
National Security , Newsline

Kavanaugh Assassination Attempt Reveals Dangers of Democrats’ “Rule or Ruin” Rhetoric

Posted on Tuesday, June 21, 2022
by Daniel Berman

AMAC Exclusive – By Daniel Berman

Late last week, a Californian man, Nicholas Roske, was arrested outside the house of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and charged with attempted assassination. While Roske thankfully failed to follow through on the act, he was motivated by anger over the leaked Supreme Court decision, which would have reversed Roe v. Wade. With the final and official version of that decision set to be released within the next two weeks, the muted reaction to Roske’s arrest in the media and among the wider public should serve as a warning. Millions of Americans, especially on the left, are angry and ready for a fight. They have been incited by rhetoric from Democratic elected officials and voices in the media who have attempted to shift the blame for their failures to address any of the problems facing their voters to institutions that are supposedly blocking Democrats from doing so, including the Supreme Court. While the left-wing criticisms of the Electoral College, the Senate, and the Court have not explicitly called for violence, the suggestion that those institutions are the reason for inaction on student loans, inflation, immigration, crime, and a host of other issues risks repeating the error of Henry II of England when he uttered the infamous phrase “Will not someone rid me of this turbulent Priest?,” only to see Archbishop Thomas a Beckett murdered as a result. In the America of 2022, such rhetoric is playing with fire.

This is not to suggest that overturning Roe v. Wade will cause mass riots by supporters of abortion who will burn down buildings over allowing states to restrict abortion to 15 weeks rather than 18. After all, though the summer riots in 2020 were ostensibly caused by the death of George Floyd, the reality was that Floyd’s death was only a trigger, not the cause. Americans had been subjected to months of lockdown, unable to attend school, go to work, or in some jurisdictions, even walk their dogs outside or take their children to playgrounds for more than 30 minutes a day. That had created a growing sense of frustration while at the same time exposing people to online echo chambers, which constantly spread the message that extreme action was both justified and effective.

Americans, especially younger Americans, are, if anything, even more frustrated now. Gas prices and inflation are rising ever higher. The economy seems to be headed into a slowdown. Those who invested in cryptocurrency have seen their assets wiped out. Meanwhile, the Biden administration, which entered office with impossible expectations, has failed to deliver action on even the most basic concerns. Having been told they would see their student loans canceled, that eviction moratoriums would be extended, that money would rain down from the sky, Biden voters have received nothing. With an impending red wave about to sweep Republicans into Congressional majorities, perhaps for a generation in the Senate, there is little prospect of this changing.

For those younger Americans and liberals who have been “mugged by reality” and recognized that the error lay in their own expectations for Biden, this is a learning experience. It has led many of them to reconsider their own views and flirt with facilitating that red wave by voting Republican. They are more numerous than anyone could have imagined in January of 2021. Yet there are millions of left-wing Americans for whom such self-examination, even in the wake of an actual collapse of their own financial and social position, is too much to ask for or expect. For them, like Germans after their defeat in World War I, the answer must be not that they were wrong but rather that they were betrayed.

The attacks on the legitimacy of every institution by mainstream Democrats, whether the Electoral College, Senate or Supreme Court, may have been intended as tactical moves without the expectation it would lead to action, much less violent action. But something that was originally designed to pressure Republicans and judges to make concessions has transformed into an effort by Democrats to give their angry voters a scapegoat to blame for why their loans have not been repaid, why crime is rising, gas prices are up, and Biden cannot do anything about it. It is because of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is responsible for violent crime and school shootings. The Supreme Court is responsible for the failures of the healthcare system. The Supreme Court is why we can’t protect you from eviction or forgive your loans. The corollary is obvious even if it is unstated: If only someone got rid of the Supreme Court, then all of these problems would go away.

The net result is to create an environment in which countless left-wing activists believe both that nothing can be accomplished within the current political system peacefully and that if they engage in violent action, they have a chance of accomplishing change. When combined with how many may feel they have nothing to lose, especially if they face loan repayments at the same time they must pay more for gas, face eviction, and lost heavily in the crypto crash, you have a recipe for unrest.

It is here where the reaction to Roske’s arrest is as disturbing as his actions. His actions are a precedent for others to follow and suggest the possibility of riots or other unrest following the release of the ruling. It is hard to see how this will help Democrats. The 2020 riots were a political disaster, probably costing them two dozen House seats and three in the Senate. But too many Republicans have become used to the ease with which the GOP can sit back, watch Biden or Democrat-induced disasters, and reap the benefits while doing nothing.

The bigger worry, however, is the reaction to this attempted assassination, or rather the lack thereof. That House Democrats held up legislation to provide security for Supreme Court Justices and their families implies there is a substantial voting base that has mixed feelings about Roske’s actions.

In this, we are reminded of the concept discussed in previous columns for AMAC Newsline on “Rule or Ruin” – the idea that if Democrats cannot dominate American society and political institutions, they will set out to destroy them. Even if this approach was adopted tactically to aid with the ruling, the same rhetoric risks locking Democratic officials into a pursuit of ruin when they face a loss of power.

