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Media’s Coverage of the Debt-Limit Fight Is Intolerably Dishonest

Posted on Thursday, May 25, 2023
by Outside Contributor

President Joe Biden, writes Politico’s White House Bureau Chief Jonathan Lemire, “has prioritized deal-making throughout the debt ceiling talks. But with GOP obstinate, Biden is changing tactics.”

What in the hell is he talking about, you may wonder. Only last month, Lemire’s publication reported that Biden was “happy to meet” with Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy but “not on whether or not the debt limit gets extended. That’s not negotiable.” That doesn’t sound like someone who’s “prioritized deal-making” on the debt ceiling. Back in January, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was unequivocal in saying that “we will not be doing any negotiation over the debt ceiling.” On April 27, the Washington Post reported, “White House reiterates refusal to negotiate on debt limit as pressure mounts.”

Biden’s position was widely known and defended. A slew of columns from Democrats like Dan Pfeiffer, an adviser to former President Barack Obama, laid out why Biden shouldn’t negotiate with McCarthy. Lefty reporter Ronald Brownstein attempted to rationalize the “logic behind Biden’s refusal to negotiate the debt ceiling” — which, not that long ago, was called “obstructionism” or “nihilism.”

Back in February, it was McCarthy who invited Biden to sit down. The president kept promising he would not negotiate, presumably to apply pressure by scaremongering voters about a potentially ruinous default. And that was Biden’s prerogative. However, the idea, as Lemire would have you believe, that the president has shown a “reluctance to play hardball” is a complete myth. Biden is no Henry Clay. This is a president who’s shown no qualms about abusing executive power — even now, threatening an unconstitutional plan to use the 14th Amendment to pay off debt. This is a president who recently crammed through the most expensive reform bill in history, using reconciliation and without a single vote from Republicans.

Biden and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer gambled that Republicans would never unify around a debt-ceiling hike. Schumer kept snarkily demanding McCarthy show the public his plans. House Republicans did — one that “slashes” spending all the way back to 2022 levels and then allows 1% increases per year moving forward. Everyone on the left, which is to say most people in political journalism, keep framing the debate as if this never happened.

So, while we can’t bore into the souls of the participants and expose their true feeling about a potential default, the fact is that the only people in that entire conversation who have already passed a hike to the debt limit are House Republicans. Democrats could just sign off on it if they wanted. No default.

No one, of course, expects Democrats to unilaterally surrender. But media always covers negotiations over spending as if the organic center, the endpoint, the only reasonable place to be, stands not between the desires of two competing political parties or two competing branches of government but rather wherever Democrats happen to reside. One side is trying to save the nation from default and economic ruin; the other is a reckless “hostage taker” intent on rolling back progress.

Just ask Jeff Stein, the Washington Post econ reporter, who notes that progressives and Democrats are concerned about a “Biden-McCarthy deal that they fear rewards the GOP for taking the debt limit hostage.” Or even better, “‘Debt-Limit Terror’ Is No Way to Run a Superpower,” says Susan Glasser.

The ceiling, quite self-evidently, was passed to control government debt. That’s why it exists. Those who demand reforms are no more taking hostages than those who demand unfettered spending. The left proposes raising a bunch of taxes. The right proposes rolling back spending to levels from a year ago. Reasonable people can disagree about who’s right. Yet, the default position of the Washington press corps seems to be that anything other than an automatic hike — a “clean” bill — is some kind of attack on democracy.

Unlike many reporters, Lemire at least acknowledges, however begrudgingly, that Republicans have already hiked the debt ceiling. “McCarthy,” he notes, “managed to narrowly pass his GOP spending bill in late April” — as if everything in D.C., including the massive “Inflation Reduction Act,” weren’t “narrowly” passed. The rest of the piece, like so many others, is strewn with mythology — “Biden and his team had been buoyed by their belief that a consensus building approach” are words that appear in this piece. All of it is so lazy and transparent, and insufferable.

David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist. Harsanyi is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of five books – the most recent, “Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent.” His work has appeared in National Review, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Reason, New York Post and numerous other publications. Follow him on Twitter @davidharsanyi.


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David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Dictator Beijing biden HID for MONTHS on dealing with the ceiling debt limit and has done NOTHING about it except say he’s blameless. What a bunch of BS.
He runs off to Japan and then he puts some losers in charge to negotiate and on top of that he hides in Delaware every weekend WASTING our tax dollars to hide at home or get on tv for a few seconds and blame’s Republicans for his DISASTERS he created in the first place.
Dictator Beijing biden IS RESPONSIBLE for it and as usual the FAKE news media lies for him.
Don’t forget the stupid faces on FAKE news who make stupid facial expressions when they lie to you. Your local news does the same thing. It’s called: INDOCTRINATION.
If the U.S. defaults the blame clearly lies upon Dictator Beijing biden and his Communist Party.
Can’t blame Republicans since they are the only ones trying to do something. The FAKE news leaves that out.

