WASHINGTON – Today, Committee on House Administration Ranking Member Rodney Davis (R-Ill.) issued the following statement after filing a preservation request for all records produced by or in the possession of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol:
“When Republicans once again hold the gavel and I am Chairman of the House Administration Committee, one of our first priorities is going to be launching a full investigation into Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Select Committee’s circus. Not only has the Select Committee broken over 200 years of precedent and their own House rules, wasted millions in taxpayer dollars, and overstepped way outside of their legislative authority — we believe there have been violations of citizens’ due process and privacy rights.
“That’s why this morning I delivered a preservation request to ensure we have access to all information and documentation of the Select Committee’s work so we can exercise thorough oversight and ensure there is accountability when Republicans are in the Majority.”
Full text of the request can be found here.
This select Committee is a joke all irrelevant. Not truthful
There are no longer any rules of law for the Democratic Party. We need to keep fighting for truth, respect, wisdom respect and knowledge.
do we have to wait until common sense retakes control before anything can be done. That may be to late.
I totally concur with your comments. We need to keep the goal post in our sights
SAVE THE U.S.A…Exterminate the leftie loonies in America!!!…its time for a new civil war against the commies and socialists in the U.S.A.!!..
Does anybody trust the j6 committee? Its a farce and a waste of our money. Nutcase nancy and her accomplises should be made to reimburse us.
If ever there was a time for America’s 2nd Revolution to begin in earnest, it would by all appearances be upon all of us now after ( 2 ) years of non-sensical violence perpetuated by the Democrats across the entire nation. A planned in advance of the release of a bio-weapon upon the people of the earth, a profound sarcasm infused thank you to the CCP of China, this includes the WHO, in the back pocket of China. There was a logical, coherent reason why Trump took America out of membership with the WHO…We survived the tyranny of the King of England through an American Revolution & wrote our very own Declaration of Independence followed by the Bill of Rights under Constitutional Law as our guiding light…
We survived the Democrat Party’s refusal to give up slavery, hence the The Great Civil War of 1861- 1865…
The stakes are every bit as paramount today as they were some 245 plus years ago…
God bless America,
Ultra MAGA,
America First…
Bill… :~)
Probably won’t do much good to file the request. Pelosi and the democrat criminals will either ignore it, or delete all documents that could prove anything. That’s how they do things.