
National Security , Newsline

Border Crisis: What Happened to Prime-Time Coverage of the Southern Border?

Posted on Wednesday, February 22, 2023
by AMAC, Bob Carlstrom

President Biden and members of his administration are knowingly making false statements about the rampant illegal immigration taking place along the U.S.-Mexico border as the problem continues to get much worse.

Take, for example, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas who told a Congressional panel last year that he still believes that America’s southern border is secure, saying in response to a question about his confidence, “Yes, and we are working day in and day out to enhance security,” Fox News reported. Then there is Vice President Kamala Harris, the White House’s anointed ‘Border Czar,’ who told NBC News’ Chuck Todd that “the border is secure,” as Todd tried desperately to keep from smiling in disbelief. 

So what happened to prime-time coverage of the humanitarian disaster unfolding at the Southern Border? Does the woke liberal media care about the coyotes who prey on poor, defenseless families to smuggle them to the land of the free, or do they do an exposé about the human traffickers taking kidnapped Central American daughters into the international sex trade? We’ve come to expect that some of our politicians will lie every once in a while, Democrats more often than not. When that happens, the media, in theory, is supposed to be there to check them, playing the role of a citizen watchdog with the public’s interest at heart. Sounds like a wonderful system. But the reality, unfortunately, is quite different.

Mark Morgan, a visiting fellow in the Border Security and Immigration Center at The Heritage Foundation and the former Acting Commissioner of the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) from 2019-2021, recently wrote, “For the most part, however, the media has not only largely ignored the border crisis, but has actively participated in the left’s campaign to mislead and deceive Americans about the scope, scale, and causes of the crisis.”

In 2021-2022, the CBP reported over 2 million known apprehensions along the U.S.-Mexico border, the largest number since the bureau started keeping statistics. What is equally frightening is hearing liberal pundits, woke journalists, and media elitists try to lay the blame of the current crisis at the feet of former President Donald Trump, who during his tenure actually had the lowest number of CBP border apprehensions in recorded history – before the pandemic ever began. Those frail-mannered writers perched in their glass covered, air-conditioned towers are either uneducated about the facts, in which case they are terrible researchers and thus terrible writers, intentionally misleading their readership, or worse, knowingly lying about the desperate situation experienced by millions of people.

Border apprehensions are an important statistic and forecasting barometer for the magnitude of the situation, which is clearly beyond crisis level today. However, the real statistic that Morgan and few others dare to state is that, in addition to the 2 million border apprehensions that we know about, there were approximately 1 million “got aways,” people who we know successfully crossed the border into the U.S. last year alone. Those are folks who were seen on camera, sensors and even witnessed by border agents but never caught. On top of that, there are the unknown “got aways,” people who slipped through undetected, which is statistically one or two times as many as the known “got aways.” That equates to roughly 1-2 million more illegal immigrants living in the U.S. on President Biden’s watch in just two short years.

Some writers on the left think they are being clever and can distract readers away from the truth using shiny numbers. For example, sometimes writers on the left will try to downplay the number of crossings by claiming that many of the people are repeat offenders, that is people who were previously apprehended, turned away back into Mexico, and got caught trying to enter again, some 5 or 6 times. The problem with that trickery is the fact that, regardless of the number of times a person tries to cross, each time they get apprehended, that is law enforcement time, energy, and resources spent away from other methods of securing our border, like going after the bad guys bringing fentanyl onto the American streets, instead of sitting in a facility processing the same guy that was processed 4 months ago.

In his stinging rebuke of the liberal media’s coverage of the crisis at the southern border, if you could even call it that, Commissioner Morgan cites a handful of all conservative writers who aren’t afraid to speak the truth about the death and destruction being watched over, processed or unaccounted for with American taxpayer dollars. At the same time, his point concludes with what can only be called journalistic malpractice by the left’s media empires.

Morgan concludes his thoughts with genuineness and candor, saying, “One has to ask to all this dishonesty: Why?” He goes on,”Why are so many in corporate media not only ignoring the crisis, but actively trying to deceive Americans when they do cover it? How did this piece make it past an editor?”

