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Pelosi’s Dilemma: Her State of the Union Optics Might Hurt Biden’s Message

Posted on Saturday, February 26, 2022
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – by Shane Harris

variant Pelosi state of the unionOn Friday, the CDC released new guidance on a number of pandemic restrictions, including masking in indoor settings. While these new recommendations are likely a welcome relief to many pandemic-weary Americans, they may have triggered a political dilemma for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. With the State of the Union just days away on March 1, President Joe Biden desperate to claim some sort of victory over COVID-19, and having already been forced to backtrack on an attendance cap for the event, Pelosi may face added pressure from some Democrats to rescind her mask mandate, even as others in her party remain committed to masking.

It was widely speculated when Biden announced the date for his State of the Union Address that one of the main reasons for the delay (the speech is usually given in January or early February) was the hope that the Omicron surge would have subsided by then. That gamble appears to have paid off, as case numbers are now way down from their peak in late January. However, Biden remains underwater with the public on his handling of the virus, with just 45% of Americans approving of the job he has done on COVID-19. That figure is down from 62% approval last July and nearly 70% approval when Biden took office. 

That leaves Biden in a political bind, particularly as his unpopularity continues to weigh down Democrats nationally with an all-important midterm election fast approaching. Biden ran on a central promise of “shutting down the virus,” yet Americans who don’t live in red states are still faced with many of the same restrictions they were a year ago. 

In an attempt to remedy this, the White House has in recent weeks attempted to resurrect Biden’s image by signaling a “pivot” on the virus, moving from a message of “zero COVID” to “conditioning” Americans to live with it – in other words, following the same strategy red state governors have pursued since early last year. The aforementioned new CDC guidance no doubt provides a boost to this narrative, as more than 70% of the country – including Washington, D.C. – is now in the “low” or “medium” risk categories, where there is no recommendation for indoor masking unless you are at potential “increased risk” for Covid-19.” Reports have also indicated that Biden hopes to use his State of the Union Address as a victory speech of sorts, telling Americans that COVID is in the “rear-view mirror.” 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has no doubt been recruited to help in this effort, particularly as her caucus’s rapidly declining chances of hanging on to their razor-slim majority will likely hinge on if Biden can manage to execute a dramatic turnaround before November. Pelosi already manufactured one supposed “victory” for the president, initially suggesting that attendance at the State of the Union would be capped before announcing that all Members of Congress would be able to attend – all thanks to Biden’s supposed successes on COVID-19.

But even with every House Member and Senator in attendance, Biden’s State of the Union is still unlikely to project any sense of normalcy if the rest of Pelosi’s COVID-19 policies for the event remain in place. For starters, there won’t be any guests present – long a staple of State of the Union Addresses. All attendees must also present a negative COVID test before entering the chamber, even though nearly every Member of Congress is vaccinated and boosted.

The most obvious potential display that things aren’t back to normal, however, will be if every attendee is wearing N95 or KN95 masks, as per the current guidance for the event.

On the one hand, keeping the mask mandate in place would make Joe Biden’s claims of “victory” over the virus appear almost farcical juxtaposed with the image of lawmakers in masks. While it might appease the small but vocal portion of the country who wants to mask forever, to most Americans a masked State of the Union would symbolize a Democratic establishment that is still firmly in the grasp of the COVID lockdown advocates. All of the groundwork the White House has been laying over the past several weeks would likely be for nothing when the country sees a President and a Congress who still appear to be terrified of COVID-19. 

On the other hand, Pelosi lifting the mask mandate at the last minute could provide Biden another opportunity to claim that the country is “moving forward” from the virus. Without the sight of masks, the most potent symbol of the pandemic, Biden could project an air of normalcy by the mere image of a full House chamber for his speech. 

The downfalls of this approach, however, are clear. Democrats remain divided on mask policies, and some appear to actually want to keep pandemic restrictions in place, despite what the CDC now says. It may now be the case that Democrats have so completely convinced their base (and in some cases themselves) to embrace every pandemic restriction as a matter of life or death that even their own supporters don’t want to give up the masks. They may see it as an admission that the anti-mask crowd, whom they have ceaselessly accused of being “anti-science” and “murderers” over the past two years, has actually been right all along.

Lifting the mask mandate would also likely add to the perception that Democrats have only shifted their tone on COVID-19 restrictions as their poll numbers have tanked. As many conservative commentators have put it when explaining Democrats’ sudden “pivot” on COVID-19, “the science didn’t change – the politics changed.” 

