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Opinion: Leftist Activism Appears to Be on the Rise in the U.S. Will They Get Their Way?

Posted on Friday, April 22, 2022
by AMAC, John Grimaldi

WASHINGTON, DC, Apr 22 – It’s bad enough that elements of the “woke” faction are determined to brainwash our younger generations, but a potentially more depraved anti-American political movement has emerged, claiming status as a bona fide religion. 

The facts are that The Satanic Temple [TST] is recognized in the U.S. as a legitimate religion and is attempting to establish so-called After School Satan Clubs for first to fifth graders in elementary schools across the country. The Temple claims that their Clubs offer kids non-religious activities, but the reference to Satan has a significantly specific religious connotation and, at best, it can be confusing to children as young as six years old. Is that the TST’s goal – to confuse and manipulate future voters?

It is interesting to note that while the Satanic Temple describes itself as “the primary religious Satanic organization in the world,” it does not conform to the norm for religious organizations. Their website specifically omits any reference to God, a deity of any sort, or spirituality, and their description of themselves appears to be more atheistic than religious. And as the experts on atheism will tell you, “if atheism is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby.”

Nonetheless, though TST claims that it does not embrace deities of any sort, its headquarters in Salem, MA, features “an 8-foot, 6-inch bronze statue of a goat-headed, winged icon [or deity] called Baphomet. Asked if the Satanists here consider the monument to be holy, Greaves says it’s a loaded term,” according to Business Insider website.

Some time ago, author and journalist John B. Judis authored a lengthy essay for the Washington Post comparing the failures of the old left with the opportunities for success of today’s progressive socialists such as Satanic templars, Critical Race Theorists, and other emerging counter culturists.  

Judis wrote, “arguably dating to the Occupy movement of 2011, a new generation of left-wing activism has been stirring. A host of organizations (Indivisible, the Sunrise Movement,, People’s Action, the Working Families Party, Black Lives Matter, the Justice Democrats, a revived Democratic Socialists of America) and new publications (Jacobin, the Intercept, Current Affairs) are doing what groups like SDS did in the ’60s: elevating left-wing causes and promising dramatic societal change…These activists and their worldviews have made significant inroads in mainstream politics in a relatively short time. In 2016, Bernie Sanders — a socialist whose platform was well to the left of George McGovern’s then-regarded-as-radical platform in 1972 — almost won the Democratic nomination. This year [2020], Sanders, advocating a ‘political revolution,’ is once again in the top tier of candidates. So is Elizabeth Warren, who’s running on a platform of big, structural change…But at this moment of left-wing optimism, it bears remembering that the ’60s left never fulfilled the vision of [Tom] Hayden and others. Indeed, even as our cause appeared ascendant, a powerful right-wing movement was also percolating: Young Americans for Freedom, presidential candidates George Wallace and Barry Goldwater, California Gov. Ronald Reagan. By the time I saw Hayden speak in 1969, Nixon had been elected, in part because of a backlash to the new left. In 1972, he would rout McGovern at the polls. Less than a decade later, Reagan was in the White House. If revolutionary change was on the agenda, it was of an entirely different nature from what we had envisaged in 1969.”

Judis goes on to question whether today’s progressive socialists have what it takes “to dominate American politics over the next few decades.” 

In sum, this is yet another challenge from the secular left to divide and weaken our American resolve. We all have a responsibility in our communities and states to stand against those like these satanic groups and reinforce that America must remain “one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.”

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2 years ago

Let’s just cut through all the noise here about sensationalizing a Satanic temple or club and deal with the real major issue that is really on the table. The Satanic temple or club is merely the latest distraction designed to divert the public’s attention from the larger game being played by the left. The left is doing everything it can dream up to find new and inventive ways to try and divide and conquer the American people at every turn. The goal being to create enough chaos and instability to allow the institutions of America, and society in general, to be overwhelmed and collapse. The more outrageous the item, the better it suits the needs of the left to accomplish that objective.