1 year ago

Whether we want a debt ceiling limit, default, no negotiations or some other play on words, if we just continue to pass the buck and print more money we will continue on the bankrupt merry-go-round. Our government is notorious for out of control spending especially on pet projects the career politicians want. When there are hundreds of pages in these bills that no one actually reads, who really cares? The very life and future of our country is at stake and we continue to avoid the inevitable. This only goes to show that most politicians don’t really care about America’s future, only about themselves and their party. So sad.

1 year ago

Appears grandma is headed over the cliff… again. It is the media. Show of hands they are surprised by this? Seeing none, I am back to work.

1 year ago

David Harsanyi said, “threatening an unconstitutional plan to use the 14th Amendment to pay off debt.” I don’t think anyone is paying off any debt. I think what they are doing is raising the bar so they can issue more debt. True some of it will go to pay maturing bonds and interest, but at the end of the day, the overall total debt will not be reduced.

1 year ago

So what’s new. Standard operations of the media! Lie, lie and lie some more for the left.

1 year ago

DemonRats have NO Knowledge of economics. They are stealing and throwing our tax dollars into the wind. Ignorance on display.

1 year ago

China is probably planning foreclosure on our debt.

Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens
1 year ago

Our ‘fourth estate’ folks have moved so far left that they almost don’t cater to the center of the ‘bell curve’ of reasonable folks. They are aiming for the leftists, wacko leftists, socialists, and even communists with their ‘NEWS’. I thought CBS was closer to the middle of the road untill recently. They just lost me! I’m enjoying AMAC and World News, and 1440. ONLY a drumming by people turning OFF the mainstream news will get their attention. $$$$ talk! Time for a Bud Light or Target moment!

1 year ago

Just another lying liberal……….

Fred Noel
Fred Noel
1 year ago

McCarthy is holding his ground. You can’t give the Democrats an inch. If the debt limit is increased the Democrats will spend every penny of it on wasteful pork projects before Biden’s term is up.
If the American families have to live with in their means and pay their loans and bills. Why doesn’t the government have to?

1 year ago

Number one, the dems will never agree to something that wasn’t their idea. That will make them appear weak. Number two, they will never agree to anything the republicans suggest because they would look like they lack control. They are full of selfish pride and that’s a hard wall to break through.

1 year ago

The media cares NOTHING about honesty. They’ve were bought and paid for a few years back. This is when you’ll see if mccarthy will help the people or help the democraps. It’s that simple.

Jeff Noncent
Jeff Noncent
1 year ago

It’s a shame to see what the Republicans and the Democrats is doing to this country ot make me sick all around

1 year ago

And after all that, McCarthy caves, as usual!

1 year ago

There’s a reason the Lame Stream Media is at all time low of mistrust. The lop-sided coverage of the debt ceiling story.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Rigged for Depression ahead

J. Farley
J. Farley
1 year ago

What’s new with the News Media being Dis-honest, in the last 50 years when have they been Honest?
Liar’s, Liar’s!

Corbin L Douthitt
Corbin L Douthitt
1 year ago

$4.71 TRILLION is the 2023-2024 revenue. $12.9 BILLION a day coming in. Of that- $2.345 Trillion is income taxes – $1.586 Trillion is PAYROLL taxes $501 BILLION is CORPORATE taxes..Think about that number and source— corporations do not ‘pay’ taxes- they COLLECT them for the IRS. When YOU buy the goods/services YOU pay the taxes owed on them.THEN you pay sales tax on that..There is only ONE taxpayer- It ain’t corporations– It ain’t the Congress- and it ain’t the government or the private sector- it is the American citizen working, buying, spending trying to live that PAYS the taxes. Our government has plenty of revenue coming in to pay it’s bills- except for what the Democrats want to waste, give away to countries that hate us and that they cut out of the GNP by eliminating oil/gas/coal production and pushing their failed Green ideology upon the market.

1 year ago

Xidens WH administration and himself are the biggest damn liar’s this country has seen!! The Pravda-like MSM goosesteps along with this crap spuing excuse for a president!!! Dear God, I’m so sick of him and the dem-o-rats swamp creatures!!!

Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
1 year ago

It always is dishonest. Most of the media is in bed with the Democrats so every debate is presented as the GOP is wrong and to blame and the Democrats are noble and right. Its a lie, but that’s how they sway public opinion and get trash like Biden elected. Much of the media are active members of the swamp.

