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The Lefts’ Crusade for Total Control Expanding to Transportation Industry

Posted on Friday, September 2, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

The leftist crusade to strengthen that iron grip government has on our necks continues, as their blatant effort to limit our freedom intensifies. The Democratic blame of climate change on humans has always been an excuse to take as much control of our lives as possible.

We saw that with their shocking behavior with COVID-19, and now courtesy of California, they are all-in with their effort to control our freedom of movement by targeting transportation. Case in point: an August order by a state board banning the sale of gasoline- and diesel-powered cars and light trucks by 2035.

This new scheme using the power of bureaucratic regulations has nothing to do with climate and everything to do with using fear to convince us to give up fundamental freedoms and expand government in the name of the scourge of our own existence. But like every other draconian plan implemented under the pretext of a climate emergency, this will fail and make our lives worse.

The dangerous absurdity of this mandate in America’s most populous state was made clear just days after the diktat when the operator of the state’s power grid told Californians to cut electricity consumption during a deadly heat wave by not charging their electric vehicles or using large appliances between 4-9p.

As Joe Biden might say, not a joke! California’s progressives are so enamored with themselves and their plans to “fundamentally change” this country they neglected to think about how to implement their latest scatterbrained scheme and whether it would actually be a good thing to do.

Consider this: Only 16% of new cars sold in California this year are electric, yet the state isn’t producing enough electricity to allow drivers to charge their vehicles when necessary or even allow your family to be confident running the air conditioner won’t crash the grid. What happens when 100% of cars are electric?

The “inconvenient truth,” to borrow a term from environmental extremist and former Vice President Al Gore: the campaign by the far-left to replace cars powered by internal combustion engines actually has nothing to do with climate change.

Battling climate change is just the excuse to grow government and replace the free market system that made America great with an authoritarian system of control.

Why is the left focusing on our cars in its power grab? Cars with internal combustion engines give us freedom of movement to go where we want and when we want. We can fuel up at gas stations owned by the private sector, not the government and privately storing the liquid gold needs only a gas can or tank, not a machine managed by an outside entity.

Electric cars, on the other hand, are dependent on a steady supply of electricity from power grids regulated by government. If hot weather sparks excess demand or a storm knocks out electric power, electric cars are useless. Rolling blackouts are familiar to Californians because they’re planned and implemented by the state to manage use during peak demand.

Moreover, electric car batteries (and almost all electronic devices) require rare earth minerals. China controls almost 90% of the supply of these minerals. If American automakers become dependent on China to stay in business, our national and economic security will be severely threatened.   

Like New York city’s obsession with making driving a car impossible in Manhattan to “nudge” people into relying exclusively on public transportation, moving to an electric vehicle framework gives government control over our freedom of movement from one place to another, how quickly, and our privacy in doing so. The subway and buses operate at the pleasure of the mayor.

In January 2015 then New York Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered the New York City subway system to shut down, the first time in its 111-year history because of snow. Ironically, the subway was originally conceived to allow people to travel through the city during a major snowstorm. But the whim of one man was enough to end the ability of everyone in the city to lose their ability to travel.

Forcing us to abandon the cars most of us now drive is only the first step in the efforts by the left to control our mobility. The next step is to “nudge” as many of us as possible onto these government controlled mass transit systems to further restrict our freedom of movement.

For example, New York City could soon charge drivers of cars traveling through southern Manhattan $23 during rush hours, and charge drivers of large trucks over $100 per trip to reduce traffic. The exorbitant fees are expected to raise about $1 billion a year for public transit.

Citizens reliant on public transportation, in New York and everywhere else, are at the mercy of tiny tyrant whims. They can’t eliminate cars entirely, so their option is to move to electricity, a power source ultimately controlled by the government and manipulatable by malleable emergencies, like, conveniently, climate change.

Not convinced climate is the excuse tiny tyrants will use to control your daily life? Consider this report from the Daily Caller detailing how a Colorado power utility’s smart thermostats “prevented over 22,000 people, who signed up for Xcel’s Colorado AC Rewards program, from cooling their homes past a certain temperature during a heat wave in which temperatures hit over 90 degrees Fahrenheit… The smart thermostats locked home temperatures from going below a certain threshold, telling customers that this setting could not be overridden due to an ‘energy emergency’ caused by high temperatures and soaring energy demand.”

