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The Mexican Border: Experts Call It a Disaster of “911” Proportions

Posted on Friday, December 15, 2023
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON DC, Dec 15 — Tom Homan, former Acting Director of ICE, and Jaeson Jones, former Captain with the Texas Department of Public Safety, are veterans when it comes to the Mexican border and the dangers of the Biden administration’s lackadaisical approach to border security that has created what they call a humanitarian crisis. They played important roles under President Donald Trump’s successful efforts to secure America’s back door; they created the website Border 911 after President Biden opened that door to the world’s most desperate illegal migrants. As they put it in a recent interview with Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens and host of AMAC’s Better For America podcast, “We’re witnessing the largest U.S. intelligence failure since 911.”

As Jones revealed, “the Biden administration opened our borders not only to Mexico but to the world and the cartels saw a massive gap and said to themselves, we can truly treat people as a commodity. Back in the day, it was about $100 to cross the river.  Today, if you are a Mexican citizen, it costs about $2,500. And, if you’re Central Americans, it’ll cost you $3,000, if you are Chinese, it’s $5,000 and if you’re Russian or Middle Eastern, it is $9,000 to cross the river in south Texas.”

Homan noted that he “worked for six presidents. Every president I worked for took steps to help secure the border because every president understood you can’t have national security unless you’ve got border security. Every president, even Clinton Obama took steps to secure the border. But, of course, no one did more than President Trump. But Joe Biden is the first president in United States history who unsecured the border.  Since he took the White House we’ve had over 360,000 children come across that border. This administration released them to so-called sponsors that they supposedly vetted. They can’t find nearly 100,000 of those children. They released them to sponsors. Now they lost track, and they can’t find them. Based on my 34 years of experience in numerous child trafficking investigations that I have conducted, many of those children right now are living with pedophiles, they’re in pornographic movies.  These children are living a life of hell because this administration refused to secure the border.  We gave them a game plan for how to do it. They have the Trump policy. All they have to do is to put the Mexico program back in place. But because they have this open border, they refuse to do anything to slow the flow. In the last two months, ICE has opened up three different investigations where they found children in forced labor.  These children live a life of hell. And while you and I and Jaeson are talking here right now, while we’re talking, women are being raped by the criminal cartels, they are being sexually assaulted numerous times. And a child is going to die on the border. So, this isn’t just talking points. People need to understand what’s happening right now.  Children are going to die, children are being sexually assaulted. So, this is the biggest humanitarian crisis this country has ever seen.

So, who is orchestrating this bloody drama? Homan says it’s criminal entities such as the Los Zetas cartel. “It’s one of the most hyper-violent cartels in Mexico. I worked the 72 migrants massacre in San Fernando [Mexico] in which 300 men, women, and children were cut into pieces by Los Zetas. They had gone far beyond organized crime and the terrorist acts that they were committing were going to come here because we began seeing it with beheadings in the United States. Our national incident based reporting system and the Uniform Crime Report, under the FBI, did not capture transnational crime at the time. until it was already impacting our citizens. The United States government, Mexico, and a global coalition of partners leveraging what we call the unified command, can collaborate, we can absolutely crush them. We know what we have to do. But I will tell you right now, if we continue to use a 60-year-old, failed model of a law enforcement investigative model, we will never fix this problem.” 

John Grimaldi served on the first non-partisan communications department in the New York State Assembly and is a founding member of the Board of Directors of Priva Technologies, Inc. He has served for more than thirty years as a Trustee of Daytop Village Foundation, which oversees a worldwide drug rehabilitation network.

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Wyatt Earp
Wyatt Earp
10 months ago

Because he is shameless, immoral and a criminal

10 months ago

I don’t know how the man pretending to be president sleeps at night.

10 months ago

I’m extremely disgusted with this Democrat Party!!! Are they so focused, still, on Trump that they can’t see everything else especially the bad that they are doing to us, to our country?? Do they hate America so much and why??? I’m baffled by these ignorant, short sited, arrogant, pompous, selfish politicians!!!

10 months ago

All Socialist Democrats should be tried for treason and held accountable, that’s something Socialist Democrats don’t understand!

