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Bombshell Report Exposes U.S. Government-Run Censorship Regime

Posted on Tuesday, January 3, 2023
by Seamus Brennan

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan

In recent weeks, Elon Musk’s release of “The Twitter Files” has taken the internet by storm and further revealed the degree to which Big Tech, the Democrat Party, and the mainstream media conspired to censor the story of the now-infamous Hunter Biden laptop ahead of the 2020 election. But the saga of the “laptop from hell” is only the latest thread in a possibly much larger tale of collusion to influence the outcome of the 2020 election. A New York Post report from earlier this month by James Bovard has attracted substantial media attention and raises even more questions about the extent of the progressive ruling class’s role in our elections.

The “Twitter Files,” Bovard writes, are merely the tip of the iceberg in a “far greater federal conspiracy to censor any American who cast doubts on the mail-in ballots that made Joe Biden the 46th president.” As Bovard notes, a November report published by the Foundation for Freedom Online (FFO) postulates that, starting in early Summer 2020, the Department of Homeland Security allegedly pressured online platforms to “pre-censor” all speech that “cast doubt” on any public perception of illegitimacy surrounding the 2020 election.

“The Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency, created in 2018 as part of the Department of Homeland Security, gave grants to several private entities that formed the Election Integrity Project in mid-2020,” Bovard writes, citing the FFO report. “That project, working closely with the feds, classified 22 million tweets as misinformation and affected ‘hundreds of millions of individual Facebook posts, YouTube videos, TikToks and tweets,’ thanks to what it bragged of as ‘huge regulatory pressure’ from government.”

The FFO report claims that DHS instituted its censorship mechanisms in June 2020, five months before the election (as many of America’s cities were starting to burn in the BLM riots). Citing supposed “misinformation” as an existential threat to American election security, DHS allegedly pressured social media companies into making it virtually impossible to express skepticism of COVID-era voting laws, which permitted mass mail-in ballots and the widespread use of drop boxes, among other unprecedented changes to election rules and norms.

Many of the report’s findings have been further substantiated by the so-called “Twitter Files,” which assert—among other significant findings—that the FBI pressured Twitter to remove a tweet claiming that “Between 2% and 25% of Ballots by Mail are Being Rejected for Errors,” citing it as “election misinformation.” But that tweet was objectively correct – 20 percent of ballots used in a June 2020 New York primary were invalidated. Abnormally large percentages of votes in the Wisconsin, Virginia, and Nevada primary elections were similarly rejected two years ago.

“Yet by Election Day 2020, mail-in ballots had become immaculate,” Bovard quipped. “This Orwellian triumph was due in part to ‘censorship by proxy,’ as law professor Jonathan Turley put it.”

The FFO report Bovard cites goes on to claim that DHS carried out its censorship campaign in coordination with an outside group known as the Election Integrity Partnership, linked to “researchers” at Stanford University and the University of Washington. This ostensibly non-governmental organization was empowered, according to the report, to label offending social media content as “misinformation.”

“[T]o pull off total mass censorship of just one side of the election and still pretend the whole thing was not outrageous, partisan, or stunningly corrupt, [the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP)] and DHS insiders came up with a much bigger trick,” the report states. “See, when EIP talks in presentations and materials about its targets for ‘misinformation,’ they always begin by stating they were going after speech that was ‘fraud.’ And then they mention speech that constitutes ‘procedural interference’ (telling people to vote at the wrong location) and ‘participation interference’ (voter suppression).”

“But this is a trick,” the FFO report continues. “The vast, overwhelming, and statistically virtually the only speech category that EIP really cared about, and really censored systematically, was their fourth category: ‘delegitimization.’ Delegitimization was a brand-new censorship category EIP and DHS came up with, and pressured social media companies to implement, beginning in June 2020.”

The report contends that, as a result of DHS’s alleged censorship campaign, nearly 22 million tweets were labeled as “misinformation” on Twitter, 859 million tweets were collected in EIP databases for “misinformation” analysis, and hundreds of social media posts were “impacted” by “‘misinformation’ Terms of Service policy changes.” These citations, the report states, “are from just the DHS censorship network’s impact on the 2020 election cycle alone.”

The shocking nature of these findings is also partially corroborated by part six of the “Twitter Files,” which outlines other ways that government agencies analyze and flag social media content. Journalist Matt Taibbi finds, for instance, that DHS officials have as recently as 2021 called for even more increased collaboration between law enforcement agencies and “private sector partners.”

If the findings in the FFO report are accurate, it would not be difficult to imagine how DHS and Big Tech may have used the same censorship apparatus to strike down any posts that questioned government endorsed narratives on public health, COVID mitigation strategies, mRNA vaccine safety, climate change, Ukraine, illegal immigration, the gender mutilation of children, and a whole slate of other relevant cultural and political issues.

