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McCarthy’s Snubs of Schiff, Omar, Swalwell Place Democrats in a Bind

Posted on Monday, January 30, 2023
by Daniel Berman

AMAC Exclusive – By Daniel Berman

The ideal strategy in politics is one which will unite your supporters and divide your opponents, while also leaving you on the right side of morality. In blocking Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell from the House Intelligence Committee and Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee, new Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy pulled off such a feat.

The move was almost required as a matter of partisan fair play after Democrats broke with decades of precedent to strip Georgia Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of her committee assignments, and it helped that Schiff and Omar are both hated figures among conservatives. But the true brilliance of the strategy is that neither has any business being on either Committee, a view shared by many of their Democratic colleagues, and both have a tendency to publicly demonstrate why that is with their inability to resist a microphone.

Nonetheless, Democrats are obligated to defend them for reasons of party unity, even as they are unable to rebut the arguments for their removal.

The move places Democrats in a bind from the start, given their own behavior towards Greene. For decades, it was accepted practice that each party, whether the minority or majority, was allowed to assign its own members to committees. While the majority reserved the right to decide the numerical balance of each committee, the minority leader chose which members filled their party’s spots. Democrats broke this precedent when they ejected Greene from her committees. Having done so, it is impossible for them to argue on the basis of precedent against what has happened to Schiff, Swalwell, and Omar. At most, they are simply accusing the Republicans of stooping to the level of Nancy Pelosi, not a very compelling case.

Democrats have instead been forced to argue on the merits of the individual cases. This involves claiming that Greene behaved in a way that was so outside the norm it justified her removal. What makes this hard is the difficulty of describing just what she supposedly did. Few remember the original argument Democrats made, which was that Greene must be banished for comments she had made online prior to entering Congress.

But the real problem McCarthy’s move poses for Democrats is that it forces them not to justify the removal of Greene, but rather the retention of Schiff, Swalwell, and Omar on their respective committees.

For Eric Swalwell, his presence is hard to justify on the House Intelligence Committee, given his past intimate relationship with a Chinese spy. The FBI reportedly even briefed then-Speaker Pelosi on the scandal, making a clear case for why Swalwell cannot be trusted with sensitive classified information.

InSchiff and Omar’s cases, it is an even harder task, and one Democrats cannot relish.

While Adam Schiff wielded the House Intelligence Committee as a weapon against Donald Trump and those who worked for him, that was a means to an end of getting himself attention. Previous committee chairs have weaponized their committees, but tried to maintain a veneer of official pretense. Schiff made sure to brief Rachel Maddow on his committee’s work nightly, a remarkably public approach for someone supposing to investigate the Trump administration’s handling of national security.

Schiff’s contempt for anything that relates to secrecy or intelligence is one of his defining traits. Schiff took to TikTok, a platform with deep links to the Chinese Communist Party, to complain about his ousting, evidently forgetting Biden had signed a law – which Schiff cosponsored – in December banning use of the app on government devices. In using the app, Schiff also stepped on the messaging of his former counterpart in the Senate, Mark Warner, the Chair of Select Intelligence Committee who has proposed a much more extensive ban of the app.

Schiff’s record makes it hard for Democrats to mount a compelling case that he is the most qualified Democratic pick for the committee, or that his loss will hurt the country. Worse, he has shown a contempt for his party and colleagues.

It must also be grating for Democrats that Schiff used his removal as a platform to announce a campaign for Senate to replace Diane Feinstein, a move which must have been in the works for some time. This in turn implies he fully expected and planned for his own removal. Democrats are now expected to fight for Schiff’s claims to the ranking spot on a House Committee when he has no intention of being in the House come 2025.

If Democrats are struggling to defend Adam Schiff, and likely resenting being forced to do so, the prospect of going to bat for Ilhan Omar’s claims to a role on the House Foreign Relations Committee must infuriate them. In 2021, more than a dozen House Democrats signed a letter declaring that “Equating the United States and Israel to Hamas and the Taliban is as offensive as it is misguided,” and revealed a “deep-seated prejudice.” In 2019, Nancy Pelosi had already rebuked and forced a House vote condemning antisemitism after Omar suggested supporters of Israel in the United States “held allegiance to a foreign power.”

When it comes to mixed allegiances, there are reasons beyond her bigotry and prejudices towards Israel that Omar should not be on a committee dealing with foreign policy. There is extensive evidence that Omar has maintained ties to clan networks in Somalia and has used her position in the U.S. government to interfere in Somali politics, including efforts to oust the elected president in favor of one backed by her clan. This provoked a major backlash in the Somali-American community, with Omar having to flee a community gathering in her district to escape angry crowds. It also contributed to her narrow 50%-48% primary victory in 2022.