10 months ago

I live about 100 miles from the border in a tiny little town in the Mohave Desert. As remote as we are, I am seeing more and more non-English speaking people in Walmart and around town.We have no shelters, no big food banks, no real reason for them to be here, but I suspect someone is taking them in somewhere. I also see more and more black people who are obviously not local. I just hope they will be more inclined to vote Red here than wherever they fled from. This area is pretty Red and there is strong 2A support here, as evidenced by a gun store on every corner and guns being sold at garage sales.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
10 months ago

Of coarse its a disaster,it is the democRATS plan for the destruction of the AMERICA that the leftist marxits

10 months ago

What are we reps talking about. Mayorkas tells us the border is secure. Ole Joe went to the border and there was nothing to see. Our VP border czar went and she saw nothing and since then there are no problems. MSM never shows the thousand upon thousands that come across every day since Jan 2021. Possibly 10 million by now. 2 million of them are getaways but there is no problem. Ole Joe wouldn’t lie now would he? Or Newsom or Mayorkas or Kameltoe. Stay asleep America before long you will have company living in your spare room. TOO LATE.

10 months ago

We, the people, do not even understand what the “open border” is leading to. We are paying for food, shelter, health care, and more for people that are not even US Citizens. Where this is all leading is no one’s guess, but everyone should be concerned!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
10 months ago

Thousands of single, military-aged men from China are crossing our border. Since NOBODY in China can do ANYTHING without CCP approval, why do you suppose they are entering our country? Just how STUPID (or EVIL) are the DIMMS?

10 months ago

It’s the largest national security threat that our country has experienced willingly.How isn’t this so called president brought up on articles of impeachment? Criminal actions since taking his oath of office. It’s sick!

anna hubert
anna hubert
10 months ago

Human rights children’s rights women rights feminists and slavery denouncers are all quiet So it must be all good Nothing to worry about All swept under the carpet same as Epstein’s case

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
10 months ago

Been bad since Joe took office

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
10 months ago

I live in AZ and what the open border means here is less funding going to American citizens because we are told we must feed, clothe, educate, provide free healthcare and many times pay for hotel rooms. It is disgusting. The Dems keep saying it is because the GOP will not address a border bill. Excuse me, but the Trump administration’s border bill worked great. Biden and his comrades ended that great piece of legislation the moment he got into office. I am just wondering when our first attack by all the terrorists that have come here illegally will occur. It WILL happen and it may be much sooner than many think. Several hundred CHINESE men by themselves have come in recently and how did that happen? They are Communists who usually are not allowed to leave their countries. I think the CCP ordered them to come here and help bring down our Democratic Republic!!

Rod Shirk
Rod Shirk
10 months ago

Totally agree; needs to be fixed ASAP. We won’t be the country we want, if we don’t.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
10 months ago

SORRY.Of coarse its a disaster,a planned disaster because the marxist leftists hate the thought of a prosperous patriotic return to the real AMERICA.Their agenda for AMERICA is so sick that once done,AMERICA is gone.

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
10 months ago

Thank you Rebecca Webb for doing this interview with Jaeson Jones and Tom Homan. It personally makes me sick to know what is happening to these immigrants coming to this country, particularly the women and children. It’s heartbreaking. If the 2024 elections do not produce some real leaders in this country (ie Trump) the United States of America will be no more in terms of a free country…a strong country leading the world. The United States has been the most God-blessed country in the whole wide world and our politicians are purposely, by design, destroying this country…throwing it all away. My only comfort is that ultimately these people will answer to God the Creator for their deeds, just like everyone else. I do not believe that those who are defying God’s Word, spitting in God’s face will get away with it. Thank you Jaeson Jones and Tom Homan for taking the stand and doing all the hard work you are doing to rectify these problems.

10 months ago


10 months ago


  • Human Trafficker in chief
  • US Drug Cartel in chief
  • Traitor in chief
Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
10 months ago

Democrats are losing the support of the people they were once able to exploit ( black & Hispanics) so they need fresh bodies . They’ll keep the crisis going full tilt until swishy Republicans will agree to an amnesty bill for the millions already here (the so-called “Dreamers”) with a “pathway to citizenship” for the millions more they’re moving in today in exchange for (a less porous) border security bill all under the banner of “comprehensive immigration reform”. *in my humble opinion*

BillBoy Baggins
BillBoy Baggins
10 months ago

In addition to the sex trafficking, we have terrorists also crossing the southern border! The FBI warned about possible attacks over the Holidays. Something we already knew . . .

