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President Biden’s Word Game

Posted on Tuesday, February 14, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Vertical word. Hint: September 2019 – A former vice president says he never spoke with his son about foreign deals worth millions, despite flying the son to Ukraine and China to negotiate these deals. The son has no expertise. Implication: Sale of office and payments for access. The legal word for what is implied begins with this letter.   

Horizontal word. Hint: Begins third letter down in vertical word. September 2019 – A former vice president speaks to the Council on Foreign Relations, boasting he forced Ukraine to fire a prosecutor investigating the company which (he does not say this) was paying his son tons. Horizontal word begins third letter down in vertical word with a letter that starts another word for the former vice president’s stupid boast, and rhymes with “bum.”

Vertical word. Hint: October 14, 2020 – The New York Post runs an article reporting a former vice president’s son left a laptop computer for repair, never retrieved it, and the laptop contains emails indicating the vice president met with a Ukrainian company paying his son lots of money. Second letter of the vertical word rhymes with “beagle” and describes the nature of what occurred. 

Horizontal word. Hint: From October 2020 forward, social media suppresses the laptop story, knowing it could change the 2020 election, implying activities unworthy of a potential president. In November, the former vice president is elected president. Second letter of horizonal word begins a quality the president does not have.

Vertical word. Hint: Multiple emails on the laptop refer in cryptic ways to the former vice president, now president, including “10 held by H for the Big Guy,” son’s “chairman,” attendee at a DC dinner with the Ukrainian company paying the son. Third letter down in vertical word was the grade-point average of the former vice president in law school.

Horizonal word. Hint: In late 2022, after Twitter is purchased by Elon Musk, data is released – confirming FBI leaders had the son’s laptop before the 2020 election, knew data high sensitivity and true, misled media outlets, and urged Twitter (perhaps others) to tamp down, remove, and punish those seeking to show laptop’s owner, data, and what it meant. Third letter of horizontal word also begins the only word in this paragraph with 11 letters.

Vertical word. Hint: After a stunning raid on former President Trump’s home, 30 FBI agents, long guns, nine hours, a general warrant (illegal under 4th amendment), pawing through the First Lady’s closet, and taking medical documents and passports, classified documents were extracted. They appear, at best, administrative mishandling. Then, before the 2022 midterm, the White House “finds” highly classified documents on foreign countries in the former vice president’s closet and later, his garage, but says nothing. Nor does the FBI until months later. Fourth letter down in the vertical word is the last letter of the president’s brand of sports car which sat in the garage with the classified document cache.

Horizonal word. Hint: In 2023, public reports indicate – and congressional investigators are exploring whether – the former vice president’s son, paid by Ukrainian and Chinese authorities, had access to the classified documents in the closet and garage. Justice and the FBI have gotten letters and congressional subpoenas – which have gone nowhere. The former vice president, now president, has not urged anyone to cooperate. The next two letters of the horizonal word are repeated three times at Christmas by Santa, who is annually tracked by NORAD more accurately than a Chinese surveillance balloon.

Vertical word. Hint: In February 2023, the son seems to admit the laptop belongs to him, along with indicting emails implicating himself, his father, and others while seeking to turn the table on those who revealed the laptop’s existence and what it contained. Ironically, this ploy weakens the son’s – and father’s – legal cases. The last two letters in the vertical word are the last two of the fourth word in the prior sentence.

Horizontal word. Hint: Mid-February 2023, congressional investigators are bearing down on father and son, Justice and FBI, AG Garland and Director Wray and may be about to shine a bright light on darkness. The last five letters of the horizontal word are the last five of a White House priority for illegal aliens (hint:  Amnesty).

Okay, so what have we? Where does all this lead? What are the vertical and horizontal words? Taken together, in context of a mountain of evidence, what do they tell us? Vertical word … oops, spoiler alert, is “B-I-D-E-N-S.” Add an apostrophe, then horizontal. What is it? Spoiler alert … “D-I-S-H-O-N-E-S-T-Y.” We are living in a world of deflection, distraction, and dishonor – defined by the “Bidens’ Dishonesty.” You got it. Double bingo! Now, let us hope the congressional investigators can get to the truth!

