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Biden Endangers Taiwan – Projects Confusion

Posted on Tuesday, November 23, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

This is a legal, diplomatic, and security outrage – false by law. It is just Biden’s latest blunder. In WWII, Americans knew “loose lips sink ships.”  Today, loose language from this president may sink an ally.  If war erupts, or worse, Taiwan is intimidated into submission, that is on Biden.

Sometimes less is more, especially in diplomacy. For decades, the US and China embraced what, in physics, you might call the “Uncertainty Principle.”  A deliberately ambiguous policy toward Taiwan – allowing for two interpretations – was the norm. Then Biden arrived.

Unpacking the problem is not hard. The Taiwan Relations Act, passed in 1979, makes a commitment to Taiwan. Many sections are soft, but 2 (b) makes clear “the policy of the United States” includes “friendly” relations, prioritizing “peace and stability,” because “the political, security and economic interests” of the region are “matters of international concern.” 

It notes diplomatic relations with Communist China “rest upon the expectation that the future of Taiwan will be determined by peaceful means.” Anything else – including economic pressure – is “a threat to the peace and security of the Pacific area … grave concern to the United States.”

It affirms US policy is “to maintain the capacity of the United States to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would jeopardize the security, or the social or economic system, of the people on Taiwan.” That is clear.

Section 3 makes two other things clear. We will provide Taiwan “such defense articles and defense services in such quantity” as we choose.” The next paragraph is ominous.

“The President is directed to inform the Congress promptly of any threat to the security … of the people on Taiwan and any danger to the interests of the United States arising therefrom,” which will trigger by “constitutional processes, appropriate action by the United States in response to any such danger.”

Congress, of course, has the power to “declare war.” The Act goes on to make clear Taiwan will be treated like other countries, against the backdrop of a deliberate ambiguity called the “One China policy,” by which Communist China assumes its view, we assume ours.

Now comes Biden, who, rather than deferring to the Taiwan Relations Act to validate Taiwan’s legal legitimacy – and our right to sell them weapons – creates sudden uncertainty.

Biden has decided to make US-Taiwan policy on the fly, oscillating wildly. From remarks last week saying Taiwan is “independent” to saying he is “not encouraging independence,” to defending the Taiwan Relations Act and “One China Policy” to saying Taiwan is not “independent,” he has thrown a spanner in the works.   

Similar contradictory, misleading, misinformed statements occurred in October. The predictable result is Communist Chinese opportunism. If Biden offers an opening, they will take it.

In physics, the “Uncertainty Principle” says some phenomena are hard to pin down precisely, and everyone knows it. There exists “a fundamental limit to the accuracy” around these values, such as the position and momentum of particle pairs. The point is, despite awareness of this uncertainty, the principle is solid. The same was true of policy around Taiwan – until now.

The problem with Biden’s fresh remake of policy on Taiwan, a mishmash of hard-to-reconcile half-commitments, is that China – Communist China – sees this as bumbling, internal confusion, and lack of resolve to defend the Taiwan Relations Act.

With tight, tailored, legally tested words, the Act made clear the US commitment to Taiwan’s existence, that we treat them as a nation key to the region’s stability and our defense, posture.

What Biden has done is turn this on its head. He has created confusion around the US commitment. He has placed our commitment to Taiwan, defined by the Act, in jeopardy. He has damaged American credibility as a defender of Taiwan’s liberty.

Rather than accepting longstanding law– on which our diplomatic relationship with Communist China pivots, based on how they treat Taiwan – Biden went off-script, off-balance, and rogue.

Biden freelanced in another area, about which he seems to remember little. Rather than minimizing doubt, he seems to be relitigating, reopening Taiwan’s status or non-status, depending on the day. He has allowed misinterpretation, suggesting we might let Taiwan go.

This is a legal, diplomatic, and security outrage – false by law. It is just Biden’s latest blunder. In WWII, Americans knew “loose lips sink ships.”  Today, loose language from this president may sink an ally.  If war erupts, or worse, Taiwan is intimidated into submission, that is on Biden.