The claim that a widespread and systematic censorship campaign was staged against dissident political voices is corroborated by a video embedded in the FFO report which shows how DHS partners “openly plotted and bragged” that Big Tech companies took measures they “would never have done without DHS partner insistence” and “‘huge regulatory pressure’ from government.” In other words, if the report’s findings are accurate, DHS conspired with non-governmental groups to strong-arm social media companies into broadening their censorship policies to censor lawful speech they wouldn’t have otherwise censored on their own initiative, a mechanism that has possibly since been used to coerce the same companies into banning a far wider range of topics, content, and ideas that challenge the credibility of the political establishment.

Though not all of the assertions in Bovard’s report have been entirely verified, his revelations are in equal measure distressing and enlightening—and raise pivotal questions worth exploring further regarding the role of federal bureaucrats and Silicon Valley operatives in censoring speech and manipulating information flows to mislead the public and potentially influence the outcome of elections. As momentum continues to build, even more information is sure to be revealed.

The next question will be what conservatives do to dismantle the left’s censorship regime. With a new House majority taking power in January, a new set of policy proposals from former President Donald Trump to curb the authority of Silicon Valley operatives, and budding momentum to rein in the power of Big Tech and entrenched bureaucrats, conservatives have a golden opportunity—if they can seize it.

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John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

We shouldn’t need such a bill introduced. We already have freedom of speech in the Bill of Rights. What we need is for our elected officials to keep their oaths and uphold the US Constitution.

We need to get rid of them or put them in prison it they don’t.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Been bad during Trumps first campaign & Admin to date

Frank 629
Frank 629
1 year ago

The elections were manipulated by the demicommunist party

1 year ago

ABSOLUTE first thing the House should do id abolish the Jan. 6th committee & prosecute those on it for being liars & guilty of treason for treating those arrested worse then the Nazi’s treated the JEWS. Get the prisoners out of jail drop all charges as they have more then suffer from the tortuous treatment they have received. Also throw in prison the guards who tortured them!!!
House members DO IT NOW DON”T FORGET!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

The saddest thing about all this corrected information, no one will ever be held accountable and the things that have been put into play by federal and state government/agencies will never be reversed

1 year ago

The Cia has had their contract reporters making stories for many years, just as they did in Europe with operation Mockingbird.

1 year ago

Even lower than the RINO’s are the AINO… “American In Name Only” among the elected and non-elected establishment alike who need purged.

1 year ago

That is correct. Nobody from either party will be held accountable. If you think somebody will, you have the mentality that you can reuse toilet paper numerous times just welcome yourself to the new north American banana republic.

1 year ago

This is all fine and dandy. You can toot your horn and beat your drum till the cows come home but it don’t mean squat until somebody goes to jail. We need our republican representatives to grow a set of gonads and do something about it. Maybe they’ll suprise us this year….

Dwight Sjoberg
Dwight Sjoberg
1 year ago

Republicans: Please, for once, do what we elected you to do! Clean up this mess! Be Patriots and bring our freedom back to us! This is a turning point, take the right path and lead this great nation out of the darkness that is descending on our country. The only check we have on the government is our vote. If it is compromised, and the results can’t be trusted, we have no way of stopping the radicals from destroying us!

1 year ago

This opportunity will not be seized if McCarthy is speaker. He is the problem, not the solution.

Richard Kirby
Richard Kirby
1 year ago

Our elite unelected rulers in Washington treat us like the peons they believe us to be. “Americans don’t deserve to live this well” is their guiding principle. Welcome to The New World Order. My poor grandchildren!!

1 year ago

No surprises here. Fits the definition of treason at every covert action.

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
1 year ago

To me, the question still remains: why do so many American citizens who work for these big tech companies AND government agencies continue to participate in the censorship? They are basically covering for the bad guys and are perfectly ok doing so. Why? What has happened to these people?

1 year ago

No surprise. The illegal changes in voting procedures yielded more ballots for Biden. However, more people voted for Trump. Progressives motto is lie, cheat and stifle any opposing views to win because our cause is just. The yield is SNAFU.  Chas

1 year ago

Excellent article, why duplicated? ????

So, are James Bovard and Matt Taibbi the only two investigative reporters working on or having access to the information put forth?

Eventually the libbies will have to report on this to cover up their own complicity as they were also aware and part of it all. Particularly those at the top of the media companies.

Same for the other social media monarchs that sat and lied to us all on television with their barely apparent sneers on their faces.

Go ahead and throw them in jail with no bail, and no contact and let ’em rot until they confess to their crimes. That’s how we do it now after January 6th!!! They started it, we can finish it and they can see how they like being treated as we have been now for decades.

