What good could possibly come from a hurricane that hit Maine and left 400,000 without electric power, including me? Until a few days ago, I was surrounded by water – a flooded lake. My house was an island. If the water rose another foot, after rising a dozen feet, my heater and generator were gone. How was that good?
Here is how. Sometimes, in the worst situations, we learn our biggest lessons. Maine was about to go “all-electric,” a Democrat-driven initiative to start mandating – the government forcing – Maine to buy electric cars, 40 percent by 2027, 82 percent by 2032, and kiss gas goodbye after that. Not anymore.
This storm has rendered overreliance on electricity – that is, government-mandated electric cars, snowplows, sand trucks, power restoration crews, ambulances, cruisers, and school busses – a complete dead end.
The State-wide meeting and “go-go-go” push by Democrats to drive fossil fuels into oblivion, forcing the state to depend on a fragile, old, and vulnerable national electric power grid, just hit a stone wall.
This storm proves electric power – to quote one realistic congressman – “useless.” God has a way of humbling us, and He just did big time.
The state proposal, symbolic for the nation, suddenly has bipartisan opposition, and may finally tank. Maine’s environmental agency, set to approve the electric vehicle mandate (“railroad” is an insensitive term) was “indefinitely postponed.”
No kidding, no wonder, not a moment too soon – since anyone in their right mind knows now that mandating vehicles be electric in a State where nature can put a third of the citizens out of power for a week, is utter folly. Worse, it is dangerous.
The whole federally-driven initiative to turn everything electric was, from the start, anti-democratic, power-centralizing, and foolish. From a national security perspective, making the entire country dependent on electric power – a grid 80 percent fossil-fueled – for transportation, work, heat, cooling, food, and survival is an invitation to our enemies, not least China, to wipe us out by hitting the grid.
Now we have a more practical fact, a real thing – a big storm – that hits where it hurts, at home, where life depends on heat and reliable transportation, personal control over transportation, not state or federal control, not a pie-in-the-sky climate-friendly answer, but whether you can or cannot move.
That is where I am right now, glad for a gas-powered car. I do not want to rely on the federal government, which cannot keep streets safe, borders tight, or budgets balanced, nor on a state government intent on mandates.
Ironically, I was at a Maine school board meeting a week ago and heard a confession – by a superintendent who was sure he was right despite public doubt. He said the town had a fleet of nine electric school busses, and looked the room for nods, which did not come.
He then confessed some were back at the manufacturer, replaced by – gasp – gas-powered busses, for months. Curious, I listened. Why were the magical mystery busses, these wonderful Democrat-pushed electric busses, now in the shop?
The answer stunned me – and should any parent in a district with electric buses. Forget hurricanes, flooding lakes, and what we call life. The bus windshields leaked, they systemically leaked, letting water into the bus.
Why did that matter? The superintendent coyly admitted, that because the busses “are electric …”, which means leaks could electrocute the kids, a safety risk, pulled offline indefinitely. But never fear, he said, replacement gas busses were working.
Now, we come back to this mega-storm, which still has me stranded – along with thousands of other Mainers. The good news is, I have a gas car, a fossil fuel car, a car that – if needed – can be accessed to save me. If that car were electric, or we depended on electric-powered restoration crews, who knows?
And last, you may ask how you are reading a column typed on a computer that plugs into the wall of my water-surrounded home. Well, let me tell you how.
I do not believe the federal, state, or local government is responsible for me, my safety, security, heat, or power. I believe I am responsible, to the extent I can be. That is a sort of Maine thing, attitude of sorts, self-reliance, blame Robert Frost.
Thus, I have a generator, like half of Maine. That generator runs on propane, and the tank was filled ahead of time, as we know the power grid goes down in storms.
Bottom line: Wishful thinking, government mandates, and overreliance on the power grid – when a gas-powered car, truck, plow, stove, furnace, and generator are the only reliable options, is foolish, and dangerous. This storm – from which we are still recovering – is a lesson for Maine and the nation.
