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Tucker Carlson, The Truth, and The Spiritual Battle

Posted on Sunday, May 21, 2023
by David P. Deavel

AMAC Exclusive – By David P. Deavel


Right before his top-rated show’s cancellation from Fox News a couple weeks ago, Tucker Carlson gave a fascinating speech at the Heritage Foundation’s 50th anniversary gala held in Oxon Hill, Maryland. At least one article (in Vanity Fair)in the wake of his ouster claimed that Carlson’s speech, the transcript of which was titled “‘Include Country In Your Prayers,’ Carlson Tells Heritage Foundation Gala” by The Daily Signal, might be the real reason for cancellation. The speech was, reported Gabe Sherman of Vanity Fair, “laced” with “religious overtones that even Murdoch found too extreme.”

What Carlson said that purportedly bugged Murdoch was that for engaging many on the left in America, there is no possible debating about facts or political policies. What is called for is something stronger.

Tucker asked Americans to pray.

As Sherman’s source, said: “That stuff freaks Rupert out. He doesn’t like all the spiritual talk.”

It’s not clear this account is correct. Sherman only reported it as “a new theory.” And what does it signify that a source “was briefed on Murdoch’s decision-making”? Briefed by whom? And how does that person know?  (Too much journalism reminds us today of the girl in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off who explains to the teacher played by Ben Stein, “My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with a girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night.”)

Whether it’s true or not, however, it rubs a raw nerve these days. For a long time, it was a truism that while liberals thought conservatives were evil, conservatives simply thought liberals were misguided. We are all aiming at the same things! We just differ on the means! All of us everywhere are on the same team, no matter where we are or what party we belong to.

What Carlson said, however, contradicted this directly. Made up of his usual running grab bag of funny stories, self-deprecating jokes, sincere tributes to others, and what can only be called a personal wrestling with what he thinks to be the truth about what’s going wrong in America without fear or favor of Democrats, Republicans, or any of the DNC-regime “media reporters,” Carlson’s speech ended with a stirring meditation on why it is that the two things we need these days are courageous truth-tellers and people who beg God’s help for our country.  

“So, when I started at Heritage,” he said, “the presumption was, and this is a very Anglo-American assumption, that the debates we’re having are rational debates about the way to get to mutually agreed-upon outcomes…And so, we write our papers, and they write their papers, and may the best papers win.”

Today, however, things are different. He talked about how our public life that is now filled with constant lies and the pressure to repeat them over and over again: “If there’s a single person in this room who hasn’t seen that through George Floyd and COVID and the Ukraine War, raise your hand. Oh, nobody? Right. You all know what I’m talking about.”

While Americans might see the hollowness of many of these too-long-but-temporary bundles of falsehood, our culture now has what are purported to be timeless dogmas about gender, diversity, equity, and inclusion—many of which don’t even make any logical sense—to which we must bow our heads and add our amens. While we certainly have need of people to rationally explain the false premises and faulty logic that permeate this false dogmatic core, we all can take part in resisting the evil falsehoods about what it means to be human.

Reminiscent of Solzhenitsyn’s 1974 essay “Live Not By Lies,” Carlson encouraged people to try and tell the truth. “Try it. Tell the truth about something. You feel it every day. The more you tell the truth, the stronger you become. That’s completely real. It’s measurable in the way that you feel.”

He lauded ordinary people, executives, and others in big organizations who refuse to engage in the dangerous and destructive lies that are damaging our economy and the soul of our nation. “No one is trained to stand up in the middle of a [diversity, equity, and inclusion] meeting at Citibank and say, ‘This is nonsense.’ And the people who do that, oh, they have my deepest admiration.”

But it is because so many of the positions that are not lies are actually something else that Carlson recommended that what we need is not more policy papers but prayer. About transgenderism, he said: “If you have people who are saying, ‘I have an idea. Let’s castrate the next generation. Let’s sexually mutilate children.’ I’m sorry, that’s not a political debate. What? That’s nothing to do with politics. What’s the outcome we’re desiring here? An androgynous population? Are we arguing for that? I don’t think anyone could defend that as a positive outcome, but the weight of the government and a lot of corporate interests are behind that.”