Climate is the pretext, energy is the emergency created by bad governance and deliberately horrible energy policies. We’ve seen that play out with Biden’s numerous executive orders crippling this nation’s energy abundance and independence. But voila, they now have even more ‘emergencies’ with which to control us.

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2 years ago

Bottom line: “TRUE SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH HAS SHOWN AND PROVED THAT CLIMATE CHANGE IS NATURAL AND HAS BEEN ON CHANGING FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS.” The last paragraph states the true facts that the Elite will use all means to disrupt the nation and the world with false information so control can be gained and maintained.

Jim I
Jim I
2 years ago

I sure hope residents of California enjoy walking or riding a bicycle to wherever they wish to go when the EVs cannot be charged and their large appliances and their air conditioners cannot be used. It probably will not take very long for unrest to fester and grow under these conditions because their electrical grid cannot provide the required power to do all of these things at once. Reactionary legislation is usually not good and it is being shown now in California. I sure hope they can find enough unicorns and can devise a means of creating power using unicorn urine. Best of luck with that.

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

Let’s add some more leftist control to the ever growing list. Automotive, medical, water, fuels, electricity and fake weather. Everything these vipers touch turns to democrat waste land.

2 years ago

Why do people vote to be destroy
By voting democrats
As though saying sofocante me
Chuckle me
Put me in confinement

To be taken away all the rights of freedom
Because if voting corrupt Democratic Party
In Alaska people voted a native woman that is wonderful
Now we have to cross our fingers because there is no other way but for her to implement the the restrictive and destroying the USA policies of Biden’s regime as they are offer give out of this earth
Money, power, and things that are belong of the people and not of the government as the government thinks that our children and freedoms are belong to them
Listen no they are not belong to the government they are belong to us the Americans citizens if the USA YOU ARE ON NOTICE

2 years ago

Well written and provocative argument. Keep up the good incites of the cause and effect of the progressive left. Fascism cannot be tolerated.

2 years ago

The lefts way of “controlling” our travel.. more restrictions..

2 years ago

Dictators Rule and Citizens Serve! . . . I live in California and if I’m still alive come 2035 I probably won’t live there. Dictator Governor Newsom, who is Bella Lugosi Pelosi’s nephew, certainly shares his Communist aunt’s views! And now that Jackass Joe’s “unity” speech thinks that if anyone doesn’t agree with his DICTATORSHIP policies that they are fascists. Thank God that people are waking up and I hope it leads to a Republican landslide victory in November and not another “stolen” election.

2 years ago

Additionally, it makes it easier for them to track you. Yeah, right now if you use a credit card you can easily be tracked — but you still have the choice of cash to buy gas. Not so with electric charging stations. Even if you could somehow use cash it doesn’t matter because the station knows exactly which car it is charging, i.e. your car.

2 years ago

I suspect the push to force feed us EVs has very little to do with climate change or saving the environment. Tesla has shocked the auto industry with its success and they are investing billions or trillions trying to emulate Tesla products. 75% of all the automotive publications are singing the praises of EVs and all are gearing up to the change over. I suspect millions of these investments are going right into politicians pockets. Don’t forget the investments made by the Biden and Pelosi families in Chinese mining companies who provide raw materials for EV batteries.

2 years ago

But all these tyrants live in large metro areas–most in what some of us call ‘burned over country’

the northeast, where every liberal idea flows over the countryside like a brush fire. Those of us in fly over country–in rural West Texas 200 miles is still the neighborhood, we can’t live with commercial transpiration. Every weekend trip is over 200 miles–there is one bus a day going in each cardinal direction, and there are no passenger trains. This one size fits all plan doesn’t work, but they don’t care.

2 years ago

“Those who can make you believe in absurdities can make you commit atrocities” (Voltaire)

Robin Boyd
Robin Boyd
2 years ago

The term that applies to those who believe themselves to be so much better than others that they have the right to control how others live is called fascism. Fascism occurs with extreme ideologies, to the far right or to the far left.

2 years ago

Everything the Dems do is geared towards control. Remember this…you cannot subjugate an armed populace!

2 years ago

New York’s political hacks want everyone to use mass transit. I know of people now who refuse to ride the subway because of the rampant crime in the stations and on the cars. It isn’t that there are so many criminals, but NY State’s no bail law means that the same criminals keep getting arrested and turned loose. The leftist politicians insist upon controlling the lives of law-abiding citizens but take no responsibility for protecting these law-abiding citizens from the criminals.