Sometimes, less is more, and … more is less. US allies are worried. They see failures in Afghanistan, broken words (for example, to France), failed leadership in the Middle East, globally on energy, security guarantees, trade, finance, upholding basic treaties. They worry.

The kicker? When US allies worry about our commitments, when our word goes bad, the slope back to trust gets steep. If China takes Taiwan, the world will change forever – global power balance shift profoundly. Someone needs to get that one a cue card – and make Biden read it, no ad-libs.  What else can we do?

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Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

WAite and see. Wenwill loose Tiwan through Biden. Kyle L.

2 years ago

obiden is a loose cannon anytime he wanders off the prepared scripts obummer and his handlers give him. He has no idea what he is talking about. God help our country.

2 years ago

He botched Afghanistan. He will botch Taiwan. I hope all my liberal acquaintances either (1) feel “safe” that we are not involved in foreign arenas, or (2) learn Chinese.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 years ago

Rerun Afghanistan but clear lines divide Taiwan from China

Sheepdog #1
Sheepdog #1
2 years ago

This clueless fool of a POTUS is going to continue to put the good ole’ USA and our allies in the cross-hairs of our enemies until the BIg Bang heard around the world occurs here at home! Sure appers it’s gonna happen sooner than later as 70 some odd million patriots are getting more fed up by the day!

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
2 years ago

Someone want to bet? I bet $20 on China.

Paul W
Paul W
2 years ago

Let’s see…beijing-biden and his communist regime are inarguably pro-ccp. They make some noise occasionally, for show; but that’s all it is. Seriously…is anybody fooled by these idiots? This regime may be “projecting confusion”, but I’d say it’s deliberate ambiguity. Looks like the only thing china-joe’s band of marxists is confused about is how to spin this situation without revealing just how deeply joe is in bed with china. The same can be said about a whole lotta dims. To be fair, so are a substantial number of RINOs in the GOP.


Tom Jones
Tom Jones
2 years ago

He’s known as Beijing Biden for a reason. It’s likely that China facilitated his election so that they could have a weak POTUS to make it easier for them to take back Taiwan. TRUMP WON!! LET’S GO BRANDON!!

2 years ago

Our ALLIES, military, CITZENS and contractors have ALL Suffered TREASONOUS ACTS from Biden Afghanistan nightmare!!! Biden, 5 weeks before Afghanistan, RELEASED ALL 9-11 TERRORISTS from GITMO. So they could take their places in Kabal. BIDEN has ARMED THE TERRORISTS by leaving ALL OF OUR Weapons FOR terrorists of ALL COUNTRIES!!!!! IMPEACH, DELETE, REMOVE THIS MARXIST REGIME in DC NOW!

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
2 years ago

Citizens lining up to join the Republican Party. How far can the Democrats/Communists stoop? Republicans line up to salute the Grand Old Flag, Its a High Flying Flag, and Forever May It Wave! Reject the policies of the Communists. One Nation Under God, Indivisible, With Liberty & Justice Forever! Don’t sit back & take this travesty! If you’re Democrat leave the party; and join the Republican Party. Then make your voice heard! Don’t let the Communists take over and destroy this beautiful country; that President George Washington fought for! Stand up to tyranny!

2 years ago


Biden does NOT project confusion. His handlers understand full well what they are doing in deferring to China in matters of foreign relations, economic security and our long-term national defense. Biden projects weakness and lack of the will to honor any of our foreign commitments to our allies. From Afghanistan to France to this administration’s willingness to hand a economic, military and political lifeline to Putin, via the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline, the message from this administration is both crystal clear and completely consistent.

