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Dems Sink Their Own Ukraine Bill to Avoid Bolstering U.S. Border Security

Posted on Thursday, December 7, 2023
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

Biden and zelensky- bill on border security

In a key procedural vote on Wednesday, Senate Republicans blocked passage of a bill providing more military aid for Ukraine after Democrats at the last minute scuttled talks to include border security measures in the package – knowing full well that their refusal to compromise would doom the legislation. In doing so, congressional Democrats unintentionally revealed that maintaining an open U.S.-Mexico border is even more important to them than defending Ukraine against Russia.

In late October, President Joe Biden sent a supplemental funding request to Congress asking for $105 billion to help Ukraine and Israel in their respective conflicts with Russia and Hamas, as well as some defense funding for Taiwan. Although House Republicans had already passed a standalone bill sending assistance to Israel, Biden threatened to veto it unless Ukraine funding was attached.

While Congress has already allocated about $113 billion to Ukraine, the White House has said that money will run out by the end of December. But many Republicans, particularly in the House, are wary of signing off on additional funding without more robust oversight mechanisms to ensure that the money isn’t being lost to waste and fraud.

House Speaker Mike Johnson has consistently opposed the idea of passing a joint Ukraine-Israel-Taiwan bill at all, preferring to deal with each issue separately. But the Louisiana Republican seemed open to negotiations if an aid package were to include border security measures – a top issue for many Senate Republicans and some vulnerable Democrats as well.

Recognizing the chance for a compromise, Senate Republicans and Democrats launched into discussions late last month over a potential amendment to Biden’s supplemental funding bill that included border security. However, those talks broke down late last week as it became clear hardline Senate Democrats, most prominently Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, were unwilling to budge on even basic changes to border and immigration policy.

While it’s unclear exactly what Senate Republicans are proposing, their border security demands are reportedly similar to the provisions in H.R. 2, which passed the House earlier this year. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries has called H.R. 2 a “non-starter,” while Schumer has said that it will never pass the Senate.

As a summary of the bill outlines, H.R. 2 would enact a number of comprehensive changes to U.S. border policy, including restarting construction of the border wall and increasing funding for border patrol to allow the agency to hire more agents and pay existing agents bonuses.

The bill would also restore President Donald Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, which required asylum seekers to wait in Mexico rather than the United States while their asylum claims are adjudicated. Biden ended the policy shortly after taking office, effectively allowing anyone to walk into the United States, claim asylum, and then be released into the interior of the country while they wait for their asylum hearing, which could take months or even years.

House Republicans’ bill additionally reigns in executive immigration authorities, which Biden and other Democrat presidents have used to hamper the ability of border patrol to deport illegal crossers.

Border experts say all of these measures and more are urgently needed to stem the flood of illegal border crossings and end abuses of the asylum system. Since Biden took office, there have been more than 8.3 million illegal border crossings. In just one sector of the Arizona border last week, more than 17,000 people crossed into the United States illegally.

However, despite offering no specific criticisms of any Republican proposals, congressional Democrats have universally rejected the addition of GOP border security demands to Biden’s foreign aid bill, with most vaguely citing “human rights concerns” or simply calling the GOP policies “terrible.”

As congressional Republicans were quick to point out, Democrats were in effect denying further funding to Israel and Ukraine out of a desire to perpetuate Biden’s open border policies. “Dems want $106B — GOP wants a closed border. That’s the trade. But clueless Dems want to negotiate the border bill. Not going to happen,” Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) wrote Tuesday on X. “Is an open border more important to Dems than Ukraine and Israel?”

For now, the answer to that question appears to be a resounding “yes” – something that could come back to haunt Democrats in next year’s election.

Senator Kyrsten Sinema, who late last year switched her party affiliation to Independent but continues to caucus and vote with Democrats, has already indicated she may be open to supporting GOP border security measures and rejected the notion that they were “extreme.” Sinema’s seat is up for re-election in 2024 in Arizona, a state that has been among the hardest hit by the border crisis.

Most Democrats, however, are doing their best to portray the situation as “Republican hostage-taking,” suggesting that the GOP is refusing to send money to Israel and Ukraine. But that’s becoming an increasingly difficult sell as pressure mounts on lawmakers from both parties to address the border crisis.

At the very least, both parties have now made clear to the American people where their priorities lie. Republicans have effectively conveyed that they’re done securing the borders of other countries before Congress secures America’s own border. Democrats, meanwhile, have, quite unintentionally, made clear that not only are they unwilling to solve the border crisis, but they are willing to sacrifice their top priorities to perpetuate it.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @ShaneHarris513.

