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Maine’s Transgender Bill Is a Part of a Larger Scheme Proposed by California Advocacy Groups

Posted on Friday, February 2, 2024
by Tammy Bruce
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Every now and then we get excellent news on the culture warfront. The last week of January was one of those times when a joint legislative committee of Maine’s House and Senate killed the now infamous LD 1735, a bill that would have incentivized and protected trafficking of minors into the state for the purpose of gender “transitions.” In my previous column, I detailed the madness of this bill which, among other shocking revelations, would have enshrined into state law the right of the government to take custody of out-of-state children whose parent(s) were opposed to transgender ideology.

Originally, the bill was expected to pass, but it was killed by a unanimous, bipartisan 12-0 vote. What happened? You happened. Parents and people who care about kids happened. Maine lawmakers heard from people all around the country, as the issue was discussed on social media, talk radio, and cable news.

Suddenly, the light was turned on, and the left’s narrative was exposed as a fraud with all their euphemisms, and Newspeak meant to obfuscate and even lie about the bill’s true intention. The Maine Beacon reported, “Democrats, who had initially backed the bill, stated on Thursday that it included unnecessary language for the purpose of safeguarding transgender healthcare in Maine, leading to their decision to oppose it.” You mean language allowing the state to take custody of children if their parents disagree with leftist ideology and telling the courts and law enforcement to ignore if a child is kidnapped and trafficked into the state? That language?

While this particular version of the bill is dead, expect it to return like Frankenstein’s monster. They will change a few words or sentences and stitch together some word salad, but their goal will remain the same: weaponize children and the transgender issue to further their horrifically dangerous goal of an expanded bureaucratic state with uncontested control of the nation’s children.

Putting this bill out of its leftist misery came as quite a surprise to the left, and for good reason. Leftist extremists have had quite a run in Maine, passing bills eliminating certain parental rights over their minor children. And they expected their winning streak to continue.

In their coverage lamenting the bill’s failure, the gay magazine “Advocate” wasn’t shy about admitting this, “The bill had been a top priority for transgender rights advocates this session, viewed as an extension of last year’s legislative progress that allowed 16- and 17-year-olds in Maine to access gender-affirming care without parental consent or notification, in line with Maine’s laws on abortion and contraception for minors.”

While the defeat of the Maine bill is good news in itself, it also must serve as inspiration for our advocacy for children to continue. This bill wasn’t organic, nor was it a one-off; it is part of a nationally organized effort by leftist entities to use children in their grab for power. In the case of transgender ideology, a coalition of California-based entities decided to metastasize their policies that destroy communities.

On May 3rd, 2022, the “LGBTQ Victory Institute” sent out a press release crowing about their new plan and coalition to push “trans refuge” laws across the country. They announced, “LGBTQ Victory Institute, California state Senator Scott Wiener, Equality California, and Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California today announced a national, queer lawmaker-led rollout of trans refuge state legislation in 16 states. While these laws will look different in each state, the objectives are the same: shield trans kids and their families from penalties when seeking gender-affirming care to the greatest extent possible.”

The announcement added, “Today, 21 LGBTQ lawmakers representing 16 states publicly committed to introduce trans refuge bills in Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Washington, and West Virginia.”

One wonders, did the voters of the targeted states sign up for their elected (LGBTQ) lawmakers to make policy based on what their local constituencies want, or did they know they would choose instead to conspire with leftist extremists from California to use their “template” to transplant disastrous policies from a collapsing, crime-ridden and bankrupt state? Maine state Representative Laurie Osher, the author of Maine’s now-defeated transgender trafficking bill, is on their “affiliate” list for the project. Voters must ask, who does she, and all the others on the list, really work for?

It’s worth noting how the “trans sanctuary state” laws make sure to claim this is to shield “families” fleeing some imagined persecution in their home state, like they’re refugees from evil juntas. But it’s not; it’s all about the kids. If an adult or a full-custodial parent with a child wants to pursue medical gender “transitioning” and they’re in a state where that service is not available, they can freely go to a state where they can pursue it. No one is chasing them around like they’re Bonnie and Clyde. There is no “refuge” needed for fleeing “families.”

The only time legislation involving the courts and “sanctuary” (the limiting of law enforcement response to a crime, oh, like kidnapping, for example) matters is if a minor child presents by themselves or is with someone who does not have legal custody. No adult would need “sanctuary” to leave a state and go to another for any reason. Just ask the more than 300,000 Californians who fled that hellscape for Texas and Arizona or the million New Yorkers who are now enjoying the freedom of Florida. This “refuge” and “sanctuary” garbage is all about the state having an alibi to take custody of children whose parents do not pay allegiance to the leftist narrative and convincing kids that their parents are the enemy.

We now know, courtesy of the magnificent response to the Maine bill, that pushback and resistance works. Even without a formally organized opposition, getting the word out through social media, news sites, and podcasts is key and illustrated by the reaction in Maine.

