
National Security , Newsline

The BorderLine: Biden’s Border Chaos—Crime Soars as Punishment Vanishes

Posted on Tuesday, December 26, 2023
by Outside Contributor
President Joe Biden walks with U.S. Border Patrol agents along a stretch of the U.S.-Mexico Border, Sunday, January 8, 2023, in El Paso . (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

There is a thread running through progressive ideology that explains a lot about the state of our country and the world: the Left doesn’t like laws enforced or people punished for doing wrong.

Take the U.S. southern border, where we’re seeing record numbers of illegal aliens “encountered,” often with 5,000 a day just let go into the interior of the United States. The unmitigated chaos is so bad, it sometimes gets covered by a legacy media that usually prefers to ignore reporting on the border.

Americans can see that President Joe Biden’s strategy of pouring billions into “root causes of illegal immigration” aid to Latin America, inventing bogus “parole” programs to bring inadmissible aliens into the United States off the books, and releasing even more aliens caught at the border, has utterly failed.

Biden’s excuse for releasing and paroling millions, instead of detaining or sending them back to their home countries, is to pretend they are all asylum-seekers. To qualify for asylum, they’d have to prove they are fleeing persecution at home. Just living in a poor country and wanting a job in the U.S. isn’t enough, or else why would we still bother to have visas?

The biggest lie Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas keeps telling is this: “We will work to remove, as quickly as possible, those who do not qualify for relief under our laws.” But deportations dropped to 72,177 in fiscal 2022, a quarter of the 2019 total. Though badly overworked, immigration judges still order over 20,000 illegal immigrants deported every month (after due process). The math reveals the truth: the Biden administration won’t ever enforce the law and deport most failed asylum-seekers.  

Republican presidential candidates all campaign to restore sanity to the border. If reelected, Donald Trump promises to reemphasize deportations. In reaction, leftist national media, politicians, and activists are freaking out.

But rather than being some dystopian nightmare, this would simply begin a return to historical norms and restore the rule of law. Applicants who lack any legal right to remain in the United States must be returned to their home countries. By failing to do that, the system has lost all credibility. That has sent a clear message to the world that if they show up at our border, they will get in—and stay for years.

Former Immigration and Customs Enforcement chief Tom Homan gets that. “Part of due process is executing the final decision of the court,” he said. Like every American who believes in the rule of law, Homan wonders, “If the court orders aren’t going to mean anything, what the hell are we doing? We might as well take the Border Patrol off the border and shut down the immigration courts because, obviously, there’s no enforcement of our immigration law.”

Enforcing laws passed by Congress is hardly an extreme position. A Pew poll last year found that 73% of Americans thought it “very” or “somewhat” important to “increase security along the U.S.-Mexico border.” A CBS poll in September showed 66% of Americans disapproving “of the way Joe Biden is handling immigration” and only 34% approving. A recent Fox News poll of national voters showed 67% of respondents “support deporting those here illegally.” A CBS poll of likely Republican voters before the upcoming primaries showed 80% of New Hampshire voters and 85% of Iowa voters “want a GOP nominee who’d deport millions of undocumented immigrants.”

Even among Texas Hispanics, 40% surveyed “agreed with the idea of deporting undocumented immigrants.” Hispanic support for a controlled border is likely growing with each day’s mass release of illegal aliens into already poor U.S. border communities and with each preventable crime against American citizens and legal residents.

The idea that if you don’t enforce laws, people ignore them, applies in many other contexts, too.

In Washington, D.C., U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves didn’t prosecute 67% of the suspects arrested by police last year. Meanwhile, violent crime rose 39%, murder 34%, robbery 68%, and carjacking 88%. Many of those carjackers are teens who should be in school. In possibly related news, 60% of Washington high schoolers were “chronically absent” last year, and in one high school, almost 90% of the students were “chronically truant.” 

In the Gulf of Aden in the Middle East, Iranian-backed Houthi rebels are lobbing drones and rockets at commercial and U.S. Navy ships, which, so far, have kept them from hitting the targets. Why do the Houthis continue their provocation with the world’s mightiest navy at their doorstep? Because they can. They fire rockets; we send strongly worded statements. Does anyone doubt that a significant response from the United States could put an end to this terrorist hazard? But on it goes. Oil and shipping companies are rerouting ships around the threat. Longer journeys mean more time and fuel, passed on to consumers through higher prices.

Portland, Oregon, decriminalized drug use in 2020. Fentanyl pills—all coming through Mexico with ingredients from China—sell for only a dollar or two, down from three times that in 2020. (This is one notable area where “Bidenomics” actually lowered the price of something.) Kevin Dahlgren has worked with the homeless for 30 years and calls Portland “the largest open-air drug zone in state history.” He has written, “I have found more dead people and seen more overdoses this year than in all the other years of my working and volunteering, combined.”