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.
We in Florida learned about the short comings and danger of electric vehicles in the last 2 hurricanes (the hard way). Rule of thumb: if AOC and John Kerry agree that something is a good idea, it’s probably not.
Other EV Issues
battery fires
No AAA Services
No charging System nationwide
Maint costs
Charging times enroute
Crowded charging centers
EV mandates are just one part of a much bigger plan the Communists have in play. It is designed to limit the amount of area an individual can travel in. Why” Simple. Control over the population in masse. Limit the area a person can traverse and it becomes much easier to control the population. If the communists really gave a rats behind about the environment, they would be screaming the loudest at the biggest polluter on the planet, China. Mention China to an environmentalist and enjoy the crickets. EVERYTHING the communists do is about control. The border too? YES! Think of a new recruit going to basic training in the military. The first thing those drill sergeants do is to break you down to nothing, then they rebuild you into a soldier. The communists are doing the same thing. They know they can’t take control of a free and functioning society, so they intend to break every aspect of the free society so that once they have destroyed it they can then begin to build their version of a “communist utopia”. Wake up and understand what is really going on.
The political elite don’t give a crap about WE The People. By and large they want us to suffer at the hands of this so called green energy boondoggle. The power grid will not survive this all electric mentality. And to make matters worse in fighting this misguided logic, our kids are being brainwashed in the school system K-12 and beyond that this is the only way to save the planet. Unfortunately there will be some suffering before these elites will be put in their place and voted out of office.
RBC, the real question is — Will the rest of the nation wakeup to the stupidity of getting rid of fossil fuels, etc.? Studies have shown that solar panels and wind turbines are not enough to supply the nation for its electricity usage and the Left is completely ignoring these facts. California is in for a big surprise.
Re: electric ‘cars’. I watched an interesting film on the massive Terex earth mover that digs up the stuff the batteries are made for…don’t recall the material. These behemoths use thousands of gallons of FUEL daily to dig up this material for “electric” batteries…which once it’s processed is miniscule to what was torn from the earth. These batteries are also highly volatile. If memory serves; these monstrosities tires are about 12 feet high and last maybe a few days. One video sent to me a few weeks back told the story of a couple who took their fuel engine Mercedes into the dealer for some routine maintenance. They were given a brand new electric Mercedes. Apparently they also had a security camera outside on the property or it was recorded by a neighbor…the door was open. First some light smoke and then the car…UNPLUGGED…quickly burst into flames and ultimately destroyed their very nice home. Another video taken from a traffic helo above a multi lane highway of two electric cars that had collided side by side…you could barely tell they were cars…almost within seconds both cars were engulfed in flames…no doubt the occupants were annihilated almost instantly. Firemen have said it can take up to 10 thousand…that’s THOUSAND of gallons to extinguish ONE electric car fire! Saw the underside of one electric car that was lifted up…looked like the entire undercarriage is nothing but batteries. The cost to replace? I’ve heard from $10,000 up to $16,000. Hmmm another solution to population control?
Love my 21 year old, dependable gasoline powered Tacoma.
Sounds like it’s been a rather challenging, but adventuresome ten days! I think God would probably encourage us to have a nice mixture of both electric and gas-powered. All or nothing rarely is sensible. We are becoming a nation where we go too far to the left or too far to the right. We were all given a brain and a heart. Now, use them! And, Robert Frost was a very wise poet. It’s not just a Maine thing, it’s the only way road to take if you want to survive in this challenging new world. But, it’s also a lot of fun and often has many memorable adventures! Be thankful for your propane, independence, creativity, and curious mind.
Railroad may be an insensitive term but it’s very accurate. Also, I hope other states such as California and New York (where, full disclosure, I live) will learn similar lessons regarding what a bad idea going all electric is but I won’t hold my breath because they’re in denial and they’re control freaks out to dictate every aspect of our lives.