If Omar is unqualified by both her anti-American ideology and her inability to avoid engaging in foreign politics on behalf of her clan and relatives, then her behavior with colleagues, especially in response to criticism, explains why they must find defending her so painful. She proclaimed in response to the aforementioned letter that “The islamophobic tropes in this statement are offensive. The constant harassment & silencing from the signers of this letter is unbearable.”

Omar presents a particular challenge for moderate Democrats. Unlike the House Intelligence Committee–where, as a “Select” Committee, McCarthy, as Speaker, has the right to eject members at will–spots on the Foreign Affairs Committee are in theory subject to election by the entire House. That means Omar can challenge her removal, and she has made clear she fully intends to do so.

Worse, from the perspective of moderate Democrats, the vote looks to be close – a consequence of a closely divided House, an absent Republican, and three Republicans who have come out against removal on the basis of precedent. That is the exact number McCarthy can afford to lose, meaning that there is a good chance the vote of any single Democratic representative is the deciding one for whether Omar returns to the Committee.

Omar’s Democratic critics face only bad options. If they support her, they are arguing that she belongs on the House Foreign Relations Committee, and will have to defend that position back home in their districts. That will be a particularly difficult explanation for the nine of the twelve signatories of the 2021 letter who are still in office.

If, however, Democrats don’t support Omar, they are, in the words of the House Progressive Caucus’ response to the 2021 letter, ignoring “a right-wing media echo chamber that has deliberately and routinely attacked a Black, Muslim woman in Congress, distorting her views and intentions, and resulting in threats against Rep. Omar and her staff.” In other words, progressives assert, by not supporting Omar for Foreign Relations, they are endangering her very life.

Either way, McCarthy has already won. He has forced the entire Democratic caucus, including future candidates for Senate and governorships, to risk their careers vouching for Schiff’s and Omar’s fitness for roles to which they are manifestly unfit. McCarthy seems to have set himself up for an easy political victory.

Daniel Berman is a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics. He also writes as Daniel Roman.

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1 year ago

I don’t see it as a snub. I see it as simply having to tolerate ignorance. I bet everyone has worked with people like this over the years. My tendency is to ignore.

1 year ago

It is my understanding that Omar was appointed anyway! She got the votes needed to get the position! What is going on down there in DC??????

Frank 629
Frank 629
1 year ago

So far McCarthy is pushing all the right buttons. Hope he keeps it up regarding the budget.

Jane DeGeorge
Jane DeGeorge
1 year ago

Thank you Dinesh & AMAC.US. Glad that Kevin McCarthy put them in a bind; they need to be in shackles! Along with all elected officials on both sides who snub Christ & who sidestep the Constitution & sneer at the Mayflower Compact & scoff at the ONE who the singers of dedicated this land to.

Ben Ray
Ben Ray
1 year ago

This was perfect action by McCarthy! Kudos. All of it was applied appropriately for absolutely justified reasons. I hope this sets the tone for future efforts by Republicans… long overdue.

legally present
legally present
1 year ago

Adam Schiff as a Senator??? When they play ALL the outright LIES he did on the floor of the House, and he says it was just a parody, and that’s ALL some people heard, there’s no wonder they stirred the hatred for President Trump. Did CNN, MSNBC, and the alphabet stations air this and the rebuttal??? I don’t think so, they also have a deep hatred of the prosperity President Trump brought to our country, illegal aliens were returned to Mexico, and Biden made sure they were welcomed, and NOW these illegal aliens treated to hotel rooms, now ousted to make room for illegal alien families, are protesting and DEMANDING America provide them with homes and apartments. This is what is happening to our country! It’s sickening!

1 year ago

These 2 committees have to do with National Security and the Safety our agents and Americans. These 3 are either compromised, deceitful, or unqualified! Period. Security of our Nation first! Politics lasts!

1 year ago

Since when is tit for tat not fair play? . . .
What’s good for the goose is good for the gander! . . . Just a couple of old sayings that seem to appropriately fit today! . . .
Oh, that’s right, Dems don’t play by rules that are even for both sides. Let’s give them all a hankie and a stool to sit on in the corner but I guarantee that they will still cry foul and pout for a lifetime!

