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MEMO: Biden Family Received $10 Million from Foreign Entities

Posted on Thursday, May 11, 2023
by Aaron Flanigan

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan

On Wednesday, Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Chairman of the Oversight Committee, revealed in a press conference that, according to a review of subpoenaed bank records, members of the Biden family and their associates received more than $10 million from foreign entities, much of it during Biden’s time as vice president. The shocking new revelations, detailed further in a 36-page memo, indicate that the corruption of the Biden Crime Family likely runs even deeper than previously reported.

According to the bank records, Hunter Biden’s family received more than $1 million from a company controlled by Gabriel Popoviciu, a Romanian businessman accused of corruption, when Biden served in the Obama administration. An additional $2 million from Popoviciu went to a company controlled by Hunter Biden’s business partner.

The Committee’s memo states that the Bidens’ activities in Romania are “clear indicia of a scheme to peddle influence from 2015 to 2017”—providing strong substantiation to the widely-held belief that Biden has used his positions of power in Washington to enrich himself and his family.

“While Vice President Biden was lecturing Romania on anti-corruption policy, in reality he was a walking billboard for his son and family to collect money,” Comer said at the press conference. “We’ve never seen a presidential family receive these sums of money from adversaries around the world—we’re just talking about a couple of countries today.”

In addition to its findings on the Bidens’ payments from Romania, the Committee also revealed actions from the Bidens which “appear to be an attempt to engage in financial deception” with respect to their financial dealings with China. Hunter Biden, the Committee found, received funds into his own company’s account directly from a Chinese entity.

To make matters worse, one Chinese national involved in the payments, Ye Jianming, has close ties to the Chinese Communist Party and was allegedly deputy secretary-general for an international outreach arm of the People’s Liberation Army.

“The Bidens received millions of dollars from their Chinese partnership,” the memo concluded. “When Ye was detained by the Chinese, Hunter Biden then attempted to distance himself from the relationship by claiming he had never been paid by [Ye’s company]. This was false.”

During his time as vice president, Joe Biden oversaw key U.S. policies in both China and Romania—presenting a clear conflict of interest that raises disturbing questions about whether Biden sold his office for profit.

Comer and the Oversight Committee pledged to “investigate the Biden family and associates’ engagement with U.S. officials” in exchange for payments. “The Committee is committed to rooting out fraud, waste, and abuse that exist at the highest level of the federal government,” the memo said.

“I want to be clear: This committee is investigating President Biden and his family’s shady business deals that capitalize on Joe Biden’s public office and risked our country’s national security,” Comer stated. “We believe that the president has been involved in this from the very beginning, obviously.”

This week’s revelations are of course only the latest in the saga of the Biden family’s shady foreign and financial entanglements. As a result of the infamous “Laptop from Hell,” Hunter Biden’s abandoned computer which revealed that he received $5.8 million from Chinese business interests between 2013 and 2018, Congress is now actively investigating whether any payments went to Joe Biden himself.

As conservative advocacy group America First Legal reported earlier this spring, records also show that Biden “personally signed off on the official statement in response to questions from reporters about whether Hunter’s position with Burisma undermines the Vice President’s credibility in pushing anti-corruption measures in the country”—despite Joe Biden’s repeated insistence that he was in no way involved with Hunter’s business ventures.

As members of the House Oversight Committee acknowledged during the press conference, their findings from this week should be more than enough to warrant further investigations by the DOJ and the media. “Guys, you in the press, this is easy pickings,” said Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL-19). “I’m giving you Pulitzer stuff.”

Of course, despite the fact patterns pointing to Biden’s corruption, the institutional left will almost certainly remain silent on the Committee’s groundbreaking findings—even as they continue to divert large segments of their resources to investigating and persecuting Republicans.

“Corruption is a cancer,” Biden said in a 2014 speech to government officials in Romania. “A cancer that eats away at a citizen’s faith in democracy.”

Ironically, it is thanks to Biden himself that unprecedented numbers of American citizens are now losing faith in democracy. And as his approval ratings continue to sink to historic new lows, Biden may soon find that—no matter how hard he may try—he cannot escape the legal, political, and moral consequences of his actions.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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1 year ago

Notice how many MSM news outlets covered this story yesterday? ZERO. The entire MSM was instead focused on the arrest of George Santos on the same day as this pre-announced event by the House Republicans. Coincidence? Of course not. It was planned to divert the public’s attention away from this event, so the MSM could devote endless hours on something else. This is how 3rd world banana republics act and we are following that playbook line by line.

By the way, yesterday was also the due date for the FBI to hand over the subpoenaed document indicating the Joe Biden was the subject of a criminal investigation. No document was delivered to the House Judiciary Committee and the FBI said they wouldn’t be handing over the requested document. Number of MSM news outlets that covered this story? ZERO! Just another instance of how a 3rd world banana republic operates.