Like abortion, such a position seems to be some sort of strange theological position. Carlson alluded to Janet Yellen’s 2022 testimony before the Senate Banking Committee in the wake of the leaked Roe v. Wade draft opinion in which she argued that eliminating legal abortion was bad on economic grounds since it “would have very damaging effects on the economy and would set women back decades.” Carlson described her testimony thus: “But when the Treasury secretary stands up and says, ‘You know what you can do to help the economy? Get an abortion.’ Well, that’s like an Aztec principle, actually.”

Given that Yellen’s argument is that our economy advanced because women could kill the children in their wombs, perhaps Carlson was slightly misleading. But only slightly. Perhaps a policy paper could show that the economy didn’t quite advance as much as she said it would. But her argument as stated is that a woman’s temporary advancement economically is worth destroying unborn human life. This is indeed a moral and theological judgment that comes out of a deep spiritual sickness.

It is not clear that any policy paper or argument marshaling facts will work simply on its own. Carlson lamented, “I’ve tried. That doesn’t work.” That’s why, in addition to his lauding of those bearing heroic witness, he added what supposedly shook Rupert Murdoch to his core: “…maybe we should all take just 10 minutes a day to say a prayer about it. I’m serious. Why not?”

 I don’t think we have to want to set up Calvin’s Geneva or a Catholic confessional state or some sort of explicit Christian nationalist polity to agree with Carlson, an Episcopalian, on this. Our country needs politics rather than an unelected administrative state; she needs intellectual argument rather than screaming.

But if she is to get them back, America needs to recover the notion of truth under God. And the way to get that truth is to speak and listen to God. The problem, as Solzhenitsyn put it in his 1983 Templeton speech, is that “men have forgotten God.” In order to have debates about the goods toward which we as a country should work, all involved must believe that there are in fact objective goods and an objective truth.

Americans are looking forward to Tucker Carlson’s return to commenting on what’s happening in our country. No theologian or great literary artist, he often plays the ordinary man, the investigator, the jester, even the fool. But in his Heritage speech he proved he can play the prophet, too.

David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas, and is a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative.

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1 year ago

Thank God for Tucker Carlson.

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

We need more people like Tucker Carlson in the media.

Rebecca Brigandi
Rebecca Brigandi
1 year ago

The Power of God is unleashed on earth through the prayers of the faithful. (My source for this message is too high to mention). Tucker gave us a much needed message. Even if you don’t pray anymore do it now, because without the help of God, our country could be lost, and we all will be sorry.

1 year ago

Great Sunday Message. Let us Pray!

S Klimek
S Klimek
1 year ago

I agree that his speech scared the left. They won’t admit it but in the back of their minds they know their wrong and are running from God. But God keeps getting in their way

Shirley Webb
Shirley Webb
1 year ago

Ainsley has talked about God since day one. They even gave her a program for her religious beliefs. There are many others on fox who talk about prayer. Look for another reason…that one is Bull Sugar! Tuker was stepping on toes…

Meg Mano
Meg Mano
1 year ago

I listen to Professor Toto(Shane Vaughn) and he predicted this a couple of weeks ago. Just as the article said, Murdoch couldn’t allow Tucker to come to work on Monday with these thoughts. WooHoo Glad it’s coming out!????????????????????

1 year ago

Reinforces, our battle is not with flesh and bone, it is a spiritual war, and how.desperately we need the Truth, His name is Jesus

1 year ago

FOX needs to take Tucker back…he speaks the truth!

1 year ago

There must be a lot of FOX hosts that are going to be let go if Carlson was let go for telling people to pray.

1 year ago

Tucker!!!! Keep on a Tuckering. The left is screaming = you are rubbing a nerve!!!Nothing matters for example: 1970 global ice age in 10 years! Nada=strike one, 1982 global warming: Nada=strike two!!! 2005 climate change: Nada your out. Same crowd same desire of total control!!! China told them to get lost. Russia laughed at them. The Bahamas folks said” we hospittize our mental people for protection of all! What is wrong in the USA???Trump 2024 or sooner with proof of election fraud. Stand by!!! Whistle blower is coming soon to your neighborhood!!!!

