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Living in Joe Biden’s Alternate Reality

Posted on Monday, April 10, 2023
by Aaron Flanigan

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan

Last week, the Biden administration released a 12-page report that remarkably blamed former President Donald Trump for the botched U.S. evacuation from Afghanistan—even though Trump had left office a full seven months before the ill-fated operation. But although attempting to rewrite history on the Afghanistan fiasco undoubtedly exists as one of the most egregious instances of Joe Biden’s existence in an alternate reality, it is hardly the only instance.

In fact, for as long as Joe Biden has been in elected office, he has engaged in a staggering pattern of dishonesty, putting his own self-interest, political ambitions, and financial security above his duty to the American people and the conduct expected of a public servant.

This behavior has often manifested in puzzling—and even bizarre—ways that raise significant questions about Biden’s character. But they can also help us to better understand the dishonesty Biden peddles from the White House to this very day.

Another outrageous example of Biden’s sleazy behavior dates back to the 1970s, when Biden’s first wife tragically died in a car accident. Ever since his wife’s death, traumatizing though it may have been, Biden has repeatedly embellished details of the story for dramatic effect—most notably, accusing the driver of the other car of being drunk.

In reality, the driver was not drunk and likely was not even at fault for the accident. As Kevin Williamson wrote about the incident, “The driver of that truck went to his grave haunted by Biden’s lies, to the point where his children were forced to beg the vice president to stop defaming their late father.”

“The casual cruelty,” Kevin Williamson wrote, “with which Biden is willing to subordinate the lives of ordinary people to his political ambitions—for the sake of a petty tear-jerker line in one of his occasionally plagiarized stump speeches—is remarkable.”

Biden’s behavior doesn’t get better from there. During his failed 1988 presidential campaign—his first run for the White House—Biden infamously plagiarized lengthy portions of speeches from British politician Neil Kinnock in his own campaign speeches, including elements of Kinnock’s personal background and upbringing (such as Kinnock’ family’s history in the mining industry).

The year prior, in 1987, Biden also ripped off lines from a 1968 Robert Kennedy speech, again without citing or attributing the comments to their original source—and later claimed he had no idea that the same lines he used had been used by Kennedy. He also stole lines from President Kennedy’s 1961 inaugural address and plagiarized passages written by former Senator Hubert Humphrey.

“Hell, I might be president now if it weren’t for the fact I said I had an uncle who was a coal miner. Turns out I didn’t have anybody in the coal mines, you know what I mean?” Biden conceded in a 2004 interview. He added revealingly: “I tried that crap—it didn’t work.”

Biden’s long streak of dishonesty, however, did not begin during his time in politics.

As a first-year law student, Biden plagiarized several law review articles, and repeatedly lied about his law school grades. Despite having graduated 76th in a class of 85, Biden insisted on the campaign trail during his first White House run that he graduated “in the top half of [his] class.”

Biden’s shameless dishonesty has continued through his 2020 campaign and into his presidency. During the 2020 Democrat primaries, the Biden campaign openly acknowledged they had stolen policy language from left-wing advocacy groups. Additionally, in January 2022, Biden falsely claimed he was “arrested” during a civil rights protest, something for which even Washington Post fact-checkers granted him four “Pinocchios.”

And as recently as March of this year, Biden weirdly claimed he had experienced an “epiphany” on the issue of same-sex “marriage” during his time as a high school student. “I remember I was about to get out of the car and I look to my right and two well-dressed men in suits kissed each other… And I’ll never forget it, I turned and looked at my dad and he said, ‘Joey, it’s simple. They love each other,’” he said in an interview.

However, Biden’s voting record as a senator shows no signs of this so-called “epiphany.” In 1996, Biden voted for the Defense of Marriage Act, which defined marriage as a union between one man and one woman. He also supported a legislative measure to cut funds to schools that promoted homosexuality. As recently as 2006, Biden had told NBC’s “Meet the Press,” “Marriage is between a man and a woman.”

Evidently, even after all these years, Biden still has a knack for contriving falsehoods out of thin air.

But despite all this, in his many decades as a politician, Biden has faced no consequences for his lies. In fact, he appears to have learned early on that he can say whatever he wants with impunity.

Is it any wonder that the same man who fabricated accounts of his upbringing made up a story about being arrested and routinely plagiarized other politicians’ speeches has also lied about his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and his record on border security, among countless other barefaced falsehoods?