Pelosi would also open herself up to accusations of hypocrisy by not requiring masks, as she has thus far staunchly refused to lift any COVID-19 restrictions at the Capitol. The building remains closed to visitors, and she just announced an extension of proxy voting – a supposed emergency measure just for the pandemic – to March 30. Marjorie Taylor Greene, an outspoken House Republican from Georgia, has reportedly racked up nearly $90,000 in fines for refusing to comply with Pelosi’s mask mandate on the House floor. Would Pelosi now dare lift that same mandate to help give Biden a good photo op on the biggest political stage of the year? 

Pelosi thus appears caught in a great dilemma – and it doesn’t stop with the pandemic. After all, if the left submits to reality on the science of masking, might they then also have to submit to reality on their false claims of “systemic racism” in American society? What about the line that unlimited spending has no consequences for the national economy? Before you know it, Pelosi might even have to admit that there are only two genders – as the science and most Americans already believe. Wouldn’t that be a sight. All that reality could very well lead to widespread disillusionment and despair on the left, triggering a great unraveling of the radical Democrats and their supporters in an election year. 

In short, giving up the masks might inevitably lead to Pelosi giving up her gavel and the one thing Democrats love even more than fear – their power. 

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2 years ago

This article illustrates how whacked off the left is in this country. Everything they do is predicated on one thing- remaining in power. No matter how STUPID it may be. Face diapers, racism, gov spending, climate change-it all BS. All of it.Wake up America before it’s too late.

Voter Ann
Voter Ann
2 years ago

Here’s another optic: a geriatric, senile old man, masked and shuffling down the aisle, ignoring any bold hands outstretch for a handshake (after all, which Dems would be foolish enough to be seen endorsing this man’s leadership in ANY way?) and needing assistance to climb the several steps onto the podium. Of the few who will attend, how many will actually applaud his ranting? Appalling.

Gary Lee
Gary Lee
2 years ago

The mind boggles at the possibilities in optics the Dems could lay down for their “Emperor.”. Bands, color guards, and saluting soldiers could be positioned and used at the (once again) walled off Capitol building – in a huge display of power, prestige, and gravitas! Psst: The “Emperor” is that deluded, semi-lucid guy running around with no clothes on.

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
2 years ago

If the mask mandate for congress is lifted to show Biden has brought things back to normal the Republicans should wear them anyway. The masks should have printed on them Let’s Go Brandon.

2 years ago

Common sense still eludes Democrats at ever turn. Trust me. Voters will punish them for their stupidity.
1. If a persons are old with medical conditions, they might consider wearing a mask.
2. If in excellent health, then by all means forgo the mask.
See how simple that is?
Yet, common sense continues to elude educated Democrats everywhere.

Dick Lepre
Dick Lepre
2 years ago

Pelosi’s dilemma is that her son Paul has been indicted by a San Francisco Federal Grand Jury.

2 years ago

Not a problem. Everybody masked, seated, Biden at the lectern, turns and says, “Madam Speaker, may I request that per the new CDC guidance, everyone who wishes to unmask do so?” Pelosi nods, camera dramatically pans the chamber and shows the majority of lawmakers unmasking. Such good T.V., it won’t even matter what the speech is or how its delivered. That’s the only thing that will be noted.

2 years ago

The America hating democrat party is the fetid virus we must eradicate from the face of earth!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 years ago

Luckily for Pelosi, Bidens message will be the usual “duuhhh…”

Greg Daniels
Greg Daniels
2 years ago

“Democrats realize that Covid restrictions and mandates may hurt them at the polls in November”
In other news:
“‘Science’ now supports removing masks and relaxing other restrictions.’

Just Eric
Just Eric
2 years ago

“small but vocal portion of the country who wants to mask forever” reminds me of Dems in the old South: masks now, masks tomorrow, and masks forever!

2 years ago

If the mask policy remains in effect for the address, the GOP should at some point simultaneously demask. That should end the nonsense.

Carlos Danger
Carlos Danger
2 years ago

Interesting article. I didn’t realize that the N95 mask rule would be in place. At least we’ll be protected from seeing Nancy’s face in full. Chuck’s too. Is Joe too required to mask? Oh, I hope so. So fun.

2 years ago

It’s all so laughable!! “Oh what a tangled web we weave – if first we practice to deceive!!” Or something like that….

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

Pelosi is on her way out. Good riddance.

marc sawatzki
marc sawatzki
2 years ago

Will Nancy tear of the SOTU speech. Need some drama

Clement Adegbenro
Clement Adegbenro
2 years ago

Too little too late for Biden and whatever “pivot” he makes, because thanfully, the American people are not stupid . They see the change as nothonmg more than a politically expedient move because November is around the corner.

