
National Security , Newsline

Biden’s Betrayal: Democrats Abandon Israel

Posted on Monday, February 5, 2024
by Neil Banerji

AMAC Exclusive – By Neil Banerji

President Joe Biden receives a briefing on the Iron Beam Air Defense System Wednesday, July 13, 2022, at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, Israel. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

Despite continuing to profess solidarity with Israel, President Joe Biden and congressional Democrats – under immense pressure from their left-wing activist base – are now quietly backing off their support for the Jewish state.

According to an exclusive report from NBC News published on January 28, the Biden administration is now “discussing using weaponry sales to Israel as leverage to convince the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to heed long-standing U.S. calls to scale back its military assault in the Gaza Strip.”

“After weeks of private administration requests produced fewer results than the White House wants,” the report reads, “the U.S. is considering slowing or pausing the deliveries in the hope that doing so will prod the Israelis to take action, such as opening humanitarian corridors to provide more aid to Palestinian civilians.”

Notably, this move by the Biden administration reportedly came amid pressure from some Democrats in Congress.

The news is just the latest sign that Biden and his Democrat allies are softening their support for Israel and increasing demands for the Israeli military to stop its assault, despite the fact that Israeli officials believe they have yet to fully destroy Hamas.

On January 8, when confronted by left-wing protestors opposing the war in Gaza, Biden said that he had been “quietly working with the Israeli government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of Gaza,” adding that he had been “using all that I can” to negotiate a ceasefire.

That revelation marked a stark reversal from Biden’s initial statement on the Israel-Hamas conflict, in which he called Hamas’s attacks “pure, unadulterated evil” and pledged to “make sure that Israel does not run out of” weapons to defend itself, declaring “The United States has Israel’s back.”

Taking their cue from the president, Biden’s foreign policy team has also now begun ramping up pressure on Israel. During a meeting between Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in January, Blinken made clear that his top concern was “allowing displaced Palestinians to return safely to homes” – not rooting out more Hamas terrorists.

During that meeting, Blinken also appeared to blame Israel implicitly for instigating the attack –echoing the cries of the far left back the United States.

“Israel must stop taking steps that undercut Palestinians’ ability to govern themselves effectively,” he said. “Extremist settler violence carried out with impunity, settlement expansion, demolitions, evictions all make it harder – not easier – for Israel to achieve lasting peace and security.”

Notably, American leftists often refer to Israel as a “settler-colonial state” and blame Israeli “settler violence” for the constant terrorist attacks perpetrated by Hamas.

Moreover, Blinken apparently forgot or ignored the fact that it is Palestinians “governing themselves” which allowed Hamas to rise to power in the first place. The last elections held in the Gaza Strip back in 2006 produced a government run by Hamas – who then proceeded to cancel all future elections.

On the same trip, Blinken also repeatedly affirmed his desire to arrive at a so-called “two-state solution” – granting recognition to some form of a Palestinian state. Although the prospect has been the fantasy of American liberals for decades, Blinken nonetheless stated, “Every partner that I met on this trip said that they’re ready to support a lasting solution that ends the long-running cycle of violence and ensures Israel’s security… But they underscored that this can only come through a regional approach that includes a pathway to a Palestinian state.”

Last October, just weeks after Hamas’s attack, Biden himself also declared, “When this crisis is over, there has to be a vision of what comes next. And in our view, it has to be a two-state solution.” But as Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders have been pointing out repeatedly, the only organized authority that Israel could negotiate with is Hamas – which is absolutely determined to bring about the complete destruction of Israel at any cost.

73 congressional Democrats have also now publicly called for a ceasefire – a list that continues to grow. In December, 92 Democrats voted “present” on a resolution condemning antisemitism around the world, while 13 outrageously voted against it.

