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Parents Are Rethinking Disney

Posted on Tuesday, April 19, 2022
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Disney is slipping … going light to dark. Think J.R.R. Tolkien … East of Gondor, south of Mirkwood, lies Mordor, the “land of shadows” in Tolkien’s make-believe world. A Black Gate is guarded by Towers of Teeth, and what could be good is bad. Disney is slipping toward Mordor, away from innocence, goodness, and light. Disney is now Communist China’s ally, promoter of social dysfunction, place of fear, and trepidation for parents who want healthy children. Why?

First, Disney went “woke,” pushing adult themes on little children, abnormal as normal, infusing what was happy, innocent entertainment with darkness, leftist jargon, and characters.

Then, Disney moved into a tight relationship with Communist China’s government. That relationship, well documented, involves revenues from contracts with a government guilty of heinous human rights violations and seems to be encouraging Chinese content in America.

Now, we see something stranger still. Parents fear for young children and feel under siege. They witness leftist, power-centering, coercive policies pushed into public schools. Media and government push what – only a few years ago and objectively – is inappropriate content.

When parents speak at school board meetings, the Biden Justice Department investigates them under the rubric of “terrorism.” Parents discover Marxist curricula, Critical Race Theory, sexual misinformation, open disenfranchisement of girls, and mass erosion of Title 9 gains.  

In Florida, parents have finally stood up – and said “enough!” They banded together and asked the governor to protect young children in public schools – kindergarten to third grade. They wanted an end to lessons causing children fear, confusion, and doubt about gender, sexuality, and identity.

How many little children do you know, or ever in time knew, know those words – as they were taught to read, write, do math, and gain confidence? None until now.

Even worse, parents were told they had to shut up, no remedy. Their kids were being taught that they might not be boys or girls, after all – not what God, science, history, common sense, and parents teach, but fungible and, worse, fixable. Confusing does not begin to reflect the anger parents feel.

All this would worry any parent because it steals parental prerogatives, what parents are there to do – teach and nurture, love and educate, and morally ground their children. That is not the job of a politically motivated, morally indifferent, or openly immoral government of a company.

So, Florida’s parents and governor passed a law to stop the government from teaching little children to question their sexuality, gender, or life identities, ending political and wrong-headed life lessons.

The state restored parents’ long-held rights, including when and in what way to speak and teach, medically and morally educate, protect, and advance their children’s lives.

Sensible, except here comes Disney. Disney – once “motherhood and apple pie” – now seems in league with those advancing profoundly inappropriate questions for little children, causing them to question political and sexual identities, in effect grooming, cultivating, and indoctrinating the young.

Disney slammed parents and the governor for preserving parental rights in areas as important to child development as it gets, that being security, identity, and proper timing for understanding sexuality.

The real question is why? Why did Disney decide to advocate for child confusion, moral depredation, misinformation, and miseducation, using their longtime positive image to drag children into Mordor, a place of worry, fear, confusion, and questioning of their parents?

How did a paragon of virtue, a place of relief and entertainment, a company known for supplanting worry with hope, fear with joy, anxiety with jubilation – become the reverse, a source of an attack on families, parents, childhood security, and a place of anxiety, worry, and political correctness?

Children in America are suffering from social isolation, COVID aftereffects, and suspension of traditional educational grounding. They are being cared for by stressed parents in an age of political histrionics, a unique blend of insecurity. The last thing they need is to be told they should question if they are, in fact, a boy or girl.

And the last thing parents need is to fight a company once a wholesome source of comfort and entertainment for children – suddenly leveraging that relationship to push politics and sex.

Bluntly, leftists in government and detractors of family rights and childhood security in the corporate world are working to shape children and undermine childhood security, confidence, and social peace. This woke business model must stop.  

Disney has lost its way. The time is now for those who think this way to stop. Parents have the right to raise their children, protect them, and guide their education in personal and sexual matters. In no world – not even J.R.R. Tolkien’s darkest Mordor – are little children used as social experiments. Parents across America are right – Disney’s new identity is wrong.

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Randy W Cunningham
Randy W Cunningham
2 years ago

Hi Dave,
They may be involved in a lot of enterprises, but they do not, & will never have, control over my family & myself. We will not be involved with, or have anything to do with, the company or any of their subsidiaries anywhere in the world! If enough people feel & react the same way we have, they will get the message!

2 years ago

Got to concur! Disney has been slipping in who and how it caters to as far as its presentations. ‘Tain’t the same appeal it had when I was a youngster as far as the moral standards of its products.
But that is the aura of a Liberal DemocRat pressure eating at our society/governance standards. Look out Roman Empire, the USA is trending to join your historical fate if citizens don’t wise up.