This morning Rep Comer was asked by Maria Bartiromo what was the Committee’s next step in light of the FBI refusing to hand over a document that they admit actually exists. His response was “We have a Plan B”, but even when asked multiple times what was Plan B he wouldn’t directly answer. He just alluded to Congress have the power of the purse, but as we all know getting some punitive budgetary action through a split Congress, especially when it would harm Democrats in any way, is pretty much a non-starter. So the Washington, D.C. theater continues as the country is systematically being dismantled. Are we having fun yet?

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

Yep, corruption IS a cancer JOE. You are a Corrupt, pedophile and a CANCER to the American people. You are a traitor to our country.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Whole family is corrupt day 1
Prosecute ALL

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

We know the Biden Family Mafia is corrupt. We know exactly how corrupt they are, which is completely. You know what else we also know? We know nothing will be done about it, and no one will be held accountable ever.

1 year ago

Didn’t you know the Biden crime family is above the law and just like the cartels in Mexico they control everything including the voting results. It will only change by having a revolution!!!!

1 year ago

What amazes me is how many turn a blind eye to Joe Biden’s historical (40+ years) poor work performance, racism, and criminal activity. It’s particularly disheartening to see people our age so naive. But they want to believe everything the CIA run media says about Trump, who has always been a kind, philanthropic soul (but no pushover/pansy either), and NOTHING they have accused him of has been proven with hard evidence, but they’ve changed laws, and set precedences never seen before to take him to court and make him look guilty. A good example is the recent court case where the accuser can’t remember when the supposed crime took place. Did we not learn anything 40 years ago when CIA whistle-blowers admitted the CIA ran and used media as mind control (controlling the thoughts of the sheep is still at work today)? If you’re watching any of the big media outlets you’re a sheep.

1 year ago

And? I’m not going to hold my breath until something is done about it. And, what will happen? NOTHING. They will all simply keep walking around free and spending their stolen millions. All demo/socialists will do is laugh and cackle like Kamala. The GOP will do nothing since half are doing the same thing and the other half is afraid to try and convict the protected Biden crime family. Justice in America is just a memory. The Globalists are in control.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Another piece of information on the same theme I get it The family is untouchable and knows it He is like a little colonel sitting on the throne surrounded by his junta Banana republic The magnificent seven are not coming

William Hodge
William Hodge
1 year ago

So if “the big guy” got his 10% how much did Obama get for letting the Obidens run this scheme out of the White House? We all know that Obama got a cut why aren’t they looking at him?

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Well the Don is safe, for now.
Trump was impeached twice for less. Democracy has been wiped away in America by the dems.
I would like to be at the Biden family thanksgiving dinner. If he can even get anyone to come.
This is so laughable if it wasn’t so criminal and the MSM doesn’t even report it.
The FBI doesn’t even produce the piece of paper the congressional commission had asked for. The whole justice system plus the FBI and CIA are protecting him. I have never in my life seen so much collusion to overthrow the country. And they are getting away with it.

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

they all need to go to prison and have all of their assets confiscated to offset the damages their corruption has caused.

1 year ago

I’m so disgusted with the Biden crime syndicate!!! He should be in jail and all of his ill gotten gains should be distributed to the American citizens, no illegals!! And if Joe has been guilty of this behavior for years, why are they not looking into Obama and further into the Clintons?? I don’t know how anyone of these people can stand up in front of any group of people with a straight face and try to mandate anything to us!! Joe’s legacy is going to be that he destroyed the American way of life, he destroyed industries while claiming to have created jobs (HA!!), he has flooded our country with illegals, he has caused companies to have to shut their doors because of Joe’s inflation, he has made a mess of things with all of this ‘green agenda’ that isn’t ready for prime time yet!

I know that the Biden crime syndicate is untouchable, nothing will ever happen to them!! Just like the Obama’s, the Clinton’s, the Pelosi’s, Maxine Waters, Schiff, Nadler, Schumer, McConnell, – nothing will ever happen! And yet they are the ones who are constant saying, when speaking about any Republican, that no one is above the law!! If that is true, all of the above mentioned would be in jail and there would be many more of the Washington elite who should join them!!!

It’s sad that we should have to be speaking this way about our elected leaders but they cannot be trusted; they are selfish, arrogant, self-serving, corrupt, unscrupulous, disrespectful, insulting and offensive, criminal, irresponsible, immoral, unethical snobs!! I’m ashamed and embarrassed to be called an American if they are the example of what American’s are!!

Wendy Hampton
Wendy Hampton
1 year ago

What the heck! WHY are he and his family still in the White House?

George Holzman
George Holzman
1 year ago

Lets start criminal proceedings aganist the Biden family and let the media know what a racist Joe Biden is. and stop all the stupid alleged crimes against Trump.

Sandra M Jones
Sandra M Jones
1 year ago

At the very least Biden should be impeached, and hopefully convicted in a court of law. If not we are lost with no hope of recovering our country.

Elton Yancey
Elton Yancey
1 year ago

Does anybody believe that the DOJ or FBI will turn over anything that will hurt biden or any demorat.

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

Anyone with half a brain suspected diaper joe was corrupt and that he was probably taking money from foreign governments. The question is, what’s going to be done about it?