In the end, Biden’s lack of consequences for his mountain of fibs and fabrications has cemented his legacy as a serial liar with the mindset of a criminal who believes he can get away with anything, so long as the media and his political allies dutifully cover his tracks. His escape from punishment has made him wholly unaccountable to the truth and increasingly divorced from reality. The man is now willing to say pretty anything, so long as it serves his immediate needs.

In this sense, ironically, Biden is the perfect avatar for the modern American left, which rejects reality in favor of a utopian commitment to uprooting human nature, abolishing capitalism, “reimagining” law enforcement, and saving the planet by way of eating insects. The Radical Left is on a railcar speeding away from reality into an abyss of lies—and the Democrat Party could not possibly ask for a better conductor than Joe Biden.

What Biden—and the left itself—will someday inevitably realize, however, is that no matter how hard they try to escape the confines of reality, they cannot, and will not, outrun the truth.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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1 year ago

pam that’s just how dumb the american people are and they’re getting dumber

1 year ago

Yet the inescapable fact is that Biden has been successfully installed in the White House despite all these failings and the American people seem willing to endure the negative consequences of that choice. As it is now too late to change things with the left in solid control of all departments and agencies of the federal government. So ultimately, who is really to blame here? Biden has been a running joke and completely dishonest his entire political career. Many in his own political party referred to him as the dumbest man in Congress for years. Yet today Biden sits in the Oval Office babbling lies about one thing or another or looking for chocolate chip ice cream and the MSM run cover for him 24×7. Biden has made the United States a running joke around the world, as a country that is led by dementia patient who shakes hands with non-existent people, wanders aimlessly on stage or forgets where he is, if someone is not there to tightly control him.

Most Democrats are less than thrilled with his performance to date, yet if the election were held today Biden would likely win by a substantial margin thanks largely to the fact we now have an election system specifically designed to permit almost every sort of vote manipulation possible. So the last sentence in the author’s piece is really inconsequential. The left doesn’t have to outrun the truth. They have a willing propaganda arm called the MSM to bury it and a large percentage of the people of this country simply willing to endlessly tolerate the actions of Team Biden no matter what. So where is the real downside for Joe Biden or anyone in his administration?

1 year ago

My 96 year old FIL with diagnosed frontal lobe dementia lives in an alternative reality. The many doctors who a part of his care team have explained this is a very natural progression as dementia eats the brain…just saying.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Biden Admin is Living in Alternate Reality WE Arent

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

They might not be able to outrun the truth in meantime they keep the power by brainwashing the people that believe those lies as the honest truth.
Just saw a commercial for the ACLU touting rights for all people and the spokesperson rattled off the people whose rights are involved and the white race is not mentioned. All people they say in the end. Because by omitting the white race they are racists against the white race. They accused the white race of voter suppression while it is the democrats that are suppressing the white voters through fraude and vote buying.

1 year ago

Who the heck are these people who seriously support a President that is so totally brain dead as him? This is totally crazy! They have to be just as blind and brain dead. God help us!

1 year ago

Xiden is a sack of lying manure! He has the stench of a swamp rat from DC’s sewers!

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

Apparently you can outrun the truth, the man is still claiming to the President and nobody has brought it to his attention or even challenged him on this. While the real President is being crucified by the media and in court’s on trumped up charges…no pun intended.

God save the USA

1 year ago

This is incompetent, corrupt, immoral and evil p.o.s.

1 year ago

He just wants to be “KING OF THE WORLD” and the idiots of this country will make him just that if they keep believing his BS.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
1 year ago

What do you expect from a fake president?

1 year ago

biden needs to suffer severe accountability for his lies. I would guess the CCP has him in their back pocket (criminal activity) and that’s why the traitor allowed a chinese spy balloon to fly over many of our sensitive military complexes. The deep state is protecting this traitor. Time to end the deep state swamp!

Also there needs to be a way to limit who votes in America: that way another biden mistake can be avoided.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

He lives in the same pond as the rest of the fishes We keep feeding them but do not bother to keep the pond clean

1 year ago

Biden has class, and it’s all low.

