
National Security , Newsline

Trump Slams Joe Biden Over COVID-19 Failures as Beleaguered Administration Limps to Finish Line of a Disastrous First Year

Posted on Friday, December 31, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive By Shane Harris

After running on a promise to personally “shut down the virus” and unfairly criticizing former President Trump for allegedly not using the federal government aggressively enough in his pandemic response, President Joe Biden is suddenly striking a very different tone. On Wednesday, he announced that there is “no federal solution” to combating the virus, moments before trudging across a soggy White House South Lawn to a helicopter waiting to take him to his Delaware beach home. (Apparently, the holiday weekend began early for Mr. Biden).

Conservative and liberal commentators alike slammed the statement as “admitting defeat.” But the most damaging takedown of the Biden administration’s COVID-19 strategy – or lack thereof – this week came from former President Trump’s Save America PAC, which released a blistering exposé of Biden’s record on the virus just one day after Biden’s comments.

The summary of Biden’s COVID record, which was distributed to Trump’s followers by email and widely shared on social media, pulled no punches from the onset, calling Biden “a failed president who has surrendered to the Virus and broken his number one promise to the American people: to end the pandemic once-and-for-all.” That promise was something that many pundits brought up again this week, pointing to previous statements from Biden and top administration officials. In one tweet from July of 2020, Biden called for a “coordinated national response from the federal government.” The Republican National Committee also released a video montage of Biden promising nearly a dozen times that he would “shut down the virus.” Even Biden Chief of Staff Ronald Klain received some heat for a tweet from December of 2020 where he criticized the Trump administration for empowering states in their response efforts, saying “we have a national government for a reason.”

As the document from the Save America PAC goes on to lay out, however, it was the Trump administration’s strategy of a federally-coordinated and state-executed response (similar to what Joe Biden now seems to be suggesting) that had put the country in such a good position to battle the pandemic when Biden took office – an advantage that Biden has since squandered. “Joe Biden was handed every tool he could’ve asked for,” it reads. “3 vaccines, 5+ lifesaving therapeutics, vast quantities of medical and personal protective equipment, a full array of testing options for COVID… as well as a full year of data, study, and scientific knowledge. Yet despite all of this, Biden has failed so badly that more people died in 2021 than died in all of 2020.”

In particular, the statement highlighted the Biden administration’s failure on a few key issues that the Trump administration prioritized along with vaccines to create a whole-of-government response to the virus. These included therapeutics, which the Biden administration has largely ignored (there are now widespread shortages of monoclonal antibodies, one of the most effective treatments for seriously ill patients); the politicization of the vaccine, which Biden began by “foment[ing] skepticism about the vaccine” during the 2020 campaign; a failure to hold China accountable for its actions in the spread of the virus; and a failure to shut down the border, allowing hundreds of thousands of potentially COVID-positive individuals into the country illegally.

The results, as Trump’s blistering indictment explains, speak for themselves. Schools are once again closing, thousands of flights have been delayed or canceled during the holidays, and the “rules and messages changing at a dizzying pace” are sowing confusion and panic among the public. In addition, the testing system built from the ground up by the Trump administration has been largely neglected by the Biden administration, to the point where there is now a massive testing shortage.

That record contrasts sharply with the facts presented on President Trump’s record on the virus. Although Trump recognized that states and localities were best equipped to implement policies tailored to their populations, he also understood the need for robust coordination and leadership at the federal level. To this end, the Trump administration launched initiatives like Project Airbridge, which “led to the distribution of over a billion pieces of essential medical equipment,” as well as the expedited resupply of America’s strategic national stockpile, the use of the Defense Production Act for the manufacture of equipment needed by hospitals, the creation of “the world’s leading testing system,” and of course Operation Warp Speed, which purchased, tested, manufactured, and delivered multiple vaccines in less than a year, faster than ever before. Such a mobilization of government resources for an efficient and effective response has been noticeably lacking from the Biden administration thus far.