Our allies already no longer have faith that the United States will honor the agreements we have with them. Saudia Arabia, OPEC’s biggest oil producer, is already moving towards China and away from the United States. Given the Biden administration has knee-capped our domestic oil, natural gas and coal industries and made us once again dependent on foreign energy sources, this has real near-term ramifications for all Americans. Other allies are not far behind in re-aligning themselves with whom they believe will be the new world superpower in a few short years. That being China. Our enemies certainly no longer fear us.

The Taiwanese people already fully understand all this, as do virtually every other ally of the United States around the globe. It is only a question of when during the Biden administration that China decides to take Taiwan. Much in the same way China took Hong Kong without much of a beep out of Washington, D.C. Decades of not only ignoring the threat, but actively creating the threat in the first place does have real consequences.

I will agree with you that when China takes Taiwan, they will end up being the dominant producer of semiconductor chips in the world. They will have the United States and every other western industrialized nation over a barrel, because Taiwan alone accounts for more than 40 percent of the global manufacturing capability of ICs on the planet. China today accounts for more than 16 percent, which when coupled with a repatriated Taiwan, that will give China 56 percent of the global market. Well within striking range of the Chinese goal of 70 percent by 2025. Given nearly everything made today is in some form computerized, that would give China effective control of the world economy.

2 years ago

Patriots, Understand that without mass protests by Americans this corrupt administration will continue to subvert our beloved country.
Talk is useless only actions count.
Get motivated. Get mad as hell ! contact your elected politicians.
Join the Convention of States COS. We can do this if we band together.

Michael Healey
Michael Healey
2 years ago

Does anybody care that most of our semiconductors are manufactured in Taiwan???

2 years ago

Biden is endangering us all. He has no clue what he’s doing and the puppeteers are working their agenda.

2 years ago

He is not competent.

2 years ago

Does this blundering old dementia Biden do anything that makes sense to a sane person// Open up this wicked regime that has caused tremendous grief to America and vote these idiots out of office ASAP//Hoping the sewer gets emptied in 2022 with mid term elections for Governors/Senate/Congress and then call for Biden to be thrown out of office along with Willie Brown/s hooker Kamala Harris//

Charles Puglisi
Charles Puglisi
2 years ago

Biden has made the wrong decisions his entire political career Why would he change now ? Does he even know what a semi conductor is> None of this matters to this man he is set on destroying America and Capitalism. Free markets will be taxed into submission , as the elite celebrate their victory.. He is unfit and must go , the dilemma HARRIS . THe dems plan backfired and we are stuck with this half wit.His presidency was supposed to bring America together ,instead it has divided us farther and alienated our closest allies.. Taiwan will fall ,Xi knows he is weak and will seize the opportunity . We must stop.this lunacy from grass roots government right upto DC ,

Charles Puglisi
Charles Puglisi
2 years ago

Hi, my name is Charles Puglisi . I was a member of AARP for three days and the the email came. This email wanted me to support the Build Back Better INASTUFRCTURE bill . I cancelled my AARP membership immediately and decided to join AMAC an organization standing up for the American people.

2 years ago

Join your local AMAC or start one in your area. We just had our first meeting. I am looking forward to receiving information on how to make a difference-from the ground all the way up.

2 years ago

Can we survive four years of Biden? I am truly fearful.

Joseph Michael Loglisci
Joseph Michael Loglisci
2 years ago

The guy is scum:pure scum!

Steven Oskirko
Steven Oskirko
2 years ago

Will the Biden family ever get the true exposure as to their relationship with the Chinese government? With all that has transpired since last January surrounding decisions and dealings with China, is the American public really that blind ? Between the COVID, human rights, weapons development and everything else, doesn’t anyone care what China is doing today?

John Sharpe
John Sharpe
2 years ago

We need to put pressure on Congress to impeach Biden, before this brain dead clown gets a war going. His brain is gone.

Geraldine McGann
Geraldine McGann
2 years ago

Trump knew how to stand up to the bullies of the world. Leftists said he was going to start WWIII.
No, he drew a line in the sand (or sea) and meant it, unlike Obama/Biden.