Lisa Skinner
Lisa Skinner
9 months ago

If you voted for Biden, you are also to blame. Anyone with half a brain knew he would unleash the illegal immigrants into this country. He (the democrats) want to change the voting demographic in this country and this is all by design. Like him or not, Trump had this under control and he has my vote now and always has.
Trump 2024 ????????

David Millikan
David Millikan
10 months ago

The one thing that hasn’t been touched on is all the VD from infected babies to adults that is being brought into the United States that will drain even more of our medical supplies at taxpayer expense not to mention the major deadly health hazard to American citizens.
Between all the criminals, disease infected, uneducated, unskilled, criminally insane, and Terrorist that Dictator Beijing biden has been letting in by the millions (running around free in your neighborhood without any ID or Passport) so he can illegally get the Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion vote for election fraud and election interference without any regard to the United States of America citizens and Constitution or National Security for that matter.
These are intentional and inexcusable actions by Dictator Beijing biden just so the Communist democrats can maintain power and control at the expense of American lives and our Sovereignty. Your life, your country, and your Freedoms mean nothing to them so long as they stay in power and control over you.
From Clinton, Obama to Dictator Beijing biden this has been their whole plan. Just open your eyes and look around. Can’t miss it.

10 months ago

This only addressed the child issue, which don’t get me wrong, is significant and just as criminally liable. However, the National Security issue of the infiltration of our country by every low life nationality we are at odds with is just as important. I say the majority of explosions and other key incidents occurring across this country are orchestrated by illegals. No, I do not have proof, I’m just using common sense.

9 months ago

What do you suppose it will take to start the pushback?

9 months ago

I have been reading that when in the 1940s people who wanted to migrate to the United States they had to have a sponsor who could support them. So they wouldn’t be a burden to the US. What the hell ever happened to this rule. This is horrible to our country. Wait until the terrorist group get together. Don’t say you didn’t see this coming. Can’t Biden be impeached for not upholding the laws of the land?

Darrell G. Walton
Darrell G. Walton
9 months ago

As the Left says, no President is above criminal prosecution. This is Grand Treason going unpunished!

9 months ago

Anyone who doesn’t believe what is truly occurring in regards to the multiple types of violent and serious crimes are complete idiots. Niceness, beating around the bush, saying it’s not your job? Is your problem. You are the one accountable. You are one piece of the solution, putting the pieces together has extreme strength- please open your eyes to this.Might be uncomfortable, not the ” in” agenda- but you need to be an adult. Do it!

9 months ago

I wonder what the “experts’ ” first clue was, that the border is completely out of control? And has been for 3 years. Whatever it was , Biden still doesn’t get it.

Richard Olson
Richard Olson
9 months ago

Why in this dangerous situation, would ourPresident and Senate wish to disarm Citizens??

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
10 months ago

The U.S. Mexico border is a disaster. No other nation allows foreigners to illegally cross their border and take advantage of a nation the way U.S. politicians are allowing the U.S. to be invaded by all nations through an unsecured border.

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
10 months ago

I cannot believe that anyone voted for a wide open border with no security and no limit to who or how many come into this country requiring 100% government help to survive. It is clear that cartels are exploiting this and introducing all kinds of horrible influences into our nation! A general referendum on this would prove how much real Americans oppose this madness. We cannot wait to get rid of Biden and all those who support him!

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
10 months ago

Homan proudly touts that he worked under six presidents. I find it strange that through that entire time he accomplished so incredibly little. Even under Trump there was a lot more bluster than accomplishment. Building some wall isn’t an accomplishment no more than is building three walls of a rectangular house.
All this is useless blather anyway. The immigration issue is lost. We haven’t even seen the disaster that is about to hit us in the face when these invaders are let out of the camps “droolin’ Joe” built for them and they enter our community further ruining our schools and filling our emergency rooms and bloating our already incredibly high property taxes.
Hell, truth be told, the nation is lost. It is time the natives become the wetback to some new country.

10 months ago

I was recently advised of the DEA???? presented to GOP ie limit 1 million immigrants ( ? Time limit) and 61 billion $$$ for ???????? Ukraine If that is an honest proposal for Ukraine benefit!!!!!! Does crippled Biden administration believe all Americans are STUPID??? IMPEACH IMPEACH IMPEACH!!!!!!!

Jean A
Jean A
10 months ago

Hopefully no child gets blown up by an IED which being placed by the cartels.

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