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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1 year ago

Nothing new here! This info about Joe Hidin’ Biden and son was public news in the months prior to his election. But the rigging of the voting was sufficient to give Biden the POTUS job …. and that means the past 3 years have been a nightmare for USA governance and honesty. Even his Delunaware constituents know this, unless they have an IQ or under 60. And it has irked me that the News Media has deliberately cold-shouldered the news regarding the dishonesty of the Biden family. God help us recover from the Biden era damage to our governance damage brought about by the Biden administration!

1 year ago

LYING, biden, JUST LIKE ALL liberals

1 year ago

Business card should read: “Joe Biden & Son”, Crime Family Extraordinaire”.

1 year ago

The bottom line is that all of this is the fault of the media and the people (however many) that may have voted for Joke Biden. The media knew about the then VP pressuring the Ukrainian government to remove a prosecutor that was investigating Hunter Biden. Joke Biden told the Ukrainian government that they wouldn’t get a billion dollar loan if the prosecutor wasn’t removed before his wheels were up in the air leaving Ukraine. Extortion anyone?? Well, the loan had already been approved and Joke Biden made light of this in front of quite a few people and it is widely available on video. He boasts about this act of criminality and the media sticks its head in the sand. This is just one of the “easy’ things to prove his dishonesty and criminality. Where was/is the media? They are complacent and should lose any and all their protections, MAYBE then we will see them at least appear impartial. We no longer have journalists, we have agents of the democratic party with microphones and news feeds.

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

We all know he’s a crook and doesn’t have America’s best interest at heart. I believe if we follow the money we’ll see exactly where Beijing Biden gets his instructions and his cash…oops, didn’t mean to give it away!

Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
1 year ago

The democrats have vompletely vorrupted our government. We need to fire 80% of all government employees write news laws a out government employment. These would include government employees total benefits and pay may never exceed 110% of average pay for equivalent jobs outside the government, its illegal for government paid employees to lay to citizens, and all government workers must work 1800 plus hours a year.

1 year ago

I feel so sorry for the population of Ukranian, but I question all the money we are giving them based on the money they paid hunter for being an expert in how to flush a toilet. There is something wrong with us giving money to benefit the puppet and his family. We need a complete investigation.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Did anyone see the million people demonstrating in Spain against the WEF global agenda?
Their plan is taking on water. Brandon can’t breathe pretty soon what with his UFO’s and document problems, inflation border, and the worst of all so-called climate change, that billions and billions cost but never will be achieved. Think of the Ohio derailment of rail cars that he okayed to be burned on purpose. But the EPA says all is well. But the fish and animals around there are dying or are already dead and the people are getting sick. But like with everything Brandon touches, nothing to see here.

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
1 year ago

The media, the deep state and big tech are all coconspirators in Biden’s illegal actions and should be held accountable. I can offer all kinds of ways to make them accountable but it seems that no one in our country, including Congress or the Supreme Court is willing to make that happen….

1 year ago

Anyone who thinks the election of Joe Biden and his crime family was anything but dishonest needs a good mind cleanse. Brandon getting more votes than OBama ever got? BO could at least look intelligent while he read the promoter. And the huge turn around in votes in he middle of the night? Come on, man! The purported press is a disaster. While we have our eyes in the sky looking for flying objects, what are they pulling off behind our backs now?

1 year ago

My 95 year old FIL has frontal lobe dementia. He and joeblow are identical in behaviors and actions. He is convinced I am dead while talking to me. He has favorite phrases that he repeats ad nauseum every time we speak. He can’t be left alone with any of the great grandchildren especially the girls, very inappropriate comments. Like joeblow, ask him, he will tell you everything is wonderful. Lost, confused, forgetful 99% of the time.

Bruce P
Bruce P
1 year ago

Dumbest article I’ve ever attempted to read. Just write the piece Dude and leave the word puzzles (without the puzzle) to the kids.

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