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corbin douthitt
corbin douthitt
9 months ago

Need any more proof that Democrats do not care about America?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

Democrats sticking to priorities: #1: destroy America.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
9 months ago

This is an absolute disgrace! The democrats in Congress are supposed to work for us not Ukraine. Also, since its US taxpayer dollars Congress keeps sending over there, we have a right to know where the money’s going. Congress and Ukraine both need to understand that US taxpayers are not human ATMs with endless supplies of cash. Congressional democrats also need to understand that they finally need to get serious about securing this country’s borders because, contrary to the Biden administration’s lies, THE BORDER IS NOT SECURE!

9 months ago

Securing our countries borders should always come before securing another countries borders. We have to put our country first.

Robert Deighton
Robert Deighton
9 months ago

Allowing the invasion of our borders by an army of military age illegals is a dereliction of duty by the democrat leadership. Is this our Trojan Horse? Be aware and vigilant in your communities. We are being people of unknown intentions and loyalties.

Frank Bort
Frank Bort
9 months ago

Thank you Republicans for standing strong on Securing our Border: Wonderful!!! Shame on the Democrats who refuse to secure our border

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
9 months ago

It is STUPID to always load up a bill with a lot of issues! Vote on Israel aid, vote on border security (REAL, not phony), vote on Ukraine. One at a time, idiot congress people!

Robert Cohen
Robert Cohen
9 months ago

The open border is by design. Some how Biden will rig 2024 using 10 million illegals to vote.

9 months ago

The dems with ole Joe will never secure the border. He has no plan what to do with them once they cross the borders. But he wants billions and billions of dollars for a war in the Ukraine that is no threat to America or American people. But 8.3 million people, that we know off, has stormed across the border and are sleeping on the streets, been sold into human slavery, sold to pedophiles and on and on. Those lucky enough to escape that world are sleeping on the street or staying in expensive hotels to the detriment of our citizens. Homelessness in our big cities are totally ignored.
And now they are cancelling Christmas and Hanukkah over a war in the Middle East. They are making it a religious war. And are standing on the side of terrorists. To destroy Israel and America.
Ole Joe lies every day, from the climate change, to the border to his dealings with Hunters businesses to the war in the Ukraine and Middle East. Destroying America, creating division among the citizens and bringing us to the brink of a third world war and sowing seeds for a civil war in America. Talking about a dictatorship when all ole Joe is doing how to eliminate his political opponent with phony charges while murderers, robbers and arsonists and rapist go free and are heralded as heros. Parents are made domestic terrorists, children are mutilated in name of trans. You are fined or even arrested when you don’t agree with the gender mandates or drag queens performing for 6 year olds. But migrants coming into our country raping and killing Americans that is okay. And they call reps Nazis and fascists.
Under ole Joe America has become, a lawless, amoral anarchy. Justice is decided by the FBI, DOJ and ole Joe and Schumer and Jeffries in the congress. Dictatorship under O is still doing well and flourishing more than ever.
American people are being quiet over the atrocities that occurred on Oct 7-2023 in Israel by Hamas, the silence is deafening. From the White House to the dems in congress to the states and the cities where pro Hamas demonstrations are condoned, not a word is uttered in protest Newsom cancelled Christmas, another city cancelled Hanukkah Who is running this country? Islam? Hamas? Iran? Surely not Ole Joe. All this would never happen under Trump.

9 months ago

Could democrats be more obvious on their objective with open borders? GOP hold your ground on this border negotiation. Our country is being overtaken by God only knows!

9 months ago

Should tell everyone all they need to know about Democrats. Really is a sad testament.

Henry D
Henry D
9 months ago

This is absolutely ludicrous, EVERY one of those congressmen who voted against closing our boarder with Mexico should be impeached for violating their oath of office REQUIRING their allegiance to protect our country from our enemies. This invasion has got to stop and we, the people, need responsible congressmen to step up to the issue rather than be TREASONOUS!!!

9 months ago

America’s border has to be secured before assistance to any other country’s border.

NIcholas Elder
NIcholas Elder
9 months ago

it is difficult to comprehend why the democrats hate our country, it borders on being treasonist!

9 months ago

If Democrats don’t whole heartedly vote to close the border then start shutting down funding on all things Democrat. The border is the only thing they want. Redistribute funds from other buckets of already approved funding and move forward on building the wall. The fact that the US border has been left open by the Biden Admin and Democrats equates to treason by all of them. MTG is ready to move toward trials starting with Mayorkas then Biden. Treasonous bastards!