1 year ago

I disagree with those who claim that lack of religious spirituality is the root of today’s problems. I haven’t had religion in my life for over 50 years, and yet I do not commit crimes or wish evil to befall those I disagree with. Neither do others who think as I do. You can’t make someone believe as you do and expect 100% civility as a result. Believing in God and being a good citizen don’t necessarily go hand in hand.

We’ve become more self-interested, I believe, especially among the younger generations who were raised on or influenced by social media. Some want instant results, they post photos of the lunch they’re consuming in real time, they document every waking moment and share this “important” information with their online “friends”. What I think we’re seeing is a trend toward lack of compassion for our fellow human beings. Families move away from each other, and our family traditions also get lost in the shuffle. Most don’t care for their elderly parents, kids and grandkids might not visit as often, and they certainly don’t write letters on real stationery! Something’s gotta give in this rapid-paced modern society, and it’s often those things which consume our time or require effort.

Politicians of the liberal persuasion see this as an opportunity to drive that wedge even deeper between the family and our youth. Public schools test the limits of parental tolerance with their ridiculous drag queen story hour. They let the kids declare themselves girls when they’re obviously and genetically boys–in bathrooms and in sports. They let them choose their own pronouns even if they’re incongruous with their gender. School systems allow the most outrageously sexually explicit books to fill the shelves of grammar school libraries rather than the classics.

This is all part of the socialists’ devious long-range plan: to take over the role of parent, provider, leader, and employer. There’s the objective truth we should recognize and wrestle with: the loss of autonomy and individualism. Socialism and autonomy are mutually exclusive, and as long as liberals/democrats remain in power, our culture will continue to degrade. Faulty leadership facilitates this decline.

1 year ago

I, for one, thoroughly enjoyed watching and listening to Tucker Carlson on Fox News and really miss him! It makes NO SENSE to me that Fox canceled the MOST WATCHED NEWS SHOW in that time slot!
They have and will suffer a great loss of viewership because of it. I look forward to seeing him as soon as he can get back to televising.

1 year ago

Today’s comments confirm one thing that I, and many others believe, God’s love reaches more people than evil hate. So when does sanity kick in? Even the fiercest animal on the planet protects their young. Yet we are following an agenda that is promoting, as Tucker put is, the castration of our next generation. Sexually mutilating our children? Really people, you can honestly see the advantage of this. Some are so delusional that they actually have a problem with allowing the child to become old enough to make rational decisions on matters that will alter their little lives forever. That is not love folks. And, it isn’t politics, contrary to what many have been led to believe. We’ve ask Congress to help our country and that has not worked so let’s all just believe lies. Let’s go one step lower than animals, let’s just kill our babies before they’re born. After all, look how much this will help our economy according to Janet Yellen. To those who are thinking that I’ve just stated problems and no solution.
OK, that’s fair so here goes, government hasn’t worked, mutilation of our live children isn’t working, killing our unborn isn’t working, lies aren’t really working (contrary to the belief of many). So how about giving the truth a shot? Better still, how about giving God and prayer a shot? It’s true, “some” Americans have forgotten God but there are still more of us than there are of those who have lost their way. And some day, the silent majority is going to grow a backbone and stand up for truth,

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

The left with the democrats do not want a thinking populace. That is why Tucker was fired. We are not to believe in another God. Only them. That is why they are killing us off one by one with the mutilation of our children, rampant drug access, killings in the street and to top it off the COVID vaccine. Which is sterilizing our young men and women. Importing so called asylum seekers for they will be malleable to their mindset.
Tucker said what we all know to be the truth. Satan is governing us, hatred is ruling is. God’s love is systematically being rooted out. Tucker gave that a voice and he had to go. They have been trying for years and finally Murdoch was compromised into firing him. Let us all boycott Fox.
We can find the truth in other ways.

1 year ago

How is he NOT on Newsmax TV yet? I’d like to hear the real whole story once he has a safe platform.

1 year ago

Truth and prayer. We all would be so much happier.

