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The KGB has Arrived in America

Posted on Tuesday, August 15, 2023
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka
Trump waving with umbrella to America

The history of the Democrat Party questioning the results of an election in America is long. 

Remember Al Gore’s “hanging chads?” And what about leading leftists calling for an “alternate slate of Electors” to reverse the results of the Presidential election and stop President Trump? Hillary Clinton is still publicly claiming that the 2016 election was “stolen” from her by the Russians. 

None of these people have been charged with a felony, let alone ended up in prison. 

Why? Because they are Democrats and the 1st Amendment, guaranteeing Freedom of Speech applies to them. Not to President Trump or anyone associated with him. 

In the latest Soviet-style theater of police-state tactics from Georgia, which follows a federal FBI raid on Mar a Lago, and arraignments against Donald Trump in New York, Miami, and DC, the President and 18 other Americans have been indicted for taking actions that are protected by the Constitution. 

These include charges that Mark Meadows, the President’s Chief-of-Staff, sent a text asking: “Is there a way to speed up Fulton County signature verification?” (Act 96), and then someone else sent an email to an “un-named co-conspirator” asking them to “touch-base” with presidential elector nominees.” (Act 67), or that America’s Mayor, the man who put 5 Mafia dons behind bars, retweeted a post asking voters to “call your state Senate & House Reps & ask them to sign the petition for a special session.” (Act 38). 

These are all felonies in the United States if done by Republicans like Rudy Giuliani or just anyone associated with a man who collectively won 137 million votes from the American people in 2 national elections. 

This is despite the fact that the First Amendment of our Republic is unequivocal. It “protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

President Trump and his lawyers committed no crime. 

They didn’t privately fund local election officials and place ballot-harvesting drop boxes in predominantly Democrat districts. 

They didn’t prevent poll watchers from the opposing party supervising vote tallies, lock them out of polling stations, or place cardboard on the windows to prevent anyone watching them “count.” 

And they most definitely did not pull suitcases of perfectly packaged “votes” from their hiding place under a table once the other party’s officials had left the building, their crime all caught on CCTV. (Please see Dinesh’s D’Souza’s documentary 2000 Mules if any of the above facts are unknown to you).

The Democrats did all the above actions, and no one was charged. 

President Trump solicited actions to guarantee our 2020 elections were fair and transparent. That was his “crime.” That is why he was charged at midnight by a radical DA, daughter of a member of the Black Panthers. 

It is said that Lavrentiy Beria, the founder of the proto-KGB, had a motto: “Show me the man, and I will find you the crime!” We have arrived at that point in America. 

The fact that all the fake “felonies” were accidentally posted on the Fulton County Court website – then deleted – hours before the secret Grand Jury even voted on what the charges should mean KGB tactics are here. 

Can the Republic survive?

By January of next year, we will know. 

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.  

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Gary Danielson
Gary Danielson
1 year ago

Where are the Republicans, where is McCarthy? They act like this is about Trump rather than an attack on our democracy!! Stand up and represent our country!!

1 year ago

America’s KGB (Keeping Greedy Biden) is trying to keep Conservatives from stopping the Communist takeover of our fine country. The audacity of Jackass Joe Biden to deny “Free Speech” to ANY AMERICAN CITIZEN especially his Major Political Opponent is TREASONOUS at Beyond a Reasonable Doubt!

Franklin Werkheiser
Franklin Werkheiser
1 year ago

Lock and Load folks because the democrats are pushing for a Revolution.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article on telling the truth.

1 year ago

It is unfortunete that the majority of Americans have no idea that their freedoms are being taken away piece by piece. The Democratic Party claims that democracy is being taken away by their opposition but in reality they are the one doing the supression of same.

1 year ago

Continuing to pray that God brings out the darkness to light. We now know more evil this administration is capable of, but this did not take God by surprise. Sadly it never does.

1 year ago

Oh the KGB in the name of MSM has been protecting and done the propaganda for ole Joe and the DNC since Trump was elected and H hollered foul and put a plan together of Russian collusion. They still say that while 2 investigation by two different investigator have found THERE WAS NO COLLUSION, RUSSIAN OR OTHERWISE. Only the dems are allowed to scream fraud.
This latest indictment with 18 others is their hope that one of these 18 turns on Trump. Because their case has no standing as it is written now. The indictment was already written and put on their website till someone noticed oops the Grand Jury had not voted for it. So quick get them together. And the other reason it came out late at night, this prosecutor is running for re-election and was having a fund raiser and needed to pump up her base and money contributors she had done something worthwhile so she could keep her job. She had the case 2.5 years and never had enough to indict him till she got creative and wrote a string of fairytale indictment points. Not for nothing is the saying any prosecutor could get a ham sandwich indicted by a Grand Jury. After all she tells her imagination as to how she sees what Trump knew and what he was thinking. You see in the world of the democrat just thinking is an indictable offense.

