
National Security , Newsline

Joe Biden’s Silent Insurrection

Posted on Wednesday, January 3, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan

joe biden and kamala harris in a meeting

According to early reports, December was the worst month on record for illegal immigration, with more than 300,000 border crossings – capping off what was by far the worst year on record in 2023. While Joe Biden and his media allies continue to ignore this crisis and insist that Republicans are all “insurrectionists,” these numbers again make clear that the real insurrection threatening the country is happening at the southern border every day and is a direct result of Biden’s policies.

In total, there were more than 3.2 million illegal border crossings in FY2023, which ended in September – easily surpassing FY2022 for the most ever. And of course, that number only accounts for those who were caught and apprehended by border officials. By some estimates, there have been more than 5 million “gotaways” since Joe Biden took office, among them untold numbers of terrorists, drug dealers, and human traffickers.

The news about December’s border numbers comes on the heels of the release of November’s statistics, which the Biden administration quietly posted the Friday before Christmas – raising significant questions about Biden’s willingness to own the consequences of his disastrous border policies and take responsibility for the crises he is actively causing in American communities.

“By strategically holding the release of these numbers until the Friday before Christmas, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is unabashedly showing the full measure of his duplicity. These numbers are so bad, he wants as few Americans to see them as possible,” said Rep. Mark Green (R-TN), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, in a press release.

Although the December numbers won’t be official until later this month, this time the Biden administration won’t have a major holiday to bury the news. With even Democrat mayors of “sanctuary cities” now feeling the pressure of a surge in migrants and publicly voicing their concerns, Biden is now facing criticism from both parties with the 2024 election looming – although the media has remained shamefully silent.

Despite inheriting the most secure border on record from former President Donald Trump, in a matter of mere months, Joe Biden singlehandedly and deliberately created the conditions for a crisis of previously unimaginable proportions.

Immediately upon entering office, Biden reversed nearly every policy that secured the border during the Trump years—including border wall construction, deportations, and “Remain in Mexico” (which ended the practice of “catch and release” and forced illegal aliens to wait for their court hearings in their country of origin). Biden also mandated a functional shutdown of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)—going so far as to implement what the administration calls “protected areas” which ICE is not permitted to enter.

Given the unprecedented scale of the invasion on our southern border, conservative leaders have increasingly discussed policy solutions that would likely require an invocation of the 1807 Insurrection Act to stave off further disaster.

The presidential campaigns of former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, for instance, have advocated for using the law’s provisions allowing the president to deploy military forces to quell insurrections and domestic disorder. As even some left-wing entities have noted, the Insurrection Act would indeed grant a president the authority to use military forces to get the border under control and deport illegal aliens, among other border security measures.

Meanwhile, Republican governors in border states have continued to take innovative steps to mediate the effects of the border invasion in their communities. Texas Governor Greg Abbott, for instance, recently signed legislation that empowers Texas law enforcement officials to arrest anyone suspected of entering the country illegally.

As a part of Operation Lone Star, Texas’s statewide border security initiative, Abbott has also signed bills that make it a state crime to cross the U.S.-Mexico border illegally, increase the minimum sentence for smuggling illegal aliens, and allocate funding toward the construction of border barriers. “Biden’s deliberate inaction has left Texas to fend for itself,” Abbott stated.

On the presidential campaign front, DeSantis has called for the use of “deadly force” against illegal aliens suspected of bringing in drugs—an idea of questionable practical viability to be sure. Former President Donald Trump, meanwhile, has unveiled plans to invoke the “Alien Enemies Act,” as well as “wage war” on drug cartels and launch what he calls “the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.”

Despite all the dishonest talk of “insurrection” coming from the left, it is Joe Biden’s open borders agenda that amounts to the greatest insurrection since the Civil War—and with every passing day, it continues to imperil our safety, our culture, and our national security.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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9 months ago

Biden is the worse thing that has ever happened to America yet there of people that think he is doing a great job. This make no sense to me. Do thiese people WANT our country to be destroyed !!!!

9 months ago


9 months ago

The Progressive Socio Fascist Democrats are essentially importing a new generation of socialist voters from socialist countries that they destroyed and are now going to do the same to the US. They learned how effective the technique was when California exported their Progressive ideas to Colorado and Nevada. It is like Metastasized cancer spreading through out the body. Sadd.

9 months ago

Why is no one looking for the $$$ that the cartels are sending to MCIjoe?