We already see rhetoric from New York Governor Kathy Hochul that she will have to use all means necessary to “protect the lives of New Yorkers” from the Supreme Court if they overturn the state’s gun laws. What happens when Democratic governors normalize accusing Supreme Court Justices and Republican legislators in Washington of “murder” for opposing gun control, restricting abortion, or cutting welfare? Will they be trapped into not only not condemning but not punishing those who act on it? Even if they don’t wish to, they risk being outflanked from the left by primary challenges which will accuse them of persecuting “resistance fighters against oppression,” using their own words against them.

Over the last two years, we have proceeded from rhetorical delegitimization to rhetorical threats, to accusations of “murder” and threats of physical violence. It is a trend that, if not reversed, soon threatens disaster.

Daniel Berman is a frequent commentator and lecturer on foreign policy and political affairs, both nationally and internationally. He holds a Ph.D. in International Relations from the London School of Economics. He also writes as Daniel Roman.     

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2 years ago

Another cut and paste article from a inside the Washington, D.C. beltway writer stating the obvious, that has all been said before. At least he acknowleges towards the end that others have already said the same thing. So a point for honesty there.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Anyone can be a Dem target anytime IE Trump kin etc etc
No 1 is safe unless its Resolved
Must remedy Now

2 years ago

Dems ‘project’ constantly and right now they’re calling patriotic Americans Domestic Terrorists. At least I know where they stand and what to expect from them.

Steve M Weidert
Steve M Weidert
2 years ago

Until which time the evil Demon-Rats have relinquished their stranglehold on the US, there will be nothing but rumors, gossip, and speculation as to the outcome. We all know what the outcome will be……we’ll all be learning how to goose step. If you want to kill the snake…. remove the head.

2 years ago

The demoncrats have been inciting riots and violence since obummer was president. They must be stopped. Vote Conservative Republican.
The nutcase who tried to assassinate Justice Kavanaugh should be sentenced to no less than 20 years in prison just for the attempt on a Federal Judge. Add more on top of that for the other charges.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

Democrats have activists bent on “rule” as permission to “ruin”.

William C Smith
William C Smith
2 years ago

People like Merrick Garland who are charged with upholding and enforcing laws, but refuse to do so,must be unceremoniously chucked out of office, as well as all those people who put them into those positions in the first place. Laws are created to enable an environment of order. Those who subvert the system must be removed. Chuck Schumer, standing in front of the Supreme Court building acting like an insurrectionist, hurling profane epithets at two duly-appointed justices, must be drumed out of public service for his disgraceful conduct. New Yorkers, he mirrors the impression of ignorance and corruption the citizens of the nation have of all of you. I was in New York once. Place smelled like old, wet, musty mattresses.

2 years ago

Isn’t life dealing mean that you sometimes get disappointed ? Only individuals who don’t’ understand that they aren’t always right are going to throw tantrums like the 2 year-old state of mind that they are stuck in. They should be learning from this very obvious mistake that they made—that the Build Back Better route means no benefits

Jake the snake
Jake the snake
2 years ago

The democrats, liberals,progressives are sick, perverted people.

They should save mother earth by committing mass suicide.

2 years ago

When DEMOCRAT ‘Leaders’ such as Sen. Shumer say that a Justice of the Supreme Court will reap the whirlwind , they KNOW that the simple minded among them ( most their base) will follow and act on their words without question . To date , Sen. Schumer has not rescinded his call to action . Apparently he continues to pursue an insurrection against the Supreme Court . And he KNOWS that the DEMOCRAT base remains charged with their duty to the DEMOCRAT plan to make the Supreme Court reap the whirlwind. Ironically , a DEMOCRAT base member assassin was released just a few days ago . He remains a danger . What is Sen. Schumer waiting for ?

Danver Richards
Danver Richards
2 years ago

The Democrats want to take control of this country and turn it into a socialist country where the people have no righst

2 years ago


J. Farley
J. Farley
2 years ago

I have come to the conclusion that Democrats are illiterate, they can’t read, and have no mental capacity, to reason and understand words, the English language, even though the words are simple and a Dictionary, will explain words like Shall Not, Rights, Liberty, The People, Infringed, The 1st, 2nd, 4th 5th and 10 Amendments (The Bill of Rights) layout perfectly, what the Rights of American citizens are limit the Powers of the Government are, the 10th Amendment Gives no power of Abortion too the Federal Government, that is a States Right, if a Dumb old Farm Boy like me can figure that out why can’t they!
God Save America, From the Dumb Ass Democrats!

2 years ago

This article reflects a sentiment I have been having since Obama became president. The Democrat Party has become the party of extreme depravity in sheep’s clothing. Every single item in their agenda is a euphemism concealing a very evil intention. They describe the indoctrination of transgenderism to little kids as teaching them how to be “inclusive”. They describe abortion as the “right of a woman to her body”. They describe open borders as “compassion” towards people desiring American values. Their logic is so insufferably warped.

Democrat politicians should never be voted for at all; this party needs to be driven to extinction and a new political party formed afresh, one that is devoid of Marxism and Leftist woke influences.