1 year ago

I’m waiting for his return, and return he will.

Denise Kelley
Denise Kelley
1 year ago

Praise God for you calling Carlson spiritual and not religious! Did Fox fire him because of his spirituality?

1 year ago

There are several high ranking people on FOX who lend Christian voices to the network. So if that was the reason he was fired, there will follow many more top voices.

1 year ago

I’ve been saying for years that the media needs to be forced to tell the truth. Carlson is amazing and was making too big of an impact for the criminal government to allow him to remain active. The truth is out – it was a verbal requirement by Dominion voting machines to get Carlson off the air. The big power wants the corrupt voting machines to continue to be used, so they can continue to put the WEF flunkies into all positions of power to control the world. Unless Dominion voting machines are stopped from use, all future elections will be the will of the elite and not the people.

Pedro Jané
Pedro Jané
1 year ago

Blackheart er I mean Blackrock is heavily invested in Foxnews and
Dominion.. So the sued themselves! That explains the instant and record breaking settlement.. Also, there have been several foreign elections that had the wildly popular candidate lose to the unwanted socialist who doesn’t campaign. Followed by indignant protesters who are declared as terrorist insurrectionists and Dominion machines are the weapon of choice. Remember 2020? A battle was fought to allow examination of the machines. Court orders were ignored. Only when arrest warrants were issued and enough time had passed were the stolen machines turned over to neutral examiners for inspection. They found a “Master password” that only Dominion knew. That negated all the votes under state law. Nope, back to court where Dominion argued that revealing that password e was would harm Doninion’s propietary rights. The court agreed. Every election that uses D machines is now by law illegal. So what. They have many tried and true methods to steal elections and no reason to stop now. Fraudulent or not., we may not see elections any more.

Pedro Jané
Pedro Jané
1 year ago

I am waiting for the comments that praise Joe Biden and compliment his leadership an SC policies. To this day every catastrophe that occurs from Biden policies is still Trumps fault. After leading us to impending doom Biden is circling back to Trumps policies but claiming them as his own.
Every decision he makes helps China and harms US!

1 year ago

Rupert Murdoch is up in years, so you would that he would talk to God. It’s pretty evident that he talks to the Devil.

Joyce Ross
Joyce Ross
1 year ago

Tucker is too much of a truth teller for the evil forces who are in control of our country …so in an attempt to silence him (and all of us “spiritual” people, they singled him out. It is a fear mongering tactic to try and scare all of us into submission. I shudder to think what this world will be like for my grandkids. They don’t even know they are being thrown under the proverbial bus. They think these ugly changes are normal. God and prayer truly is the only thing that can save us.

Eugene Podrazik
Eugene Podrazik
1 year ago

In 1776, the Declaration of Independence was crafted and approved. After winning a war that we shouldn’t have won, in 1789 we go on to craft the US Constitution and then, two years later the Bill of Rights. In a mere 15 years, a war won. And three documents crafted that have provided more hope to mankind only second to the Holy Bible. Divine Intervention? I think so.

What is so profound is that Tucker moved the debate from the plane of politics and position papers to what is an affront to Judeo-Christian morality. There a concept of malum prohibitum vs malum in se. Evil you need to define then prohibit versus evil that is inherent.

We now have wide swaths of government and allied private sector organizations in the process of creating sticky flypaper of laws dealing with things that people don’t like and at the some time legalizing acts of intrinsic evil. And, Tucker has named this blight and recognized as thing not to be debated as that debate merely serves to legitimize that position. Evil to be avoided. Shunned.

Absent any turgid prose, the call to arms is simple: tell the truth and pray for divine intervention. Revolutions come from the most unexpected places; is Tucker the pebble that starts the landslide?

1 year ago

Thoroughly enjoyed this Excellent article. Very thought provoking and honest, and certainly some ideas worth trying.
Thank you

1 year ago

Gossip is heard as the truth everywhere any more. Small towns live on gossip. The people spreading the lies do not know the truth or even care to hear the truth. And they destroy other peoples lives by doing so.