And, the ruination of our children…

Can’t even begin to go there!!

1 year ago

Brunson case for SCOTUS pay attention to it Jan 6

John Braun
John Braun
1 year ago

Now I’m really ticked-off!

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

Media says” “Move on people; nothing to see here.” Don’t believe your eyes; believe what you are told, like obedient little serfs!

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
1 year ago

Just for the halibut let’s peruse historical First Amendment debates… Thanks to the democratic party we are now tempted to study precedence. Do I thank the little demo/Marxists? NO…But, however, let’s see what happened to The Sedition Act of 1798. “What will be the situation of the people?” James Madison of Virginia demanded. “Not free: because they will be compelled to make their election between competitors whose pretensions they are not permitted by act equally to examine, to discuss and to ascertain.” Signed into law on July 14th by Adams. Adams, lost reelection, to President Thomas Jefferson. Under the incoming Republican administration, the Sedition Act eventually expired on March 3, 1801. I guess the next question is: What legal authorization is there for the current censorship and manipulation of the press and other entities? Is there an act that has been passed by congress for this type of gross overreach? You can clearly see, just how concerned the demo/Marxists are for the preservation of democracy? WHO IS UP TO WHAT? May God, Protect and Defend These United States of America!

1 year ago

Is ANY Conservative American Citizen SURPRISED that the Progressively Communist wannabe Democrats CHEATED to win the PRESIDENTCY last election? . . . Especially to a Jackass like Josef Biden? . . . What BOTHERS ME most is that OUR so-called Republican Elected Representatives and Senators that not even ONE has referred to ANY SO-CALLED DEMOCRAT as a COMMUNIST! . . . Nor do I see where they have straightened out any of the past ELECTION FRAUD from happening again! . . . Our FREEDOMS ARE DOOMED unless We the People RISE UP AND FIGHT because We CAN’T COUNT on OUR Republican Party Leadership to do so!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

It’s all a huge plot to set up this country,so New World Oder can take over. Kyle L.

1 year ago

We must never allow any part of government, media, or academia to get away with censorship. Our country was founded on freedoms and one of the most important is freedom of speech. This is what makes us different from so many other countries. It’s what makes us a free people.

Aaf Schafer
Aaf Schafer
1 year ago

The dems will create a word that will negate this information.
Bigger powers are behind all this.

1 year ago

The shame is we don’t have leaders. Because leaders lead and progressives just get in line to do the status quo. Just because we have the numbers in the house doesn’t mean we control the house. News bulletin. All Republicans aren’t conservative. They follow the money. I live in ky and one of my elected senators is McConnell. In the next election if he runs I will vote for a Democrat before I vote for him. Or an independent if one runs against him. They should be held accountable when they break our laws especially when they conspire to cheat in the elections. They cheat when they fund companies for contracts and the ones funding buy stocks in such companies. If we did this we would go to jail. Remember Martha Stewart going to jail. But not the polosies they are never held accountable. They run for office, ruin their state,fatten their wallets, put their unqualified children into jobs that they are way overpaid for because they can funnel their manipulative weight of their power to fatten their pockets more. And the beauty of it is they aren’t held accountable for their actions. We definitely have 2 sets of rules one for the right and none for the left. I can understand why people do it ,because it is very profitable, it’s just not right. Maybe that’s why they call it the left vs the right. Any way I sleep with a clean conscience. That doesn’t mean they can’t arrest you anytime or just have you wiped out for disagreeing with them. I am coming to look at our country like a swamp that is filled with sewage, diseases, deadly critters that want to eat you and you have to wade through it every time you leave your home. They have already put me on watch by declaration of war upon me because I vote make America great again. That is what they fear. Especially now that the swamp has been exposed. If our elections aren’t secured the brown shirts will load us into trucks and trains for our last ride while celebrating in the streets. And their eyes will behold……… A Miracle.

1 year ago

Mail in ballots MUST go.
ID is imminent.
Keep Amend. 2. Write, call, representatives. Tom Fitton is investigating.. and our Conservatives must WORK to warm their seat.

1 year ago

Thanks for the article Seamus Brennan, well written. If I wasn’t 73 I would consider working there but I am praying about working the next year to help change things.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
1 year ago

In the United States the propaganda has been on tap for decades now. For example consider Russia and even before that, the old Soviet Union. For reasons a regular person finds hard to understand most citizens have always considered both to be our “enemy”. We see caricatures of Russian “bad guys” in every movie featuring a need for a bad guy, we see our politicians annually demand ever bloated increases in our military budgets to protect us from the “evil Russians:…but stop one second, clear your mind and think, “what has either the old Soviet Union or modern day Russia ever done to yourself or your country”. Just ask then tell me why we always have to have a boogie man in order to justify enriching stake holders in the military industrial complex…a system that OWNS numerous members of Congress, the Executive Branch and of course even the Judiciary.
And for anyone that was impressed by the midget in the track suit with the ugly flag……you are a lost cause.

