By now, just about everyone has heard about the massive campaign of lies that Republican George Santos fabricated that just got him elected to a congressional seat from New York.
In his various appearances and interviews to explain himself, the lack of shame he seems to feel is almost as uncanny as the lies themselves.
Sadly, Santos is a child and product of the troubling and, yes, dangerous state of affairs in our nation today.
A friend sent me a short cartoon version of Hans Christian Andersen’s tale, “The Emperor’s New Clothes.”
The shyster weavers convince the vain emperor that there really are clothes when in fact there is nothing. They convince him that only fools and those unqualified in their work can’t see the fabric.
The only thing on anyone’s mind is what others think of them. There is no truth, only appearances.
Until one naive and unindoctrinated child steps forward and tells the truth that the emperor is naked.
It’s what happens when people become unmoored and lose a sense that there is something called reality, something bigger than themselves, of which they are a part.
A vital part of a child’s development is learning they are not the center of the world. That there are others, and they must be aware of the line where they end and others and the world outside begin.
In traditional cultures, there are rites of passage where children formally become adults and assume the responsibilities of adults.
But today, in our nation, where a sense of objective right and wrong has widely disappeared, there are no rites of passage, and many remain perpetually children. They insist the world is the way they want it to be rather than appreciating that there is a greater reality to which all must submit.
We see it culturally, economically and fiscally.
I write all the time about the mind-boggling debt being accumulated on the backs of American citizens. Fiscal responsibility is realism. It means the numbers must add up and debts are not incurred without clear ways to pay for them.
One analyst from the Institute for Policy Innovation calculates our national debt amounts to almost $600,000 per every American man, woman and child. This includes not just federal obligations on the order of some $30 trillion, but also debts built into Social Security and Medicare from an insufficient tax base to meet the obligations that must be met in upcoming years.
Yet what did this Congress do before ending its term? Pass another $1.7 trillion in spending.
The piper will be paid, and this is called reality.
On the cultural front, the U.S. Supreme Court, and now the U.S. Congress, has, based on politics and whim, redefined the eternal institution called marriage.
Is it any surprise, shortly after deciding you don’t need a man and a woman to constitute marriage, that now even who is a man and who is a woman is matter of personal whim?
So, George Santos is the man of our time. Why should he feel the need to submit to any “reality” more than what is happening in our culture at large?
What did Santos fabricate any more than the “1619 Project” fabricated about what American history is about?
Santos shows little shame because shame comes with appreciation that there are truths — right and wrong.
There is no shame in a culture where we make everything up.
Fortunately, there are many Americans who have not become detached from reality and see what is happening. But, still, many are afraid to say the emperor is naked.
But how long can widespread detachment from reality continue?
Meanwhile, an unrepentant liar, George Santos, a child of woke America, will be sworn into the sacred duty as a member of the U.S. Congress.
Star Parker is president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education and host of the weekly television show “Cure America with Star Parker.” To find out more about Star Parker and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.
Liars are sworn-in everywhere, yet this magnanimous offering of taking an oath has little to no oversight with no real consequence when one violates that promise. Politicians have that unspoken privilege to change those rules that somehow doesn’t apply to we, the represented. Why is this suddenly a big deal?
Say what you want, the man made fools of the people he won’t represent and the Republican Party who he will not serve. What committees will they assign him to? He got elected to congress with Republican campaign funds and support of the people who voted for him. Can the GOP do any more to discredit our faith in the party – maybe electing a Democrat to be the speaker of the house….
I’m shocked! Shocked I say that there most people who go into politics lie through their teeth non-stop and don’t stand for any of the values they campaigned on. They rely on the average voter just making a choice based on a 30 second TV or radio ad. What is this world coming to? Who is going to save us from voters that can’t be bothered to dig into the backgrounds of most of the people they vote for? What will become of us? Oh the horror of it all!!! Okay that is enough of the dripping sarcasm for now. I’m sure there will be lots of comments about “If only we had an honest MSM to do their job of looking into all these candidates.” Yeah, well that is not happening anytime soon, so it is up the individual voter to do the work. Believe me, I get that the MSM is screaming about this clown 24×7 as if no one has ever lied about their background before in order to get elected to Congress. At least half of Congress wouldn’t pass a deep dive into their backgrounds. So lets look at the real reason for the MSM bluster and nashing of teeth. It takes the spotlight off of other more important things the Democrats are currently doing, that will really impact most Americans in 2023. This clown is simply the latest shiny ball that the MSM is dangling in front of the short attention span public. In a week or so, the MSM will have moved onto the next incredible outrage they want us all to focus on.
Once the farce of the Speakership election is finally decided on the GOP side in the House, then this guy will either be booted from Congress altogether or just sworn in and told he won’t get any committee assignments on anything. Effectively ending his political career as he symbolically sits in the corner for the next 2 years. Those are the realistic options.
More like the child of ‘DUH’ America.
He is an example of INDOCTRINATION being a member of the LOSERS WOKE CULT.
