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American (In)-Justice

Posted on Thursday, July 27, 2023
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka

Rule-of-law is the only thing that matters. 

If justice isn’t blind, then you have no rights. 

Ask those who live in benighted nations like Cuba or North Korea. I mean those who aren’t members of the Communist Party. Or relatives thereof. They can travel freely, buy luxury goods, go to good schools. Not the plebs. 

Could that ever happen in America? 

Yes. It’s the new reality and it’s happening now. 

President Trump is the clearest example. From his home being raided by armed FBI agents on a spurious “document mishandling” pretext to the impending January 6th-related indictment from special prosecutor Jack Smith, this is a man politically targeted by local and federal forces for two simple reasons: he’s not one of them and he’s the leader of the opposition who can unseat the incumbent President next year. 

That’s fine if we were in Venezuela or Belarussia. 

But we’re not, we’re America. 

And it’s not just about former – God-willing – future President. It’s about average Americans, like Mark Houck, a pro-life preacher, father of 7, who likewise had his home raided by armed FBI agents because he protected his son against a demented pro-death abortion activist. 

And it’s not just about Conservatives targeted by the feds because they are Conservatives. 

It’s about the “anointed” being protected by law enforcement for political reasons. 

Whether you’re an alleged con-man accused of bilking investors of billions like Sam Bankman-Fried, who just had campaign-finance charges against him dropped by the DoJ. The fact that he donated $40 million to the party in power surely was not a factor. 

Or if you’re the President’s son who lied on a federal background check to buy a handgun, and failed to pay more than a million dollars in federal taxes, both crimes that would land anyone reading this article time in a federal prison. That man gets a sweetheart deal like no other: a fine and a “diversion program.” As my Newsmax colleague, Chris Plante, likes to say: “It’s good to be a Democrat!” 

But there is hope. 

It looks like we have found one honest judicial official: Judge Maryellen Noreika. 

This week, run Delaware, Judge Noreika threw out Hunter Biden’s deal from Daddy’s DoJ. 


Well because DoJ chief, Attorney General Merrick Garland, has testified that investigations of the First Son are on-going. A classic ploy used to prevent Congressional oversight, e.g. “Sorry Mr. Chairman, I can’t answer any questions about the President’s son because that is an on-going matter.” 

But the good judge raised the obvious question: how on God’s green Earth can the accused have a plea-deal from the feds if he’s STILL being investigated?

Noreika wasn’t happy and she kicked Hunter Biden, his lawyers, and the DoJ flunkies out of her court. 

Will that mean the man who Senator Grassley charges, embroiled in a multi-million dollar corruption scandal with his father, ever see Justice?

Maybe. Maybe not. 

But it’s a start. 

Let’s all keep this one honest judge in our prayers, because she gets it. 

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.  

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1 year ago

Justice is supposedly blind, but who ever expected it to be deaf and dumb also? Conservatives NEED to rise up and take the fight against these Communist wannabes! I know that I intend to make my voice and actions heard.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.

1 year ago

Let’s rejoice and praise God for giving this judge wisdom to see the injustice of this plea deal. Praying she stands strong through all of this.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Since 2016 when Trump first ran for office to date

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

It’s what I’ve always said: “It’s OK if a Democrat does it”. Trump is being indicted but what’s Biden’s document case status? Where’s that special prosecutor? The one good thing that was revealed by Hunter’s deal: thank God corrupt, partisan Merrick Garland is NOT a Supreme Court Justice!

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
1 year ago

The U.S. has a legal system not a justice system.

1 year ago

I’ve lost all faith and trust in the DOJ and Homeland Security.

John Adelman
John Adelman
1 year ago

Gosh, I live in Maine and the Health Care is so terrible here, I am seeing all but emergency services at MassGeneralBrigham in Boston.
I am a disabled senior and have been abused by Maine Health from PCP to their President’s Office. As a retirement job I worked for the last Edgar Kelly, a former United States Attorney at the Boston Federal Court, appointed by President Ronald Reagan.
I looked up the Federal History of Maine Health to find a US DOJ Consent Decree for violating the American’s with Disabilities Act including verbal abuse and withholding medical care.
Thanks exactly the reason I filed two Centers for Medicare Services and one Federal Trade Commission Complaint against both Anthem BCBS and Maine Health.
I had a wonderful conversation with an Amac Broker licensed in Maine and will move my insurance to here as soon as I can.
I am a huge supporter of President Donald J. Trump and Dr. Sebastian Gorka. Dr. Gorka and I have spoken on the phone.
I have signed up to work on the Republican Campaign 2014.
Keep up your good work!
John Louis Adelman
Yaakov Ben Myer

1 year ago

America operates like any Marxist country, only (so far), slicker. Marxism is never defeated in elections, until the evils of Marxism are taught in schools and universities.

John L Adelman
John L Adelman
1 year ago

I am a Mature American Citizen. I should belong!

1 year ago

Don’t understand the 3 sentences in the 3rd paragraph.

Donald trump
Donald trump
1 year ago

I’m Donald trump. Vote for me. I don’t want to do roll call every day from jail and have to give my food to bigger people that can beat me up. You people have been in jail before I know my voters.

1 year ago

Good Points, but if Trump would have cooperated & turned over documents & said he made a mistake, this would not have been a big deal. And now the documents case is getting a little worse every week as there may have been attempt to cover up.

1 year ago

Both Biden and Trump have crossed the line and Both need to be held accountable! We need men of integrity to run and be elected. LOOK at the facts!

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