In Washington state, theft up to $750 is only a misdemeanor, and just like in big California cities, prosecutors often choose not to prosecute shoplifting. In November, unionized workers went on strike at three Seattle-area Macy’s, saying the chain “is not doing enough to address shoplifting, violent shoppers, and other safety threats to workers and customers.” One worker said that when she called police to report “a repeat shoplifter that even law enforcement was familiar with,” she was suspended without pay.

The above examples have this in common: If you enforce laws, people obey them more. It’s human nature.

When it comes to immigration, conservatives want the current law enforced before we talk about reforming the system. That means raising the bar for asylum claims to weed out applicants who are gaming the system, ending mass release of illegal crossers at the border, and limiting Biden’s rampant abuse of immigration parole.

Even if they want more legal immigration for labor needs, most elected Democrats can see the distinction between workers brought in on visas Congress has authorized and aliens illegally entering over a border Biden has left wide open. For instance, while calling for more low-skilled labor, Debbie Dingell, D-Mich., said, “We need to bring some of these people—immigrants—but we don’t want illegals.”

Let’s have the debate about the future of immigration—what’s fair, what’s possible, what’s in the national interest. But not under the extortionate threat of tens of thousands of aliens crossing our border every single day.

Anyone serious about border security or immigration reform knows that the only way to reduce the current uncontrolled mass migration—with its collateral evils of dead migrants, American fentanyl overdoses, and collapsing city budgets—is to restore credible enforcement.

That shouldn’t be a partisan political issue. Otherwise, like Portland’s drug addicts, Washington’s carjackers, and Houthi rocketeers, illegal aliens won’t be deterred from continuing to break the law.

Simon Hankinson, a former foreign service officer with the State Department, is a senior research fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Border Security and Immigration Center.

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By Simon Hankinson

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9 months ago

Virtually nothing new or informative is being stated in this article. Yes, we know that enforcing existing laws would shut the problem down nearly immediately, but we also know no one in the Biden administration nor the Democrat Party, as a whole, is interested in doing that. They are busy importing millions upon millions of fresh, poorly educated or completely illiterate people into the country to ensure they have enough voting numbers to win every major election going forward in perpetuity. By election day 2024, the total of illegal aliens residing in this country should top 50 million. With 10 million of that number being imported just under the first 4 years of the Biden administration.

Many of the mouthpieces on the left have been essentially delivering that message of intentionally changing the demographics of this country for voting and power purposes since 1965 in one form or another. Meanwhile on our side, most Republican politicians in Washington seem content to either try to do nothing or merely repeat the same, stale talking points they have been using for the last 30 to 40 years and little else. We just had four years where the flow of illegals into this country was drastically reduced, which is why the left is so he!! bent to stop a certain individual from getting back into office and putting those same policies or even better ones back into place.

The author’s call for a serious debate on how to control our border and who we really want to attract to this country is sadly nearly 50 years too late. The time for such a meaningful debate was before the Democrats pushed through the 1965 reform of immigration and began the hard push to import as many illegals as possible into this country to ensure they would win more and more elections and eventually control everything. In short, stacking the deck in their favor by creating an ever-expanding pool of voters who would be dependent on Democrats, who are largely here not become productive Americans but rather to get as many free benefits from the taxpayers as possible.

9 months ago

Between a sick granddaughter and Joe’s inflation, my retirement money is dwindling quickly so maybe I should claim to be an illegal so I can get all of their freebies and maybe be able to survive!!! As it is now, I am going to be destitute and the illegals will be much better off than I am!!! I will be homeless, starving and dying!! Joe cares more about those illegals than he does about citizens – that goes for all Democrats as well!!! I’m disgusted with this entire administration – they are killing America!!!

9 months ago

Biden’s failure to secure the border and keep the people of america safe is an Impeachable Offense. His failure of keeping his Oath.

9 months ago

At this rate, I may have to seek “asylum” in order to survive

9 months ago

We must return to the rule of Law in regards to our borders. We hear this “Rule of Law” phrase over and over, but as actions speak louder than words, we know that our current President and those around him do not seem to even make an honest attempt of following the rule of law especially as if pertains to our United States of America borders. Due to this outright failure, we also need to remove some border related activities, rules, laws and/or practices.
Number one on the list is the so called “Anchor Baby” rule/law/practice. An Anchor Baby are “Babies born to illegal alien mothers within U.S. borders are called anchor babies because under the 1965 immigration Act, they act as an anchor that pulls the illegal alien mother and eventually a host of other relatives into permanent U.S. residency. (Jackpot babies is another term).
I believe that if a mother or the parents of a child born in the United States are illegal, then the child should also be illegal. This automatic citizenship things must go.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

Biden has the nerve to call Trump guilty of “insurgency”? Puh-leez. This criminal administration is purposely sabotaging America. If Trump us guilty, Biden is guilty.. of TREASON.

