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AMAC Action Ramps Up Anti-RCV Activity in Georgia Legislature

Posted on Monday, January 29, 2024
by AMAC Action

AMAC members have made their position on election integrity crystal clear. They want safe and secure elections. They understand how their sacred right to vote has been bravely fought for and handed down from generation to generation and recognize that it must not be taken for granted. AMAC members view free and fair elections in the United States as embedded into the very fabric of our constitutional republic. They believe American elections are the standard of democracy and a model for other nations in the world to mirror.

This viewpoint explains the membership’s fervor in opposing the ranked-choice voting scheme (RCV). AMAC members rightly understand that this unnecessary, complicated voting method is a serious threat to our election process and have instructed AMAC Action to fight it in states throughout the country.

More and more state legislatures are banning ranked choice voting and others are currently considering measures to prohibit this nightmare system. AMAC members are active in this fight to stop RCV by participating in AMAC Action campaigns across the nation focused on preventing its advancement.

Georgia is presently debating legislation to ban RCV and AMAC Action is employing multiple strategies to help get this legislation passed. When the state Senate Ethics Committee was considering SB 355, the bill prohibiting RCV, AMAC first joined with a coalition calling on the members of the Committee to pass the bill which would clear the way for a vote on the floor of the Georgia Senate.

To make sure that the voice of AMAC’s 70,700-plus members in Georgia were fully heard by the Committee, AMAC Action Senior Vice President Andy Mangione submitted written testimony to get their support for the bill entered into the record.

The Committee heard AMAC members and passed the bill by an 8-1 margin. The full Senate responded in kind and voted to pass it 31-19. SB 355 now goes to the Georgia House for its consideration.

“It is very encouraging to see the margins by which both the Georgia Senate Ethics Committee and full Senate voted to pass SB 355,” said Mangione. “We look forward to activating the AMAC membership in Georgia soon to contact their representatives in the House to pass the bill in their chamber. Georgia needs to it make easier to vote and harder to cheat and SB 355 is the kind of legislation that helps to accomplish that goal.”

AMAC members in Georgia may expect this call-to-action directed at their state representatives to arrive in their email boxes in the near future and are encouraged to get involved. Please look for future election integrity updates in Georgia and other states as they become available.

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8 months ago

One day voting with photo ID and paper ballot only.

8 months ago

We are in Alaska and were shocked when ranked choice voting seems to have been approved by voters. We have submitted more than enough signatures to have this reconsidered. It looks like if those in power can pass ranked choice voting, freedom ends and elections can be engineered. Any politician who openly argues for ranked choice voting values power more than freedom.

8 months ago

We have rank choice in Maine and several years ago it really messed up the election Don’t like it

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
8 months ago

Maybe in the 2024 election the Democrats will make sure that the security cameras are turned off before they sneak suitcases of illegal ballots out from under tables and run the same batches of ballot through the tabulation machines multiple times.

Robert coulter
Robert coulter
8 months ago

Now stop mail-in cheating/voting that extinguishes this communism

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
8 months ago


C.E. Phillips
C.E. Phillips
8 months ago

…or maybe we should put those Democrats in the suitcases under the tables until after the election’s done. Just for fun, of course.

corbin douthitt
corbin douthitt
8 months ago

Simple- if Democrats want it– it is NOT good for the people.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

Obviously, they’re passing these new laws because they don’t want our first choice to be President again. So much that many times they refuse to even say his name… because saying the name “Trump” will cause violent derangement.

8 months ago

Bidumb, Soros and the leftists are at it again! Working to nullify the votes of millions of Americans. That is what this is all about. Confuse, distract and control the votes of millions of Americans. America needs to return to the simple, fast, hard to cheat ways that we used before. Paper ballots, no cheating machines, no electronics and voter I.D. with a picture. There also needs to be security cameras at the doors and everywhere ballots are stored or placed, to catch any cheaters on camera!

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