9 months ago

We can’t get this imposter out of the White House soon enough.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
9 months ago

Been doing this since took office day 1

9 months ago

All planned and intentional! This year’s election will be a fiasco as the left will try to cheat to win. Illegal immigration has been offered to foreigners with stipulations, The illegals have NO stipulations. They need to be sent back to Mexico and their home countries, including minors and children!

9 months ago

More like 10 million illegals over the Border nobody doing a thing about nothing get rid of Biden get Trump back there is no other discussion case closed

9 months ago

Why are we letting them in? Instead of busing them out of border states, put them on planes back to country of Origin. Turn them around and send them back every chance CBP gets. Someone somewhere is wanting all these people to be let in because I have seen videos of border agents letting them cross. Would be like a homeowner holding the door open for a burglar and/or giving them the goods.

9 months ago

Could the open border be what Joe & family were paid to do.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
9 months ago

During the first 3 years of Biden’s despotic rule, we may have had 13,000,000 extra illegals crossing our border. This includes the possible 5 million extra got aways that illegally entered our country. Biden is easily the worst president in the entire history of our once proud country. Together with Obama, these 2 false American leaders have inflicted major destruction on the moral, social, and economic wellness of our seriously suffering Republic.

R Anthony
R Anthony
9 months ago

if busing illegals to “sanctuary” cities got the mayors of those cities to start pitching a fit, then finding out where the executives and company Directors of the legacy-Media corporations live and busing illegals to their neighbourhoods will break the Media’s blackout on admitting there’s a problem

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
9 months ago

Biden and his cabal are the REAL “threats to democracy” [even though we are a REPUBLIC]. They refuse to “faithfully execute” the existing immigration laws and other laws as well!

9 months ago

This government is like a bad cartoon…

9 months ago

The sad thing is the Vice President has the same policies. They must all go. Can we handle this Administration until the term is up? This has just been terrible.

9 months ago

Don’t blame Biden, it is the entire Socialist Democratic Party and even some of the GOP! America is being destroyed from the highest levels of our government!

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
9 months ago

Biden/democrats are funding and managing and invasion of america. obama did it as well. this is a planned invasion and the dmeocrats need to be treated as the invading military they are.

9 months ago

The bidentraitor is being directed by the obamatraitor.
They seek to destroy America & consequently should be impeached or imprisoned or both.
And many Republicans are waiting until Jan2025 to install a new president!
But America will be down the toilet ???????? by then!!!
Mike in Cedarburg

heil biden
heil biden
9 months ago


9 months ago

Right on, Aaron! And all the Democrat mayors who want federal money to take care of the aliens are reluctant to actually criticise Biden and his administration. Sanctuary cities don’t seem as welcoming as they used to.

James DeBona
James DeBona
9 months ago

Insurrection is a very serious crime carrying many years in prison if convicted. Trump has never been tried, let alone convicted of this serious crime.
Now we have Biden stating that “Trump is absolutely guilty of being an insurrectionist, there is no doubt, zero, none!”
Some due process, huh?
I think that Trump ought to start accusing Biden of being a pedophile and see how he likes to be convicted before he’s afforded due process. Let’s fight fire with fire!

9 months ago

Biden is the Manchurian President. He is the deliberate destroyer of America while pretending he’s “good ole Joe”

9 months ago

Ole Joe is busy to get his own army by letting in 10 million illegals to overthrow the election if he looses in november. the people are all voters except the criminals they are the fighters to take over America. What president goes on vacation for 2 weeks, one week out of the country when we are overrun by thousands upon thousands of illegals and he and the propaganda machine (MSM) keep saying he was the best president in 2023 ever. At least KJP keeps lying for him. But more and more people see the border disaster, ole Joe cannot hide it anymore. He still tries to manipulate the numbers and keeps telling lies. But it is being seen for what it is. He does not believe in patriotism or America, he wants to be liked by our enemies and in meantime they have infiltrated America in large numbers. Pretty soon we have to obey the ayatollah of Iran. And no ally will help us. If that isn’t insurrection. All Trump and his supporters wanted was to be heard. But no court would look into the fraud election. Per instructions they all dismissed the cases out of hand. Ole Joe and his minions have the WEF behind them plus the money of the elites and big business. Which we all should boycott by the way. Look at Budweiser and Disney, and many more stores we have boycotted, think Target. They are hurting and are closing nonprofit stores at a rapid rate. Macy’s is on the brink of going bankrupt. On and on it goes. We need to get Amazon next and Facebook, Google etc. Because these last 2 will cause a major computer crash just before the election.