9 months ago

we do not need immigration courts, just send them all back to where they came from!

9 months ago

Joe need to be impeached for not upholdeing his oath !!!

9 months ago

The immigration courts should be running 24/7 no holidays. Just like the military
there are rotations and shift work, but clear this crazy backlog. It would only take
10-15 minutes per case then either out the front door or out the back door and on
the effing bus to the airport for deportation !!!

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
9 months ago

The country is gone folks. No two ways about it. No coming back from the damage this dessicated brain dead husk and his handlers have caused with Obama and his ilk having paved the way starting back in 2009.
Trump may become President but if Jesus himself returned and became President………well what we are facing might be beyond even HIS capability of repair

9 months ago

Defeat Joe in 2024…

9 months ago

The Border problem BELONGS to EVERYONE in the DC CESSPOOL Not just Branden. If TAXPAYER $ were not given away like water to ILLEGAL ALIENS as soon as they get here IE: Healthcare, Citizenship to babies, FREE plane rides or bus rides to “SANCTUARY CITIES”. Potential TERRORISTS and military age men are using the influx of “refugees” flooding our country to enter with one thing on their mind “taking control”.
Congress could STOP the giveaway any day of the week, (AND WE WOULDN’T NEED A WALL) but instead they BASH Branden and use it to raise campaign money.
EACH STATE on the border should declare their sovereignty and set up runways along the border and load the ILLEAGAL ALIENS up and take them to far SOUTH AMERICA and let them start over!!!!!!!! — The cost would be less in the long run than what we have NOW!!!
Don’t get me wrong: Branden and his puppet masters are doing their best to make America a third world country to exist in the “GLOBLALIST NEW WORLD ORDER”, but they are getting a lot of help from the “GO ALONG TO GET ALONG REPUBLICANS”.
That’s all today!

John Shipway
John Shipway
9 months ago

Take a bus to say………….Nueva Laredo, get off then wade across the urine trough called the Rio Grande River and walk up to some idle border patrol officer and say “Oye Como Va” or whatever you can recall in Spanish and then enjoy untold nights in fine hotels with all meals provided. You even get a free phone with unlimited minutes and data….and clothing and, if you ask nicely…….a television and a lease paid home in some suburb surrounded by neighbors that wish you dead.
If life gives ya lemons……….steal some lemonaide.

9 months ago

Ole Joe has got to go. The longer he stays the sooner America is broken and becomes an amoral penal colony. Where every criminal is in charge. We dont have a president to MAGA, he is breaking it down. Brainwashing our children, killing the children and adults with Fentanyl every day, hundreds of them. Homelessness and hunger is rampant nothing is done about it. ole Joe and the dems have got to go before we are living in an amoral, criminally overrun America.

Frank c.
Frank c.
9 months ago

We all know the Dems want all the illegals so they will vote for them, and eventually there will be only on party like California.

9 months ago

This country needs to return to a clear immigration policy. One based on merit for permanent citizenship. If there is such a high need for low cost labor then let them in under Visas. Businesses should be prosecuted for employing illegal immigrants to the point where it is no longer cost effective to hire them. Stop trying to fix symptoms and start looking to cure the problem. Prosecute cities and states that do not enforce our immigration laws.

Denise Murray
Denise Murray
9 months ago

Not once in ANY of these “truth” MIA “border reports” is there even a whisper of the Truth, the Whole Truth and nothing but the Truth!! Quote from Nancy Pelosi: “Everyone should be able to vote.”!!! Why isn’t this painfully obvious remark from this whako who spent 4 years and how many millions of dollars to take out Trump being trumpeted (pun intended) all over the nation?? Barack Hussein Obama was the first to trash the border…the same Hussein Obama whose questionable birth was ultimately proven that HE’S NOT AN AMERICAN CITIZEN!! The same “Obama” who’s been frequently seen “visiting” the Biden barely White House. I heard Pelosi make this uncensored statement on a video sent to me from another actual American…Did the politicians who claim to be “conservatives” hear this? Have they not heard her rants in congress over the painful years she was running the mob scene? Running the mob scene with her demorat sidekick ( who’s name I can’t remember!) for how many interminable years?
Anyone who is foolish enough to believe that the demorats and rinos give a flip about “migrants” best wake up…it has been and is the “de-nationing” of America…”everyone should be able to vote”… freebies, handouts, put up in motels while we have veterans living on the streets?? Who they gonna vote for? Many years ago, when Ronald Reagan was in office he made a comment that’s burned into what’s left of my brain; “A nation without borders is not a nation.” Can I get an amen?