Steven Glenn Tapper
Steven Glenn Tapper
1 year ago

Every time Democrats are in office and spend our tax dollars on worthless social programs that never solve the problems that they were created for but wind up growing the government, we always wind up in a game of chicken as to the debt limit. The debt limit is supposed to serve as a device to curb wasteful spending and needless taxation. McCarthy and the Republicans have come up with a reasonable spending bill which limits future spending and keeps the country fiscally sound. Of course the Democrats oppose any spending limits and the PR division of the Democrat Party, the mainstream media will slant reporting to obscure the truth about the debt limit negotiations. If the Democrats are obstinate and allow the country to default then Biden and the media own this mess that they have created.

1 year ago

So what should I expect? Complete honesty in elected politicians? Complete honesty in the media? It is to laugh. Our government, elected officials, and our media are a disgusting conglomeration of assorted liars, cheats, perverts, sexual deviants, and Godless socialists bent on destroying America to build back under the one-world government. I assume that any politician speaking to the American public is lying through his teeth, especially demo/socialists.

1 year ago

The debt we’re talking about goes back to the middle of the 20th century when the government spent relentlessly on infrastructure and job creation to make a middle class possible for the next few decades. Once those people reaped the benefits of those policies, they turned around and slammed the door in the face of the future generations. Any politician from either side of the aisle who proposed some version of the spending that was happening in the ‘40s and ‘50s would be decried as a socialist by today’s boomers. You’re just lucky nobody tried to pull this brinksmanship BS with the policies that gave you good jobs and good homes.

Elena Tellez
Elena Tellez
1 year ago

We just need to stop the excessive spending, and cut all the useless, worthless, government agencies. It’s that simple. Biden et al obstructionism is totally unAmerican and unAcceptable. We have a criminal, demented, man here who can’t find his way out of the bathroom, trying to bully intelligent conservatives. Ain’t gunna happen, y’all.

1 year ago

The Constitution limits the Fedgov to raising taxes through only the House of Representatives . So, why bother “negotiating” with the Executive ? I can see the Congress asking what the Executive needs or wants , but ultimagely , it is Congress sole power to raise money . But , the Democrats , when in power , cause the Fedgov to borrow tons of money , with the intent of forcing the Congress to raise taxes to cover the debt they create . Perhaps , the Congress should wite a law limiting the Fedgov and the Federal Reserve system on borrowing .

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Brandon is never giving in to the republicans. He thinks his way is the only way and destroying America is the goal, to keep power for always. What better way to destroy America let it go bankrupt. That way they control the people for all times.
The dems have destroyed democracy, we have a dictatorship.

1 year ago

Wow – what a great article exposing yet again the ridiculous, selfish,power hungry, pure politics of the marxist democrat party and joebama!
They care NOT about Citizens,Our Country or Freedom, ONLY about themselves ,power and money.
Truly these traitors hate America and seek to destroy it.

John Hancock
John Hancock
1 year ago

Reality. The intent is to default planned by the puppet-masters. Afghan II designed to hurt the U.S. as has everything Joe has done and help the Chinese. SO OBVIOUS !!! but so unbelievable no one wants to believe it.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

The Republican House has fulfilled its Constitutional duty by passing a bill raising the debt ceiling. If there is any default, it is ENTIRELY on Biden’s and Schumer’s shoulders!

Ron Quasebarth
Ron Quasebarth
1 year ago

The American taxpayer receives less and less while paying more and more. The left will pay for this I think in the ’24 election.

1 year ago

Joe has no intention to conceding anything to the republicans. First he can blame them for not negotiating in good faith (media aided) and secondly then blame them for the disruptive govt shutdown. McCarthy should come right out and devulge his strategy ahead of time and gain the initiative. “This is what Joe is planning”.

1 year ago

When biden and the dems say “no negotiation” is that really how American Government is suppossed to work? Sounds arrogant and unamerican to me.

1 year ago

Everyone elected has to remember they work the people.And they should not have power to fix the system for their service with entitlements.The benefits of service need to be restructured. And shut the bar down.

1 year ago

Deal made Saturday. Congress will be given 72 hours to read ONLY 130 Pages! Imagine that! An open and transparent Debt Ceiling bill that Congress has time to read. Based on press conferences from Speaker McCarthy it sounds like a very good deal. DON’T MESS IT UP ELECTED OFFICIALS! Read it and pass it. IT’S A GOOD DEAL! GET IT DONE and then get back the Senate and Presidency in 2024 to get better deals for the AMERICAN PEOPLE. Thank you.

1 year ago

the whole thing is an insult to the taxpaying Americans

1 year ago

National Debt increased +$7-Trillion during Trump’s four year term. Are Republicans okay with that & not worried about debt ? That debt increase cannot continue at the pace it has for the last 13-years or USA is headed for big trouble in River City……………

1 year ago

Kevin is saying to hisdelf, as he’s hand shaking,God I wish you we’re Trump.

1 year ago

All men and women are liars.

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