William Hodge
William Hodge
2 years ago

I think it is beyond control now. The leftists communists want to align with China to control Americans. They are fools if they think China will turn rule over to them.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

The very disturbing thing is that those Democrats who are irrationally going to cause needless suffering because of their irrational need to control the American people are actually very insecure and emotionally imbalanced. They need to artificially inflate their egos, because they are not comfortable within their own skin. Usually, those tyrants who want to make life hard for the individual citizens in their job, town, city, state, and nation are actually incapable of empathy towards others. They have too many mental and emotional issues that make it impossible to be well-adjusted, kind, and respectful human beings — sad so sad, that the emotionally healthy are often abused by the emotionally sick.

Tell No lies
Tell No lies
2 years ago

When a government has total control how a population can move around, then they have total control! Live and learn, They get closer everyday.

2 years ago

Since this will hit people hard it might be hoped that popular opinion will finally swing around to reality: the dems arent misguided fellow citizens. They’re a corrupt and corrupting force that has drawn three quarters of elected republicans aka rinos into their shadow. We Dont all want the same things. They want a one party state which brings with it totalitarian control.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

You can buy ’em but you can’t charge ’em.

2 years ago

I will never waste my money on one of those things. Too many have caught fire while charging…they cost too much…..CA doesn’t even want you to have your AC on in this 110 weather and yet the jackass wants us to use electric vehicles. Plus I don’t want to be driving somewhere and end up with the damn battery dying when I’m in the middle of nowhere.

2 years ago

What is funny about the ones making these policies, is they are not affected in the least by access to chargers and have never put a toe on any public transportation because if they did, then they would shut their mouths tight. It is all wind talk, –do as I say, but ignore what I do.

james carlyle
james carlyle
2 years ago

Considering that all their current plans, and trillions of $, will have an impact(maximum estimate UN IPCC) of 0.3F it begs the question of what is the REAL objective? I don’t get it.

2 years ago

And today, Pete B was railing against the airline industry. The govt. cannot force pilots to fly these planes & seems like they do not know how many flight training hours are required. If the Feds force airline flights, the accident rate will probably accelerate. Let private industry solve this problem & to all I say do not fly unless you really need to & you better plan on cancelled flights & late flights especially around the holidays.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago


2 years ago

This so-called government is not for and about American Citizens, it’s all about enslaving and destroying US so that the corrupt power-hungry Democrats can rule the world! It’s time to stand up to treason and corruption and forcibly remove the Socialist Democrats from power, forever! We have guns and they have guns but, we out number them thousands to one. The only thing that stands between US and saving our country is gutless freeloaders and outright cowards! Save our country, kill a democrat!

2 years ago

Can’t charge your car but have a forced evacuationdue to fire or flood or major storm.

2 years ago

Of course I believe in “Climate Change”, it’s called the 4 seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter! This is nothing more than a POWER GRAB TO CONTROL THE PEOPLE, PERIOD! . . . I might live till 2035 to witness “Gruesome” Newsom’s California gasoline ban and if so, I will fight it or move to Texas.

2 years ago

Caution! I know many people here are scared and frustrated , me too ! Biden team reads this sight,I would and talking of using guns may get you labeled as a “terrorist threat” then you get a visit from the boys in Virginia and they take all your guns,computer and it puts you at risk. We need a leader that can be a driving force like Trump to lead, define and help achieve our common goals.Playing into the sharks mouth you might get bit. I want to focus on what can we do as patriots and not continue to hear about all the plans of the “ Evil Empire”.We all can see the game and how votes are being bought with our money.Any ideas how to stop Biden and guarantee an honest election. Remember,we win this time or it’s over,even this site will be historyCpme on you smart people how to protect election vote and reverse Bidens game.

2 years ago

The objective is to prevent people from using cars and force them into cities where they can use mass transit and where they are easier to control and more dependent on those who control the government. 

2 years ago

Tammy is “spot on” in her analysis of this!

Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis
2 years ago

It is all part of the Great Reset. Why haven’t Republicans come out against it? Our Bill of Rights, Constitution and sovereignty are not compatible with the Great Reset. So far, only Senator Rand Paul is publicly opposed. Why won’t the Republican Party and Senators Rubio and Scott condemn the Great Reset?