9 months ago

Clearly, keeping the border open is more lucrative than shoveling more money to Zelensky.

Paul W
Paul W
9 months ago

The globalist, n.w.o. left is on a crusade to fulfill its mission of destroying this country. A job that soetoro started and clinton was supposed to finish. That’s why they ensured that there would be no second term for Trump. The dims, as well as many so-called Republicans, are merely their shills. This is all literally SEDITOUS, TREASONOUS and it’s EVIL…period.

Jane C. Dewberry
Jane C. Dewberry
9 months ago

The only way we’re ever going to get the government to close the borders to those illegally invading our country is to vote the progressive socialist Democrats out of office. And I’m not talking about just the Democrats in DC. We must vote them out of our local and state governments as well. With Bidenflation as high as it is, it is unconscionable for the present administration under the Criminal Commander in Chief, to expect We, the People, to foot the bill for all those millions of illegal immigrants he’s welcomed. Why not let him, and all his criminal leftist cronies use their “ill-gotten booty” to feed, clothe and house these freeloaders. Either that, or send them packing. In your entire life, you may never have voted for anyone but Democrats; but you’ve seen what they’ve done to this country and will continue to do to it if they remain in power.. Are you really going to continue to destroy your way of life by voting to keep them in office?

Steve Valley
Steve Valley
9 months ago

The Democats have proven they don’t care about the U.S. Another. 9/11 is just around the corner only this time things could be much worse.

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
9 months ago

It seems ridiculous to me that the congress can draft legislation on multiple issues sso they can blame the other party for not passing a bill but the president cannot have line-item veto.

9 months ago

The smartest thing republicans in the house can do is pass individual bills for Ukraine, Israel, our border etc. and let democrats vote the funding down.

Marc Ziegler.
Marc Ziegler.
9 months ago

I cannot understand why the Democratics have anything really to gain by constantly keeping the border open other than wanting to destroy this country completely! Other than being complete insane, where in the world will they hide from the destruction they caused from illegal immigration. Once America is destroyed with this lunacy, even the Dem’s will have to put up and live with their own complicit stupidity!

9 months ago

The dim party has once again proven they want open borders as 8.3 million illegals just aren’t enough for them. ????

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
9 months ago

Why in the”H”is it so difficult for the democRATS to secure AMERICAS border and so easy for them to help secure everyone elses.I would call biden an anti AMERICAN bum,but this entity is not able to be in charge,so I will call the obamba/soros regime anti AMERICAN bums.I know that their intent is to attempt to pass a law to let illegal aliens vote.I fear that it would create a very,very unreparable set of unbelievable tragic circumstances.

9 months ago

Democrats and Republicans both wrecking the country and our international welfare and reputation.

9 months ago

They are even dumber than than they seem!

9 months ago

Our border security is the number one priority in the National interest of this country. Biden’s open border policy has allowed thousands of terrorists to enter this country from countries who are our enemies. Biden and the Democrats have violated and are continuing to violate their oaths of office to Defend and Protect this country. When terrorists acts are committed in this country we’ll know who allowed it to happen. With their sanctimonious and arrogant behavior toward their open border policy the Democrats have cut their own throats about giving more money to Ukraine where much of it winds up in the pockets of Democrats. Meanwhile our ally Israel who really needs our support in their war against the Hamas terrorist organization is being held hostage to petty gamesmanship.

9 months ago

How is it possible that Congressional Democrats have no idea or just flat out don’t care about the danger they have created for Americans because of the millions of illegals crossing the border of which many they do not know where they are or who they are!
DEMOCRATS: Secure the Border and start caring about our Veterans and help get the homeless off the streets. Billions upon billions of dollars being spent on illegals instead of our own citizens in need! Unbelievable.

Dr. Nancy
Dr. Nancy
9 months ago

If you go to the Funker530 website, run by US military combat vets, you will clearly see that the Pentagon has not sent $113 billion in goods and services to Ukraine! The equipment sent is 15 to 40 years old, already paid for by the American taxpayer.! So where is this money going and why can’t the Pentagon pass an audit? Anti-foreign war Republicans and Democrats should form a special committee to trace the whereabouts of this money. The reality is that Ukraine is doing us a favor taking this equipment out of storage and putting it to good use, killing the invaders. Prove me wrong!

anna hubert
anna hubert
9 months ago

Are we talking about border with Canada because there sure no longer is a border with Mexico As for helping every one everywhere the old adage that black smiths mare is unshod describes us well

9 months ago

Simple, US Constitution states that the POTUS et el are obligated to SECURE OUR BORDERS against all ENEMIES, ergo the BIDEN administration is in total violation of the law, ergo TREASON, ARREST THEM ALL AND PUT THEM ON TRAIL FOR TREASON, END OF PROBLEM, YET Congress passes all sorts of laws and we the citizens are obligated to obey them like it or not, THEREFORE why is BIDEN exempt and all CONGRESS does NOTHING but talk?