2 years ago

Well RBC, all I can say is Disney management made a choice quite a while ago (over a decade ago to be exact) to adopt the standards of the Democrat Party and the cancel culture left in hopes that they would be spared the anti-business attacks that dominate socialist politics. For a while it worked for them, in that the left pretty much left them alone and didn’t mount aggressive media campaigns to vilify them, while their actual customer base, those that grew up on the old Disney of decades ago and still flocked to their theme parks, movies and streaming service ignored what Disney had become and continued to financially support them.

Unfortunately for Disney, their actual customer base has finally woken up, looked around at what Disney has actually become, and decided Disney is no longer worth supporting with their dollars. Which to a business, is the difference between financial survival or eventual extinction. So the choice Disney management has to make is very simple: They can continue to tow the progressive line of the Democrats and cancel culture and watch their bottom line continue to suffer or they can abandon their support for the left, which by the way doesn’t really support the vast majority of their business model. The ball is in their court, but I seriously doubt that Disney will make the right decision looking at who makes up their Board of Directors. Their corporate management clearly is clearly more terrified of displeasing the left than trying to win back their diminishing customer base.

My guess is Disney will re-double its efforts to expand its Chinese market segment to try and offset the declining U.S. revenue stream. They already allow the CCP to essentially have script approval for most, if not all, of their movies. It is not that big a stretch to see Disney allowing the CCP to have right of first refusal in the future for most of their business plans going forward. Walt Disney would not recognize what the company he founded has become.

2 years ago

… it surprises me that, suddenly, Disney corporation lacks for any semblance of vertical or horizontal restraint. Adoption of so militant a stance, unabashedly demonstrating such desperation defending the gay way, and child sex, suddenly the once wholesome, cuddly Disney corporation lacks for impulse control. Disney doesn’t seem to have any control whatsoever, over its impulses, its messaging, nor its employees. No two ways about it, the LGBTQ special interest group somehow infiltrated Disney corporation, subverting it into a political tool to subvert our children into the gay way.

2 years ago

I am done with Disney. The ultra-liberal gay rights people started taking it over about 10 years ago. Their rhetoric, propaganda and talking points are vial. I have canceled Disney TV.

Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

At this very moment in time, Disney of Florida has become a has been…They have willingly allowed the CCP of China to make all policy decisions for them…The people of Florida want them gone & for good reason. K-12 education in America needs the same housecleaning effective immediately. It is time for China along with all of their WOKENESS to leave these shores for good…
Bill… :~)

2 years ago

Boycott anything that has to do with Disney, including T shirts or advertisements. Money talks and if they do not have the money to stay open they have two choices. Close or Listen to the people. We want entertainment NOT communism

Tim Thompson
Tim Thompson
2 years ago

Like much of what is going on in our governments, being taken over by Democratic Marxists, Disney seems to have fallen on it’s own sword. They have been emboldened to praise LGBTQ policies, homosexuality and what most mom’s and dad’s fear that the left is forcing perversion onto their kids and thinking Parents have no say in the matter. Well I for one think Disney has been pushing higher costs in their ticketing policies as well as allowing oversold days to make going to the park a misery not the fun they push saying it’s the happiest place on earth. I am never going to buy a pass and more than likely not go back to the parks, may not support their movies if they pursue what they now think is acceptable and we parents know its a form of sexual perversion. Plain and simple they have overstepped their bounds and now we the people that buy the experience have had enough. Adios Disney and you deserve everything that parents refuse to participate in anymore.

2 years ago

Alt Disney

Lynell Wendell
Lynell Wendell
2 years ago

It is time to turn the education back to the parents at the local level. Disband the Dept of Education. Drop all of the woke curriculums. Get back to teaching our children, not indoctrinate them. Let’s get America back on top to be the envy of the world as we once were.

2 years ago

I’ll never spend another dollar on anything Disney related. I’m not woke and have no plans to ever be woke. Bye bye Disney.

Gregg H Lambert
Gregg H Lambert
2 years ago

Anything I even sniff disney on is expunged from my life

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

parents don’t have right to rear their children they have a DUTY to them they willingly pass that on to the state school and Disney

James D McConnell
James D McConnell
2 years ago

Thank God my boys are grown, and despite my questionable parenting, they have turned out great.
The CEO of Disney should be terminated by the stockholders. My kids aren’t “woke” and there will never be a time when their children don’t know who they are

Karen Davenport
Karen Davenport
2 years ago

Will AMAC do anything to support the boycott of Disney?