1 year ago

One line turned my “this is so good” into “you have got to be kidding”. That line is “… will have to defend that position back home in their districts.” When have any elected democrats even tried to defend their positions back home? they have done whatever they pleased and said very little or nothing to defend their decisions. GIVE ME A BREAK
great article BTW

1 year ago

DEPORT them AND ALL liberals AND illegals TO, STAT, TO MAGA

joe Loglisci
joe Loglisci
1 year ago

Same old dumb a** republicans! This is why things never change and never will!

1 year ago

Omar should fear for herself & pack up & go back to Somalia where she belongs, she is a traitor & hates America. Not that everyone already knew, but she lied & cheated to get re-elected

1 year ago

Rearranging the chairs on the titanic after its struck the iceberg.

Go find or BUILD a life boat. This ship is going down.

The interest on the debt ( now 31 trillion) makes it impossible to overcome. This comes at no surprise to anyone who has paid even the littlest bit of attention. No one in Congress is going to chage anything. They all have their little bolt-holes, private jets, and piles of gold all ready.
They are happily running up the credit card because they know they are not going to pay. A new currency and bank holiday’s and bail in are coming. ( For US, not them)

This is meaningless garbage and matters not a whit. Theater literally.

Did you know the last, What was it? 7.5 trillion dollar spending bill has all the money for the next TWO YEARS allocated? That right, This Congress for all their bluster is already toothless and can’t do anything about it. If even the could or wanted to (which the don’t) ITS TOO LATE.

Don’t pay attention to this adolescent B.S.

Put your houses in order and get ready.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

Put them on the water committee for that town that doesn’t have decent water. Then we’ll see if they can actually do good for the people of America.

Ann S
Ann S
1 year ago

Deep state is alive and well in DC.
If a Republican representative had said on Tik Tok what Schiff said the MSM would have been all over it. Ms Greene was ejected from the committee and an immigrant who became a citizen, Omar, and whose only purpose was to come here to undermine America was appointed to the committee. Excuse me!!!
That is what I don’t understand.

The dems fraud voting system is working well. Wake up america we are being destroyed from within and you are blind to see it.
Adam Schiff is the propaganda mouthpiece for the communists and satanists here and abroad.
All the lies are finally coming out in the open. This is only the tip of the iceberg. Much much more will come out.

Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

What goes around, comes around, albeit more slowly than we want. The insurmountable debt dems and rinos have scared Americans and future generations for life.

1 year ago

all three need to be removed immediately. You do not have to find a cause just watch and listen to what they say. Schiff is a born liar, Omar hates America and should be removed from any political office, Sawall should move to China and be a spy for the communist party. How can an honest democrat go to bat for any of them, they are traitors to America

1 year ago

There are no easy victories as was proved by the last election – which should have been “an easy victory” for many more Republican candidates.jevam

William C Smith
William C Smith
1 year ago

Omar disparages non-Muslim America. She exemplifies behavior probable as Muslims increase their numbers in any country where they are a minority. Observe countries where they have established “no-go” enclaves avoided by local authorities. Schiff and Swalwell have displayed their brand of partisanship and ignorance for years. America will be best served if they don’t.

1 year ago

“You get what you deserve.” “Payback is a ‘female dog’!” Etc….

Nancy PaLoser started this. The Lunie Left was warned this would happen.

1 year ago

If those politicians would skip their party loyalties and vote their conscience, the choice would be easy.

Allan E Brem
Allan E Brem
1 year ago

The last two years of Pelosi cover anything McCarthy has or will do.

Lee Birdwell
Lee Birdwell
1 year ago

I resent journalists labeling Omar as Muslim. Despite her claims of it, she does not live the life of a devout Muslim. Infidelity, incest, lying, cheating, on and on. She is a disgrace to that community.

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

So let me get this right, the dims claimed that Green behaved in a way that was outside the norm in order to remove her from her committees, then it was up to the Republicans to argue or prove they were wrong and that she belonged…right?

This should be a no-brainer. Swalwell…TREASON! Schiff…TREASON! Omar…TREASON! How can the dims possibly be able to spin it to where anyone can say they’ve been wronged? It’s constantly been in your face the whole time.