A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

From the X-Files…The Truth IS Out There………

Jim Crossan
Jim Crossan
1 year ago

It is said, and I agree, that good overcomes evil as light overcomes darkness. But those institutions referred to in several posts are purposely conflating good and evil That causes confusion and in particularly affect younger people so that they turn to the scourge of “isms” that are polluting our society. The only way to stop these institutions is to “bud light” them all.

1 year ago

unless you were not paying attention, it all became irrational on January 20, 1993

1 year ago

I will never trust Tucker to tell the truth again after he edited the Jan 6 tapes & made the assault on Capitol appear as peaceful protesters. And I am still upset with him for stating that parents who make their children wear masks for covid protection should be arrested for Child Abuse. He is a radical on too many fronts & a bully in my opinion.

Rick B.
Rick B.
1 year ago

My understanding about Tucker Carlson’s dismissal is this: Rupert Murdock had a dinner in his CA home in late March which included his then-fiancée, Ann Lesley Smith, and Tucker Carlson. The latter two began discussing Christianity and spiritual matters. This apparently upset the host. Soon afterward his fiancée became his ex-fiancée, and Tucker Carlson was out on the street. Do your own research but stranger things have happened. Moguls have been known to cut off their nose to spite their face, since Carlson was obviously a big draw for Fox News. Reminds me of Terrible Ted Turner and his then-wife, Jane Fonda, who became a Christian during their marriage, and he became upset when he found out about it. That ended in divorce.
“We battle not against flesh and blood…” but sometimes, we do!

Bill Kolar
Bill Kolar
1 year ago

A very interesting read and insightful. A good expression of my thoughts, concerns and observations.

1 year ago

Fox News owner Murdock’s alleged “paying out” Tucker and his “censoring” and this alleged issue are all part of the dog and pony show to hoodwink the ever idiotic public…

Anyone who cheers for him and “thinks” he’s a “good guy” is only exposing their own stupidity and proving that they’re deeply asleep.

“We’ll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” —William Casey, a former CIA director=a leading psychopathic criminal of the genocidal US regime

The fact that he’s been working for over 2 decades for KNOWN PROVEN criminal mainstream news networks (including corrupt lying CNN) should be an OBVIOUS clue but it is NOT to idiotic “awake” (=sleeping) people.

Yet he even told every “awake” person what he is:

“I’m an out-of-the-closet elitist. I don’t run around pretending to be a man of the people; I’m absolutely not a man of the people, at all.” —Tucker Carlson []

That’s right! He (like his dad) has been a shill for the criminal establishment from the gettgo [ &

He (and “Fox News”) has been positioned as an “controlled opposition” element to fool the giant herd of stupid “awake” people, willfully serving the dictatorial pack of psychopaths in power… (or

“Never hide the truth to spare the feelings of the ignorant.” — Mikhail Bulgakov

The ruling criminals pulled off the Covid Scam globally via its WHO institution because almost all nations belong to it. Sign the declaration at to exit the WHO

Corbin L Douthitt
Corbin L Douthitt
1 year ago

““My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with a girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night.” – Hey! she cited all her sources- more than”journalists” do today…

Elizabeth Conley
Elizabeth Conley
1 year ago

Live Not By Lies

Telling the truth is so stressful in modern times. People either denigrate me by contradicting me with a simple “No!” or they tantrum. I actually prefer the tantrum. The fact and discussion free “No!” is denigrating and dismissive. It has no place in a conversation between two adults.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
1 year ago

FOX has not announced why they suspended Carlson but will pay his contract. My best guess is that Dominion was so angry and damaged (by equipment vulnerability they could have prevented) that to cause as much setback to FOX deemed rich enough to pay its fair share as possible. So silencing Tucker Carlson through the next presidential election was seen by Dominion as half of the payment they would accept. It is flattering to Tucker Carlson that his silence is so valuable to the enemies of free elections. I hope this court decision does not foreshadow 2024.

William S. Klocek
William S. Klocek
1 year ago

In 1927 Ludwig von Mises saw his “Liberalism, the classic tradition” published. Like his “The Anti-Capitalist Mentality” essay, it is more true now than then. Both should be required reading for 10th graders.

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