Of course, Democrats’ first failure to adequately support Israel and the Jewish people was their muted reaction to the outpouring of virulent anti-semitism on college campuses and in major American cities following Hamas’s October 7 attack. Despite mass numbers of liberal students and faculty openly targeting Jewish students and faculty with harassment and even threats of violence, elected Democrats remained largely silent.

This silence was compounded again when Republicans called in the presidents of several elite universities before the House of Representatives to answer questions on their schools’ failure to stop the rhetorical attacks on Jews on campus. Even when the presidents of Harvard, UPenn, and M.I.T. refused to condemn calls for genocide against the Jewish people, elected Democrats largely stood by them.

At every step of the way, Democrats have doubled down on their abandonment of Israel.

Neil Banerji is a proud Las Vegas resident and former student at the University of Oxford. In his spare time, he enjoys reading Winston Churchill and Edmund Burke.

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8 months ago

So it’s a priority to funnel hundreds of billions of dollars into Ukraine because the Biden’s get a kickback for doing so. Yet supporting a longstanding American ally is against this administrations ideals. Again poor statesmanship and bad foreign policy. Exactly what you would expect from Joe Biden.

Duluth Tom
Duluth Tom
8 months ago

Would the American Jewish Community wake up. The Dems take you for granted as a vote and could care less about the violence you are experiencing here and around the world as well as the right of Israel to exist. It’s not that hard to figure out folks….

8 months ago

I have nothing but contempt for Democrats. They are taking our country down the drain into a stinking, filthy swamp of decay and despair. Biden is a sick, opportunistic, inept person who will do whatever to stay in power, including law fare and corruption. The U.S. Democrats are supporting Ukraine because I believe they are getting kickbacks from the money sent. After all, none of it has been audited and we do not know to whom it went and how it is used. On the other hand, Israel is fighting for its life against a world ho wants to kill Jews and takeover the prosperous land Jews built with sweat, smarts and tremendous toil. It is the land Jesus, a Jew, walked long before Islam even existed — so who really has historic and Biblical rights to it?!! Think about that.

8 months ago

FJB is a worthless human being. His legacy should be one of spewing hate, racism and murder.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 months ago

Bible says those who support Israel get Blessed those who DONT Get shafted

8 months ago

another example of Biden selling out our strongest allies and supporting those out to destroy our ountry

8 months ago

Crooked Joe is leading the Democrats down a long, dark path. His weakness will be their demise. America is a Judao/Christian country. We will never be compatible with a country that condones wife beating killing your daughters if they marry out if the religion or kill dogs.

kitty hogan
kitty hogan
8 months ago

jews must stop voting democrat

8 months ago

Surprised? Entire State Department is infiltrated by Iran supporters. Obama’s beloved Valery Jarred has Iranian roots. Longstanding American ally has no chance with this anti Israel crowd.

A Voter
A Voter
8 months ago

“Israel must stop taking steps that undercut Palestinians’ ability to govern themselves effectively,”
Palestinians have never and will never “govern themselves effectively”.
Let’s go Brandon Let’s go Blinken
Israel must do what it needs to ensure the Palestinians are no longer a threat to them.

8 months ago

It amazes me the extent to which the Biden Administration and Democrats are willing to go to destroy America and its most valuable and necessary ally to the detriment of the World and the people of both nations. We all know that Biden is not running things and that we are experiencing Obama’s third term. We cannot let Israel down and we MUST support their right to defend their country. Israel did not start this war, but they are within their right to finish it. Korea is a perfect example of not finishing a war and we are seeing what a good idea that was today. I believe that the majority of Americans support Israel and our elected officials need to represent us and not the select uninformed demonstrators.

8 months ago

I loathe every single thing about Democrats. They might as well be the devil incarnate. They are pure evil. Yes, every single one of them and most of their voters too.

Irv C
Irv C
8 months ago

It’s no surprise considering he allowed a foreign invasion of OUR southern border. article III Section 3 Paragraph 1 of the US Constitution shows Biden committed treason. No surprise he Screws the Israelis.