More and more Americans are coming to terms with the liberal media’s agenda when it comes to coverage of the crisis on our southern border. We are seeing past the falsehoods, misleading statistics, and blame shift that arrogant globalists write as if they know what is best for America. This is the behavior of an industry in decline, in power, size, and influence, as reflected by Americans’ growing distrust of the liberal mainstream media. You would think they would learn, but it appears that advertorials posing as investigative journalism is too profitable not to continue.

Bob Carlstrom is President of AMAC Action.

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David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
I’m still waiting for even FAKE Local news to even cover the ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST INVASION on a daily basis which is an Act of War.
Including report how many ILLEGAL ALIEN TERRORIST are running free in the USA and TERRORIZING Americans receiving government benefits at Tax payers expense, SAFETY, and OUR SOVEREIGNTY.
Also, still waiting for FAKE news to cover how DICTATOR Beijing Biden STOLE Sensitive Highly Classified Documents out of the White House and hide them everywhere WITHOUT National Security Clearance.

Larry Bush
Larry Bush
1 year ago


Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

Very important article ,Mr.Carlstrom , right to the point, clear description of the issue. What Mark Morgan , of the Heritage Foundation, said about the media and how it “… has actively participated in the left’s campaign to mislead and deceive Americans about the scope, scale and causes of the crisis.” I reckon that gets to the heart of the matter. The word camouflage comes to mind , news that presents only a very limited view of what is going on is not really news, in fact , probably better described as deception. So the camouflage tactic for reporting news seems to be acceptable to some people, those who do not care all that much for the truth apparently. Those of us who do care about the truth can see clearly that when certain things are missing that are part of the story it is going to make for a far different understanding of the situation. Your writing on this extremely important matter is appreciated, Well Done !

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Fox Business with Varney covers border
None yet on NewsMax

1 year ago

Most Americans can’t handle the truth of the border. For MSM worshippers seeing the border in real time would destroy everything they believe to be the truth. Out of sight out of mind.

judy setran
judy setran
1 year ago

Hmmm.this where you ,I and the rest of America are being called to action.There are many citizen Journalist out there reporting almost daily and let me just say They are bringing eye opening truths don’t be afraid to seek them out. Anthony Aguerro, Rav, 1st responders media are there at least once a week as are others ,

1 year ago

Our MSM has been leading this country around by the nose for the last 30 or 40 years. They don’t lie so much as they just tell us what they want us to know, the spin. They are the real power brokers in this country, making it difficult to find out what is really the truth.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Brandon and the gang are working for the pedophiles and human traffickers. Why is he ignoring the southern border while securing borders in the Ukraine and elsewhere.
Pedophilia is so prominent in Europe. It is all part of the plan. To replace all the white right Americans with the people that are coming into this country illegally.

1 year ago

The simple truth is. They are just like politicians, as they are not held accountable. They just pass the buck to the former political party. Maybe they should be held accountable as most people by rule of law. But the ones that are to be held accountable are the ones that disagree with what’s going on with illegal aliens, crt, terroristic parents in school board meetings, elections that are stolen,inflation, money being spent with no accountability, the list goes on and on. No accountability. Our complete governmental body is a total train wreck and that’s what is happening to our country. No accountability. We have the house and the purse strings. It will be interesting to see how that turns out. If I was a betting man I would bet that they cave. But I don’t have my faith in man. So here I stand because that’s all I can do. Stand. So if you feel the same way ,let’s stand together and pray for God’s divine intervention and hold us and them accountable.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

With a new Biden-caused disaster every day, it’s hard to focus on just one! Southern border crisis, now northern border crisis, environmental disasters ignored by the fed, layoffs, product shortages, millions of dollars wasted in Ukraine, Chinese balloons. Too many to count and that’s the idea. Keep all the balls in the air!