Deborah R Campbell
Deborah R Campbell
1 year ago

Excellent article!! The Republicans need to get smarter and tougher to go up against the Democrat anti-democracy machine! Where is the outrage from Republicans!!! This is not about Trump…it is about our country.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
1 year ago

The KGB has arrived in America, and it’s in my opinion, made up of the Democratic Party, The Deep State and the Lame Stream Legacy Media! This Cabal of almost total misfits and totally corrupt individuals have turned American Democracy and Political System upside down! The lying and corruption that this group of slimy fools have taken us down recently is reminiscent of what happens in third world countries and dictatorships, and not what should happen in America. Going after President Trump with these phony indictments will only energize his supports that much more and he will win big. We need to sanitize America from this Cabal soon or America, as we used to know it, will not be here much longer! With the re-election of President Trump in 2024 that will give us all a fighting chance and maybe our last chance to save America. Go Trump, MAGA

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

For ppl so concerned about “fascism” the left sure love the same methods…

1 year ago

Just received a request from Mike Pence to “donate because I followed the Constitution on January 6th.” My question to Pence is just this: If you followed the CONSTITUTION, why has the godless, commycrat, democratic party introduced a bill so that the VP could NEVER do what is is supposed to do! One other question for that person: HOW much did you get in payment after the voting by that person who carefully put something in your hand? 30 pieces of gold for your traitorous actions – Judas !!!!!!!

Keep on Trumpin
Keep on Trumpin
1 year ago

The bigger they are the harder they will fall. The Deamon Rats think they are untouchable. But, the truth will be and is being exposed as I type! GOD Bless all of the good people of the world. The rest will face GOD’s wrath like the corrupt rats that they are!

James Jones
James Jones
1 year ago

Yes, we are run by a communist majority and the FBI, CIA, DOJ are nothing but KGB throwbacks of the USSR SOVIET ERA. We are no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave. Why? Because most of the American Public has grown lazy and lackadaisical in their attitude and appreciation of our freedoms. We lack the courage for standing up for our rights and let the government run over us, we now accept such communist thinking from our leaders that we are their servants rather than them being our public servants who work for us. And we have let WOKE Ideologies infiltrate and embed themselves in our churches (especially the pulpits) without challenging it, and we have let WOKE teachers and professors who are very well paid now indoctrinate their extreme liberal socialistic and communistic views in all our halls of learning to brainwash our children and grandchildren. Whose fault is it? We have no one to blame but ourselves for not having the backbone to stand up and be counted, and not banning together to hold our elected officials, and school administrations accountable. We forgot that all these people are paid by us and that they are accountable to us. And when it came time to wake up and realize it, it was too late. The damage is done – our country (government, Houses of Worship, and school system) will never be what they once were (A free republic, True Houses of God, and Hallowed Halls of Learning). Shame on us citizens for letting this happen.

1 year ago

Do you believe “2000 Mules” is the truth & nothing but the truth, as the writer of this article states.

Mike Stempo
Mike Stempo
1 year ago

Unless you’re a full on useful idiot, it’s hard to deny what Gorka has written. This corrupt, screw the Constitution ideology has been around for some time, lurking in the dark recesses of left wing hotbeds. The kick start was 2008 when Obama boasted that he wanted to “fundamentally transform America.” The very fact that Hillary Clinton, a self professed Progressive, amongst other interesting leftoid relationships, lost in 2016 had the left go ape schitte over Trump. He now put their schedule of fundamental transformation behind by 4 years. Then the left kick started it in earnest on the strength of the stooges that Obama placed in many key positions of power up until today where the relentless pursuit of anything to take downTrump continues. As I said earlier, only useful idiots do not or refuse not to see it. If you think that the atmosphere of today has somehow not been bastardized with bias, lies, ridicule, cancellation, censoring, viciousness, and spurred on by the talking point urging of a totally in the pocket of the far left MSM, you just might be one of those useful idiots.

maureen humphrey
maureen humphrey
1 year ago

As my big proud of being a dem neighbor told me not so long ago.”we have to straighten out this government.” Thinking she was coming around to sensible thinking, I said “starting with term limits?” She said “no, first thing we have to do is get rid of that constitution.” My question to her was “replace it with what?” “The communist manifesto?” Have not had much to do with these twits for neighbors since.