Pay attention kiddies. This is what happens when you don’t THINK for yourself and BE AN AMERICAN.
You become a member of the
Ask the companies going BROKE from LOSER WOKE.
A child of woke America lol
More like a child of Trump, he’s a Trump fan and learned to lie from Trump. He’s just your typical lying republican. Republicans lie and then try and blame democrats for their lies.
The New York Times uncovered these lies. This is why most republicans starting with Trump want to destroy the Times.
Switching my membership from AMAC to AARP. I’m for lower taxes and less government which is why I joined AMAC. But AMAC made Trump the liar their person of the year. Now they blame democrats for republican lies. Enough is enough.
Bravo, reality has surfaced once more.
George Santos needs to be forced to retire, removed from Congress.
Reminds me of Hillary Clinton!
I am not very familiar with Santos but I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a Democrat in disguise. We have many of these people already in the GOP.
He is no different than Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff, etc. etc. and the list goes on and on. So what is the difference? He is just another lying politician. Few are truthful.
The left has worked as steadily as termites to eliminate the very concept of objective truth for decades. What better method of ‘ruthless criticism of all that exists’ than to deny objective truth. They’ve been very effective.
Not having read much personally about George Santos and his likely lack of confidence in his past as a reason for his lies, I have other relevant thoughts and concerns. Of course, one of my first thoughts is how embarrassing this man is to conservative Republicans. My frustration is, is it not the responsibility of the press to investigate anymore? If the press had been doing their jobs, especially on a new Republican candidate for Congress, then we would have known about his lies BEFORE he was elected. To me, this is an example of the inadequacy of mass media today. One of the jobs of the press corp is to keep the government honest. Today, not so much. Instead, they appear to stretch the truth whenever the opposition party does or says ANYTHING. Also, they also fail to report on embarrassing facts about the party they support. This has become very apparent to me and many others. I’ve come up with a solution. We should add to the Constitution that all journalists should be licensed to work in the field, and they should recite a vow to uphold the standards of the profession. Failure to do so, and much like doctors, lose their license when they fabricate the truth. This to me has become very necessary and obvious!
If a guy with “man parts” can identify as a female, why can’t Santos identify as gay and Jewish? That’s the DIMM playbook so why are THEY upset over Santos? He could be their poster boy!
Another bird of the feather
The only problem I have with the so-called outrage by the Democrats on this candidate is their insistence that they don’t do this same action themselves. Take AOC as a comparison and the stories she has made of her background.
I hear Brazil is reopening its case against him. He is a Republican so he will go down fast no matter who takes him out. He should not be allowed to serve, and he should face punishing consequences for his lies. I saw one newbie to the House will be swearing in on a Superman comic book. Notwithstanding, we have a legislature full of self-enriching liars and thieves these days, as well as a POTUS owned by our nation’s enemies, and Godless, power-hungry bureaucrats at every level in our governments with no morals who are empowered as our overlords. Sadly, we are in very deep trouble as a nation and once free people. I would not be in the least surprised to have him exposed as a Manchurian candidate run by the same people that put up AOC. Only he was run to make Republicans look bad, while she was run to make Marxists look good to our malformed youthful voters. We boomers were mostly asleep at the wheel and need to look in the mirror to see where responsibility for the mess we are in and will be leaving behind greatly rests.
The president and vice president of America lie every day and nobody says a word against it.
George Santos just imitated his elders.
Don’t blame him blame what America is becoming.
A lawless amoral communist country where the left is right and those against them are domestic terrorists.
Constant lying seems to be working for biden. It’s trending now.
This is the first time I’ve heard about him. What lies did he tell?
I guess he’s too stupid to say: “How am I any different than KKK loving Josef Biden?”
Comrade, your first grade education is showing!
Great article from Starr Parker! The emperor is naked!!
Very well done! Really pin points this issues and what it will take to wake up the sleepers-reality!!
Oh, so this guy’s really just like Biden. A legend in his own mind!
they can refuse to seat him.
Santos is a Trump supporter and election denier. Santos was elected by republicans. He is a republican problem and not a democrat problem.
Joe Biden lies every time he opens his mouth. The Big guy gets 10 percent according to Hunter’s laptop!
He’s not the first liar to reach a position of responsibility. Consider Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, Eric Adams, Elizabeth Warren, and the list goes on-just following examples. Shame on the press for not vetting and the voters for selecting. Like the rest of the clowns in congress-it’s OUR fault!
There was an article posted here a few days ago about politicians saying (or doing) funny things during the past year.
Santos struck gold yesterday when he was overheard remarking to one of his colleagues in the House chamber that: “No-one could make this crap up”.
Hmm, I can think of one person but I won’t mention his name (George Santos).
When I first read about Santos’s lies, I immediately thought he was behaving like Progressive Democrats. Unfortunately, there are plenty of Republicans who have the same delusional belief that all we need to do is a thing to be believed.
Santos is a liar who the republicans are protecting.
Excellent article.
Here’s an idea, George Santos should resign along with two other liars…Biden and Harris!