Some voices in the mainstream media desperately tried to rescue Biden from the intense criticism this week, repeating the administration’s line that “no one saw the Omicron variant coming” and trying to explain away Biden’s obvious 180 on his view of how to beat the pandemic. However, such a full-throated defense is perhaps more due to a desire on the part of some in the media to distract from the fact that they relentlessly amplified Biden’s claims that he could somehow “shut down” the virus immediately upon taking office—as if there was something Trump had not tried.

Others on the left have also variously suggested that no one could have succeeded in shutting down the virus, and that, after all, conservatives should be happy that Biden now appears to see the wisdom of Trump’s approach.

On the first point, the evidence suggests that the country was making progress on the virus under President Trump, and that this progress was reversed under President Biden. Moreover, COVID was the core issue of Joe Biden’s campaign – and he has failed to deliver.

The second argument similarly misses an important point: Nothing in Joe Biden’s record thus far suggests that his administration will be any more effective at a Trump-style state-centered approach (and there is still not much evidence to suggest that is what they indeed will try) than they have been so far at an aggressive, top-down federal approach.

But despite openly saying that federal action doesn’t appear to be working and President Trump brutally exposing his administration’s incompetence, Biden, incredibly, is still pushing ahead with federal actions of questionable legality. Or, to be more specific, delegating those decisions to unelected bureaucrats like Dr. Anthony Fauci. There has been no indication, for example, that Biden intends to rescind federal vaccine mandates that are undoubtedly part of the attempted “federal solution” that the White House now says is no good. Biden also made headlines recently by announcing that he would require Americans to be vaccinated as a condition for taking a domestic flight “if his medical team advises it.” Just to be clear, this is the same medical team that hasn’t yet been able to come up with a federal solution, and has made serious errors every step of the way. At the same time, Biden earlier this week lifted travel restrictions on eight southern African countries, the region of the world where the Omicron Variant was first discovered.

In short, it appears as if Joe Biden remains lost on COVID-19 – much as he has appeared lost so, so many other times throughout his short tenure. While that may bode well for Republicans hoping to retake control of Congress next November, or for Donald Trump in a potential 2024 comeback bid, in the meantime Americans will be left to beat back a virus that their president promised he would personally save them from, just months before tossing up his hands in exasperation and heading off to his beach house in Delaware.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio.


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Bill on the Hill
Bill on the Hill
2 years ago

JRB’s record speaks for itself & can best be described with a single word, ” disastrous “…
We as a nation have been forced to deal with the ramifications of a fraudulent 2020 presidential election that was deliberately allowed to stand by the DOJ, DOD, all of the courts, both state & federal, all the way to SCOTUS by REFUSING to even look at the ” overwhelming evidence ” of election fraud presented to them under 1000’s of sworn affidavits.. NO LEGAL STANDING? Give me a f*****g break already!
Despite this incognizant senile old man allowing now over 2 million untested for Covid -19 illegal immigrants to walk right across the southern border, directly into Texas, NM, AZ & CA, Biden is also flying them in directly from Central America, Covid-19 infected non-citizens from 150 nations are now within our borders & in addition to this seditionists behavior, Biden is flying in unvetted Afghanis from Qatar & other middle east countries as well…I haven’t even touched on his disastrously feeble attempts at dealing with this pandemic for our very own people that are being force fed with lockdowns, forced vaccination mandates, forced vaccination passports, people losing their jobs if not vaccinated, all the while no such mandates are required for the illegal immigrants Biden is deliberately flying across this nation…
On these grounds alone, this administration should cease to exist, it is NOT real nor is it legal, it NEVER was…Our beloved US Constitution has been completely trampled upon by this illegal occupying force currently residing in Washington, DC…Time for ALL OF THEM to go, effective immediately.
The time for action is now, whilst we still have a nation left to save…
Thank you,

Dan W.
Dan W.
2 years ago

Biden can’t seem to get out of his own way on any issue including Covid.

By now, people have had a chance to talk with their own physicians about Covid and are able to decide what personal Covid strategy is best for them and their families.