2 years ago

Another American institution destroyed by the Marxist left!! Thank God, Walt Disney is not alive to see what Disneyland has evolved into! I will never spend another dime on anything Disney!!!!

Dan S
Dan S
2 years ago

As a doting grandfather of 3 little ones, there is no way I’m spending anything on Disney products from now on… And, as a retiree, one of my bucket list items was to treat the entire family to a nice long vacation at DisneyWorld. That item has been removed from the list for good!

The entire board of directors should be ashamed of themselves. Sadly, Walt is turning in his grave because of these ridiculous and grotesque situation.

Fairfield 59
Fairfield 59
2 years ago

Not the Disney I grew up with and later worked at. It is so sad.

2 years ago

The WHY is easy; it is who Disney is hiring to make decisions and carry out policy. A few years ago I was offered a job in corporate Disney. I was excited but almost immediately warned away by friends and others who had first-hand knowledge of the Disney environment: harsh, competitive, few real promotions and salaries that were less than other companies of its size because they believed their staff was paid by the “status” of working for Disney.That proves many thought of it as a resume builder, not a lifetime career place. It was not a good company to work for all that time ago, Walt himself was not a good man in his bigotries, and I did not take the job. Whew!

2 years ago

Parents and other decent Americans should not only boycott Disney but cancel them altogether. Since wen does a 3%-4% minority in this country have the immoral right to indoctrinate our children with this godless ideology. And why are they getting so much attention is beyond me. The answer is a Marxist/Socialist society. Divide and conquer from within the country. They couldnt divide us with the CRT so they try to pit children against their parents. This nonsense has got to stop. Its a dam shame when these big corporations try to destroy the Nuclear family all for the sake of the almighty dollar. When do they stop? …they stop when the woke/ spineless people in this country wake. Their game plan is to sneak these Marxist ideas in our geads a lil at at time so the woke think its the norm after awhile, then before you know it they take control over everthing you say and do America

2 years ago

Only those with the most $$$ and willing to pay their outrageous rates will continue to support crappy Disney!

2 years ago

Well it looks like Disneys share price has taken a few hits over the last few weeks, thanks to a BoD that isn’t concerned with the tried and true Disney business model that served the company for decades. Instead, Disneys WOKE BoD decided to take the path of the destruction of childhood innocence to try and skew what is (was) an American family icon for generations. If any of those BoD members are still there in the aftermath, Disney’s shareholders deserve massive losses.
On a separate note, my family and I took a Florida vacation this year BUT not to Disney, thanks to these insane developments. We love the good people of the Sunshine State and their Governor, so we will gladly spend our next few vacations in various parts of the state. We will support Gov. DeSantis and the good people of Florida, but we will NOT give a dime to Disney until these WOKE board members (and Disney’s current culture) are shameful memories.

2 years ago

I am probably going to catch some abuse, but: The American Adults are essentially dumb, deaf, and blind (NOT ALL). I”ll call them AA. AA allowed pre, child, mid, high, and college facilities to teach anything they wanted. AA allowed their kids to freedom I only dreamed about. AA gave everything and anything pre adults wanted or desired. AA allowed both parents to work without regard to education and had zero time to concentrate on moralistic entertainment (not Disney back then). AA appears totally lacking in education regarding life outside their cocoon (we were warned but did not listen). When will AA (including politicians) wake up to the hard core truth of today;s sex, drugs, education, obsession, (no time for more). Bottom line, AAs are ambivalent, just don’t give a dam, sue you, screw you (no time for more). WORST of all is the feeling that “There is NOTHING I can do about it” until it’s MY KIDS. What about human trafficking at our border, including rape, murder, corrupton (no time for more). DISNEY IS NOT THE CULPRIT HERE, YOU ARE. Fixing Disney is a starting place at this moment in time. I pray Disney will, under pressure, remove the ideals that they are now embracing. I pray also that YOU are modifying your thoughts toward what is the REAL truth.

2 years ago

Remember the outrage against the NFL a few years ago. The NFL still gives money to kill babies (planned parenthood), BLM – and any other radical group they want. But it appears people have given up their moral values for Sunday afternoon entertainment by over paid people playing games.
this too shall pas.

Donald Christian
Donald Christian
2 years ago

Another overly worded article to say disney is screwed up. I would like for amac’s writers to shorten these articles.

2 years ago

What a well written and so very truthful article! Nice work.