1 year ago

As I have always said: you can tell if a Democrat is lying, because his lips are moving. That is all they know, lie and cheat. Unfortunately today it works for them

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

This is the root of ALL democrats behavior. Lie about ANYTHING if you can put it to use. Hillary, “I was named after Sir Edmund Hillary,” Then throw your dead mother under the bus by saying “She told that as a white lie to make me feel good about myself.” I voted for it before I voted against it,” ” I came under snipper fire when I got off that helicopter,” Email server? What email server. Ted Kennedy I did nothing wrong at Chappaquiddick, Bill Clinton “I did not have sex with that woman.” Pick a democrat, pick a lie and there you have it., To a democrat, truth only means destruction, that is why the loath it so vehemently.

1 year ago

If the demonrats let Bumblng Bozo run again then they are the dumbest people on this earth. The man is a liar and my 8 yr old great granddaughter has more common sense than he does.

1 year ago


1 year ago

…behind the curtain, it’s Barack Obama calling the shots for Biden on domestic policy, it’s Hillary Clinton calling the shots for Biden, on foreign policy, and the Russo-Ukrainian War –

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Biden should have been thrown out of law school for cheating; however, he didn’t suffer for his dishonest behavior. Through his entire time in politics, Biden has been given the right to chronically lie, cheat, and steal. If a person is ethically challenged, that person will never become an honest person of character and value on his own merit. It’s like expecting a rattlesnake to stop biting. It’s never going to happen, unless the snake is defanged. Biden is so used to being chronically dishonest, that until he goes to jail, he will always make up his own truth. Biden is so full of satisfying his need to create an alternate universe, that the honest needs of others, even by the millions, will never rival Biden’s obsession with acting out his own myopic, selfish urges.

1 year ago

Why get upset. This is the standard operating procedure of the biden administration and the left as a whole “it’s not our fault, Trump’s failure again”. I don’t know about you but to me everything was MUCH better during Trump’s term than at anytime during this administration!

1 year ago

Like all dems, you can tell Bidum is lying if his lips are moving, then he’s lying!
Bidum and all his sycophants, Pelosi, Schumer et al stated on video to reporters, that America has immigration laws that need to be enforced, and then chose to totally ignore those laws for their/his own personal agenda. America is now the laughing stock of the world and that should scare the hell out of any American with a brain, we have some enemies who are very bad.

1 year ago

WELL! What else would you expect from a liberal democrat, who throughout his life has skirted responsibility for his actions and always blamed someone else. Add to that, he has dementia and half the time he doesn’t know where he is, what he’s supposed to be doing; who he’s supposed to meet and definitely not what he is supposed to say.(he’s famous for that, don’t you know!)

T Smith
T Smith
1 year ago

Who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past. – 1984

Jane Hart
Jane Hart
1 year ago

Joe Biden: Liar-Liar Pants on Fire!

1 year ago

As Biden and the Democrat steam thru America I their train of lies, those lies are causing real pain to the rest of us! And the Liars DO NOT CARE!

1 year ago

Republicans need to quit being on defense & go on offense. The Democrats keep throwing out bills (some are crazy) & then Republicans get all fired up & attack Biden & ideas. The Republicans must realize they are being baited by Dems & so the time is now for Repubs to start platform of what they would do if they take back the WH in 2024. It may be important to FOX news & many on this board , but I think Repubs are being led down a garden path worrying more about why not put Biden, Hunter Biden laptop, Hillary Clinton in jail for offenses that they did a few years ago. And defunding the FBI & Justice Dept. is a couple of dumbest ideas out of a couple of Repubs the last two weeks. No wonder, more and more people are becoming RINO’s .. Wake up GOP party & lead & not follow

Michael Venaccio
Michael Venaccio
1 year ago

Happy Easter Monday Everyone..At the end of the day, we serve a Risen, Living Savior and all of this will pass. However, I, for one, am growing weary of all the requests for money form every so called conservative organization and politician. Not a day goes by when our mailbox and emails are filled with requests from organizations that I have never heard of.

I wonder, what could be accomplished if all these organizations merged into one conservative organization that would benefit for a singular purpose and combined fund raisin? If money equates to political influence-which it unfortunately does-that a combined organization would have a lot of leverage to get things done.

But, this is a pipe-dream as I know that all these organizations are out for themselves and all the contributions do is pay their overhead and expenses without any real results. They want to be a big fish in the pond and are not content with achieving a common goal.