Let’s give people the freedom to proceed using or not using the tools available as they see fit and let Covid run its course for better or worse.

2 years ago

This has nothing to do with Biden, demorats, or RINOs. Take a look around the world Austria, Australia, Germany and the lockdowns from this hyped virus called Covid and all the variants that are projected with booster after booster.

The great puppeteers have been pulling strings for years. They just couldn’t with President Trump. This is a push for the one world, get rid of the constitution, religious freedoms, and market it by a mark, or vax to bring everyone into order.

2 years ago

This new Radicalized Far Left, Fraudulent, Socialist and Criminal Demoncrat President O’Biden and Family along with the Deep Dark State and China Only Agenda Is To Destroy Our Rule Of Laws, Our Economy and National Security with This Unlawful Illegal Immigration Crisis, Our Honest Election Process, Our Constitution and Our True American Values!!!!
Wake Up America, We Are In Very, Very Serious, Grave and Dire Danger “From Within” and From China, O’Biden;s Ally!!!!

2 years ago

President Trump needs to tread lightly here – either that or stop promoting the jabs as though they really were “safe and effecitve” – they’re neither. He should have stuck with HCQ.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Its been bad day 1 in office
A-Z went wrong by actions made.
& still no action on Omicron

2 years ago

Biden is full of S*it. Keep voteing for those democrat creeps

Zoe Frost
Zoe Frost
2 years ago

Most egregious was how the experimental mRNA Chinese Roulette “clot” shots got emergency approval for theiir mother of all cash cows, based on LIES! First the evil, murdering, greedy expletives had to BAN perfectly good theraputics…and tens of thousands denied these remedies, are permanently health injured or dead. Then they had to hide damning data, lie about number of iinjures, reduce the bumped up testing that said everything was the Wuhan virus, and everyone that dead, who, regardless of the bullet holes or in final stages of cancer, were recorded as Covid deaths.

Even more egregious, docs and hospitals, under the corrupt medical thumb (courtesy of Big Pharma and Globalist elitists threats/$Biillions in outright BRIBES) told people to go home until they were almost beyond help, then subjected those who returned on death’s door to ventilators and/or a drug that shut down kidneys…because they weren’t allowed to prescribe or treat with proven safe therapies like Ivermectin and HCQ coctails, which were disengenously, and with malice, banned!

Ourur current fraud puppet pResident, and the rest of the Commie/Globalist traitor’s, have us in totalitarian hell, to get them all the power/control/wealth and their insane utopian Great Reset.

2 years ago

“Such a mobilization of government resources for an efficient and effective response has been noticeably lacking from the Biden administration thus far.” Efficient and effective…two terms that can’t be applied to anything biden and his team have ever done. But to anyone who has managed a business, such as President Trump, efficient and effective policies are critical to controlling costs and getting results.

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
2 years ago

Sloppy joey has given up,something he should have done long ago.Even the entities that pretend to control him have no answer.Isn’t it way past time to tell peeloosli,schrewmer,nobama,soros and the rest of the liberal”SLUGS”that think they have the answer on how to make AMERICA better to get the”H”out and let the real AMERICANS run our country again.

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
2 years ago

The simple fact is either that Joe Biden is a party to the collusion between Dr. Antony Fauci, Bill Gates and others in the “Healthcare” business and Big Pharma to milk the Corvid-19 Virus Pandemic for every penny of the billions they are profiting from in producing and selling their poisons and injecting the bulk of the American populous with it, or he is actually that naive and stupid to not be aware of it. I doubt that he, even in his senility is that dumb. Added to all of this Covid problem is the politicization of businesses, sports, entertainment and big tech, none of whom should be expressing political biases. We need a strong public movement to warn these non-political groups that we will not participate in their products or services if they express a political bias!

2 years ago

Question: When the yearly regular flu hits, how will they tell the difference between it & COVID?