Eamonn Thomas Smyth
Eamonn Thomas Smyth
9 months ago

My argument is that I as a legally did right thing applied for a visa in the UK. Would the present administration refund, me the money I spent to come here and the amount to get my Naturalization. Of course, not they do a lot of virtue signaling. Because like the blind leading the blind, they don’t care about the consequence of their actions.

Dave Marney
Dave Marney
9 months ago

The time for talk passed long ago. There is much that Republicans in Congress could do to push back against this insane policy, but they do nothing.
Do not get mad at Democrats. They are doing exactly what they said they would do. Get mad at the Republican who could do something, but are not. Those are the people who are enabling this lawlessness while hypocritically saying they represent conservatives.

Michael Burke
Michael Burke
9 months ago

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and their administration are definitely the biggest threat to the sovereignty of our beautiful nation aided and abetted by a corrupt media and Big Tech no doubt about it. Please keep in mind while our Republican Governors do all they can to defend our country from illegal invasion across our southern borders and beyond, our Republican majority in The House haven’t done much to impeach at the very least Mayorkas! It’s in his job description to protect our borders from invasion.
As far as impeaching Biden we can all forget about that ever happening now. In a Presidential election year our Republican leadership doesn’t have the guts to do the heavy lifting. Despite the great work of James Comer and Jim Jordan Republicans in our House and Senate have shown us time and again that they are really all talk and no definitive action.
President Donald J Trump continues to do the heavy lifting alone even though he clearly has the vast majority of the legal voting American public behind him. What conclusions can we draw from the slow walking by Republican leadership in our House?
Perhaps there really is only one party, the “Uniparty”. Their platform is Maintain the status quo and grab all the wealth and power you can before it all collapses. Just filling in the blanks here. You can’t get a straight honest answer from any of them when you ask why have you slow walked every opportunity to impeach Biden and company?
Nancy Pelosi during her bizarre reign impeached President Trump twice with nothing but accusations! I’m not advocating that our Republican led House should stoop to the low level Pelosi & company dragged our nation through but my God haven’t Comer and Jordan uncovered enough on Biden by now?
Something is wrong in American government folks and I believe most Americans know what it is, that is most Americans who haven’t been coddled with either promises of free college tuition or free phones, guaranteed yearly income, free this or that, you name it.
Our Government leaders are busy promising some of us with all kinds of free services and intimidating those of us who question who pays for all this “Free” stuff?
Our government is supposed to guarantee all Americans the opportunity to pursue prosperity and happiness. Note: “Guarantee Opportunity to pursue” not guarantee the attainment and achievement if these goals.
Term limits across the board for all positions in our government and strong restrictions against any politician becoming a lobbyist after their tenure is complete. We should demand this immediately! We should have had this in place from the very start. Perhaps it’s too late.
Sounding the alarm and drawing attention to what Biden and his administration are doing to our country is always needed but really the threat to our sovereignty runs much deeper than this current administration.
President Trump won in 2016 and 2020, everyone knows this deep down inside. He’ll most certainly win again this year if he isn’t derailed by the “Deep State”
We’ve already been attacked and invaded from within just as predicted way back in the very early sixties by a Communist Russian leader,(I can’t recall his name at the moment).
the question is,, What can Americans do about it?

Matthew C
Matthew C
9 months ago

When the border became a sieve in early 2021, I supposed there were two reasons Biden (or those actually running the country) had for doing so. 1) Since illegals coming in were not tested for Covid, he/they, wanted to continue the spread of Covid so they could continue restricting (or trying to) the movement of Americans, keeps kids at home instead of in the classroom and, in general, control our lives as much as they could. 2) At some point this year he will try to make it legal for illegals to vote, thus hoping to insure Dems remain in control. He will try this close to the election in hope of avoiding the inevitable law suits that will call the move for what it is, a blatant power grab.

anna hubert
anna hubert
9 months ago

He either is threatened or there is simply something in it for him We know he is being manipulated but he is not an autocrat There are others dealing with and responsible for this issue There always were illegals working here because the white man will not do the job they do But these hordes are not coming here to work

9 months ago

The Democrat steal of the 2020 and 2022 elections were the real “insurrection”.