The coverage of the issue here at AMAC is excellent, including Robert B. Charles’ commentary on all the issues. Research and analysis at the Heritage Foundation is a good resource for you too. A site called “Courage is a Habit” is worth knowing, and the X account “LibsofTikTok” is credited with breaking stories exposing the left and their destructive agenda, including the Maine transgender bill disaster. 

The left never stops, and we must remain vigilant. The Maine success is an example of what can be done when we even loosely organize. Americans come together when much is at stake, especially when it comes to children.

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8 months ago

Like Climate Change, transgenderism is an ideology which Marxists are pushing to control this country and its people and to destroy this Constitutional republic.

8 months ago

The creators of this bill are the same people that for 50 years encourage women to destroy the children in their womb. This is the next step in the destruction of children and the family. They will be back. Evil never stop being evil.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
8 months ago

Transgender is just a new leftist word for Transvestite. It’s a mental disorder. If not treated as a mental disorder early, it leads to child mutilation.

Patriot Eric
Patriot Eric
8 months ago

This disease must end!! This all about groomers & pedophiles running around like they are at “Disneyland”. Your time is coming to an end. You should have stayed in the closet.

Randy Shellhammer
Randy Shellhammer
8 months ago

The liberal loons pushing this transgender agenda are either mentally ill or just plain evil. Keep your hands off our children. If adults want to have their bodies mutilated that’s their choice.

8 months ago

It should be illegal for a doctor….or anyone try to change the gender?? of anyone under the age of 18. That goes for parents, teachers, etc. Too many ‘woke’ idiots in our country today.

8 months ago

How many of these kids actually have a confirmed chromosome issue? Most likely very, very few. They are being told by incompetent educators, counselors, politicians, the media and others that the reason for their confusion and depression is that they were born the wrong gender. Taking hormones, puberty blockers and mutilating your body will make you happier? How can anyone think this is ok?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

You think its loony niw, wait until child molesters become a large enough voting demographic that Democrats push to decriminalize pedophilia! Twenty years ago there were no electable politicians campaigning on the same far(-fetched) leftist platform as today’s average Democrat today. Even a few years ago, what they embraced quietly they proudly proclaim today such as gay marriage, puberty blockers, mutilation, open borders, antisemitism,…

Denise Murray
Denise Murray
8 months ago

Our Lord Jesus said; “”Suffer the children to come unto Me.” Those whose origins must have assuredly come from the depths of sewers are going to someday literally melt from fear unlike anything they’ve ever imagined. Those who mess with children are evil, sadly children who’re abused sometimes carry it into adulthood, but it is still a choice. As adults we sometimes must make hard choices everyday…from not going after the guy who flipped us off to not hunting down someone who knocked you down. I rarely buy the “mental disorder” theme, nowhere in His truth are the words “mental illness”, maybe it’s become an accepted excuse for evil…but there are the words “demon possessed”, evil, hardhearted. But then it seems so many think the word evil is “archaic”, out of date, old fashioned…but it’s in the world and spreading like wildfire…maybe because so many want to pretend it doesn’t exist. Re: “transgendered”…a word that’s just come into everyday lexicon with the Biden regime. Biden, himself a predator…as numerous photos can attest to. God never said “bless the transgendered”… He named them what they are. We all make choices, and we’ll all be held accountable…Our God is not the God of excuses…He doesn’t condone evil.
But the little children don’t have that choice…and those who degrade them will pay dearly.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
8 months ago

glad tis version of the bill is dead. How can we make sure is stays dead?

James W DeVaney
James W DeVaney
8 months ago

Start with the few to fool the many.

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

I would like to know how is the transgender situation across the globe or is it only specific to America

8 months ago

I have a concern that children who are minors should not be permitted to make gender transition surgery decisions.Once this surgery is completed, the children will have to take medication for the rest of their lives. Once a child reaches adulthood whether that is defined as 18 or 21 years of age, they can then make the decision for themselves.

8 months ago

I’m in Maryland and the majority of Maryland voters (mainly democrats) are stupid as they elect and reelect the same stupid liberal politicians, who pass stupid laws. Although there are a lot of stupid voters in Maine, Vermont shares a number of them, hence, Bernie Sanders and Peter Welch.
This fight is not over. You can bet the LGBQT whatever extort $$$ from weak-knee corporations and other groups and they will be back another day. Just watch for those politicians who become millionaires on a state senator and house salary.

8 months ago

Absolutely disgusting this whole transgender thing. The intelligence and morals of the people promoting it…are at the bottom of the barrel. I only pray that they get what they deserve…sooner rather than later.

8 months ago

If by now we don’t realize what is going on in our country (and the world) is good vs. evil, we don’t understand the situation. The Bible says our fight is not carnal but spiritual. The evil can be suppressed by common sense and people supporting righteous laws. However, the righteous laws will only come by truth. The minds of many are twisted and their eyes are blinded to the biological facts. Only God and His Word can heal minds like this.