1 year ago

When are we going to stop this illegals, we cannot afford to care for everyone who claims asylum. Schools cannot take care of all these children who have little to no education, there are only so many jobs and those jobs belong to legal people. The socialist democrats believe this will secure a one political base. democrat who bleed this country

1 year ago

Schools are no longer places where learning takes place. Warehousing more likely. The illegals send their children not to learn but fed (breakfast and lunch) paid by the taxpayers. Then they’re free to roam all day. Illegals are ignored by the press because it’s boring old news. They are no longer journalists but paid lobbyists. I live in a border state and am a retired teacher. I have first hand experience of the journalists playground. My state feeds and houses illegals daily. The AZ rancher on trial for murder was defending his property and family. But what do the journalists say he killed someone in cold blood. The fact that the cartel was trespassing, smuggling and trying to harm is ignored by the “press”. Journalism is dead and the folks who did it are smiling all the way to the bank. Just wait. The tide will turn and you too can experience daily fear.

1 year ago

What bothers me is that our tax dollars are being used for whatever Biden and the left want to spend them on, not what the American people want. This border “crisis” is just one of the many methods being implemented to take down this country. That’s why they ignore us.

1 year ago

I’m still waiting for Jackass Joe Biden to offer up Florida to the Ukrainians as a “new” home! . . . Nothing this Joker does would surprise me anymore.

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

The democrats told their media outlets (CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and the AP) to stop talking about the border.

1 year ago

Since the last couple of generations have come out of the universities with political agendas, the younger reporters think it is their job to advance their beliefs through their reporting. Since 95% of them are liberal, then the news is also 95% liberal. They spent 4 years covering everything that they could spin to make Trump look bad. Now they will spend 4 years ignoring Bidens blunders and putting a good spin on whatever they can, and since Biden hasn’t done anything worthwhile they need a really good imagination.

Thomas Brown
Thomas Brown
1 year ago

Do you really think the surveillance balloons are new? Just more misdirection by the liberal propaganda department!!!

1 year ago

The first time I saw Kamala stand there and tee hee near the border… not at the border… I knew this wasn’t going to turn out well. As for the media, I gave up on them years ago. Their deal is still anti-Trump. I think the average citizen knows how the news is just so much baloney. It is no doubt one are where the Republicans can wipe up the floor with democrats over this issue (and all the rest). But while they’re at it, they get to take shots at other Republicans.

1 year ago

what happened to house hearings?

Henry D
Henry D
1 year ago

I just DO NOT understand the injustice that is taking place; did not both president Biden AND the vice president BOTH swore to uphold the Constitution – to the best of their ability DEFEND THIS COUNTRY AGAINST ALL AGGRESSORS both FOREIGN and domestic???? So.WHAT is the Justice Department waiting for, an engraving invitation? They are breaking the law and breaking their oath EVERY DAY that this invasion is going on!!!! Arrest and JAIL these offenders, doesn’t anybody have any balls these days?

1 year ago

I can tell you what happened – we stopped believing them and they stopped caring about even their own reputation!! What I don’t understand is when did our elected leaders stop caring about their oath taken when they took office having to do with following the Constitution and the rule of law!! They don’t even care about their base!! All they, especially Democrats, care about themselves, their power and their bank account!!

Donald King
Donald King
1 year ago

To the progressive/socialists the border is secure. It is delivering instant voting party members to them every day of the week. They know that each and every one of those illegals crossing over into our nation is and always will be a committed socialist party member. So to them, yes the border is secure. It’s securing securing them with more and more troops for their war against our system of government.

1 year ago

Don’t raise the debt ceiling until remain in Mexico policy is reinstated.

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
1 year ago

The Democrats want voters and big business wants a labor pool. Given this, the flood of illegals will continue.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Easy fix: hand out Republican voter registrations to every illegal crossing the border and Joe will immediately secure it. Pretty sad that this government expands its power into everything else its not authorized to do but [intentionally] fumbles the few it is.

John D
John D
1 year ago

Mainstream media will ignore the border crises only until Jose,Miguel and Juan become the nightly anchors

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