The voice of AMAC members has echoed from the halls of Congress through legislatures in states across the country and resounded in federal agencies like the Federal Trade Commission, Health and Human Services, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Our call-to-action platforms that enable members to register their concerns with lawmakers and bureaucracies are very effective in driving policies and legislation.
In some cases, the legislative process moves at a snail’s pace with bills rolling over to future sessions as reintroduced bills. In others, Congress or a state legislature moves quickly in response to the prevailing political winds.
Here is an update on recent call-to-action campaigns where AMAC members responded by the thousands on high-profile issues:
Lower Costs, More Transparency Act
AMAC members want healthcare price transparency. They want to be able to shop hospitals in their communities for medical services that may be scheduled in advance, like a knee or hip replacement, much like they would shop for any major purchase in their daily lives. They know that price comparisons among hospitals would drive down the cost for these procedures.
The Lower Costs, More Transparency Act would accomplish this objective and more. This legislation has gone through several iterations and AMAC members have been with this initiative every step of the way. Earlier this summer, they drove multiple Members of Congress to co-sponsor its predecessor bill known as the PATIENT Act. They responded again by urging the federal representatives to support what became known as the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act. Over 27,000 contacts were made directly to the House of Representatives by AMAC members to support healthcare price transparency.
AMAC CEO Rebecca Weber along with physician Marion Mass added to the advocacy activity by co-authoring an op-ed supporting the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act that was first published in the Washington Examiner days before the House debate to move the bill to the floor for a vote. Our advocacy efforts were both timely and productive. To borrow a sports cliché, this was a full court press effort. So, what happened?
After unanimous support on this issue from the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee, the bill that became known as the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act was placed on the House schedule under suspension of the rules which means that it requires 2/3 of the House to pass the bill which means it had strong bipartisan support. Republican leadership was confident Democrats would deliver their votes in support the bill. Unfortunately, this was not the case. In the end, Democrats could not muster enough votes to pass the bill and it was pulled.
You notice the bill was pulled which means it is not dead. AMAC Action is committed to getting this legislation passed and is actively pursuing support for the Lower Costs, More Transparency Act on Capitol Hill. AMAC members continue to do their part by compelling their Member of Congress to back the bill. You may join this effort by clicking here and expect additional updates as circumstances change.
North Carolina Senate Bill 747
Hurry up and wait. After AMAC members sent over 22,000 messages to the North Carolina legislature to assist in facilitating the passage of a comprehensive election integrity bill, we are still awaiting a vote to override the bill’s veto by Democrat Governor Roy Cooper. This bill now sits in a queue with others under consideration for veto override and should be voted on at the next opportunity by the legislature.
This is a prime example of government moving at a snail’s pace.
Opposition to the Nomination of Charles Brown to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Right before the US Senate adjourned for the August recess, it considered holding a vote to confirm “woke” radical General Charles Brown as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. AMAC Action quickly mobilized AMAC members and within approximately 36 hours, over 25,000 messages opposing the General’s confirmation were sent to the Senate. This campaign worked as Senate leaders scuttled the vote prior to summer recess.
When the Senate returned in September, Majority Leader Chuck Schumer covertly and quickly called for a vote to confirm General Brown. The General was confirmed, and it should be noted that this tactic used by Senator Schumer was deliberately employed to stop groups like AMAC Action from organizing a united opposition like what was done in July.
What Chuckie Schumer did concerning the appointment of General Brown to the position, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is business as usual for old Chuck. If you’ve been watching and paying the slightest bit of attention to his political career, you would have noticed as I have…he’s a snake in the grass. He’s the first one to cry foul when the Republicans are in control and is usually saying something like we need to reach across the aisle, work together, and do what’s best for the country. When it’s reversed and the Democrats are in control he’s the one telling us to suck it up and quit being such cry babies, and there’s definitely no reaching across the aisle…it’s more like we’re going to shove it down your throat whether you like it or not.
Why is it, like so many other worthless politicians, is this pos continuously reelected?
The military, indeed, has become a cross-section of America. Woke America. When I was active duty, we were inundated with sxual harrassment training thanks to Tailhook; today, I can just imagine some of the topics held on command training day…
You know what they say if ya cant VOTE em out snuff em out…
I very much appreciate AMAC’s keeping us alert to things those of us with good consciences need to “rattle the cages” of our Senators & Reps, “like” Intercessors for America, & other good organizations like “watchdogs”. Let’s also pray about lobbyists: that they regain the consciences that God once gave them. There are so many “bad”, & even evil people trying to destroy good things. JOHN 10:10. Let’s also study God’s Bible, & ask Him for His Wisdom re: how to repair &/or replace bad “things”.
unfortunately, i’m glad i’m old. were i not, i would probably be incarcerated for actively protesting the status quo. no one studies modern history. read the communist manifesto, chairman mao’s little red book, sun tzu’s the art of war, and nazi joseph goebels’ primer on propaganda.look at all the second and third world countries that have democrat or democratic as part of their national titles that are dictatorships. fine’
Hey Punkydoodle, there you go Lying again! You remind me of your favorite Communist wannabe Presidential Imposter Jackass Joe, lying everytime you comment. YOU’RE NO CONSERVATIVE and YOU’RE NOT FOOLING ANYBODY HERE by invoking Ronald Reagan’s name especially since you use all lower case letters. Why can’t you just admit that you LOVE Jackass Joe Biden?