Anthony Torreano
Anthony Torreano
9 months ago

The priority of Democrats is to fill the voter rolls with illegals. Law does not mean anything to them as they will do anything to get votes. I believe their goal is to flood the country with people on the government dole, make the caucasion male a distinct minority and this in turn will give the federal government more power to implement their socialist policies. They are already on a goal to bankrupt the country, eliminate the middle class and make everyone beholden to the Federal Gov. for daily living. The voters in the Democratic run states get what they vote for but unfortunately others suffer along with them. I think a civil war is distinctly possible and that is another reason the Feds want to have further gun control. They know it will not stop the criminals from having guns, but it will disarm those who may threaten their socialist agenda.

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
9 months ago

All the Dems care about is getting more of their voters into the country.

9 months ago

The strident party politics by the Dems put our country at risk by their refusal to compromise. I hope voters recognize this, despite efforts by the media to downplay it, and vote out some of these hateful democrats.

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
9 months ago

We need to see the Dem reasons for holding the border open. Publish!

9 months ago

We can not change yesterday but we can change tomorrow. Before voting look at both party platforms and see which one is close to how you think. Vote for the one who can get done what is needed to get our country back

9 months ago

You do mean pay for play right????? Joey’s a genius!!! Tell me how He’s free to sell Americans out – the Most Excellent sell out creep IN THE WORLD

Art Warmack
Art Warmack
9 months ago

OH NO!!!! Does this mean we cannot give even more money to the corrupt little Nazi wannabes in Ukraine? I mean we must keep Zelensky always present as he is one of those rare breeds of crook that was born a Jew but gained power with the support of the supporters of Stepan Bandera….himself a rare man so evil his actions troubled the Waffen SS.
I mean here I was trying to decide whether to eat this month or buy my prescriptions. Now i find out that my government wont be sending even more billions to the evil scumbags in Ukraine so they can send their lower classes into the bloody wood chipper that is the Russian military? I hear they are now grabbing everyone from 15-70 off the streets, throwing them in vans, giving them a good week or so of training and only then sending them to the front. We arent going to support that any longer?
The horror.

9 months ago

this clown is an idiot,,,,

9 months ago

Why are we sending money to Ukraine to fight a boarder war when we won’t even protect our own.

9 months ago

So, you would rather not give funding to Ukraine if it means that you have to secure our border??? WOW!!! Democrats like everyone in the entire world better than they do their own people!!! WOW!!!!!

9 months ago

Anyone with a partial brain can see who the democrats actually are. We are at war and the enemy is in Washington D.C. Pray for America!

9 months ago

Closing the border is a no-brainer unless you are a moron or a far left lunatic or are Dem Party member. Schumer is hopeless as is McConnell. Close the border. Biden, who does know where he is most of the time. Obama is cute but running things. We are in trouble! Johnson & the House Reps are not firm. Lord help us!

9 months ago

It is way past time to throw that SOB-iden out of the White House and try him for treason. Then start putting members of Congress that are complicit in his scheme to destroy the US on trial.

9 months ago

But our border is secure. Mayorkas and Harris tell us that, so it MUST be true!

9 months ago

Simple, US Constitution states that the POTUS et el are obligated to SECURE OUR BORDERS against all ENEMIES, ergo the BIDEN administration is in total violation of the law, ergo TREASON, ARREST THEM ALL AND PUT THEM ON TRAIL FOR TREASON, END OF PROBLEM, YET Congress passes all sorts of laws and we the citizens are obligated to obey them like it or not, THEREFORE why is BIDEN exempt and all CONGRESS does NOTHING but talk?



9 months ago

The problem with all this is the republicans are no better than the democrates. Sadly the majority have lost sight of the real mission, what’s best for AMERICA!

Alberta Erickson
Alberta Erickson
9 months ago

The new democrats and new i mean the evil ones the old democrats would never have done what these evil ones have done to our country. They only want to destroy our country.

9 months ago

Republicans need to continue to working on border security and helping reduce/restrict and any illegal aliens from crossing the borders! Vote the Democrats out in 2024!! EVERYONE VOTE IN 2024. Democrats and the current administration need to be GONE, they don’t know what they’re doing!! Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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