1 year ago

I have noticed that my comments to some controversial news items do not appear after I post them.

Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
1 year ago

Absolutely nothing will ever come of this. If you think somebody is going to go to jail or lose their jobs you’re dreaming or smoking drugs. The Deep state will never go away. We will never again have a fair election. I am done voting it makes absolutely no difference. The Republicans are a part of this problem. When they are in power they will do absolutely nothing because all they want to do is maintain their job their money and their pension. I’m to the age that probably makes no difference to me, but I feel sorry for any young people growing up today they will never know what a great country America truly was before it was destroyed by the Democrat liberal Marxists. All great countries are taken down from the inside, we are witnessing it now

1 year ago


1 year ago

J Vernon McGee comentary in the book of Judges in the old testament, says every nation goes down in this order: first, religious apostasy, second, moral awfulness, third, political anarchy. I think we’ve reached the third state.

Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
1 year ago

The democrats are the problem. Their voter fraud processes are their power mechanism

We need to outlaw the democrats.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
1 year ago

Hopefully, many liberal minded citizens will realize and be offended by how they were manipulated. Preaching to the choir doesn’t do a whole lot of good. We need to open the minds of those whose minds have been closed so hatefully.

1 year ago

Remember that the Obama administration expanded the NSA to monitor comms within the nation. Will continue to get worse.

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
1 year ago

Shame that we have a self-perpetuating LEFT regime. This manipulation of our election system is destroying our representative government.

1 year ago

Look up ICANN. This is a “global” internet control group. It is the beginning of the New World Order control of the internet! I have not heard anything out of them complaining about what is happening on the internet with censorship, maybe because they are the ones doing it! This is very scary. I saw it mentioned on an older show on Prime Video, “The Convergence”. It is speaking about things prior to the pandemic that are coming true now!

1 year ago

The Speaker of the House vote tells everything you need to know. The Trump Republicans are down to about 20 of the 220 house seats. You have to have the stomach for the fight and after 4 years of Trump, and 2 of Biden, most Republicans would rather lay down and be rolled over by the democrats than take a stand and fight for the people of this country. As long as they are getting their paychecks why should they care.

Mike S
Mike S
1 year ago

As usual, absolutely nothing will become of this (like Hillary not being in prison).

1 year ago

I seriously doubt the GOP will do very much, no one is held accountable anymore, especially government agencies/ personnel. There should be so many investigations of this administration it would take us into the next century!! GOP can’t even decide a speaker of the house with all the egos in congress!!

1 year ago

And yet..NOTHING will be done.

David Barnes
David Barnes
1 year ago

They won’t do anything. They can’t even pick a new leader and continue to look like they are lost. Republicans couldn’t beat Fetterman! Party has lost their way, too many RINO’s.

Ruby Fout
Ruby Fout
1 year ago

May I strongly suggest that you defund the FBI immediately and issue warrants for arrests.

1 year ago

Over the las 48 hours, I have learned to appreciate and respect the “angry 20″ reps who choose to
defy the routine process in DC. I hope they succeed. They are there to say ” hell no. we will not
go along with business as usual”. I pray they remain resolute and that they do not sell out to the
same ole, same ole crowd which are puppets of lobbyists and payoffs. Our govt is filthy. I note that
even AMAC is staying off this topic

1 year ago

Well, The good news is that it is being exposed.

1 year ago

Huh, if it looks like it, smells like it maybe we shouldn’t handle it. Mail-ln voting sure fits this assumption!

1 year ago

The Government CAN’T CONTROL the populace UNLESS they CENSOR FREE SPEECH! . . . Our forefathers fought to make sure We the People DIDN’T SERVE
the GOVERNMENT but to HAVE A GOVERNMENT SERVE and REPRESENT THE PEOPLE! . . . Ask the citizens of Cuba, China, Russia or Venezuela how its like to live, work and serve under their Leadership! . . . We’re HEADED in that direction probably not before I meet my Maker but CERTAINLY future generations will SUFFER because We FAILED to STOP BIG GOVERNMENT RULING US INSTEAD OF SERVING US!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

What? I didn’t hear anything about this on CNN or ABC so this obviously didn’t happen! (I’m being facetious The so-called press are liars…)

1 year ago

This is a big part of how the democrats win-by censoring the truth about their wicked candidates-Hunter Biden/Joe Biden laptop and the CCP!!!

FBI website
kamala harris
ohio state flag
prescription drug costs

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