2 years ago

If I had young children now or grandchildren, I would not take them to Disney. There are much more beautiful sites to see and learn about, like Zion Natl Park, the Appalachians, the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Native Indian mounds in Illinois & Mississippi & other places, taking the ferry to Dauphin Island, the ferry up the North Carolina coastline, the ferry from Maine to Nova Scotia, seeing the beautiful lighthouses, Crazy Horse Mtn, the Badlands Natl Park, Mount Rushmore, Mount Trashmore in Virginia Beach–all of these places plus so many more that I could name, with so much more history and much more entertaining and good food along the way. Yes, when my now very adult children were young, we did go to Disney. It was different in the late 1980’s, in a better way. But my children also got to see all 50 states, plus all the items listed above, and so much more. Folks, all these good places are still out there to see and learn about, most don’t cost but very little plus your gas & time. And kids still get to run, jump, and play.

2 years ago

Truly informed parents who have their children’s long-term best interest at heart WILL avoid exposing their children to ‘all things’ related to Disney. Having taken a turn into darkness, it is no longer a good choice of fun & entertainment for our children.

Randy W Cunningham
Randy W Cunningham
2 years ago

The “Magic” has been removed from the Magic Kingdom, sadly by politics & bad boardroom decisions. My parents & I visited Disney World in 1970 & were “enchanted” with the magic & technology. I always wanted to own Disney stock based on that & subsequent trips to “Walt’s World” with my wife & children. A few years ago, I finally fulfilled that dream & purchased 70 shares of the company when it was relatively cheap to add to my portfolio. Then, about four months ago, I began hearing rumors of the direction Disney was heading politically, socially & in its investing objectives worldwide. My dream was taken away from me & Walt’s vision of creating & maintaining the “happiest place on earth” was destroyed, as well. The dream is gone, I sold my stock the first of April. Unless they come to their senses & return to the values that the company was built upon, I will never again invest in Disney or take my grandchildren to the Unmagical Kingdom or even to a Disney movie! Another great American institution has died, so sad & too bad.

2 years ago

The woman(quota? and pronoun correct?) has been with Disney for a while but in another division. The attitude has been festering and now it comes to a head. She and Disney have been moving forward toward a branch of the New World Order. Stick Magic Mountain Magic where the sun doesn’t shine. I’ve got better places that I can spend my money. I mourn the death of Mickey,Minnie,Daffy, Pluto,Goofy,Daisy and so many others.

2 years ago

Take the kids to see the ARK. I understand it’s a wonderful and educational exhibit. Disney is going to be too expensive for a lot of parents dealing with the inflation and all the worries that go with it. It has become a rich kids exhibit. Or should I say a playground for the Elite’s children, since Elite is the name the liberals choose to refer to themselves…

2 years ago

Not just Disney, but a lot of the world has lost it’s way. The only answer is God. Much of the problem starts with sex. God says one man, one woman, married. The world has turned it into anyone or anything or animal you want to relate with. Fornication, adultery, pornography have become the norm. No, I don’t want to deny rights to anyone, but I also don’t want to have it shoved into my life and style of living. Parents should start being parents and thinking less about their individual desires. Many can’t wait to have their child occupied in some way while they pursue their desires. Their desire may be an innocent visit with a friend, but if they aren’t paying attention to what their child is doing or being exposed to, they are derelict in their duty. I’m sure many people need to work to keep food on the table, but a lot of people work mostly for what money can buy.

2 years ago

Governor DeSantis is removing the special tax status Disney has enjoyed all these years. They will now be paying the rightful share of taxes….go woke, go broke…He is just fantastic.

2 years ago

Great article! Slightly off topic, but I’m going to be completely politically INCORRECT now, because this story is so sad (because of what Disney USED to be) as well as infuriating (for what Disney has becaome)! I know several black people who do NOT support BLM and several LGBTQ individuals who are absolutely fine NOT flaunting their lifestyle on anyone else. Based on current television commercials and print ads, since WHEN did our population become primarily black and LGBTQ? If you watch the commercials and/or read the ads, you’d swear the VAST majority of our country is either black or LGBTQ. This is ridiculous and just shows the stupidity of the “woke” companies (such as Disney), because it makes me NOT want to buy anything from them.

jake the snake
jake the snake
2 years ago

good thing since only a child molester or pervert would take a child to Disney’s pervert central.

Disney’s new hiring campaign: Are you a registered child molester. Are you on the sex crime watch list. Do you believe you do not know the difference between a boy and a girl? did you applaud the new California law making it legal to have sex with 14 year old children? Well Disney has exciting opportunities for you.