In fact, I think they like the current political enironment as it can be manipulated to raise their contributions.

Have a great week everyone.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
1 year ago

The Biden Administration is made up of Morons and Morons think we are all Morons which we are not! So, it is better to ignore Morons, or we will all become less intelligent and become Morons! The moral to this story is to ignore everything that comes out of Biden’s Administration because it will always be a lie or a fabrication if it benefits them politically. And by all mean do not lessen to Biden himself ever, or you will immediately lower your I.Q. Stupidity runs rapid in the left-stream fascist Democratic Party, so be on high alert. 2024 cannot come soon enough!

K. Martin
K. Martin
1 year ago

As long as we continue to have rigged elections, no, it doesn’t matter what Joe Biden — nor any other politician, whether on the left or right — says.

1 year ago

In Biden’s own words he is A LYING DOG FACE PONY SOLDIER.

1 year ago

If Joe Biden doesn’t get the worst President award period it is only because the left wing bureaucrats who know his falsehoods lack integrity and honesty when covering for him. Of course that is of no surprise either. His many lies include Biden saying multiple times his son Beau died in Iraq. How sad is it that the media and others set such a poor example for the country to follow.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

It’s easy to see why nearly all of “Hollywood” is DIMM. They deal with FICTION all the time!

Just call me MKR
Just call me MKR
1 year ago

the Biden family, in my opinion, is a tools
being used by Satan to promote evil agendas.

1 year ago

I imagine Corn Pop I’d rolling over in his grave! What a lying sack of horse dung. He is besmirching the office of the President of the United States with every falsehood out of his mouth. And I thought Obama was bad.

1 year ago

Obama gave 85 billion in military hardware to his buddies-terrorists

1 year ago

Joe’s mother dropped him on his head when he was an infant, causing brain damage.
Hey, it’s as good as an excuse as any for his inability to tell the truth.

1 year ago

Have to take the 2nd paragraph to task. Aren’t almost all of the professional political class more interested in making money and improving their power at the expense of the people and country they claim to represent? Sure seems like it from out here in the real world. It’s another good reason for Congressional Term Limits. Seems like they are forcing themselves to try to do the right thing by we the people and our country. Joe O’biden is another poster boy for the need for term limits. As for his lining his and his families pockets with suspected, most likely easily proven, forieign cash I hope that it will all come out before 2024.

1 year ago

Another article rehashing what the sensible public has known for years — “professional politicians” are just “POLI-TICKS”

1 year ago

Beyond the lies, the man just doesn’t quite have two brain cells to rub together anymore. His cognitive abilities are rapidly deteriorating and it’s no secret. I though he was just making up stories, but he’s been lying for years. He’s just worse at it now because when you add in his dementia, he may never remember which lie he told when – not that it matters.

Ken Westenkirchner
Ken Westenkirchner
1 year ago

Biden is the epitome of a narcissistic

1 year ago

Great article!! Articulately describes the horror in the WH. I would add his pedophiliac history to the mix and call him what he is…evil.

Jim McDowell
Jim McDowell
1 year ago

It is not difficult to understand Joseph R Biden’s “alternate reality” once you accept the fact that Biden is a liar and a shirker.

1 year ago

And, yet, until the GOP grows the stones to really stand up and make their displeasure known, you will once again be witnessing the Presidency of either Biden or some other Leftist/Marxist political hack.

1SG Daniel J Smith USA Ret
1SG Daniel J Smith USA Ret
1 year ago

The article failed to show his lack of spine when it came to serving his country taking 7, 7 deferments so he wouldnt have to serve in Viet Nam. Slick Willie went to Canada, Obama was with the black panthers and the left wishes to bash G.W about his service and the fact the Donald was 4F due to foot abnormalities.Just sad

Michael Quinn
Michael Quinn
1 year ago

When my mother’s dementia was at an advanced stage, she lived in a world of unreality just like Beijing Biden, it’s just that his “world of unreality” began decades before his dementia.

1 year ago

Biden may be seen as the conductor, but Obama is at the controls of this runaway train of lies, deceit, and criminal activity. Biden may easily be seen as the one shoveling the coals into the engine’s boiler.

1 year ago

Brandon is an Idiot! That’s being controlled by idiots!

James H
James H
1 year ago

Great article! Well said!

1 year ago

Well said Aaron!

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