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Are Efforts to Allow Non-citizens, Including Illegal Immigrants, to Vote the Start of a Silent Revolution?

Posted on Friday, November 18, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Nov 18 — It appears that flooding the nation with illegal immigrants is a way to significantly increase the numbers of future Democratic voters, according to Roman Balmakov, host of the Epoch Times TV show, Facts Matter. He reports that recently “the DC council passed a new bill, allowing non-citizens, including illegal aliens, to vote in local elections. Not federal elections, mind you, but local elections. These are things like mayor, council member, attorney general, school board member, as well as any initiative, referendum, or recall election that happens to come up.”

Most believe that the Washington DC bill is not likely to achieve approval; when New York City enacted a law to allow illegals to vote last year, the State Supreme Court declared it to be unconstitutional.

Meanwhile, Congressman August Pfluger [R-TX] has introduced a bill that would prevent non-citizens from voting. “If you’re in the United States illegally, you don’t have the right to vote—period. Liberals in Washington, D.C. who want to allow non-citizens to vote are putting the integrity of our election system at risk. My bill will put a stop to it. Americans deserve confidence in our elections and to know that only legal citizens are voting in the United States of America.”

Pfluger’s colleague in the House, Jeff Duncan [R-SC], meanwhile, is seeking to pass legislation that would make the practice of allowing non-citizens to vote illegal. Duncan says “Noncitizen voting dilutes the value of citizenship, normalizes illegal immigration, and invites foreign nationals to interfere in U.S. elections. The idea of non-citizen voting is absurd. If an American citizen moved to another country, would he expect to have a say in how that country is run without first becoming a citizen? Of course not.

Whether the Washington DC bill will be enacted is up in the air for now, but it might signal what could happen in the future. According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform [FAIR] “In 2014, a study estimated that approximately 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in the 2008 presidential election and that 2.2 percent voted in the 2010 midterm elections…there is evidence that both foreign nationals who are lawfully present in the United States and illegal aliens – who have already broken the law by their unauthorized presence in the country – have voted in recent elections. During the 2016 election cycle, non-citizens were discovered on voter registration rolls in both Virginia and Pennsylvania. And the Office of the U.S. Attorney for the Western District of New York charged a Canadian woman with making a false claim to citizenship after she registered and voted in more than 20 elections.”

The Ballotpedia website reports that 15 cities in the U.S. currently allow non-citizens to vote in some or all local elections.

A while back Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick was criticized for calling the massive surge of illegal immigrants who were crossing the border, a “silent revolution.” His concern was dismissed by Democrats in the Lone Star State who called his remarks “vile, incendiary and dangerous.” However, Patrick’s apprehensions seem to have been validated with the passage of time. He made his remarks during an interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham in September of 2021 just eight months after President Biden took office, in the early days of the continuing, unrelenting surge of illegals at our southern border. 

As he put it “[Democrats] are allowing this year probably 2 million [immigrants], that’s who we apprehended, maybe another million, into this country. At least in 18 years even if they all don’t become citizens before then and can vote, in 18 years if every one of them has two or three children, you’re talking about millions and millions and millions of new voters and they will thank the Democrats and Biden for bringing them here. Who do you think they’re going to vote for?”

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Richard L Mitchell
Richard L Mitchell
1 year ago

Only the Democrats could concoct such an absurd policy. Here’s an idea… From whatever country these “illegals” originate from, MIRROR IMAGE the immigration policies Americans would have to comply with, to emigrate to THAT country… As an example, for an American to emigrate to Mexico, one of their requirements is they have to SPEAK THE LANGUAGE; another is they have to demonstrate they are financially SELF-SUFFICIENT (i.e. DO NOT require public assistance).

1 year ago

We currently have over 45 million illegals in this country. Of that total from data the federal government has tabulated itself, but the MSM and the Democrats continue to claim is “only” 11 million (same number being repeated since 1995), 5 million have been “imported” into this country in the last 22 months alone thanks to Team Biden’s open border policies. Illegals are already voting in this country for those that think otherwise.

When the United States government processes illegal entries and then ships them around the country, either by U.S. government flights or buses or by releasing them to the NGOs that have assisted the illegals to make the trek to the United States and then strategically disperses them in the United States, illegals are given several forms of official identification that can then be used to get things like drivers licenses.

In most states, when you get a drivers license and a vehicle registration, both the license and registration can also serve as voter registration. You just check a box on the forms and that’s it. Every Democrat run and controlled state in my region follows the exact same process in terms of how drivers licences and vehicle registration can be used to facilitate voter registration. If you don’t think this is being done on a wide-spread basis to get illegals registered to vote, then you are just naive. The sole reason Democrats are so committed to importing as many illegals into the coutry is to ensure they will ultimately win every election by importing people from like-minded socialist countries. Once an individual is added to the voter rolls, most states have no real provision for flagging the distinction between an illegal alien and an American citizen. Some states do. If a poll worker actually asks to see your ID, all most people do is flash their drivers license and the poll takes a quick look at the picture and that is about it. I have yet to see any poll worker look at the license for several seconds to study what is written on the license that might, in some states, signify that the holder is not permitted to vote.