Rand Paul: This is the danger of a one-world government

This is how financial freedom dies (CBDC)

Are you aware the US Congress is considering a digital dollar:
Use your favorite search engine: “Congress Calls On The FED To Create A Digital Dollar”

Elon Musk Calls ESG Metrics a ‘Scam

Why central banks want to launch digital currencies | CNBC Reports

Digital Currency, Social Credit Scores And The Implications For You! This Equals Total Control!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

You can’t make it up: the day after California bans gas motors they say they can’t support powering what they have now? Who votes for these idiots except more idiots?

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

Just like guns, if you want one you will find one. So go to Nevada or Oregon and buy a gas powered car and drive it back to California. LOL

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
2 years ago

California is a lesson in what NOT to do. The plan to ban gasoline powered cars by 2035 is one of the worst ideas they have come up with. How are they going to charge all these cars when THEY CAN”T EVEN KEEP THE LIGHTS ON AS IT IS? No wonder people are leaving the state in droves.

2 years ago

Please read presentation by C. Martin Stickley, PhD
October 2, 2017, former head of DARPA, “CO2 is Not the Major Source
of the Heat in Global Warming”, to verify the basic point: Global warming, whose existence is debatable, is NOT caused by man-made or other CO2. So the whole hoax is just about taking our freedom away, the true fascism. The National Sozialist Deutscher Arbiter Partei, that is, the NAZIs, gained control by blaming the Communists for the fire of the legislative building, the Reichstag. The current fascists in the Democrat (and Republican) parties are using “climate change”, which is unrelated to man’s activities and statistically insignificant, as their Reichstag fire. I will gladly send a copy of Dr. Stickley’s presentation to any upon request.
This nonsense must be stopped!

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
2 years ago

If I had one of those government-controlled I’d just take it off the wall and install my own “dumb” one. Not hard to do.

2 years ago

Thank you, Tammy! Since the very beginning of the various climate change claims, these have been for the benefit of the rich and “powerful” to gain more of each! Dumbing down our schools (and media) helps with this as well. If we are not led to the proper knowledge of the way our earth rotates and wobbles, we cannot refute the “man-made claims”. Some discussion of this would be great for AMAC to do as well.

2 years ago

When will the people see what is happening

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Pay ATTENTION people. This is excellent article.

2 years ago

Yeah, it’s all about a power grab but one of the keys here is that China controls about 90% of the minerals for the batteries. China also owns Joe Biden. If this man doesn’t deserve impeachment, throw that safety net out the window. Too many “Americans” are like the proverbial frog in the boiling pot of water. Will these people ever wake up? It really IS about this November. If WE lose, THEY win and the great country of America will be a bygone memory on the world stage. Pray hard people, like never before.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Don’t worry everybody. According to aoc, we will all have Unicorns to Fly everywhere and take the Train to Hawaii.
And when you have an Emergency you can take your horse and buggy in the middle of a storm down the mountains to the Hospital.
Don’t forget when the Power goes out you don’t get to charge those worthless electric vehicles and there’s no charging station in the middle of nowhere.
So good luck with the GLOBAL WARMING SCAM.

2 years ago

Tammy is always a voice of sound reasoning.

John Van Tronk
John Van Tronk
2 years ago

It will never happen in Texas.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Not for CA
NO energy thus NO EVs

2 years ago

So, as the Left loves to point out… let’s look at the science. Refer to 2019’s Congressional H.Res.109 – Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to create a Green New Deal; sponsored by AOC. It refer to a UN report from “scientists” published October 2018 entitled “Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 ºC” by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the November 2018 Fourth National Climate Assessment” report. It has all kinds of dire warnings, but states “global reductions in greenhouse gas emissions (CO2) from human sources of 40 to 60 percent from 2010 levels by 2030”. In the actual UN report this must be worldwide or the effects are irreversible… the end of the world for all. The date was 2030 folks.So what is this 2035 date?
Sounds like a con job here.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

For CA No Energy=No EVs

2 years ago

IF Biden gets control of our money he will control our lives. Just as Trudeau did to the citizens of Canada. You can bet the left is busy figuring a way to steal the next election and the next. How determined are free people willing to go to defend the Republic and preserve the last bastion of freedom on planet earth. We will soon find out.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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