
National Security , Newsline

You’ve Got A Stalker – Spoiler, It’s the Government

Posted on Friday, May 6, 2022
by Tammy Bruce

It is now revealed that the Biden administration, which has brought us an Orwellian “disinformation board” that they insist will not be used against American citizens, was purchasing cell phone location data and movement information to surveil American citizens during the COVID crisis.

How many times did we hear that anyone concerned about digital vaccine passports and lockdowns being used as an excuse to surveil our private lives and movement was a nutty conspiracy theorist? Lo and behold, it seems like that is exactly what is happening. Ostensibly to track compliance with lockdowns, in this case, the CDC tracked people wherever they went, including schools, church, and even when visiting neighbors, using cell phone tracking data.

The investigative website Vice broke the news, reporting, “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) bought access to location data harvested from tens of millions of phones in the United States to perform analysis of compliance with curfews, track patterns of people visiting K-12 schools, and specifically monitor the effectiveness of policy in the Navajo Nation…The documents also show that although the CDC used COVID-19 as a reason to buy access to the data more quickly, it intended to use it for more-general CDC purposes.”

Where do we start? The issue here is that a government bureaucracy believed surveilling the American people en masse was a perfectly fine thing to do. You know, in the name of “safety.” With everything we were facing during the pandemic, the CDC launched a program tracking you to your child’s school, to a restaurant, to a gym, and even to church.

We know the Democrats never want to let a good crisis go to waste. For them, every crisis presents an opportunity to do the worst thing possible; in this case, it was sweeping away the rule of law and constitutional order simply because they could.

Vice’s report details how cell phone location data can show where a person lives, works, and where they go. The CDC paid a company called Safe Graph $420,000 for access to one year of data using it ostensibly to track what people were doing during curfews. Is your blood boiling yet? It should be.

Further, “Zach Edwards, a cybersecurity researcher who closely follows the data marketplace, told Motherboard in an online chat after reviewing the documents: ‘The CDC seems to have purposefully created an open-ended list of use cases, which included monitoring curfews, neighbor-to-neighbor visits, visits to churches, schools, and pharmacies, and also a variety of analysis with this data specifically focused on ‘violence.’ (The document doesn’t stop at churches; it mentions ‘places of worship.’),” reported Vice.

Reasonable people could surmise that this is a dry run of a disgraceful and illegal effort by the government to normalize the tracking of individual Americans, categorizing them, and using that information for law enforcement and even political organizing purposes.

The CDC clearly feels they are above the law and other Constitutional decencies and was perfectly comfortable initiating mass surveillance on innocent people living their lives. The question now becomes, what’s tracked next? What about parents attending a school board meeting? Or how about people visiting a gun store? Or tracking those who go to a gun range? Or how about individual tracking of people who attend a Trump rally?

Remember, the Biden administration is challenging the overturning of the mask mandate not because it’s imperative to your health. In their statement, they said they were doing it to preserve the CDC’s “authority” to do whatever they deem necessary during an “emergency.” Dr. Anthony Fauci was the first to decry health authorities being subject to a court order. He called it “disturbing” and that it set a “dangerous precedent.” Actually, this is exactly what the judiciary does—reverse the government when it overreaches.  

The Intercept is also reporting on the growing issue of private tracking data being used by the government: “As location data has proliferated largely unchecked by government oversight in the United States, one hand washes another, creating a private sector capable of state-level surveillance powers that can also fuel the state’s own growing appetite for surveillance without the usual judicial scrutiny.”

The data industry insists they aren’t bound by privacy laws because they are only tracking phones, and the data is not tied to people’s names. That’s laughable. An ACLU representative told the Intercept: “The Supreme Court has made clear that cellphone location information is protected under the Fourth Amendment because of the detailed picture of a person’s life it can reveal…Government agencies’ purchases of access to Americans’ sensitive location data raise serious questions about whether they are engaged in an illegal end run around the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement.”

Indeed. The good news is it’s now clear there must be legislation to stop this repugnant practice in its tracks.

The “Just the News” website reported, “Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), a fierce protector of freedom and privacy, says it is time to ban federal agencies from being able to track Americans’ behavior by buying their cell phone location data from commercial vendors. ‘When the government is trying to snoop on your behavior, it’s wrong, and there should be laws against it…’”

There is a bill languishing in Congress called the “Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale” Act stopping the federal government from buying location information without a warrant. Contacting your representatives is imperative so they know you are aware of what’s happening and that this end-run against the Fourth Amendment must be stopped in its tracks.

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Jim Darcy
Jim Darcy
2 years ago

As a senior citizen, I still hold to the values, mores, behavioral standards taught to me by my parents. This article discusses invasion of privacy by the government! It’s disrespectful and I believe is against the law!! If a government agency is following me around while I’m not the subject of a criminal investigation, they are breaking the tenets of the 4th Amendment to the Constitution which prohibits illegal search and seizure. They should be held accountable.

Beth Elliott
Beth Elliott
2 years ago

Where do you people think you can do this to American citizens and get away with it? Do you really think that we would let you use whatever information your collecting against us, thank again. We can also come after you, a American citizens. We have that right.You are making yourselves look like idiots!!!