2 years ago

Nobody likes masks. After a few months and people reading articles written by healthcare professionals, many people began to believe they were ineffective against this particular virus. Little by little, sane, normal people began to understand that the left was just using all these panic-mongering policies to control the people, condition us to totalitarian leftist rule.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

A screwdriver has a Higher I.Q. than SWAMP QUEEN pelosi.
Mask Mandates have been nothing but playing politics so they can CONTROL you.
Everybody knows that the Mask Mandates DON’T PROTECT you.
The government NEVER had the Authority to enforce Mask and Vaccine Mandates.
The Mask and Vaccine Mandates are and have been ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL from day one.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

I expect SWAMP QUEEN pelosi to show DICTATOR Beijing biden the same DISRESPECT as IT showed PRESIDENT TRUMP.
Don’t forget to TEAR UP Speech at the end of DICTATOR Beijing biden COMMUNIST Address.

2 years ago

Pelosi, needs to focus on the homeless situation in her home district (San Franciso). And Americans need to ignore her and move on with our lives. Let’s go Brandon to Pelosi and Biden and to the VP Cameljock, or whatever her name is. The democrats got just what they wanted the Sick, Lame and Lazy.

2 years ago

This is why you never lie, something most of us learned when we were in elementary school.

Mary A. Fitzgerald
Mary A. Fitzgerald
2 years ago

Who will watch SOTU? You can’t believe anything he says so, why listen?

B Lloyd
B Lloyd
2 years ago

Biden’s many “pivots” are analogous to a dog infested with fleas chasing its own tail, As for his SOTU; little doubt it will be filled with first person references (“I”, “me”, “mine”) and disparaging Trump,

2 years ago

Pelosi has painted herself into the corner. I can imagine the scene, with biden turning around and giving her an unopened box of N95’s while she hands him his favorite blanket and a bottle of Mucinex.

An then, of course, biden won’t be able to pass up the opportunity to blame President Trump for failing to reign in the pandemic. “But my administration got it done. [Looking sternly at the camera] Mission accomplished!”

Then there’s this: “America’s a free country, so everyone has the right to decide for [insert stupid new pronoun here]-self whether or not to use a mask. C’mon; this is Cu, uh, Venez, no that’s not right… whatever… [checks notes]… America. We’ve been saying this from the very beginning…” At which point, Pelosi defiantly tears up her copy of the speech in the same manner as she did when Trump gave his speech a few years ago.

This administration and the ridiculous dems in office have generated endless fodder for comedy and political satire. But when the show comes to an end, it’s not so funny for anyone living in this country.

2 years ago

I an a student of politics and have been for decades. I have been waiting for the collapse of the democrat party and could see it coming. I was off a cycle but here it is. You can make a good argument that Pelosi is the most responsible for the coming collapse. They will be out of power for at least a generation. Me….I’m going to send the lunatic a thank you note after the election.

2 years ago

Be sure to look at the “Peoples Convoy” headed to Washington DC. None of the main stream news outlets are covering the story. The convoy is growing every state they pass thru. People are welcoming them and joining. their purpose is no more mask mandates and NO vaccine passports to go places. Bidets emergency powers due to the pandemic need to be eliminated.

2 years ago

Desperate certainly describes Jackass Josef Biden’s dilemma. WHAT HAS HE ACCOMPLISHED SO FAR THAT HASN’T BEEN A DISASTER FOR AMERICA? . . . If we had an honest mainstream media, We most certainly would be talking about CHARGES OF TREASON, but instead, THEY IGNORE EVERY DISASTER IN EVERYTHING HE TOUCHES! . . . The people are finally waking up! . . . There is NO MIDDLE CLASS IN SOCIALISM, just rich and poor and 98% of the People will be Poor! . . . But he’s made Jimmy Carter happy because he’s no longer the WORST PRESIDENT IN AMERICAN HISTORY!

2 years ago

What antics will Pelosi perform during the speech as she sits behind Biden and tries to get attention for herself. Oh that’s right, she only does that when the President is Republican.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
2 years ago

The hag cancelled the masks this morning. If would be appropriate if the GOP would turn their backs to the “resident” every time he spouts some BS (which will be 97% of the time). But only a handful would have the cojones to do so!

2 years ago

Who is going to volunteer to rip his address to shreds on national tv?