9 months ago

One illegal is too many, thanks to the mentally ill Bribem Adm. We now have over 10 million. Biden is on his way out and doesn’t give a schiff what happens to the rest of us. Everyone should be armed with lots of ammo for the upcoming war on American soil. If you aren’t armed you have no one to blame The police will be worthless.

Mike M
Mike M
9 months ago

Make no mistake. This isn’t Biden’s doing because Being den isn’t the President except in name only. Barack Obama has been running the show through Susan Rice, his Prime Minister. There’s not a single Biden person in his entire administration. All of them, every single one is an Obama acolyte who worship him as a Messiah. Every single Biden policy is exactly the same as it was under Obama for 8 years from Iran and the Middle East to the border.

A. Birney
A. Birney
9 months ago

Why is it that with the hemorrhaging of the southern border of the United States, no elected official is able or willing to truthfully bring the problem to bear upon our chief executive?
Is there no mechanism within the constitution which can be lawfully used to stop this influx of illegal individuals into the United States?
Where are the elected representatives of the people of the United States to be found who will boldly and consistently fight for our nation?
9 months ago

You at AMAC are great defenders of freedom and the democracy of our Republic.
I have but one question / request. Why when referring to the Democrat Candidates, and holders of their: “elected offices” do you refer to them as Democratic candidates. As opposed to what I would suggest is the proper terminology Democrat.
I believe, to some of our mindless populous, when we refer to them as Democratic, we are giving them association with our democratic Rights as citizens to legally vote.
It makes the Democratic person perhaps something they are NOT.
Please see if your writers would entertain the idea of telling it like it is in politics.
It is the “Democrat” candidates and Republicans as well as the Libertarians.
YOU all are not along in this battle. I just needed to make a first-time comment because I feel strongly about perceptions.

doug brockman
doug brockman
9 months ago

It’s all single men coming from other continents. Hard to believe so many impoverished refugee victims can afford overseas plane tickets to the Americas and smuggler fees.

9 months ago

Send them all back to where they came from and make them go through the legal process to become an American. Not make America something it’s not supposed to be!

9 months ago

This seems upside down. Could we disconnect the illegal immigrant’s phone & Visa cards, and stop free health care, education, etc until they appear for their appointed judgement. Then if truly needy of asylum, then the freebies could be given.

9 months ago

As I stated in a previous news post … Biden is a bleeding heart liberal who thinks / says / allows and open his arms to anyone & everyone who wants to come to this country ….
To which I say BS! … send them all back and make seat on a bus going back to Mexico and include Biden & his staff!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

Monty Pythons Flying Circus isn’t funny anymore… it’s the inspiration for the “progressive” Democrat Party. Joe Biden is just a TITular head of it with Kamala acting as the boob!

John Higgins
John Higgins
9 months ago

The real insurrection is not happening at our southern border or by Republicans. It is happening in Washington DC at our lawless White House by an ignorant President and his clueless followers.

9 months ago

There is nothing “silent” about Biden’s “insurrection”. He has decimated just about EVERY institutional principle in the country. Joe Biden’s “insurrection” screams hate and disunity.

9 months ago

And yet there is a consistent approx. 32% of people polled who always say Biden is doing Great! Economy, International Politics, Local Politics, Energy Resources, Everything is going peachy according to these folks. They must be fools or Marxist Communist Democrats just like Biden and his administration wanting to tear down America to rebuild it in their own sick image.

9 months ago

When will this clown be locked, along with his dumb ass kid….

9 months ago

Interesing all the name plates are not facing your president but the camera?? Should be the other way

9 months ago

What an excellent article! I think Trump’s ideas to combat this invasion are excellent.

9 months ago

Throw them out in November

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
9 months ago

Biden is the worse president to ever serve in this country and the Dems want him in for another term that is why they will lie and cheat to get him in. They will drag President Trump and his family into the mud along with they lying media that backs him up what has this country come to time for a change of government stop the spending secure the border build the wall spineless congress needs to step and stop the border and stop the spending what is wrong in this country it is not the people it is a weak government just paycheck cashiers up there do nothing to make this country better.

9 months ago

Wouldn’t it be interesting to know how many of those illegally crossing the border are now registered to vote in the US? I wonder who they might vote for?

9 months ago

The NEW President (Trump) will HAVE to start a new policy of Catch and Return as soon as he is sworn in. Send kackels and china joe with them too!!

9 months ago

We need to hang a name on Biden that reminds people that he is responsible for the insurrection at the border. Insurrection Joe or……..

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
9 months ago

Same old HO HO. Kyle L.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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