I would like to see all these ‘go electric’ politicians fly in an electric plane next time they want to go somewhere.
RBC: This is a great article. You should post it on FreeRepublic.com where it will get even more exposure. It’s sad to see so many people bought into the “green agenda.” We can’t live without fossil fuels. freerepublic.com/tag/*/index
And (from another article), let us not forget that EVs + salt water = fires
I will never understand the Democrat’s need to push electric everything on us!! Well, actually, I think I do understand but it’s the most ridiculous thing ever!!! Elite Democrats in Washington and elite environmentalists invested in companies that would stand to profit from electric vehicles, therefore, we have mandates from the feds to purchase things that will make them money – shocker!!!! What I really don’t understand is – why would they put on the market, mandate their purchase when these products aren’t tested properly nor are they ready for prime time, yet!! Plus the fact that they have lied to us about the mining required to gather some of the materials for just the batteries as well as the recyclability of those batteries!!! I will refuse to buy one of their ridiculous electric vehicles until they have everything up to snuff – the electric grid, the electric vehicles, the repairs or replacement costs, etc!!!!!
Communist central planning One size fits all = failure and disaster Press full of praise and exultations Should this insanity end right now the mud would be flying
Excellent read because it’s the truth. Our government would never allow themselves to be stuck with an electric vehicle. They already know all of these things that some of us are finding out and most of us already know. I lived in the smokey mountains for over 16 years now. I’m in the foothills you still need a generator for this week long power outages….But this should go nationwide public not just on Amac.
It’s taken you this long to wake up!
Move to Texas! We have oil, gas, natural gas, diesel, lots of places to visit, lots of land. And ERCOT states we have nothing to worry about as they are prepared for making sure all is taken care of. Of course, I don’t believe them 100%, as nothing is ever 100% reliable.
It is very good that the government , through the Democrat – driven initiative, plan to force people to use electric vehicles has been stopped. This is a well written article Robert. Very informative. Common sense indicates that being able to respond to emergencies ,such as a flood, requires equipment that is at the ready, reliable , and meets the needs of the circumstances with the right capabilities. Gas powered vehicles do that, electric vehicles don’t. This issue of government attempting to force people to use electric vehicles is a serious matter. It is an attàck on freedom. This victory for freedom is of great significance. If some companies want to develop electric vehicle technology – let them do it .Under certain very limited circumstances those electric vehicles could have some use. As long as the matter is voluntary what sort of vehicle someone chooses to drive is a decision that is theirs , and the government has no right to interfere in a matter like that. Research on all motor vehicles should be done, especially vehicles intended for emergency use. Respect for the principles that are part of the American way of thinking and doing things – should be practiced by government – at all levels , all the time. Let truth prevail , let liberty be the watchword.
Beside E V being a major joke and totally worthless in any type of emergency. One of the biggest lies is calling oil “fossil fuels”. That’s a lie made up by Rockefeller, a deep state puppet back in the 30’s-40’s when we first found oil. He bribe the scientists who were working there to say, that is how oil is made. To BS people its was a limited amount so they can control the cost. Where the truth is, oil is produce naturally by the earth all the time ever where. There is no shortage of oil, Never will be. You even have oil leaking out of the ground into the ocean 24/7.
A local government school district just announced that their school bus fleet is going all electric. What fools, and paid for with taxpayer funds. ( Houston area)
In 24 vote all Dem’s out. Kyle L.
Batteries? Great Scott, my EV has a flux capacitor and runs on garbage.
There lots of information out there proving fuel doesn’t come from fossils. The discovery gives more credibility to getting rid of electric vehicles.
Something will wake these WOKE politicians up someday. Perhaps. Don’t count on it. Just ask one of them, and they WILL tell you, they are obviously the smartest person (is “person” still permissible?) in the room. If you are conservative, YOU need ‘deprogramming’. Ask Hillary. She might shut-up long enough to answer you (“you”? Still a word we can use? I cannot keep track…).