2 years ago

joe biden to jill… honey if i ever get dementia i would rather kill myself then put you through that. … jill yes dear i know , thats the forth time you told me that today!

2 years ago

when joe bidens doc gave him his exam … the doc said holy cow joe it’s true… you don’t have a spine !

2 years ago

Joe Hidin’ Biden is joined with the Communist Chinese Government by a self-serving treasoned umbilical political cord. I have zero trust that any decsion Biden makes is first and foremost how he and the Democrap Party can gain from it. IMO Joe HIdin’ Biden is guilty of treason.

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
2 years ago

Taiwan ? Let’s concern ourselves with THIS nation. Stop ALL foreign aid and not get involved with foreign ENTANGLEMENTS. This is why we are broke. Hell w/ the military / industrial complex and their need to be making money off of us ALL THE TIME. Who will be their for us when the ILLEGALS invade us ? Oh wait, they are ALREADY doing THAT.

2 years ago

Ill admit to being puzzled as to what this puppets handlers are driving at. Could they desire a war where we lose a couple battle groups and thus be further diminished? Or are they setting up a situation where we retreat and let china take taiwon thereby weakening the usa on the world stage? I lean towards the latter. The puppet announces its not our affair. Then, what about s korea? Will the norks armored divisions roll over our troops and take seoul? I suppose only time will tell.

2 years ago

So, what’s new? Biden projects confusion here in the states, in France, in Scotland, Italy, so why not for Taiwan? He doesn’t know what day it is, doesn’t know who his sister or wife is, I wonder if he would know how to get home much less his mailing address when asked. He had his yearly physical, but the American public has heard nothing on the results of his cognitive/mental test, but yet his party was going after Trump on a daily basis making Trump’s life miserable. Biden is a joke!

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
2 years ago

I read that Russia has moved over 100,000 troops into position for a possible attack on the Ukraine. Can it be that Putin has seen Biden’s vacillation and indecision about Taiwan and wants a piece of the action for himself in his dream of reconstituting the Soviet Union?

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

TAIWAN? How about the whole freaking world!!

2 years ago

It is quite obvious the term ‘fair’ does not apply to US tax paying citizens. How stupid Harris must think we are. The only way to begin the fair part is to shut the border down completely, finish the wall, then start over on a plan without democrats input.. Trump was getting it done slowly. So many ways the democrats show either how out of touch they are or their motives are far more sinister than even the people who vote them in realize.

2 years ago

Projecting confusion… there’s a novel idea. Truth be known, that is the crux of this administration’s every act….confusion…from the vaccine issues, border policies, international and internal decisions (or lack there-of) and whatever else they touch. The only clear message we get is that they are unclear. The tragedy is that our enemies will take advantage of this and our “allies” will not be by our side when the stuff hits the fan.

2 years ago

Most people are might be familiar with China’s Sun Tzu book “The Art of War” but most may not know the 36 Stratagems from the Chinese. I can’t list them all but here is number 5: “LOOT A BURNING HOUSE” – When your opponent’s country is in political or social turmoil, or its populace is being ravaged by disease or famine, that is the time for you to attack.

2 years ago

Biden’s just about as stupid a political Left-wing nut as there’s been. Everyone should know THAT YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID

2 years ago

It is scary. President Biden is living proof that a human being can live minus a brain.

2 years ago

Biden has been in bed with China for a long time as evidenced by his son’s dealings with China and the high probability that Joe was a part of those dealings. I have no doubt that he is in debt to the Chinese and as a result has no ability or desire to cross them or put pressure on them to come clean about the inception of COVID-19 or to back off intimidating Taiwan.

2 years ago

Are we surprised? Just another big blunder on commie Joey’s list. He is a DISGRACE. Commie Joey, do everyone a great favor and GET LOST! Take your commie Dems with you.

2 years ago

I don’t know how to say this, but is there anything in the US of American
that President Biden does not endanger?

2 years ago

I honestly think that the biden family aren’t the only ones bought by china

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