1 year ago

Republicans have woken up very late in the game. People sympathetic to the Democratic Party have populated positions throughout the bureaucracy in government over many decades. They can’t be fired easily. The President can control the top management, but the swamp over which they preside is in place despite who is in the White House. The only way to shake up the swamp is to downsize government agencies dramatically. If Republicans ever gain control of the Legislative and Executive branches, this is the most important thing they can do.

1 year ago

I will never never understand why Black Community supports Biden ( a real racist) and opposes Pres. Trump who spent his 4 years helping minorities up the ladder (housing, jobs, education, prison justice, all better for minorities, esp. Black people). This Black opposition and persecution of Donald Trump while ignoring the racism of Biden is appalling. Biden tried to stop school integration, working with his “mentor” KKK Byrd to enact law against integration and saying the schools would become a jungle if integrated. Biden, who spent a lifetime telling racist “jokes.” Biden who said he was surprised that Obama was “clean and articulate.” and as noxious and nasty to Justice Clarence Thomas during his hearing for SCOTUS, etc etc. Biden has essentially done nothing to help minorities or the Black community in particular. Neither did Obama! But Donald Trump did help significantly and yet he is the one persecuted, impeached and slandered by Blacks such as the insane Rev.Sharpton and Bragg and this GA prosecutor.. Can anyone explain this and why Blacks are in thrall to the Democrat Party?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

KGB came here during Obama years undercover

1 year ago

The Commies are already well entrenched in our Great Country. Our so-called leader JB along with his crime family have been bought & paid for by them. With 85K new IRS agents how come no one can step up and collect taxes on the ill-gotten monies the Bidens got from our enemies. In addition, who can trust our voting system. No one can tell me JB got 81M votes the most of any President. It is no longer a matter of voting them out of office, it’s a matter of rounding up these traitors and putting them in prison where they belong. I thought the AG & FBI worked for the legal American citizens not JB & his Commie party. Who can trust them. It sure seems that the oath to our Constitution doesn’t mean a thing to these Democratic Commie traitors. I am tired of being trampled on how about you!

pete kennedy
pete kennedy
1 year ago

Where is the outrage. The public should be up in “arms” (verbally). Discussion of and arguing legal positions is a dead end.
The populous needs to be awakened to the facts. This is tyranny and a total attack on the Constitution. The Republic will perish.

1 year ago

what a sickening government we now have. Corrupt democrats taking away all the things that have been important to all of us Americans. We are a laughing stock to the world right now. I hope and pray Trump wins and brings our country back to what we were when he was in office. To top things off I’m sure God is really appalled by our sick ways and corruption and hope and pray we find
our way back to the land of In God we trust again. Please Lord help Trump win this battle.

1 year ago

This article is wonderful and sadly true. I can see much truth in the few comments I have time to read. My personal comment is that I believe 75% of Americans are in agreement with the Conservatives… but… Donald Trump is ONE man. He needs The Land of the FREE and home of the BRAVE to come to life. We need to support him. We The People need leaders to stand up, encourage us and lead us in new ways to stand up. Some good old American Ingenuity! We still have more power than we realize and we need to use it. Just ask Anheuser Busch and Disney and Ben and Jerry’s! Come on LEADERS!!! Help us get going!

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
1 year ago

biden is using the DOJ and the FBI to go after his strongest political opponent because he, himself, knows that he is a weak candidate with a poor track record and historically low public approval ratings. That and rampant cheating are the only ways joe can win.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

Why are the Washington Republicans doing nothing to stop this madness they know what the Dems are doing and they stand by and let democracy go down the drain this is like a third world country now or communist run state.

heil biden
heil biden
1 year ago


1 year ago

The Democrat Party is really the Democrat Communist Party of the USA. All they care about is power and forcing everyone to bow down and do whatever they are pushing onto USA citizens.

1 year ago

the kgb arrived after Roosevelt got elected in 44

Michael Stanley
Michael Stanley
1 year ago

Yes, we are in the last days of our Republic. The founders said, we have a republic, if you can keep it!

1 year ago


1 year ago

Anything to tie Trump up in court and disrupt his campaigning.

1 year ago

When Obummer was elected (twice) the left demorats were accusing the other side of racism and that they DID NOT accept the election of Obummer as a legit President. Later on these same hypocritical left demorats DID NOT accept the 2016 election of Donald Trump! They are carrying out and all out war against Trump since then. Killary Clinton claimed the election was stolen and then created the fictitious claim of Russian collusion. Bay Whore did NOT accept the election and on the “View” labeled Trump as an “illegitimate President”. Election interference?? Elections are of, by and for the People, NOT the Government, judges or some special interest group. The Constitution says that each State Legislature has control and power to oversee the elections and electors of the People. Because the Legislature is closest to the People thru their Representatives! We the People Are The Government, Sovereign and Free!