Yup you would have to be a really sick parent to take your children to a Disney facility.

2 years ago

What is there to rethink? They have decided to be anti-traditional family values. Try Dollywood if you need a safe place to take your kids.

2 years ago

Disney is on it’s way to making X-rated movies and characters.

2 years ago

I’m tired of these immoral,woke,policticly correct, spineless companies and executives who cave in to this ridiculous crap!!!
I’m boycotting any business who has no morals,ethics or American pride to tell them HELL NO!
How absurd to think they can dictate or force such reprehensible policies on FREE Citizens!

Ginny Moss
Ginny Moss
2 years ago

What can you expect? Disney is based in California! Hopefully enough people will boycott them. Not visit their parks, buy merchandise, attend movies. In other words – don’t buy anything Disney

2 years ago

Sadly, this is the result of a hundred years of good people sitting back and allowing Communism to take root in America.
THIS is Communism: the Totalitarian perogative to order one how to live.
Do you all like it??? That have ignored this even when it was shoved under your noses in the 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, and 10s?
Too bad the rest of us have to suffer with the foul beings……

2 years ago

Bottom line, these pervs want to have their way with your children.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

The basic problem is that pervs do not understand that they ARE pervs.

Diana Ross
Diana Ross
2 years ago

This whole issue of Disney behaving this way is that they are absolutely wrong and wouldn’t have been anything if it wasn’t for the parents of children spending money on their movies and the hopes and dreams that they created for children. Disney should now be boycotted as far as I am concerned. I will not buy anymore of their stuff for my grandchildren that is for sure, and I hope others will stand up for their children and stop all this madness.

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
2 years ago

If Walt Disney were alive today all of these people running his company would be fired! The current Disney product is absolutely opposite everything that Walt Disney stood for and built!

2 years ago

I said goodbye to Disney in the 80s when they started putting so much satanic things in their movies and cartoons. They were subtle but they were there.

2 years ago

Disney has been corrupt for years. they have been pro homosexual for at least the last twenty years and even refused to give money to the boys scouts of America if they did not allow homo scout masters to lead those boys. If Walt Disney was around today he would be appalled and disgusted about what has happened to Disney. He would of never dreamed that this could of happened

Free American for now
Free American for now
2 years ago

Either band together and boycott disney back into sanity or surrender your children into the madness of the liberal ideological psychopathy this whole country is sinking into! DO IT NOW or be CONDEMNED to hammer and sickle hell!!

Dr. George R . Rivera, Jr.
Dr. George R . Rivera, Jr.
2 years ago

All that is Good is in the crosshairs of Evil. Look at what happened to the Boy Scouts of America. Like moths to flame, homosexual pedophiles (by definition – hardly any male homosexuals are pedophiles, but a male homosexual attracted to young boys are defacto pedophiles) collapsed the organization, shortly after homosexual orientation was deemed acceptable in Scoutmasters. It opened the doors. In the Church, Evil has made its way in as well, and not just with Catholicism. Why should Disney be any different? I can remember when the cover of the Alladin VHS had an erect golden dildo as a minaret in the background, but it was too soon. Now, it would be accepted. It has been years in the making.

Bob K
Bob K
2 years ago

Hopefully Disney will revert to their family value roots and move away from ‘Woke’ as a result of parental and wonderful Governor Desantis pushback. Looking back, this seems like a direct result of corporate adoption of Diversity and Inclusion. Only when every company goes back to hiring the best candidate based upon skills, experience and training regardless of race, gender or gender identification will we begin to heal from this cancer in our society. If you are a stockholder, vote your shares accordingly.

Wil Haines
Wil Haines
2 years ago

Isn’t it time for a new Wizzardly-Land? After all, not all creative persons in this country are woke! I think Disneyland and Disneyworld need a new competitor, or two. I would start with a new “mouseketeers-like” launching pad. Old fashioned and outdated you say? Frankly, I seriously doubt that. What is it that makes kids happy? Take away the digital world and let them play with meaningful things again from the real world. Before Disneyland, there was kick-the-can, holly holly in free, red rover red rover, and the list goes on and on. My guess is that kids would enjoy such a departure from the world of digital make-believe in a true environment of inclusion. Blend some of that in with the world of magic and two things happen. First, the cost of the admission ticket will go down considerably whereby families can once again afford to take their children on a great enjoyable enchanted-land family trip. Second, the lessons of childhood pleasure and social interaction with all colors of people start to rekindle again. My color is WE! Are WE friends? If so, enough said, color is not a factor, nor should it be. Period.

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