My take on it is that absolutely nothing will happen. This conclusion comes from years of watching and listening to those in power talk about how Democratic Senator or Congressman so in so was caught with his hands in the cookie jar, how it was against the law and what should be done about it. Nothing ever happens to them.

We’re informed of the crime as if to rub it in our faces but that’s it. Big talk, no results, end of story…talk about loosing faith in democracy.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

How does a “public servant” have enough money to buy MULTIPLE mansions, including the former billionaire DuPont family compound? Are people so STUPID that they can’t figure that out?

1 year ago

I hope someone in that disgusting Biden family goes to prison. I cannot even look at this awful man and his family. Joe Biden a bad parent, bad vice president, BAD PRESIDENT, great liar, great big power and money hungry man. Joe Biden even used his own son as a bag man. Unbelievable!

Greg Gille
Greg Gille
1 year ago

Throw enough spaghetti at the wall, with or without sauce, and some will stick.
This is sticking, stick it to the Biden Corruption Corps!
Continue to follow the money!
The fearful part of indictment and removal from office is that we know full well what a reprobate waits to assume the Presidency.

Mary Dickes
Mary Dickes
1 year ago

So how about “How did the Obama’s get so rich?” And let’s look at the Clintons and Bushes and Pelosi’s. Come on! Let’s dig! They have dug into Trump (and haven’t been able to stick him with anything Real)! Move on! Check out the Deep State

1 year ago

America is turning into a third world corrupt government. Massive Election fraud, corrupt leaders, puppet of China. Pray its not too late and Trump can win 2024. It will take prayers to win they cheated to win in 2020 and got away with it.

1 year ago

So why is he still in office………I thought NOBODY’S ABOVE THE LAW!

1 year ago

Yeah, like the rest of the crooks in Washington are going to allow this to go forward. The very same schemes many of the other rags to riches pols who’ve graced the Capital for years have been doing are at work here, so they’re certainly not going to invite a look into their own pol-for-sale schemes. Seems Trump is the ONLY one who didn’t need to prostitute himself.

1 year ago

unless found “guilty”, it’s all just B.S. and no one fights hard enough to prove it. it all just seems blowing smoke between now and the 2024 election!

Bill T
Bill T
1 year ago

Any other politician (excluding the hypocrites on the far left of course) would have already been convicted and doing community service work with a ankle bracelet. This treasonous and total fraud is hiding behind the biggest political coverup in history

Ronald c
Ronald c
1 year ago

He is only getting his 10% “commission”…..

1 year ago

So why in the name of Sam Hill aren’t indicting these low life people? What the hell is taking so long? How much longer is the Biden family going to be running this country into the ground? This is not who I want associated with the USA! We deserve better than this.

1 year ago

Someone tell me what is alright about this…

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Very little will ever be done about it. If old JOE is found guilty, he will go to summer camp in FLA. His rotten ass should be in Levenworth.

1 year ago

Why do I even bother with stories like this. It’s a two tier justice system and nothing will ever come of this due to the level of infiltration the left has in ‘everything’. Funny how we the people always know…..the election was rigged, the LGBTQ garbage is not for kids, that woke caters to about 3% of the population, that the VAST majority of the Jan 6ers are innocent, that covid was a joke and the death numbers are a lie, that the vaccine is not a vaccine and is in fact killing us, Newsome gets recalled but wins again (!?), that the witchhunt against Trump is without bounds, blah blah blah. We know, we aren’t stupid. We however, have to obey the law, but ‘they’ don’t.

1 year ago

What other clueless Democrat would be willing to be led around like a puppy? Oh ya, any one of them.

Jorge L Rios
Jorge L Rios
1 year ago

The big question here is: Why are we spending piles of $$$ we don’t have and manhours “(commity members staff)” to gather all this information if nothing is ever going to be done with it except talk about it and then just put it on the shelf and forget about. What is the purpose of this whole “invertigation” other than saying we investigated it, simply going through the motions to make it look like someone did “something”.

Morris Howell
Morris Howell
1 year ago

So we know for sure Joe is the slickest of the Slick Willies. He is guilty upmost for ignoring upholding the Constitution of the U.S. All these other indiscretions aside, we can all see that the Oath he took to uphold the Constitution means nothing to him. So IMPEACH HIM NOW, PERIOD. Get the process thru the House and start getting the Democratic votes you need in the Senate. You can do this because what Democrat in their right mind wouldn’t want to have a Black, Woman President. Then we can have that over and done with. Elect Trump or whom ever you want as the Republican candidate and get this country back on track. Yes we will have to give Kamala the benefits for life of a president. That would be cheap compared to what Joe Biden has cost America. We have to get back to Law & Order in this country, dig out the cancer of the Deep State, Defund Black Lives Matter from our American Businesses, and restore the Military to it’s Pre-Woke status. If Kamala can’t serve out her term, Impeach her and we will have a Republican in the White House. DO IT NOW HOUSE REPUBLICANS, show you have a back bone.

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