8 months ago

It is absolutely, positively ,categorically impossible for Israel to negotiate with an entity committed to its destruction. It is obscene that we boomers were so scared of being unpopular with our kids that we stood mute when they spewed leftist garbage’learned’ in college. We’re going to be paying for that cowardice for a long time.

8 months ago

Well heck, he’s abandoned our country’s borders also and the fools keep backing him.

8 months ago

It seems to me the Obiden Administration is doing everything in their power to
COVID Vaccines didn’t kill enough humans, so we fall back to the tried and true method of Genocide…WAR!

8 months ago

Always knew Biden was weak but when a few aids can dictate U.S. foreign policy over their feeble minded boss something must change.

8 months ago

ole Joe did the same thing when he was installed as president. The campaign promises he made nothing has come of that. Dividing America and destroying her with his border policy, trans and gender support, debacle in Afghanistan and Ukraine and now Israel. How would ole Joe feel if America would tell him get out of the Ukraine and give Russia the land. Same difference. He went so far as to sanction individual Israelis. What business is it of him to do that while we here in America are dealing with the migrants from every country in the world. Shouldn’t we need to sanction, i mean Impeach him for that? Stay out of telling Israel what to do before Hamas is fighting in New York. And we might need some help from Israel. Think about it Joe. Our allies are abandoning us every day. The Netherlands sent 1 soldier. 1. Only nobody reports that. This whole circus in the White House is a joke which will turn into a catastrophe very soon.

8 months ago

Leftists is too nice a name for these evil bottom-feeding, filthy, liars that all worship Satan and themselves are possessed by evil demons!
Don’t kid yourselves we are in a final war in this country to stop this evil plague that is taking over all aspects of our country, being led by the Biden/Obama regime. They are laughing when they see all the news of how Trump is leading Biden. THEY KNOW THEY CONTROL THE ELECTIONS AND THE VOTES.
The only solution is by prayer and if God wants to give this country one more chance to turn from its wicked ways by turning back to Him.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
8 months ago

why do Jewish voters in this country insist on voting democrat? The dems are stabbing the Jewish people in the back.

8 months ago

so the palestinians can govern themselves, really, they voted for hamas to govern them and use them as shields. totally ridiculous and israel is right completely destroy these animals who raped and killed grandmas and children.

8 months ago

Astonishing that Jewish Americans vote for these Democrat thugs. Biden being the ringleader. Can’t figure that one out to keep these leftists in power?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

FJB is more worried about poll numbers than anything else. He knows by watching Clinton Foundation money dry up after she left office that losing the Presidency means no more 10% and the Big Guy has to live on a fixed income of mere millions.

John Riley
John Riley
8 months ago

It does not go without notice, even by those who benefit you cannot depend on Biden to keep his word.

Pat R
Pat R
8 months ago

The Bible says God will bless those nations who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel. It isn’t like this country hasn’t gone down hill far enough since removing God from schools and all things government. Now it is obvious this administration has no conception of or believe in God our Creator, but Dems as a whole appear not to have a clue either. So…
Watch for the things that happen to this nation (and its people) in the near future because of this. It won’t be long and certainly not ‘pretty’. It may be something to do with the illegals coming in & being bussed around the country. IF we are left still standing, it sure won’t be due to Biden or his masters. Their task/agenda is to destroy us so wealthy elite can take control.

8 months ago

I hope Isreal continues it’s efforts to destroy Hamas in it’s entirerty on their own and using their own assets and remember how this administration has abandoned them in their hour of need will supporting Ukraine and not our southern border.

8 months ago

“Displaced Palestinians”? What about Stinkin’ Blinkin’s concern for all the hostages and every Jew that still can’t go back to their homes because Hamas destroyed their homes and families.? Let the Israelites Go! The Palestinians stand with Hamas therefore they are one in the same. Destroy them and they won’t be “displaced”. Then Stinkin’Blinkin’s fake concern will be solved.

