terrorist Organization and Specially Designated Global Terrorist lists, the State Department confirmed Friday.  The last-minute decision by former President Donald Trump’s administration to designate the group that controls 80 percent of Yemen’s territory was widely condemned by international organizations for cutting off the delivery of critical food aid to a country on the brink of famine.  

The resulting tinderbox that Biden predicted in January 2020 is now creating electoral peril.  

As a consequence, Biden must now attempt to thread a needle by at least superficially expressing support for Israel and responding to deadly Iranian proxy attacks against American troops while placating far-left voters in the hope of sustaining his thin and diminishing reelection hopes.  

Meanwhile, Biden is now incoherently restricting American energy companies’ ability to export liquid natural gas to our allies, which has the effect of empowering Russia, Iran and other exporters.  

As America and the world descend further into the abyss of Joe Biden’s fourth year in office, many have drawn the parallel to Jimmy Carter’s similarly dysfunctional and unpopular presidency.  

That comparison, however, is unfair to Carter.  

Whereas Carter’s failures were attributable to his haplessness, Biden’s increasingly appear attributable to calculated electoral cynicism.  Accordingly, Biden’s accumulating foreign policy failures and electoral peril are well-deserved.

Timothy H. Lee is Senior Vice President of legal and public affairs at the Center for Individual Freedom.

Reprinted with Permission from – By Timothy H. Lee

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8 months ago

One statement is incorrect. It said that Trump never came within 4 points in the Real Clear Politics poll in 2020 but still almost won the election. Trump DID win the election!

8 months ago

Joe will betray anyone and everyone for his personal power and/or money!! He is a horrible human being! He is extremely selfish and not to be trusted!

8 months ago

Biden has already betrayed the United States of America. Why should he care one bit about betraying Israel?

8 months ago

This country is under severe judgment from the Lord. our schools have turned from God ,are government has turned from God, legalizing homosexual marriage, borrowing money from other nations ,God says never borrow from any other Nation I will lend to the. this country doesn’t deserve a righteous leader until this country repents as a whole, it’ll just keep spiraling downward

8 months ago

Country be damned; it’s all about power for Biden & Democrats… D-E-P-L-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

If pedophiles could get together to form a large enough voting demographic, Biden would offer his grandchildren up. Of course, he’d offer up one of Hunters unnamed, forgotten-at-Christmas children first! He’s not totally devoid of “concious”…

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

So he is pandering to moslems and forgetting that if you offer devil a finger he’ll grab the whole hand

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

Now we know who writes Kamala’s speeches…

8 months ago

Biden has never had any fixed principles. When he though cozying up to Klansman Robert Byrd would help him get ahead, he did that. When he needed black voters to win him the nomination, he switched sides and aligned himself with James Clyburn. Be betrayed his country repeatedly, selling influence to Chinese Communists, Russian oligarchs, Ukrainian gangsters, and anyone else who would give his rancid, useless, crackhead son a few million bucks. He clearly cares about nothing and no one but himself and his toxic spawn. So of course he betrays Israel if he thinks it might help him hang on to power.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
8 months ago

Biden only cares about Biden he will do anything to win this next election.

8 months ago

Biden will commit any crime and betray ANYONE for cash or votes. It’s the Democrat way.

8 months ago

Perfect summation of the Joe Biden business model of “What’s in it for me?” for his entire political career. It’s not about what is best for Isrsel, the United States or anyone else. It’s all about how much money can Old Joe get for doing something one way or the other. 🙂

8 months ago

Biden too senile to stand trial, but still fine to run the country. It’s all about the vote and to stay in power. The non believers are finally waking up to betrayal for 3 1/2 years. Whether it’s the Muslim, Black, Brown, Asian, or Caucasian communities. He’s betrayed Americans and that’s the bottom line.

Marlaen Fisher
Marlaen Fisher
8 months ago

This makes no sense.

8 months ago

Look at the picture of all these idiots…they just can’t be as dumb as they appear, can they?

8 months ago

Gazans–ALL OF THEM–are taught from birth at home and in school to hate and murder Jews, Americans, and all other non-muslims. Small children are beaten and made to suffer at the slightest hint or hesitation that they disagree.

8 months ago

Good duplication of Biden’s thought processes!

8 months ago

I can only conclude that there are generations of Americans, recent influx of migrants who are too anxious to destroy the U.S. Look at the leaders in Congress, look at States officials, and one would conclude that these people and their cronies in the business and financial worlds are desiring to change America just to please their desires of control, polities instead of policies, and other nefarious agendas.

8 months ago

Biden is a bumbling blithering idiot.

8 months ago

biden is all done he will never make it on the ballot anyways obama has used him up got what he wanted and now he’s ready to throw him out sadly michelle will make her move slide right in and replace biden.

8 months ago


8 months ago

Joe Biden doesn’t know what he is saying or doing 2 minutes after he says or does it. Someone somewhere who is actually in charge is executing the betrayal. I believe the leaders of the world know he is a dementia riddled old man.

John Bass
John Bass
8 months ago

You’re such a douche. You sound just like diaper Joe, now your talking about how a dead president would beat a living breathing President Trump…now I understand how Reagan could beat Joey since he’s barely coherent 99% of the time, but Trump, get real. Better yet get a life.

8 months ago

Well, duh !

John Shipway
John Shipway
8 months ago

My God this author is a hack.
I despise the soil Bident tentatively walks on. I also despise pretty much all of Michigan with the exception of the upper peninsula. i couldn’t care less about the Muslim religion and I only think about Israel when pondering the incredible amount of influence that pseudo nation has purchased from our political, media and entertainment class.
For once and with hesitation I support Biden if indeed he is acting toward the benefit of those in Deaborn, Michigan. At least his actions reflect the desires of AMERICANS rather than blindly supporting the self proclaimed “Gods Chosen People”, in whatever they do up to and including aiding that demon led Zionist enclave in the wholesale slaughter on a genocidal scale of the Muslims that share their common land. And why? Because everyone in Gaza is…….weak and everyone should know by now that both Israel and the United States only attack the weak. Think of it. Viet Nam, Panama, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan….and for “Gods Chosen”? Think Jordan, think natives of the west bank and of course think the residenyts of Gaza.
And as for the BS aboutcutting off LNG supplies to Europe, that isnt so. What the old drooler did was virtue signal as to delaying future sourcing contracts. Europe continues to be able to be raked over the coals financially after we blew up their source for cheap energy via the Nordstream Pipeline. You think that act was to hurt Russia? HAAHA……it was to force the idiot western Europeans into buying LNG from the US at 5 times the price PLUS the cost of transport by ship.
This author is either a Fed plant or a knuckle dragging liar and one wonders about AMAC sourcing this kind of propaganda.

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