In Democrat controlled states where the drivers licenses clearly say “NOT FOR VOTING PURPOSES”, the Democrats have an alternate route. Since they have access to the official voting rolls, they can simply do a sort by whatever designation the state uses to flag illegals from legitimate voters. Then their backroom operations simply generate mail-in ballots for those individuals on the restricted list. Some Democrat workers then simply sign the ballots using the illegal’s name and drop those ballots into the system ahead of election day or they keep them in reserve should the Democrat candidate be in danger of losing, so some last minute ballots just pop-up to swing the tide to a narrow Democrat win. This is of course a time consuming and manpower intensive operation for Democrats. It would be so much easier if illegals could just be allowed to vote in local elections. Then any designation on drivers licenses would go away and the steal would be simpler.

1 year ago

My oh my!! The political savagery of the DemocRat Party is becoming more and more obvious. It refused to protect the border and deport illegal immigrants … now they want to give them voting rights. Won’t be long in that case until Russia and China infiltrate gobs of their citizens to break down this Nations welfare for its legal citizens. If such a move is done …I simply say that is treason and this Nation in the late status of Communism as administered by the DemocRat Party.

1 year ago

Bullsh*t!!!! Not a citizen at all… if we tried that in their country who knows what would happen. BECOME A LEGAL CITIZEN…

1 year ago

Personally, I believe that the SILENT REVOLUTION started back in 2020. The DEMOCRATS are lying, cheating and DIRTY FIGHTERS that would sell their OWN MOTHER’S SOUL if they thought that they could acquire more POWER AND WEALTH by doing so!

Patricia A Arsenault
Patricia A Arsenault
1 year ago

And that’s why this WORLD is going to poop! I would still like to know where all those Haitians went that were living under the bridge. #AmericaFirst

1 year ago

First it’s going to be local elections, then it’s going to be Federal elections. The Democrats work in increments. And must everything end up in the Supreme Court? What happened to the Rule of law?

J. Farley
J. Farley
1 year ago

The supreme Court of the United States needs to step in and protect the Sovereignty of the United States and its Citizens, Chief Justice John Roberts needs to do the right thing, if he hasn’t already sold us out.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Those traitors who think it’s a good thing to allow illegals to vote in our elections, are totally destroying our Constitutional Republic. A country which loses its ability to govern its citizens fairly and objectively, is actively encouraging destruction to our country both internally and externally. Tragically, the Democrats are acting more and more like Marxist Revolutionaries than Liberal Progressives.

1 year ago

I’ve believed from the outset of the border crisis that the Dems were trying to get more voters hoping the illegals would feel obliged to vote for them. This news supports this. Honestly, it’s not a surprise.

Ken Pepper
Ken Pepper
1 year ago

I’ve believed from the beginning of the current border crisis, as I have before, that the Dems are trying to get potential voters on their side since they might feel obligated to vote for the party that got them into the U.S. is providing them with a place to live, feeding them and is paying them. It’s happened before.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
1 year ago

Yes, my Congressman IS right! He’s always right!

1 year ago

For every illegal allowed to vote, one Democrat should lose their right to vote!
What’s the matter Democrats, it just as stupid as allowing non-citizens the right to vote?

Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

My high school had better voter integrity for homecoming queen then these clown shows in government. At least you had to attend the school of said election and be on the actual school roster to have a say.
One would think things would improve instead of this disgraceful voter poll debacle with no integrity in sight. Taxpayers should be the only people allowed to vote because when there’s no skin in the game, cost becomes no object if someone else is paying. Politicians have spent us into trillions dollars of debt without a prayer of ever paying it off. Ordinary Americans would be thrown in jail for financial insolvency but not our elected officials. Why is that?

Marta Alvarez
Marta Alvarez
1 year ago

This and the legalization of cocaine are coming fast. Follow the Soros trail. His hatred for humanity and his money support anything and anybody who wants to destroy our country.

1 year ago

These aliens are not Immigrants but serve as an army for the fascist Democrats to control their corrupt, depraved Government. Both the democrats and these creatures need to be removed from this country. It is time to act as the founding Fathers did.

Rufus T Firefly
Rufus T Firefly
1 year ago

The Secretary of State for Colorado “mistakenly” sent out 30,000 voter registration cards to illegals this mid term. How many of the voted? We Don’t know. If 6% of the votes cast in past elections are from illegals, isn’t that widespread voter fraud?

1 year ago

Rule of law is dead in America. Nancy Pelosi was largely responsible for killing it. And, braindead republicans allowed it to happen. Biden/harris are just a belated symptom of what’s been going during Pelosi’s tenure.

1 year ago

Motor- Voter laws enable this and people lie on voter registration.

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
1 year ago

If you allow non-citizens to vote in your city than anyone in the world who wants to vote in your city should be able to.

1 year ago

Is it not a crime when federal personnel ignore United States laws and allow those laws to be broken. Should those people responsible for upholding those laws be charged and prosecuted? This is not complicated. Someone needs to bring charges and prosecute President Biden for not upholding United States immigration laws.

Randy Snyder
Randy Snyder
1 year ago

These people who think that illegals should vote there names should be saved.and get back with them later.

Theron Kuhn
Theron Kuhn
1 year ago

Who allows this this crap to happen?We do the people it’s time for a revolution this can’t continue.

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