8 months ago

If Biden is in fact threatening to withhold weapons from Israel if they don’t knuckle under to his demands I think Netanyahu should go public and let the world know. A two state solution will not work.

8 months ago

Wouldn’t it be nice if we had real leadership in the White House who did the right thing to support our closest ally and only Democracy is the Middle East instead of caving in to one of their deviant minority base groups?

8 months ago

The Bible says all nations will turn against Israel. Zechariah 14:1-3

David Millikan
David Millikan
8 months ago

Are you surprised since Dictator Beijing biden has abandoned our allies since his first day.
The only ones he hasn’t abandoned (his allies) is Communist China and Iran because they HATE the United States just like obama and Dictator Beijing biden do.

8 months ago

Democrats aren’t necessarily just backing away from Israel. Obama showed outright disrespect and is probably still representing the wishes of the powerful left.

8 months ago

Is it any surprise that this newly unveiled HR-2 bill allocates a billion (or was it 10?) dollars for Hamas?!! If you think it will go to humanitarian aid,………..uh, no. House Speaker Mike Johnson says it will never make it to the floor for a vote.

8 months ago

Sad they really never fully supported Israel from the beginning. Iran got more support. Pray Trump 2024

8 months ago

With so many Anti Americans and Anti Semites in the Democratic Party nothing surprises me.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
7 months ago

It is understandable that Jews in the Democrat Party who have turned against the U.S. as a Constitutional Republic would also turn against Israel.

8 months ago

It’s the standard operating procedure for joebama and the marxist democrat party- speak from both sides of their mouths and lie to all parties involved.
They have lied to blacks for 50 years just so they can get votes to preserve there power and never did anything to honor their promises!
This behavior is normal and repetitive for anti American democrat liars!
Why liberal jews,blacks,women would ever support such users is a mystery.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
8 months ago

Biden sold out to the highest bidder which was Iran. He released six billion dollars to Iran and will be getting his cut. The big guy always his cut. He wouldn’t doing anything to upset Iran.

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

Why should this be shocking,has this administration acted honorably even once?

8 months ago

What’s the problem? The Democrats continue to give less support to Israel year after year. Unfortunately, the Republican’s support of Israel also continues to diminish.

7 months ago

It’s sad that many Jewish people in America are staunch Democrats. They love their home country of Israel but they vote for those who hate Israel. I don’t understand but then they are Democrats after all.

7 months ago

Never thought I would live to see the day that America’s president is pro hamas.
Thanks to never trumpers who put this non compos mentis idiot in the peoples house.

7 months ago

Biden and and left wingers are afraid of their shadows and freedom. They are afraid of the light, They can only work in the dark

jim sullivan
jim sullivan
7 months ago

this is a sh*t show, its time to elect good people.

7 months ago

Why should anyone have ever expected anything else from these sorry, unprincipled progressive fools. They have done everything possible to destroy this country and our relationships with our allies. Unforgivable.

7 months ago

Once again, Democrat for the most part, double down on stupid.. Disgusting….

7 months ago

Israel is Gods people they don’t need the US socialist to defend them, Israel will not allow Hamas to get back in Gaza, so they will need to keep a present there.

7 months ago

Hmmm. The only true allie in the Middle East and they, the progressive left, cut off their noses to spite their collective faces. Yet, they embrace the CCP whole heartedly. Idiots! News flash for them as a side note. Israeli forces don’t need the protection of anyone and can TCB on their own!

7 months ago

Of course! They can’t appear openly antisemitic. They had to wait until people’s attention is focused elsewhere and the media lapdogs will give them cover.

7 months ago

Those who bless Israel will be blessed our country is already under heavy judgment from removing the word of God from our government and schools we’re living in the parable of the Fig Tree generation the last generation this will be the ultimate Tipping Point if we pull away from Israel all the nations of the world will eventually do that Satan’s last push before he’s kick loose from Michael

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