Sorry for your problems but just think how much the climate is changed when all those electric vehicles can’t be driven or used. Ha ha ha. Al Gore would be proud.
This folly reminds me of the drive in 1970 something. We were mandated to go to the metric system by 1984. The government couldn’t make us do what we didn’t want to do. We have to fight this gas removal protocol together and let the government know we are not going to do this. Not until we have a viable alternative.
By the way, I own an electric car.
These people are hell bent on eliminating fossil fuels but there one thing that I have not heard any comentary about and that is: what is their plan for replacing all of the fossil fuel biproducts that make modern life even possible????
To mention just a couple, PLASTICS AND ASPHAULT. Just think of all the things in modern life that are dependent on these two things. Most things we purchase these days come packaged in a plactic container of some sort, not to mention most things these days are mostly or entirely made from plastic, (cars, computers, cell phones, shoes, cothing, wiring insulation, toys & games, tools, the housing and massive blades of the wind turbines are supposed to generate our electricity, etc., etc., etc……..) so what is going to replace plastics???? Without asphaul how will roads be built or repaired???? There are millions of miles of roads in this country that we use daily to live and sustain life as we know it today, what is the plan to replace such a commodity so cruitial to modern life?????? The things mentioned here are only just scratching the surface of the massive problem that humanity will be faced with if we continue with this insane idea of eliminating fossil fuels to “save humanity or the planet”. As we all know any idea that the left comes up with, we can expect the outcome to be the exact opposite of what they claim.
What is the real goal with this agenda? Is it to “save the planet” or turn the clock back and instead of “progressing” and improving life for mankind, regress and go back to life the way it was back in the 1800s or earlier so they can more easily control the population, but only for the masses since all of the elites will continue to live as though for them none of those problems exist, as they have demonstrated thus far.
Do ya think the government is going to listen? You would think that they would pay heed to the good LORD!
Glad you flood wasn’t salt water. Lithium batteries and salt water don’t mix well. Here is info from the The U. S. Fire Administration:
One area of concern is EVs that have been flooded by salt water. According to the NHTSA, residual salt within the battery or battery components can form conductive “bridges” that can lead to short circuit and self-heating of the battery, resulting in fires. The time frame in which a damaged battery can ignite has been observed to vary widely, from days to weeks.
For example, in the storm surge in Florida that accompanied Hurricane Ian in September 2022, many vehicles were submerged at least partially in salt water. In the following weeks, at least 12 EV fires were reported in Collier and Lee Counties. One on Sanibel Island burned 2 houses to the ground.
The potential problem extends beyond flooded EVsIn all occurrences, EV battery fires can be very time- and resource-intensive for responders. There are safety risks for responders related to the emission of toxic and flammable gases from damaged batteries, and the unpredictability of thermal runaway and re-ignition.
There is a power source which nearly everyone forgets. mainly, because, in general, the politicians and the general, uninformed masses, are useful idiots. Hydro power. Quebec Hydro has been trying to get New England [all six states] to adopt buying energy from the Quebec Hydro dams in northern Quebec for 20 years. An infinitely, sustainable, life-giving power source, for $10.5 cents a KW. All six New England states have to ability to generate hydro power sources. All six. So what do the politicians do? They pile onto the lemming train and follow the crowd over the wind and solar cliff and the EV trap. Without giving a single thought to an alternative energy source that has been in use in New England since the 19th century. And for those of you who have swallowed the fossil fuel KOOL-AID, you forget or maybe did not even know that OIL is a Strategic Commodity. We shall never be able to live without it. Not unless you want the destroy more than 1/2 the world’s population. Ah, what fool’s these mortals be! God must be either crying or laughing about this idiocy.
Glad to hear of a win. The clarity of 2020 revealed to me the depth of indoctrinated morons installed in our society. I knew of them for many years but now they appear to reproduce exponentially!
Maine, I have found, is stupid anyway.