8 months ago

We have to speak up and call them out when they are being outrageous. With our silence they take it as acceptance. All this trans of kids is nothing more than pedophiles or should I say MAPs wanting control over our children to do with as they please. It is a nasty world out there. Pedophilia is rampant in Europe. And anyone opposing it is a perp. Speak up and if that doesn’t work demonstrate. Or leave the state. Boycott the businesses, vote with your wallet. We have done it to Budweiser, Disney, Coca-Cola, Targetand many other businesses that are now closed or going bankrupt. The biggest one and the hardest one to get next is Amazon. It has a total monopoly in this country and if the WEF with ole Joe keeping the power it will be the only business where we must buy everything. The banks will mandate it, otherwise Bidenomics will not work.

John Shipway
John Shipway
8 months ago

Do these politicians and NGO members think they are somehow immortal? When we raised our kids had the state or any other governing body or private-government agency kidnapped our children for any reason much less for the perverse practice of genital mutilation, gender brainwashing or even forced teaching of this sickness to our children I would have had to fight with my wife for who was going to be the first to empty firearms into the responsible perverts consequences be damned. Surely not every parent has been so enslaved to the media propaganda constantly spewing about this depravity and that such consequences will surely await anyone or any body attempting this crap today.
We don’t have to stand by and take this crap. Defending ones home and family members is part of what makes us truly human and can potentially make these sick weirdos very very dead.

8 months ago

It’s all a bunch of crap!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 months ago

How many other states will follow Maine??

leland patterson
leland patterson
8 months ago

parents have the sole right to oppose anything they feel is wrong about the upbringing of their children. the government needs to stay out of family personal beliefs.

8 months ago

I think I actually came up with a solution to this insanity. It’s obvious that parents (mostly mothers it appears) don’t truly love the gift from God that they were given due to wanting a child of the opposite sex. Maybe a national “GENDER TRADE” could be adopted. They could trade the boy that they didn’t want for a girl another idiot didn’t want.
This is satire?

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
8 months ago

If you find out your friend or frieends are left idoligest, just write them off and dont haveb anything to do with them. Kyle L.

8 months ago

People who just want to be left alone often have a hard time grasping the intergenerational nature of the lefts intrusion into every aspect of their lives. We tend to breathe a sigh of relief at occasional victories and then imagine the demons will slink back to their caverns. If theres a strategy for permanent victory out there I haven’t heard it yet. The left has been at work for over a century. We need to fully realize that and plan accordingly.

Arthur Pavis
Arthur Pavis
8 months ago

Tammy Bruce is an excellent writer and presents the facts clear as crystal. Not to mention that her views on our culture are spot on.

Sevcik Vern
Sevcik Vern
8 months ago

Can we please give up this ridiculous non free speech for antihumanism. Do we still understand that it takes a male sperm and a female egg to create a new life?

8 months ago

Makes you wonder how the heterophobic lunatics took over a nice state like Maine.

8 months ago

What I want to know is where are the parents across the country to oppose this? Are they afraid or are they brainwashed leftists?

8 months ago

Collins in Maine is a disgrace to the Republican Party for a long time now, she votes with the filthy Dems all the time. She needs to be voted out for good.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
8 months ago

This is why, even though social media is mostly controlled by Progressives, We the People need to keep communication open so that truth and accuracy can be discussed rather than we just keep being told how we are to be allowed to act and think.

8 months ago

Every politician and or individual who
allows sex change of minor children should be changed with child neglect and child endangerment! They should go to jail for life! These are the individuals that are causing stress among our children!

8 months ago

This is crazy leave these kids alone! Our kids are being pushed out the door of schools not being able to do basic skills needed to be productive in life isn’t it time to focus on the important things they need to carry them through life just a thought…

C. Benson
C. Benson
8 months ago

The Transgender issue is being pushed worldwide by the “Transhumanism movement” and is very well funded. Transgenderism didn’t just pop up everywhere out of thin air.
The leftist have adopted the Transgender part of the Transhumanism goals to further take control of our children and destroy the family.
The Transhumanism’s movement should in reality be named the de-humanization movement because that is the goal. The AI replacement of humans and the neural brain chip are most surely part of that. Note that recently Elon Musk was bragging about his first neural brain chip being implanted into a human. How that neural brain chip is being used at present I don’t know, but it’s probably how it will be used in the future that should concern us.
The “Transhumanism movement” is no longer a secret but information about their goals need to be commonplace so people can understand more fully why things like the Transgender push is happening and who’s behind it and what will follow.

8 months ago

We need to donate Main to Canada and Californicate to Mexico and then build the wall.

8 months ago

Sadly this whole world is slowly slipping off back into Sodom and Gomorrah state…

James 414
James 414
8 months ago

doe ray me fa gots

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
8 months ago

And people wonder why the lines are VERY long for those wishing to flee to more sane nations such as Russia. This depravity most certainly does not fly in that nation thank God.

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