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
2 years ago

I have begun to think back in history to times when some Russians made predictions that I laughed at, at that time, now wonder if it was wisdom or just wishful thinking. think it was Joseph Stalin who said, “It isn’t who you vote for, but who counts the votes”. And wasn’t it Nikita Kruschef who said, “We will sit by while you destroy yourselves”?

2 years ago

Joe Biden’s administration will limp on. I do not believe they have gotten anything right.
Don’t think they will help anyone. Will they?

2 years ago


2 years ago

Will the real Joe Biden, P..L..E..A..S..E STAND UP!

2 years ago

When is Trump going to tell us, he is against vaccine mandates? If he is not against them, I will not vote for him

2 years ago

I see NO REPUBLICAN TAKEOVER IN THE UPCOMING MIDTERMS! . . . Why? . . . Because I see NO REPUBLICAN RESPONSE TO THE BIDEN STOLEN ELECTION! . . . I fear for our country’s future when voter cheating and fraud is allowed to become the norm!

2 years ago

I wish our side would be a little more careful about the “facts” it uses to discredit the Democrats. One such example is the statement “At the same time, Biden earlier this week lifted travel restrictions on eight southern African countries, the region of the world where the Omicron Variant was first discovered.” While it is true it that is where it was first discovered it is now well known that the Omicron Variant was first in Europe before this area of Africa. This statement, in context, makes it sound like it came from southern Africa and that Biden should have left the travel restrictions in place, something current data does not support. There is hypocrisy enough from the left, please do not use misleading or false statements lest you cast doubt on all our arguments.

2 years ago

We have no cure for the common cold and our Government is not going to cure COVID-19. This has been a scam from the onset to relieve us from our LIBERTY and FREEDOMS.dr.-nathan-thompson-bloodwork-on-vaxxed-patient-is-terrifying.html TRUMP has to STOP promoting the JAB.

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
2 years ago

By the structure of the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. as a Constitutional Republic, President Trump was absolutely correct to give the states the right to make their own rulings about how to handle the Wuhan virus. For one, when states compete, we are able to determine which methods used in such a situation are working best. That way, states that are not succeeding in battling a virus can utilize methods being used by states that are doing well. Since the states of the U.S. are so diverse, the Federal Government should have no rights in dictating anything having to do with social issues to the states. Corruption in the Federal Government runs rampant when federal agencies have control over social issues of citizens. For example, when the Federal Government first got involved in supplementing heating fuel costs because of the threat of global cooling, states like Hawaii received taxpayer money in the same way that Alaska did.

Rich C
Rich C
2 years ago

The majority of Americans know the truth of what Biden and his evil democratic party is capable of. How are so many people deceived in the constant flow of lies? Maybe they still think this party is the same party that their father voted for in the 50’s. Biden knows nothing about this virus, only what his handlers are telling him. He continues to push mandatory “vaccination” even though so many people have been damaged and even died from taking the inoculation. All we have to do is follow the money. Too many politicians would sell their own soul for a bigger bank account. So, tell me, what did President Trump do to warrant impeachment? And then there’s Biden. Any questions?

Mario Capparuccini
Mario Capparuccini
2 years ago

As Forrest Gump says, “stupid is as stupid does”.

Daniel Allington
Daniel Allington
2 years ago

We need a better Republican “spokesman” president than former President Trump. He had good policies for the most part, but his mouth and Twitter account defeated him and made him look like a buffoon.Someone needs to challenge him for the nomination for president.Thank you for supporting conservative values and doing so without going extreme.

2 years ago

Once again President Trump is right!
Betting all the uninformed voters are so proud of joebama and the Democrat clown show, their an EMBARRASSMENT!

Harry jensen
Harry jensen
2 years ago

Impeachment should start the day the Republicans take back the house and senate. Also start the investigations of fraud and corruption by democrats

Jim I
Jim I
2 years ago

The biggest issue that Biden encountered was that Covid-19 would not react to any sort of executive order he could sign. He could not force it to comply. Thus, he was basically powerless regarding the virus.

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