2 years ago

“Cavanaugh assassination attempt” !?!…Only here on AMAC did I read about this…So what actually happened? – did Pelosi throw a spitball at him/Cavanaugh?…

2 years ago

SAVE THE U.S.A….Arrest and deport all democrats ,libturds, and socialists to GITMO for treason and punishment!… It’s time to declare a civil war against the far-left loonies!…THIS IS NOT SPAM!.,.,.,

2 years ago

The Supreme Court must do their job. It is then on the states and the police to do theirs as well. The law is the law.

2 years ago


2 years ago

It is time for all republicans to get your weapons out clean them and get ready for a war between Republicans and Democrats.Biden and his so called buddies are asking for one and we can give it . Stand up and fight for your freedom.

Fred Rose
Fred Rose
2 years ago

These bastards already iced Scalia. Let’s make sure it doesn’t happen again!

Gail Carpenter
Gail Carpenter
2 years ago

i feel like their main objective is to destroy the Constitution and discredit the Founding Fathers. If it doesn’t fit their agenda they want to destroy no change destroy

Muff Brandt
Muff Brandt
2 years ago

This is all the result of ‘electing’ a President who has dementia and thus turning over the day to day operations of the United States to Hillary, Barack, Nancy and George. It won’t change until (and if) Americans as a whole welcome GOD back into this country.

Marie Langley
Marie Langley
2 years ago

Why aren’t people talking about the fact that this is not an overturn of Roe v Wade? It is just a ruling putting the authority back to the states where it belongs. The federal government should stay out of people’s business and let the states decide what to do. It doesn’t mean abortion will become illegal. These left wing loonies are so stupid, misinformed and ignorant
And another thing no one is talking about, Planned Parenthood hands out FREE birth control to low income women. So in my opinion there is no excuse for an unwanted pregnancy except for rape. Why isn’t anyone talking about this? It boggles my mind. These women need to get their free birth control and be responsible. Nuff said……………………

2 years ago

Republican party is useless as tits on a boar hog. They’ve squandered every opportunity to go forward for fifteen years…at least. Seems like so long as they’re making money, it’s all good. Zero respect for taxpayers and absolutely no clue how to plan the future. Fools.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Chuck Schumer should be put on trial for attempted murder ! He is a radical and hater of anything that’s not in his radical leftist prism of destroying America

2 years ago

It would be well Ilf everyone told the truth about these rulings and what they mean. The Court is not overturning the right to abortion; they are simply allowing each state to decide on its own abortion rules. There would not be riots if the protestors we given the truth on the matter, but the Democrats are using these young women to do they filthy bidding by stirring the pot with lies and half-truths. There has never been a time in my life when the Democrats have been so totally dishonest and viciously despicable.The Democrat Party is toxic to our nation.

James Thompson
James Thompson
2 years ago

Time for a new ME TOO movement!
Hey Dems, what about ME?

2 years ago

Betrayal is the perfect word to describe the marxist democrat party!
They are practiced and deliver on betraying Citizens with their lies and deception with the express purpose being taking care of themselves.
Maybe after this latest, repeated action of destroying America,the voters who put them in office will wake up????
Well unless they like record inflation,$10 gas prices and a hate filled divisive Country brought to them by the marxist democrat party!

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

Overall a factual opinion piece by Mr. Berman…I agree, I’ve seen very little news reporting on the attempted assassination of Justice Kavanaugh…The new socialist inspired side of the democrat party I find deeply troubling since the beginning of 2020 with all of the sanctioned riots across this nation & even today people like Senator Chuck Schumer making threats of more violence & mayhem across this nation if the Republican Party continues to refuse their insane ideas across the board…
I do believe the democrats already are fully aware they are about to get a shellacking in the Nov. midterms & most likely again in 2024 moving forward, therefore they are moving with lightning speed to push forward their extreme woke agendas against the American people whilst they still have that ability to wreak havoc on the American people…In a nutshell, America is under attack by the Biden administration, even a left wing millennial should be able to see this at this point in time, all of us are feeling a world of hurt for ( 18 ) consecutive months now, with NO end in sight…
Great article btw,
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

Christ will make things right in the near future.

Juan Vargas
Juan Vargas
2 years ago

Excellent article Mr. Berman, you said it very well. Our American values are being lost. America was once a moral republic not anymore. LGBTQ morals are aborhent and all innocent lives will pay a heavy price.

William Finch
William Finch
2 years ago

If the Leftists want a civil war because the rest of America won’t kiss their arses and pay their bills for them, then all this Southern Rebel Patriot has to say is bring it! We will give them all the fight they want and then some!

2 years ago

Trump won both elections. 2016

2 years ago

When Roe vs Wade was first handed down by the Supreme Court, the right rioted! Oh, wait, they didn’t! Only the Left do that when they do not get their way!

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
2 years ago

The democRATS only stand up for their own and those that agree with their anti AMERICAN agenda,screw those that disagree.

Susan Miller
Susan Miller
2 years ago

I don’t understand the delay in this decision since the cat’s out of the bag. Bowing to these criminals is not the way.

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