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The Deep State Is All Too Real

Posted on Monday, May 15, 2023
by Outside Contributor
Deep State

There are two competing conceptions of American governance: the version students are taught in the classroom, and the one that exists in the real world. Grade-school civics teaches that Washington is designed to operate under a system of checks and balances, constrained by the Constitution and empowered by the consent of the governed. In practice, however, power has become concentrated in the executive branch and largely wielded by unaccountable career bureaucrats. The notion of a “deep state” isn’t a conspiratorial talking point but a manifest political reality.


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David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

The Deep State has even penetrated Howard University that gave Beijing biden an Honorary Degree in (are you ready?) Analytical Intellect. He doesn’t even know where he’s at or which way to exit stage. And they give him an honorary degree for that. Beijing biden is many things but most definitely NOT an Analytical Intellect. I know little kids that have a Higher I.Q. than Beijing biden.

1 year ago

… it’s the Obamas who control our courts; it’s the Clinton people who control our mainstream media –

1 year ago

The Founding Fathers of this country have us a constitutional republic, if we could keep it. That last part is very, very important and it also meant the public, that being ALL OF US, had a duty and an obligation to do OUR PART to keep and maintain the form of government that we inherited from our ancestors. That meant the public had to be well informed and vigilant of what those they elected to represent them in the government were doing on their behalf. The vast majority of the American public has neither been well informed nor vigilant for quite a few decades now. Most Americans couldn’t even both to vote. So we’ve ended up with an unaccountable administrative state that neither cares what the American people want nor is frightened of the American people removing them from their positions.

Starting in the early 20th century, the American public began taking their eye off the ball and allowing the creation of an expanded administrative state at the federal level under “Progressive” Woodrow Wilson. “Progressive” FDR then took advantage of the Great Depression to greatly increase the size, scope and power of the federal government far further by creating many new departments and agencies that took on the role of micro-managing many aspects of society as a whole. Effectively marking the end of the concept of a federal government that was small in nature and limited in its scope and powers. By the end of FDR’s multiple terms in office, he and his fellow “Progressives” had ushered in the first iteration of an all-encompassing federal government and a true administrative state.

From there, each successive “Progressive” Democrat administration expanded the scope of the administrative state with the American people not paying much, if any, attention to the gradual loss of control of their federal government. Fast forward to today and what is plain to see is a federal government that is now openly defiant of the American people at nearly every turn. Sure some of the American people are starting to wake up and finally notice that something is drastically wrong, but very few are willing to do anything about it. So without a very large percentage of the American population willing to act in unison to take their own country back from those that DO NOT represent the People who they supposedly represent, little to nothing can be expected to change going forward. The People have two choices in front of them: One is to continue to do nothing but complain as things get worse and worse. Even the most uninformed amongst us should be able to realize where that ultimately ends up. The second choice is equally self-evident and will require the American people to what citizens in other countries have done when things have deteriorated to the level we are now experiencing. Based on our history over the last 50 years, I’m betting the first choice will be the option selected.

1 year ago

… “deep state” is a layman’s misnomer. Correct phraseology, deep-state insiders collectively refer to themselves as, “… the village.”

John De Herrera
John De Herrera
1 year ago

Hello, I’m a co-founder of the national group Friends of the Article V Convention. Since most things are done online these days, I’ve built a site and installed a forum software (secured in a cloud) to hold an online convention. It has never been done before and is an excellent opportunity to lead by example:

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