Brucce Taylor
Brucce Taylor
2 years ago

Take your manipulations elsewhere, “We the People” demand a Country free of Socialism! Leave our County! Make”MEGA” mean Freedom from Socialism!!!

2 years ago

Makes one wonder if Covid was an initial plan to sabotage the world and its peoples…followed by even more under-handed socialism plans.

Joyce Donnelly
Joyce Donnelly
2 years ago

Thankful for Rand Paul and any others who support his bill. Tired of worrying about our “Land of the free” becoming a communist state or worst becoming a Nazi state! Government should stay out of our private lives.

2 years ago

The whole bunch should be held accountable for illegal takeover of the government and treason against America and its Constitution

Jan E. Davis
Jan E. Davis
2 years ago

CDC can’t figure out VAERs data but manages to stalk “we the people.” Drain the swamp.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Why aren’t they stalking ILLEGAL ALIENS? Why aren’t they surveying ILLEGAL ALIENS?
Why isn’t the AG going after ILLEGAL ALIENS and DEPORTING them instead of a made-up FASCIST politician term ghost guns violating MORE of our CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS?

2 years ago

This is no suprise when a socialist party gains power and then it gets broken when President Trump gets elected. So any lie, delay or directed hate program is put into play, like resident voting, not in person voting to allow fraud. How many senior living residents got mail-in ballots and had the helpful attendant fill the ballot for them, saying just sign here and we will mail it for you!!!! If they will steal votes, they will track as many of the 75 million people who voted against their power grab. So, yes this is a serious violation to our rights. Speak up and let every person in your local, state and federal represenative know that you support the Constitution and will not put up with the willful violation of our rights and sanity of America, including our boarders!!!!

2 years ago

As I was writing to AMAC, told my husband, “I better send this before this insane administration takes away our freedom of speech”!!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

Remember these are the same ppl who bugged then candidate Trumps phone then spent 4 years trying to impeach him for what they knew were LIES. Seems the terms “Nazi” and “fascist” are used enough… that is except when President Unity refers to “Ultimate MAGA”. The point of “enough” is well past…

2 years ago

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero

Need one say more?

2 years ago

Isn’t this the sort of behavior we found repugnant in other countries, such as China, North Korea, and Hitler’s Germany? If we accept this, you have to wonder what the government will do to us next. I’ll listen for that voice coming through the showerhead: “You’ve spent enough time in the shower. I am turning off the hot water in 3 seconds.”

Good grief. This doesn’t look like freedom to me.

2 years ago

NEVER, EVER TRUST A liberal OR A chimp

James Thompson
James Thompson
2 years ago

If I don’t stop writing the White House and complaining the disinformation board will lock me up! That’s OK! So easy for them to spy on me in prison. With cameras everywhere I’ll be just as safe as Epstein! No one will be able to touch me!

2 years ago

Does it really do any good when my US Rep, Steven Horsford is a Democrat? I called anyway, but I expect his actions will be in violation of his Sworn Oath protecting the US Constitution! Nice people representing us in our government, aren’t they??!!

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
2 years ago

Any person with a brain knows that America has been invaded and taken over through fraudulent and illegal trickery by the new Socialist/Communist Democrat Party. Like someone flipping a light switch America was suddenly upended and under dictator rule, where rights, law and the Constitution no longer exist! It is no surprise that the Commie leaders do illegal surveillance. One of the problems is that the minority of Republicans in the House and Senate do Not do enough to try to counter the majority, submit more bills, object enough to cause problems for the Left. We as citizens need to flood our representatives with complaints and suggestions, boycott Big Tech. People need to recognize that Communist China is our enemy and stop supporting them by buying everything made in China! It appears that the most effective tools against them are lawsuits and actions taken by Florida and Texas! Support them.

Marc Ziegler
Marc Ziegler
2 years ago

1984 is closer than you think, Big Brother is now watching! Biden and his cronies should never be allowed to be in power again!! We are now closers to losing our freedom than ever before. Wake Up America, we must throw this slimy group of Leftist out of power before they destroy our way of life.

2 years ago

This is how socialism/communism get a foot further into our lives. So many people are worried about “security”, that they don’t realize their freedoms are being taken away little by little. History has shown that this is a method used by other governments to gain control and restrict freedoms. These moves fall under the guise of “safety” and too many people march blindly into the storm.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Yeah but Feds spy via: banking, Online, phones, applications, etc Very scary & 666

2 years ago

I’d like to see the demise of the demoncrat party.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
2 years ago

Folks………you have to realize that this is the same government that is feeding pure lies to its citizens regarding the invasion of Ukraine.
DO NOT take my word for it. Research things yourself. Look into where the children of Biden, Pelosi, John Kerry, Mitt Romney…….are heavily invested. Our leadership is ruining our financial future and our ability to fuel our vehicles, our homes, our very stomachs all to protect their investments with the INCREDIBLY corrupt Ukraine government backed organizations located in Ukraine.
Don’t take my word for it, look into it…but especially dont believe the same government that threw the 2020 election, lied about the non vaccine, vaccine…..lied about..EVERYTHING…….and are now setting up a ministry of propaganda so as to better lie to us all.