9 months ago

Waste of time reading this article. Nothing new to read/hear. I’m tired of people’s opinions. I want to hear solutions and see actions.

james carlyle
james carlyle
9 months ago

This is a gross violation of our fundamental rights as citizens of the USA. Introducing foreign undocumented people into our sanctuary with no authority, jeopardizing the security of our culture, family, security and well being.

9 months ago

First the US Government is there to keep American citizens safe. What happened?

9 months ago

Biden is a bleeding heart liberal … he needs to grow a pair or retire! …

John Beach
John Beach
9 months ago

One would think that presidents would consider how they are protected and the resources, time and energy that is put into their own security and craft policies, in fulfillment of their constitutional duty to provide for the common defense of the nation, to promote the general welfare, to ensure domestic tranquility and to secure the blessings of life and liberty for the American citizenry. Any president who does not remember this duty and fulfill it deserves to be impeached and removed from office. That simple. No ifs, ands or buts.

9 months ago

Every single day in our United States it’s ground hog day. Nothing changes. Total chaos, lies, crime, death and destruction. These roaches in this administration have caused all this, and all our representatives do is talk about it and write books. The only savior is Donald Trump, with a good pick for a vice President that can carry on for 8 more years.

9 months ago

Another crime against US citizens perpetrated by Joe Biden and the globalist communist US Democratic Party and Deep State.

9 months ago

Looking at the picture above, the agents are just talking to an empty suit walking…

Bill Smith
Bill Smith
9 months ago

His collaborators and co-conspirators, aside from members of his administration and party members extended throughout all the states, is the socialist, facisistic, authoritarian and dictatorial leadership of all countries represented by that swarm of travelers and intended invaders of U.S. sovereignty from all over the world, particularly AMLO.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
9 months ago

Ironically, Leftist folks in government like to create as many laws and regulations as possible in order to control and attack those who don’t agree with them, but refuse to use their own created laws to keep those they can use from doing great harm to those of US who pay for all that they do.

9 months ago

Crime running rampant in Dem run cities. Could think of anything better!

9 months ago

This must be an old picture…..the border, biden walking & talking…..mighty old!!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
9 months ago

What is new the same always nothing being done on the border from the dummies in Washington that goes for both sides they care nothing about this country time to get them all out of the White House before they turn this into a third world country if it is not one already very sad time for this country the citizens loose always We need to stop paying them see what happens then they would secure that border real quick.

9 months ago

Did you hear the joke about: On day one of the Biden administration, he put into effect his Comprehensive Immigration Plan preventing Millions of Illegals from entering the USA. He opened the border and changed the name of illegals so that the problem disappeared.

9 months ago

I am continuously disappointed with the GOP for doing NAFT since all this started. I would welcome a third party to our corrupt system, since the existing two are not doing anything to protect the USA. They socialist democrats and the spineless republicans will only have themselves to blame when the lead starts flying. And if you don’t think it will, just stand by and watch our country go to s**t.

9 months ago

Pull Mayorkas’s green card or visa or however he got here, Border Czar Kammala and Myorkas both say the “the Border is secure”, Ya Think ?? Democrats and Roe v Wade killed 60 Million American babies in 50 years, so is this the Dems plan to replace them with illegal alien / Democrats, 4 more years of O’Biden would do it !! They have NO IDEA who or what is coming across our southern border, Fentanyl, IED s, terrorists, gang members (MS 13) or fill in the blanks. Remember, 9/11 only took 19 terrorists, how many cells come through every month ? Dementia Joe gotta go ! Give me $1.79 gas and a few “mean tweets”, anytime.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
9 months ago

Has been bad since Biden took office

9 months ago

They’re not going to be able to make these people into legal voters fast enough. (As if the Democrats need “legal” voters).

9 months ago

we r headed to national ruin as the laws of the land r ignored, throw in voter fraud

9 months ago

“If you enforce laws, people obey them more. It’s human nature.”

Whether it’s having a strong defensive presence at the border or raising responsible children, biden has failed on both counts. Biden ignores his obligation to protect the country’s borders, so opportunists take advantage of his weakness…just like Hunter, his sister, and numerous other bidens–including Joe himself–have illegally enriched themselves by tens of millions of dollars while he looked the other way.

Even his dog can’t behave. With so much going awry in the biden household, you have to wonder what’s really going on there.

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
9 months ago

“…the Left doesn’t like laws enforced or people punished for doing wrong.”
One qualifier: this statement is true as long as it advances the Leftist agenda of destroying this country.

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