Then when everything is in total disarray, the left swoops in with their solution to “fix” all that is wrong and ails the country and restores “order”. Not I didn’t say freedom or law and order, but simply “order” as defined by the new government. Their solution is of course pure socialism, where the government sets standards for everything and controls everything. You can also call it Marxism or the New World Order since it all boils down to essentially the same thing called by a different name. Where the government knows best and, and if you want to be treated “favorably” by the government, you follow whatever the government tells you to do without question. As long as you have value to the government, which means you produce more than you consume, you are allowed to exist in whatever conditions the government deems is adequate for your value to the state. Those that don’t agree to this “opportunity” will be dealt with either by “re-education facilities”, imprisonment or more permanent solutions. Just like how China, Russia and other socialist Utopias treat their citizens.

When will the current activities by the left cease? Only when the American people force the left in this country to stop. Not pause, but stop permanently. Until that time, the process the left is currently using will continue non-stop 24×7 until they have achieved their ultimate goal. That is just a simple fact.

2 years ago

So this isn’t necessarily a “new thing” it’s just getting some attention again. Although I disagree with these “tactics” we do live in America and they are free to do business as they wish. It’s an option that parents get to decide and they are not necessarily forcing this on any person, so I’m glad about that. I don’t agree and I would never encourage any parent to get within a mile of places like that but this is the world we live in. Do we want freedom or not? This is a cheap attempt to get more followers, tla smart business move, especially today, considering media will pick this up and blast it everywhere, giving them free advertisment. Just the fact that media picks this stuff up has the ability to “indoctrinate” people and potentially children, either through their parents or when they get older and find these stories. Unfortunately we have to let people learn their own lessons. Maybe this is what they need to find their Heavenly father, or maybe not. I highly doubt this will prove to be anything of significance, stepping out in the real world for a trip to the grocery store can be more detrimental to the evils of the world then some lonely Satanic facility that most (no matter political ideology) do not really care for any way. This is a weird, cheap tactic and that’s about it. TST is a huge contradiction, just like the left.

R Anthony Botti
R Anthony Botti
2 years ago

After-school SATAN clubs? When did people quit calling Satan “Justin Bieber?”

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Unless cave in & surrender overall OR we can WIN

2 years ago

True, but We the People ARE WAKING UP especially parents who have seen what our public schools and their teachers have been spewing about sex and transgender and gay and lesbian garbage since Co-Vid lockdowns! . . . All you have to do is look at Jackass Joe Biden’s latest polling numbers: Rejecting Socialist Crap!

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
2 years ago

It is always the strategy of Satan to cause divisions and to use deception. It is no accident that satanic groups gravitate to the Democratic Party. We must remain vigilant and persist in prayer.

2 years ago

Christianity describes Satan as a fallen angel who terrorizes the world through evil. So teaching children to be evil in school is ok? I don’t think so. I thought schools were teaching children to be kind and accepting of all people. Satan is the devil. Children know that the devil is the spirit of evil and a club with the name satan in is does not espouse GOOD.

After school satan clubs offer kids non-religious activities? So does the chess club, language clubs, leadership clubs, music clubs, etc.

2 years ago

Satan’s workshop? Hollywood where graphic sex, violence, drugs, degrading of woman are portrayed on the screen and in our home as Americas form of entertainment. We reap what we sow! Moral decay!

2 years ago

QUESTION: ‘Opinion: Leftist Activism Appears to Be on the Rise in the U.S. Will They Get Their Way?’
ANSWER: NO, not if we stop them first!

2 years ago

If they begin poisoning our “children” now, the future will be theirs and no longer ours. Get it yet??

2 years ago

Yeah, they’re always ahead of us because we have to run after them to take back our country and undo all the damage they create. Dems do scorched earth–we need to do the same. We need to go on the offensive instead of the defense. Part of the problem as I see it is that they spin everything and outright lie and it’s repeated by mainstream media until it is perceived as truth (ala Goebbels–Hitler’s propaganda guy).

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