1 year ago

Reviewed article and agree with substance.. everyone should read this and make their own decision…..
God is truly in control of our lives and
Our USA…..????????

1 year ago

The people who forever paint everything as an attack on democracy are the ones doing the attacking; always blaming the right with their crimes.

1 year ago

“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.” He added: “Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands, and at whom it is aimed.” And: “Death of one man is a tragedy – death of millions is a statistic.” Joseph Stalin

1 year ago

The real revolution begins when the munchkins realize that the man behind the curtain runs both sides. Follow the yellow brick road.

1 year ago

The Democratic Party was corrupt and traitorous at its inception. It has continuously worsened over the years.

nassrin or steven meisels
nassrin or steven meisels
1 year ago

It is time to take stock.

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
1 year ago

Why is President Trump’s picture in the Photo. It should have been Hillary’s picture with the caption Queen of the KGB. Remember the picture of her pushing the RESET button?

1 year ago

The next election = Republicans vs. Democrats = 0

1 year ago


Stan d. Upnow
Stan d. Upnow
1 year ago

If Trump goes to jail, I predict there will be open civil war in this country. I hope I’m wrong.

Ken Paul
Ken Paul
1 year ago

In the face of this sovietesque oppession, perhaps It’s time to revisit McCarthyism: Kevin McCarthy. Let’s go, Mr. Speaker, root out the Barrackshivics!

Arnold DeAnda
Arnold DeAnda
1 year ago

I see a common denominator that causes everything has to flow one way, in one direction, for their benefit of them only. Would we the people be available to curb these entities?

1 year ago

By January of next year, does he mean 2024. We are hanging on by fingernails way beyond then to the election.

1 year ago

We are blaming the left for everything. There are many on the right that go along with all of this because they are benefiting from it (politicians), brainwashed or are not paying attention to the world around them.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

It is interesting that American citizens who are more liberal minded believe it is ok for Democrats complain about stolen elections and try to overturn the results, but it is not ok for Trump to do so even in the face of so much evidence that the 2020 election absolutely was manipulated during a planned-emic that justified mail in voting. Now, they are trying to do the same thing again for the 2024 election by claiming COVID-19 is back again.

1 year ago

Democrats are bleeding from the eyes to make this a one party nation. Pelosi a couple of years ago suggested doing away with the voting process and allow anyone to vote (re; the illegals flooding our country, some have been put up in hotels while we have American vets living on the streets!) Anyone who’s naive enough to believe this hoard of illegals invading this nation is about caring and concern, best open their eyes. Lest we forget the first one to trash our southern border was Barack Hussein Obama, Biden’s “president”…thousands of illegals, many known to border guards as criminals, flooded into our nation. Democrats started this treason and sadly too many “republicans” are going along with it. We are losing this once Constitutional Republic at an alarming rate. Unless the citizens of America are prepared to make miserable the lives of these blatant traitors we can kiss our country goodbye. How many are willing to put themselves at risk? At least calling, writing, going in person…yeah, getting on a “list”… bugging the stuffing’s out of the fat cats getting filthy rich off the backs of Americans, or Biden’s IRS goon squad and on and on. Americans have been blessed to live in the most unique nation in the history of the world…but then as Ben Franklin answered the question “what’s the best form of government”…his reply: “A Republic IF you can keep it.” A statement from Patrick Henry a fierce defender of the Republic should also ring our Liberty bell; When a nation forgets it’s God, tyrants soon forge it’s chains.” Our nation was founded primarily by Christian men. Many will say “they were deists”…well a deist is a belief in a personal God as the creator of the world and final judge of men, but as remaining in the interval completely beyond the range of human experience.” We do realize we have a personal and present God. George Washington was in private prayer often, as was Patrick Henry.
RE: List: my sheriff, a good friend of over 25 years informed me almost 30 years ago I was on the CBI’s (Colorado Bureau of Investigation) list as an enemy of the state…can I get an amen? So far I’ve lasted almost 78 years…any one ready to get out of their comfort zone? If we the people aren’t willing to fight back, there will be nothing to fight for.
Re; Pelosi’s absurd statement was only shown on Newsmax.

Victoria Snavely
Victoria Snavely
1 year ago

Chip chip chipping away at our freedoms

Miles Latham
Miles Latham
1 year ago

My wife is one of the people being indicted by Fani Willis in Atlanta Georgia. You can read about her here.

FBI website
kamala harris
ohio state flag
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