2 years ago

I think it would be hard for the Feds. to track my cell phone as it is off 98% of the time. I have a cell phone mostly for emergency use. It costs me less than $100 per year to run my cell phone.

2 years ago

And many thought the “Mark of The Anti-Christ” was impossible!!! It literally means, the numbering system of man. Hello, time to unplug our ears and listen to Bible prophecy. Checkout ICANN website.

2 years ago

Two words “Restraining Order” we need one from SCOTUS for Uncle Sam to clarify the Bill of Rights for our cognitively, and comprehension challenged servants, a.k.a. federal government, to stay the hell away from our private sphere, out of our bank accounts, and homes – period!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

To stay with the theme it is “dezinformatsiya”, which is control of what is let in and what is disseminated to the people from foreign and national sources both. It’s beginning to sound like the Sulai Omaromva of speech.
I still want to know why three important departments are headed by foreign, especially Homeland.

2 years ago

This the same tactic being used in China on a daily basis… question is how do we make our cellular connections “un-trackable?” Citizens should not have to be faced with the potential of being tracked or monitored by any means. The only exception might be that of actual ongoing criminal activities….and with warrants in place. It may be time to dump the cell phone and go back to two cans and a string.

2 years ago

IMHO: Kinda makes me glad I’m old. I have had the feeling for more years than I care to remember that Soylent Green, Nineteen Eighty Four, Fahrenheit 451, A Brave New World, I Robot, Population Bomb, and Animal Farm, among others would unfortunately come to pass. Today’s fiction, tomorrows fact! It’s not far off. I wish all you younger people, who think you know it all and care less, all the best when you finally “own nothing, and are happy” under the NWO, or the Great Reset, of Klaus Schwabs’ Utopia. Mass Formation Psychosis, with it’s continual drumming and diet of Democratic Donkey P!ss flavored BidenSh!t, that went right to your heads.Take your Somma pills, enjoy your Genetically Modified and Artificial foods, Automatic Programmed Education, free random sex, loud music(?) and dancing(?), and your chosen (by them) jobs in the fields that Artificial Intelligence and Robotics can’t handle. Big Pharma and Big Agra will keep you just well enough to work in the fields and factories, and just sick enough to need their poisons, and when you finally run out of the desire to live you can check in at the Hotel California (Soylent Green factory) where they’re only “programmed to receive,” and “check out in style like Edward G. Robinson!” Every one except the Elites loves Soylent Green because it tastes better! You have ALL THIS NOTHING to keep you happy, while the Elites cruise the world, eat real food, and live the Schwab Dream. Hot Damn! Sorry I’ll miss out on all this wonderful life, NOT.

2 years ago

The devil and evil has moved into the white house.

2 years ago

Just so they know I will shoot any stalker that try’s entering my house. Big gov can KISS MY A$$.

Donald A Colongeli
Donald A Colongeli
2 years ago


2 years ago

I wonder how long before this Disinformation Board will have the 2000 Mules movie banned from the internet and all other venues where the American citizens can see the truth?

2 years ago

This adds lots of fuel to the fire of a conspiracy theory over Covid. Which was first, the disease or the plan to circumvent American citizens rights? Was the disease created so that a population covering vaccine was needed? Were the multiple boosters needed because they could not get the tracking mechanism in it to work? The longer this continues, the more sinister it looks!

And now, right before many primaries, the Covid cases are rising again. Unelected bureaus with no beholding to the American citizens can be tolerated and allowed to run roughshod over the American public! But , are they trying to push our buttons, with a long term goal to come up with a reason to declare martial law? They are concerned about the 2024 election, obviously not the mid-terms. Which they have already conceded. I am worried.

2 years ago

The marxist democrat party are scum!
They are destroying America and attempting to take away Citizens freedom.
Throw them out!

Enuf Said
Enuf Said
2 years ago

Well, there will be some comic relief on Tuesday as the Biden fool will be on telling us how minimal inflation is and how GREAT things are for Americans! Wednesday’s inflation report will just continue to PROVE how big a fool and LIAR this idiot IS!! For all those that voted for him– he is now showing you how he is looking after your WELL-FARE!!

Marvin Simms
Marvin Simms
2 years ago

Maybe we can use the tracking data to monitor how many visits people make to the ballot drop boxes in November. I would be great to use their weapon against them.

2 years ago

Lying, corrupt,immoral marxist democrat party, same self serving ,anti American activities for over 50 years!
When will the people they continually exploit finally wake up and THROW THEM OUT!

2 years ago

Actually, it’s Pedo Quid Pro Joe and his Marxist/fascist Rap Party and Deep State (at least since their successful fraudulent coup).

Robin Boyd
Robin Boyd
2 years ago

We have allowed the Federal Government to become a Socialist enemy of the people. We need to vote out any and all Progressives in government positions. Only those who openly support the U.S. Constitution should be allowed in government.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
Medicaid text sign on calculator with pills and money. Medicaid text calculatoron American paper money with pills and orange prescription bottle

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