Do as I say, not as I do, is getting old. Let’s get real, at the very least these people should be behind bars.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Omar is an open hater of Israel. Swalwell carried on a sexual affair with a Communist Chinese spy, and Schiff is a partisan hack who perpetually lied and illegally leaked out sensitive information. None of these miscreants are even lightly qualified to be on committees that have classified information. The Marxist Democrats need to accept the fact that Swalwell, Omar, and Schiff can’t be trusted to protect the freedoms and liberties of the American people.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

Omar isn’t even a legitimate US Citizen. She got citizenship by being married to a citizen who just “happened ” to be her own BROTHER! Even the liberal MN papers noted that. If our HHS or INS had integrity, they would revoke her “citizenship” as fraudulent.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Pay back is a bi*ch, isn’t it Democrats?? Maybe you should think about that the next time you want to block the opposing party members from important committee positions!! You set the precedent by your past actions, Republicans only follow your lead!!! I’m not saying that the Republican couldn’t have taken the high road but maybe Democrats need to be taught a lesson!!! This is America!!

1 year ago

The democrats are an “inclusive” party. It includes, Jew haters, america haters, communists and chinese spies.

1 year ago

Is Omar even an American citizen?

1 year ago

What’s good for a goose is good for a gander. Pelosi to applause of the rest of her radical anti-American party picked this fight, not let them enjoy it. Actually McCarthy should exclude these three from joining any committee, just to amplify what Pelosi started. He can’t be kind to these as.holes, this is the only language they understand.

Emily Y
Emily Y
1 year ago

Remember Gen Petraeus

Tell me
Tell me
1 year ago

Kevin your gonna need 15 votes sorry lol

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

This horse manure of somebody denigrating the U.S. and allies and then claiming some BS bias or prejudice when called on it should be articulated for the crap it is every time it is attempted. Schiff is the liar extraordinaire making Biden’s silly lies seem like a demented person who can’t remember their history.

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
1 year ago

Kevin McCarthy took the first step in removing Schiff, Swalwell and Omar from Foreign Affairs Committee but now should take the next step into a thorough investigation into their treasonous actions against the United States of America. This implication alone on what we already know about them should be automatic termination from office but should include, when proven guilty, long federal prison time.

1 year ago

A person should not be on a committee if they are not doing a good job & should be removed. But this should not be done just so that one party shows their power. There are many major problems facing the USA at the current time & it is time for Congress to start working together for all Americans & not just what their party wants. ” Nero fiddled while Rome burned “

1 year ago

AS bad as those three are, they are just the loudest ones in the democrat party. Why their voters reelect them time after time is a mystery to me. I would be ashamed to say either of them is my congressperson!

Candace Gonzalez
Candace Gonzalez
1 year ago

And who are the sorry republicans citing precedent? Democrats didn’t give a damn about precedent…why should ANY republic? That’s the republicans’ problem; loyalty. They simply do not have it. The democrats would fight for the Devil himself, but no, not the stinking republicans. They make me sick and I refuse to donate to ANY of them any more.

1 year ago

If she doesn’t like Americans or Israel, maybe she should go back where she came from. What is she doing in our government and is it ok to put Americans in danger as well as our own security? How Dim can they get?

1 year ago

That’s three less traders that don’t belong in congress at all

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
Why aren’t ALL 3 in PRISON?
Forgot, the self righteous FASCIST liberals can do no wrong and the Law doesn’t apply to them.
Just watch FAKE news and they’ll back the FASCIST liberals up.
The Law only applies to them for political gain and power and weaponization of ALL Federal Law enforcement agencies to be used against INNOCENT AMERICANS but not against the Socialist/Communist/Fascist/Woke/Self Righteous democrats.
That’s TOXIC democrats in action.

1 year ago

NOTHING else? Didn’t read the article, did you?!!!

1 year ago

Any chance AOC and Nancy could be added to the list? Just for stupidity and corruption?!!!

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
1 year ago

Seems they not only to appeal to a few GOP misguided reps. Living in a vacuum, these reps whine about fairness without acknowledging the well documented actions of the three miscreants. Those actions should disqualify the three from serious adult activities.

1 year ago

After all the Damage Done From Nancy Pelosi And To Top It Off Was A Couple Of Republicans, Liz Chaney and Adam Kinzinger To Sit On A Panel To Judge Trump As The Person WHO Put Together The Jan. 6th Movement To Enter / Storm The Capitol. All Of Which Was A Made Up LIE By None Other And Particularly Adam SCHIFF !
It’s A Good Thing That Liz Chaney Was Defeated And Had To Leave Washington Politics ! The Problem Is
What Will Happen To Adam Shiff Should He Make The Move Toward The Senate ? WHO Will He Replace ?

Nick Patriot
Nick Patriot
1 year ago

Nobody cares what a commie troll like you has to say. Go back to Cuba.

Francois Kalo N'Tambwe
Francois Kalo N'Tambwe
1 year ago

Yes I introduce everyone in Way the mature organization in USA

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