2 years ago

Nothing Biden or any democrat does will redeem them. As long as Americans are aware of the unbelievable farce they have been subject to between the Covid oppression and the fake election.
Can’t wait until they are all gone once and for all.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

I may not watch but Vlad will.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
2 years ago

The ONLY speech I will see; is from President Trump. He knows instinctively how to be a powerful leader. One look from President Trump to Vlad Putin; and that is ALL THE SANCTIONS HE NEEDS! President Trump has LEADER WRITTEN ALL OVER HIM. Trump would know how to deal with the fuel crisis; straightaway. Europe would NOT be writing military orders for Trump. Trump, would tell Europe to grow a backbone & pistachios; and take some monetary/military responsibility for themselves! The ONLY President that I will listen to is: President Trump! Russian Aggression would have NEVER even gotten to first base with true leadership! May God Save This Country & May God Bring True Leadership Back To The White House!

Gen. Grant
Gen. Grant
2 years ago

So true–lying Marxist hypocrites the Democrats.

2 years ago

We as a country are in deep mule droppings! Who cares about Nancy Pelosi’s optics at the SOTU? If it smells like a pile of garbage it might just be garbage. I don’t care about optics- I and many others want results and stop feeding us the Green Program and Build Back Broke as way to economic freedom.Open up our energy resources and power forward. LET’S HEAR IT FROM JOEY. ENERGY INDEPENDENCE NOW AND BEYOND.

2 years ago

I think it would be a wonderful move on the part of the repubs at the state of the union to totally ignore Pelosi’s mask and distance rules ……and just wait for the sargent at arms to storm the crowd and arrest the offenders…..or have someone demand fines be paid on the spot……that would be worth watching!….for now it looks like all we will see and hear is the same as last year…more blah blah blah from the president and canned applause from the ranks of liberals who manage him, while repubs just sit and sulk……how about just walking out on the guy…..that would send a message……and who can edit it out since it will be “live.”

2 years ago

I have read most of the comments and this may seem petty but I wonder what pelosi will do with the hundred + masks she had made for her many outfits and how did she have so many ready to go when the wuhan virus first started? Also the “useful idiots” (karl marx) in Washington DC only care about themselves and their gods, power and control. We have lost track of one of our exchange student sons who lives in Kirovograd, Ukraine since the Orange Revolution. We are praying for every person in Ukraine and especially for our son and his family. When I worked in the soviet union and the middle east in health care the monster putin was still in the KGB. And if he thinks that xi is an ally and a friend he is really stupid. I have tried for years to make the American people wake up but to no avail!! Too many people have not seen the sacrifices made in democratic countries but I have! Some of what I have read in the responses about the Ukraine government being corrupt may be right but I will give them (Zelensky) an attaboy just as I did for the truckers up in Canada. I will fight these type of “useless” people (the left) until my death and at the age of 81+ years and with the diagnosis of Parkinson’s that may be sooner than I am ready for. I can no longer keep quiet and I will speak out more and more although in the past I have been kicked off of AMAC Resources by Comcast-Infinity! However I do not expect to be kicked off again. I usually read Robert Charles and that is when I get the BOOT! Thank you for letting this old woman expound. Carol

2 years ago

Thank you, really enjoyed this article.
Seems you have it exactly correct, the marxist democrats, joebama,pelosi and chucky schumer really have NOTHING positive to say, NO accomplishments to point to and NO credibility or believability.
When you cheat,deceive and lie to the Real American Citizens that have the ability to think you’re exposed to the reality you created.
What these anti American, marxist democrats have created is divisiveness, mistrust, entitlement and a level of dishonesty and destruction that 70% of legal voters REJECT!
The marxist democrat party and some rinos have continually shown blatant disrespect for the Citizens God given rights,religious beliefs , and Our heart felt love of Family, Freedom and Country.
This clown show administration may think they’ve ignored,outsmarted or tricked We the People, but they have severely miscalculated Our resolve and disdain for them.
2022,2024 and beyond will send a resounding message to marxist democrats and any pretenders just exactly WHO is in charge.
God bless America, let’s make and keep it GREAT for Our children and grandchildren.
We owe them that!

2 years ago

I won’t watch, we’ve heard the marxist democrat lies for over 50 years!!!
My pre-planned response to tonight’s lies – THROW OUT ALL THESE TRAITORS

2 years ago

Think Pelosi and Biden are sharing the same disease. Biden did not have anything to do with the Covid. Pelosi is the biggest hypocrite pertaining to masks. “Do as I say, not as I do. Goodbye to you both in November!

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